Reviews by Mataudiophiles


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound, build quality, power
Cons: Nothing on this price

Fosi audio ds2​


Fosi audio ds2

Fosi audio is a brand that quickly won the hearts of audiophiles around the world and beyond. Thanks to their proposals, all music lovers can enjoy high-quality, excellent audio at a very affordable price. They have many successful propositions and some truly outstanding models, such as SK2, a review of which you can find on my blog. Today we will take a look at the latest version of Fosi Audio ds2 version 2024, it is a miniature USB DAC/AMP dongle with huge output power. This time, a dual circuit from Cirrus Logic was used and the whole thing was priced at a modest USD 79.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
In terms of packaging, we have a small cardboard box with black printing. Inside you will find the device itself, a USB C-C cable, by the way, it reminds me of the one from xDuoo link 2bal, instructions and a USB C to USB adapter. It is quite a nice set, and the device itself is a practical, small metal block, of course we have a hi-res audio sticker and an indicator diode. There is also a detachable cable and, what I am personally very happy about, an independent volume control with clearly separated buttons.

This is an interesting arrangement, because Fosi Audio does not strive for ruthlessness and dry neutrality, instead it offers us a pleasant and engaging tuning.
Lower tones: They are accentuated in such a way as to remain natural and at the same time engage us and encourage us to continue listening. The bass is engaging and encourages you to have fun with the music. However, this tuning is not perfectly neutral or colorless. fosi audio ds2 is dedicated rather to casual listening, which can be seen in the elastic and dynamic bass generated by this small device. It’s very interesting how cleverly and skillfully Fosi Audio DS2 combines the naturalness and appropriate mass of low tones with the simultaneous addition of a bit of pleasant and engaging warmth. Lovers of lower bands will certainly not feel their lack, and at the same time, people who like naturalness and purity of sound will also not be disappointed.
Mid tones: They were presented in a very vivid and natural way, slightly warmed up, but only to emphasize the realism and naturalness of the mid tones. The amount of information provided to us by fosi audio ds2 is truly considerable and encourages us to continue listening. Although I perceived the vocals as slightly placed in the foreground and pushed ahead of the line. Despite all this, I found naturalness and purity both tonal and musical. Each instrument was correctly separated and presented in a manner consistent with the recording. Importantly, the sound is quite smooth and even, which encourages further listening.
High tones: Importantly, they are not tiring or overwhelming. Instead, the focus was on the smooth and safe nature of the tuning. The quality of the treble itself is very good, although you can feel a lot of warmth in it. At the same time, the amount of details and information presented to us remains at a very high level, appropriate for much more expensive equipment, and not for a dongle costing less than USD 80, which is a huge positive surprise.
Technical layer and stage:
Technically, the fosi audio ds2 is a device that presents a warmer and musical approach to sound. At the same time, the music was allowed to show its authentic and musical character. fosi audio ds2 positions instruments perfectly and shows a lot of information. When it comes to power, it has a lot of it, and when it comes to the sound stage, it is wide and deep enough considering the price at which the fosi audio ds2 was priced.


fosi audio ds2 VS iBasso DC04pro ($149)

The DC04pro presents a slightly higher technical level and has a larger stage, but considering the much lower price of the Fosi Audio DS2, these differences are fully justified. However, the fosi audio ds2 certainly has more power and is made of a more resistant material, which is aluminum, compared to the glass in the DC04pro. When it comes to the sound signature, in my opinion the fosi audio ds2 is warmer and the DC04pro puts more emphasis on the naturalness of the sound. However, both devices are great and the fosi audio ds2 really plays very close to the DC04pro. Therefore, I recommend checking both devices for yourself.

fosi audio ds2 VX xDuoo link 2bal ($149)
Link2bal has much less power than fosi audio ds2, because it was created at a time when there was no access to such good amplifiers. Link2bal sounds more bassy, has more low end, which is almost immediately noticeable. At the same time, fosi audio ds2 provides a smoother and more balanced sound. For many people, including me, xDuoo link2bal is one of the most natural dongles on the market. However, thanks to less bass and, importantly, less noise with the very sensitive Fosi Audio DS2 headphones, I can rate them very highly.

fosi audio ds2 VS ddHIFI tc44 pro (79USD)
This will be the most interesting choice, because both devices are incredibly good for their budget and, importantly, not only do they cost similarly, but they also have identical DAC circuits. fosi audio ds2, however, has a detachable cable and 3.5 and 4.4 mm sockets and much more power. At the same time, the ddHIFI tc44pro is much smaller, presents a wider and cooler tuning, but its compact dimensions make it a very well-designed device. Therefore, I can wholeheartedly recommend both devices.


Fosi audio ds2 is another device from fosi audio that really delights and positively surprises. This is a great miniature DAC/AMP with a good quality detachable cable. It presents a mature, warmed sound with a pleasant, natural and smooth signature. The sound of the fosi audio ds2 is truly engaging and captivating to listen to. What I would definitely like to change is to add information about the current volume level and automatically reset this level to the lowest value each time the device is turned on. This would help increase safety when listening. However, this is not a disadvantage in this price range, it is rather a problem of most DAC/AMP devices without screens. However, returning to the sound, the Fosi Audio DS2 plays really well, so well that it can successfully compete with much more expensive equipment. Therefore, I heartily recommend this device and encourage you to listen to it.
Are there any pops/clips when changing the bit/sample rate or when paused the music for a few seconds and then started playing music again?
No I don't have any problems.
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New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound,bass, quality, detailed sound
Cons: Little small soundstage




The kinera brand comes from Asia and has proven time and time again that progress and new technologies are something worth using. However, their portfolio includes products of three brands. These are Celest audio, Kinera audio and QoA audio. This review will focus on the latest Celest audio product. I cordially invite you to read MatAudiophiles’ observations about CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS. Currently priced at $169USD, the headphones offer great value for money.

Unboxing and first impressions:
CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS comes in a nice cardboard box with high-quality printing. Of course, we have references to motifs from Chinese mythology, which is a very interesting idea and I personally think this approach is very successful. The box contains, as always in the case of Celest products, a quite solid set of accessories. Together with CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS we, of course, receive headphones, which I will get to in a moment, two sets of tips, one dedicated to vocal experiences and one balanced, and one set of foams in sizes S, M, L. There is also a cleaning tool and a hard, solid case. On the cable side, this time we get a solid eight-core cable made of silver-plated copper. What is new is the detachable plug system and the addition of both 3.5mm and 4.4mm plugs to the set. Additionally, we get a beautiful metal bookmark with motifs referring to the legend with which the headphones are associated. I promised that I would come back to the headphones themselves for a moment. This time we get a model completely made of high-quality resin, the front panels of which are hand-painted and resemble sea waves, the part adjacent to the ear is semi-transparent and allows us to look inside. Where we see a dynamic unit responsible for strong and decisive bass, then we have two units of balanced armatures responsible for mid and high tones, and four units of balanced armatures dedicated to ultra high frequencies. It is worth noting here that both the bass speaker and the mid- and high-range units have separate dedicated acoustic channels/audio tubes ensuring a full three-way design. Of course, the headphones are terminated with a classic 2-pin 0.78mm socket without any unnecessary surprises.

Okay, we’ve already discussed the visual layer and design of CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS, now it’s time to move on to how the headphones themselves sound.
Low tones: The lower band of CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS is definitely the strong point of these headphones, the strong emphasis on the lower bands gives these headphones an interesting color full of musicality and engages us in listening to music, at the same time, these are not bass headphones, but have only been tuned to give them more mass and more dynamics in the lower registers. This translates into a very weighted and hard-hitting bottom end, which, however, is far from bassy and jamming. Additionally, the headphones in the lower band perfectly control the transmitted music, maintaining impeccable quality and clarity.
Mid tones: It is true that they have been slightly moved back, but not in such a significant way that I would describe their signature as V, but rather a gentle and very transparent U. It is worth noting that the mid tones retain great readability and are extremely engaging. It is true that I would describe the entire tuning of CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS as darker, and certainly darker than the previous headphones from this manufacturer. At the same time, we will not lack naturalness and emotionality in our music. The sound stage is quite deep, but it is not extended too far to the sides. So here we have a listening room rather than a concert hall. Which in my opinion fits the signature of the headphones themselves very well. CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS present music in a way that is not tiring and full of details, which I really like.
High tones: This area in CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS is quite extensive, there is an excellent amount of detail and a natural and very nice presentation. However, people who are sensitive to high tones should take into account that there can be a lot of treble in these headphones. It can also reach the higher registers strongly and show a classic signature for transducers based on balanced armatures. However, it is not unpleasant, at least not for me, but you should remember that the amount of upper parts of the sound is and will be large.
Technical layer: This is the area in which CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS literally show their potential, showing an above-average level able to compete with much more expensive items on the market. The technology is excellent and far exceeds the price we will have to pay for these headphones.
The scene: As I mentioned, it is closer to intimacy than spectacular. At the same time, we do not feel crowded or squeezed, the instruments themselves are well distributed both in time and space. Of course, most of the soundstage is spread out in depth rather than width, but I prefer headphones with depth rather than those that play flat.

Control: CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS are theoretically not demanding, but due to the number of drivers used, they benefit significantly from better and more powerful sources.



CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS are darker and have a smaller soundstage. However, their sound is more pleasant and easier to listen to. We can especially notice this in the case of long and engaging listening sessions. However, if we prefer brighter headphones with a greater focus on exposing details, phoenixcalls may turn out to be an interesting and cheaper alternative.

IDUN 2.0 from Kinera are much more neutral headphones, but also more boring. However, if we are looking for neutrality in sound, they may be a great option. CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS will have more details and a more entertaining approach to sound, but both pairs of headphones are very interesting and I think they are worth considering.

CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS are much cheaper headphones, but offer more details, less bass and a narrower sound stage. They have a more even and less entertaining signature. Although both headphones are focused on listening pleasure. However, Volumes are more sub-bass and have more distant vocals. At the same time, they will also have a larger sound stage. Because I personally love my Volume and I really like their tuning, I consider them a bit more engaging, but they are much more expensive headphones, so their advantage should not surprise anyone. Therefore, it all depends on what we are currently looking for and it is worth listening to both models.

CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS are one of the most interesting headphones under 200 USD. A very solid proposition from Celest Audio. This time the focus was on the classic hybrid design, which resulted not only in great sound, but also in excellent technical performance. CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS impresses with its well-thought-out tuning, and thanks to its darker tuning, these headphones are perfect for long listening sessions. The overall U-shaped tuning and rather playful sound make them easy to listen to. Only people sensitive to high tones may feel some concerns, but the foams will quickly cope with it. The quality of workmanship and rich accessories fully justify the price of USD 169 and personally I would gladly pay much more for these headphones because in my opinion they are definitely worth it. Even more so, I consider CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS a well-thought-out and refined product that will bring a lot of joy to people who pay special attention to details and value high technical skills. CELEST AUDIO RELENTLESS also takes full advantage of the best of both technologies used in them, thanks to which we get beautiful and strong bass, thick and detailed mids and strong and detailed high tones.
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Have you listened to Fermat ? I would like to know your opinion even if you haven't done exhaustive comparison
No, I did not listen, sorry.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Warm sound, good bass, sound quality
Cons: Nothing on this price.

HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless JR


Do you remember one of the best TWS headphones on the market, which are the Svanary Wireless from HiFiMAN, priced at USD 499? If not, let me mention that these are TWS headphones completely free of cables, which are equipped by the manufacturer with the most technologically advanced diaphragm made using topological diagram technology. Additionally, these headphones are equipped with the advanced Himalaya R2R transducer system, present for the first time in TWS headphones. As for the company itself, I think that HiFiMAN is a manufacturer so well-known that there is no need to introduce it. Nowadays it is one of the largest leaders on the hifi devices market. Thanks to their innovative approach to tuning and product quality, they have gained a strong and unchallenged position on the market. Additionally, they have the courage to go against the beaten path and create their own solutions. When I first saw the flagship Svanar Wireless, I was skeptical seeing their unusual shape. However, everything changed when I put them in my ears and for the first time in my life I had to pick up my jaw from the floor while listening to TWS headphones. However, the price of USD 499 is high and may not be affordable for everyone. Fortunately, HiFiMAN has developed a slightly cheaper variant for USD 299 in the form of Svanar Wireless LE, which I will tell you more about in the next review. The latest variant of Svanar Wireless is the JR model. In this case, the R2R transducer was omitted, but the topological diaphragm and balanced amplifier were retained. Interestingly, the amplifier used not only has quite high power, but also very good parameters. The ANC and ENC modes have also been expanded by adding a DSP algorithm.

Despite a significantly reduced price compared to the flagship TWS models, the JR version retains the same packaging aesthetics as the previous models. Here we have a nice and stylish cardboard packaging matched to the colors of the headphones themselves. After opening the solid box, we will see the headphones themselves, which, for a change, are made in white. This time, there are some differences in costs because the headphones themselves are made of white plastic, but the same shape has been retained as in the case of the flagship version. Additionally, the bottom of the headphones is made of silver mirror-like material. We also have a white case for charging and storing our headphones. It is exactly the same case as the flagship version, with the difference that it is made of white plastic and does not have inductive charging. However, there is a slightly larger battery inside, which translates into longer battery life. What I mean here is both the operating time of the headphones themselves and the number of charges available from the dedicated case. Additionally, we receive a USB-C charging cable and a set of tips and foams, but I recommend replacing them with something else.

Thanks to the use of DSP, the noise reduction system works really well, although it is still not a perfect solution. It blocks ambient noise perfectly, but the volume of the headphones themselves is slightly reduced. This is not a major disadvantage, but it is something to remember. The headphones themselves provide excellent call quality and conversations can be conducted very well through them. I still lack a dedicated application to operate the headphones, but it is not necessary for their operation. All issues related to operation are carried out using touch panels, during use we can switch between ANC, AMBIENT and HIGH FIDELITI modes.

BT range and performance:
This time I had the impression that the range of the headphones, which was already very good, had been further improved. I haven’t noticed any major problems with BT stability. Although I still miss the APTX codec, the available AAC, SBC and LDAC guarantee great versatility and excellent sound. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the svanar wireless junior headphones have a very stable wireless connection and fit stably and securely in the ears. Personally, I chose SpinFit tips because they provide a slightly more pleasant signature, but I consider the slope tips to be correct and acceptable.

It is strong and decisive, at the same time, care was taken to ensure that it was properly matched to the rest of the tuning. It’s entertaining and totally palpable. It strongly and confidently accentuates the lower bands in music while ensuring a clean and clear sound. We will definitely have a strong and confident shot at the bottom. However, the sound will never be overwhelming or overly bassy. I like the relaxing and entertaining nature of the low frequencies that the headphones offer. The bass retains a natural and coherent character at the same time. In rock songs or contemporary pop, it brings a very pleasant and entertaining and relaxing character. At the same time, it maintains a coherent and natural sound.
Midrange: First of all, I found it very natural, warm and slightly recessed. However, a lot depends on the tips we choose and use, which have a huge impact on the final sound of our headphones. The soundstage impressed me, both with its width and depth. What impresses most about these headphones is the very high detail and above-average amount of detail and information contained in the music we hear. The general outline of the mid tones is quite laid back and calm. It is rather a warmer sound, focused on the entertaining and relaxing nature of tuning. However, compared to other TWS headphones, despite using only one dynamic transducer, I rate this set as incredibly energetic, full and one of the best in this price range.
High tones: Classically for HiFiMAN, we have some brightening here, which results in an increase in the clarity and purity of the high tones. However, they never exceed the tolerance limit. The sound of treble is very detailed and resolved. In the case of string instruments or music based on this type of instruments, we have a lot of information and a very nice presentation of the instruments. In this respect, I really like the solutions that HiFiMAN uses in its products. I like the extension of treble that gives the feeling of interacting with wired headphones, which makes it really easy to forget at times that these are just TWS headphones!


HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless JR (119USD) VS HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless (499USD)

I would like to point out that HiFiMAN quite clearly divided its products between specific types of consumers. Although I really like Svanar Wireless JR, I must admit that the flagship version simply does everything better. What I mean here is the much fuller, more resolved and more analog sound that the fag version offers. The sound of svanar wireless is smoother and warmer, which will give a lot of pleasure to all fans of the modern R2R sound. However, the JR version is dedicated to users for whom the amount of USD 499 for TWS headphones is definitely too high, at the expense of some compromise we obtain unrivaled sound quality at a very reasonable and affordable price. JR represent a really high and competitive level despite the relatively low price. HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless JR are much cheaper headphones. They are also dedicated to another recipient. While Svanar Wireless is an uncompromising approach to sound, these are the best-sounding TWS headphones on the market today, if an app and APTX were added to them, they could certainly replace more than one wired set.

HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless JR (USD 119) VS HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless LE (USD 299)
The LE version is an interesting idea because by abandoning the LDAC codec and wireless charging it allows you to save a lot of money, but in the case of Android users this is certainly at the expense of sound. The LE version will play better on devices without LDAC support, but in my opinion, if we can use the LDAC connection, the JR version may turn out to be more practical and even play better in some cases. Of course, Svanar Wireless LE always retain the beauty and smoothness of the sound of the R2R transducer, but they have a certain limitation resulting from the lack of codecs.

HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless JR are headphones that, in my opinion, are truly extraordinary. Maybe ANC is not the best on the market, but it works quite well. However, voice calls are at one of the best levels I have encountered in TWS headphones. In terms of sound, of course, you can hear the difference between the flagship version and even the LE. However, the entertaining and light nature of the sound offered by JR headphones makes them an excellent option for people looking for something inexpensive and very functional. They are perfect for most scenarios, offering very good sound quality and a clean and clear image. They also have a pretty good sound stage and very good separation of instruments, which translates into a very high level of musical experience. Personally, I love my HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless, but even though they are clearly better than the JR, the entertaining and full sound offered by the JR means that both models will be included in my collection. Generally, if we want to save some money and do not need such a purist sound as in the case of svanar wireless, the JR version is an excellent alternative. We gain a fun and entertaining sound, with a slightly lower resolution and less momentum. At the same time, we can buy the Svanar JR for a fraction of the price of the flagship model, so the difference in sound and slight changes in build quality are fully justified. What was missing in the case of svanar wireless jr. I would definitely like the headphones to finally support the APTX codec, even if it meant an increase in price. I would also like at least a basic application that allows you to change the headphones’ parameters. However, these are only suggestions, not real disadvantages, so I consider them more of a wish list. Compared to the competition, Svanar Wireless JR impressed me with both sound quality and battery life. In standard conditions, listening to music in HIGH-FIDELITY mode and using the Bluetooth codec, I easily achieved a time of 5 hours, which I consider a very good and stable result.
r2r is not the transducer
Yes, this is a type of digital-to-analog converters based on transistor ladders. However, in this case, the manufacturer uses its Himalaya system.What I mean here is the use of R2R in svanar wireless and svanar wireless LE. There is no R2R system in the JR model.


New Head-Fier
Pros: R2R DAC, sound quality
Cons: No LDAC

HiFiMAN Svanar wireless LE


The HiFiMAN brand means not only very interesting products, but also, above all, huge innovations behind them. Despite the seemingly classic approach to sound and HiFiMAN’s great passion for classic views on sound, the products of this manufacturer only seem classic. A perfect example of this was the introduction of the bluemini module, which enables the excellent sound of the R2R module in a completely wireless version. What about the legendary deva pro model was already amazing. Meanwhile, this was just the beginning, as it quickly turned out, creating the world’s first and only TWS headphones, based on the R2R DAC digital-to-analog converter and a balanced amplifier, is not a problem for HiFiMAN. However, the price of the base model was quite high. Therefore, mainly with iPhone users in mind, HiFiMAN presented a new, cheaper model. Why did I call it dedicated to iPhone users? Because it is theoretically an exact copy of svanar wireless headphones, but without LDAC and inductive charging support. Additionally, the case changed color to brown, and the headphones themselves slightly changed their appearance.

When it comes to unpacking the headphones, it is as pleasant a process as in the case of previous svanar wireless editions. Here we have an elegant blue cardboard box. Inside you will find the headphones themselves, but they do not have a bottom made of carbon fiber, but instead they are made of black material. This is a good move, because if it weren’t for this change, the headphones themselves would be identical to Svanar Wireless and we can easily tell them apart. The workmanship itself, apart from the lack of carbon fiber from the bottom, is practically identical. We also have a charging case, which in this case is brown, which in my opinion goes well with the silver shade of the headphones. Then we have tips, foams and a USB C charging cable at our disposal. There is no LDAC or inductive charging here. Instead, we get support for SBC, AAC codecs and a transistor-based Himalaya multi-bit converter. I assess the lack of inductive charging as completely neutral, because wired headphones charge faster, and inductive charging itself is an addition rather than increased functionality. However, if someone likes inductive charging or is afraid of their USB C port in headphones, they have to make some compromises here.

low tones retain much of the sound of its predecessors. We still have a W sound based on a very solid bass foundation. However, the resolution of low tones is limited by the bandwidth of the AAC codec, which causes some compression and a drop in performance compared to the flagship version. However, this is not a gap, but only a compromise. We still get a flexible and very dynamic bass with an entertaining and attractive character. Importantly, W-shaped tuning provides us with a certain sense of balance between the bass and the remaining parts of the band and additionally increases the sense of the sound stage. Generally, in terms of low tones, these are very universal headphones that offer an entertaining, but not overwhelming sound.
Mid tones: Mid tones retain the approximate character of the sound. In my opinion, we are still dealing with W-shaped tuning. That is, the edges of the bands are enhanced, but in such a way that the whole thing presents a spectacular level and does not give the impression of missing some bands, as is the case with poorly implemented V-shaped tuning. Amount of information presented by Svanar wireless LE is still large, much larger than in the case of competing models, but due to bluetooth limitations, we do not have such a vivid and detailed sound as in the case of the original svanar wireless. The midrange still remains warm and saturated, but the sound is on a smaller scale and lower resolution compared to the basic Svanar Wireless model.
High tones: Compression is always the most audible in the higher parts. These are simply bands that Bluetooth cuts off. While in the case of LDAC this cut-off is relatively small, in the case of SBC, AAC we can clearly observe a decrease in the amount of high tones. However, since Svanar Wireless are quite bright sounding headphones with a strongly accentuated treble, such additional compression may be positive for people sensitive to high tones. To describe it correctly, I must point out that thanks to the use of a high-quality Bluetooth 5.2 system and autonomous amplifiers and the R2R transducer, this compression is relatively eliminated. Svanar wireless LE still sound better than most TWS headphones on the market, even those with APTX. We must therefore be aware that the codecs themselves do not make the difference, but a person with a slightly more trained ear will easily notice the difference.

Bluetooth stability:
Generally, I did not notice any major problems with Bluretooth connectivity, the only thing that is definitely noticeable is strong wind capture in ANC mode. However, the Bluetooth connection itself is very stable and offers good quality even over longer distances.
Ambient mode and ANC:
As for the other operating modes of HiFiMAN Svanar wireless LE, they work identically to HiFiMAN Svanar wireless. Both the ambient mode and ANC are just ok, they don’t stand out from the competition and cause some limitations in volume. However, they still provide a great sound experience. However, there is no doubt that the target operating mode is high fidelity. Practically, it is this one that offers the best and clearest sound. However, in public transport or while walking on a crowded street, the ambient and ANC modes are very useful. They allow you to both maintain contact with the environment and completely isolate yourself from it.

HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless LE ($299) VS HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless ($499)

If you are an iPhone user or a device that does not support the LDAC codec, the LE version can save you a lot of money and get similar sound quality to the original model. However, if you have a device that supports the LDAC codel, in my opinion it is definitely worth paying extra for HiFiMAN Svanar wireless. Nevertheless, they offer better, more complete sound with higher resolution and greater functionality. Additionally, this translates into greater sound efficiency. However, if someone wants to spend less and get a large part of the potential of the original model, HiFiMAN Svanar wireless LE offers a lot compared to conventional TWS headphones.

HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless LE (299USD) VS HiFiMAN Svanar Wireless JR (119USD)
The JR version is much more entertaining, and undoubtedly the strong advantage of the cheaper model is support for the LDAC codec. However, in this sound you will not find the magic of analog sound provided by the R2R Himalaya DAC converter present in HiFiMAN Svanar wireless LE. In terms of build quality, the JR version is slightly less exclusive, but is still very well made. To sum up, both models have strong arguments in their favor. In the case of JR it will be a low price, excellent ANC and a very good, entertaining and full sound. In the case of HiFiMAN Svanar wireless LE it will be the warmth and analogity of the R2R converter and very good performance despite the codec limitations.

HiFiMAN Svanar wireless LE is an interesting alternative for people who expect a lower price and do not need the LDAC codec. They offer a large part of the performance of the original and significantly reduce the price we have to pay for them compared to the original. I like keeping the original HiFiMAN Svanar wireless sound signature and most of the functionality of the original. Importantly, the price difference is due to certain sound limitations compared to the original, but if someone uses an iPhone, it is a good opportunity for them to save money while maintaining the performance they can get anyway. For all those who do not know the original sound of HiFiMAN Svanar wireless, let me just mention that it is the sound on the W plane. It is very energetic, brightened and has a very good soundstage on the 3D plane. The individual elements of the band are clear and clean, which is a strong element of the svanar series. It is worth considering purchasing this model if someone is looking for an interesting sound, with a warmer signature and likes the specific sound of R2R DAC circuits.


New Head-Fier
Perfect DAC/AMP!
Pros: Sound, quality,price, line out,
Cons: Nothing on this price.

Fosi Audio SK02


Fosi Audio is quite an interesting brand offering inexpensive and very functional audio equipment. Fosi Audio focuses primarily on excellent value for money and strictly adheres to the set standards. The first product I have the opportunity to test and evaluate is the SK02 model. It offers very good functionality at a very decent price/ SK02 is an all in one device and combines the functionality of a headphone amplifier with quite high power and a quite good digital-to-analog converter. This time the AUX input was omitted, instead offering us an optical input and output, both optical and linear DAC output. This is interesting and important because the Fosi Audio SK02, which costs approximately USD 119, can be a fully functional digital-to-analog converter and work as an output from a console or TV.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
In terms of packaging, it is a fairly standard cardboard box, containing the device itself, the user manual and a USB C-C cable with an adapter for classic USB. There are some compromises and savings here, but thanks to this, Fosi Audio maintains great and competitive prices, offering surprising performance at a very affordable price. Let’s take a closer look at the design of the SK02 itself. The device consists of a matte black block of uniform metal. Despite its armored construction, it is not heavy, or rather I would call it solid. At the top of the device there is a knob with infinite rotation, which also serves as a button to turn the device on and off, and also allows you to adjust the volume or pause the music. It is solid and holds securely to the mount. Overall, I can praise Fosi Audio for its high quality of workmanship. We also have a 3.5mm and 4.4mm ball output at our disposal. But that’s not all, we also get a 3.5mm LINE out and optical input and output. Of course, we also have USB C, which is used both to transmit sound and to power the device. Honestly, the SK02 offers a surprising amount of power (up to 1W into 32Ohm at high gain from the balanced output). At the same time, the SK02 maintains a very small, pocket-sized size. Which makes it the perfect companion for your desk or even on the TV stand. I wouldn’t call it a portable device or a dongle, but I would definitely call it compact and mobile. If I were to notice something, there are many markings at our disposal, but I would prefer a more clear marking of the volume, because it is easy to damage the headphones if the device is set too loud. At this point, I really appreciate EarMen’s patent in which the device resets the volume to minimum every time we turn it on, thus protecting our hearing. However, this is a marginal comment, and at this price it is not a problem. Speaking of markings, on the front of the device we will find a gain button, an input switch, a diode informing us about sampling, and an audio input button. Additionally, we have a green LED when the device is turned on and a volume LED that flashes purple.

For my tests, I used very sensitive IEM headphones, the FirAudio E12, and my favorite full-size headphones, the HE1000SE from HiFiMAN. I played music from tidal.

Bass: The low tones are properly controlled and delight with their purity and neutrality. Fosi Audio SK02 is certainly a neutral device, focusing on transparent sound with a slight hint of warmth. The bass tracks were properly enhanced and the lower bands were properly accentuated. Importantly, the lower bands were in no way overwhelming or overly softened. Overall, I rate the sound of the SK02’s lower bands as very balanced and close to neutral. Actually, I wouldn’t lie if I used the term reference in relation to SK02. The tuning used in this device is a reference with a delicate musicality. It is true that it is not yet at the same level as in much more expensive products, but if someone is looking for a linear and coherent device, Fosi Audio SK2 will be a great choice.

Musical midrange: The midtones are linear in the case of Fosi Audio SK02, still retaining a neutrally warm tone. Importantly, the vocals are practically on the same line as the bass and treble. This proves very good tuning and a signature that is very rare in equipment in this price range. Additionally, we can certainly expect a lot of detail and a detailed, full sound. When it comes to the sound stage, it is both wide and boasts excellent depth, which makes the sound of the Fosi Audio SK02 complete and saturated. It may not be a spectacular and entertaining tuning, but instead it offers a neutral and analytical sound, which I personally value very highly. The space and separation of instruments are at the highest level, offering excellent parameters for the price range in which the SK02 is classified.

Treble: Maintains the overall neutral and linear tuning character of the SK02. At the same time, they are well stretched and offer a lot of details and information. In the case of quite crowded songs with a lot of information, Fosi Audio SK02 performs very well, offering excellent sound quality and not getting lost under the mass of information. The upper midrange is smooth and consistent with the overall sound offered by the Fosi Audio SK02. Although such a presentation may be slightly boring, it allows for a thorough analysis of the sound and provides a completely clean linear sound. When it comes to signal purity, Fosi Audio SK02 provides a clean signal, which is an additional advantage.


Fosi Audio SK02 ($119) VS Fiio K11 ($119)

In terms of software and number of functions, Fiio K11 definitely wins because the digital display and support for cocial input offer great convenience. However, the Fosi Audio SK02 is much more compact and does not require a separate power supply, which saves even more space. Both devices have a quite similar sound signature with neutral analytical tuning. However, in my opinion, the SK02 is slightly warmer, while the K11 offers an even more digital sound signature. Both devices are really great and have a very high value for money. In terms of sound, it’s practically the same level. While the K11 wins with the number of functions, the SK02 wins with its compact and much smaller form. It all really comes down to what sound signature we’re looking for. Both devices are great and offer excellent parameters at very decent prices. If I was looking for a slight warming, I would definitely go for the Fosi Audio SK02, but if I preferred a slightly more ruthless and even more neutral sound, I would choose the K11.

Fosi Audio SK02 ($119) VS xDuoo xp2pro ($149)
I know that this is a slightly different product category, but they have some common features. First of all, both solutions are dedicated as portable products, with xDuoo xp2pro fitting into a small box and being much more compact. However, in terms of sound, Fosi Audio SK02 sounds more resolved and wider. In terms of power after balance, Fosi Audio SK02 certainly has more power, while in the case of the SE output, the leader will be xp2pro. In terms of sound, the xp2pro offers a more entertaining sound, while the SK02 focuses on tonal balance.

Line Out:
In terms of line output, the Fosi Audio SK02 provides a very pleasant sound without adding much to the natural sound signature. This is due to the ess ES9038Q2M DAC chip and chip, which is famous for its neutral and complete sound. Therefore, even for the line output alone, Fosi Audio SK02 is an excellent and very competitive device.

Fosi Audio SK02 is a piece of great equipment. It is a budget amplifier and digital-to-analog converter dedicated to headphones. Enclosed in a very compact housing. It offers support for digital outputs and inputs and excellent technical parameters. Its undoubted advantage is also a very good line output and excellent sound quality. However, I would like to have more secure volume control in the future to better protect the headphones and hearing. Apart from that, it’s hard to find any flaws because it is a well-designed product and well thought out in every aspect. This is an interesting alternative for people looking for a small desk amplifier, for example for work. Fosi Audio SK02 offers not only a balanced and linear sound, but also a very transparent presentation with a large sound stage. That’s why I’m quite impressed by the great possibilities offered by such a small device at a price of only USD 119. In my opinion, this is a complete all in one set for all beginner audiophiles, or for people for whom saving space is crucial. Fosi Audio SK02 is very solid and durable.
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New Head-Fier
Pros: -sound
- SQ quality
- size
- power
Cons: No xlr

EarMen CH-AMP​



EarMen is a brand that needs no introduction to anyone in Europe, and I think it is also well known to everyone outside Europe. EarMen’s products are always a great pleasure for me, not only because of the quality of workmanship, but also because of the enormous amount of time and knowledge they put into even the smallest detail. Regardless of the price of the product. This time we will talk about the highest model of their headphone amplifier so far, which is the title CH-AMP. This model is quite unusual, which I will write about later in my article. At the same time, its price is high compared to competing st-amps, but extremely attractive considering the possibilities and potential this amplifier offers us. So let’s see what the $999 CH-AMP can do. By the way, it is currently available at a promotional price, so it is worth following the manufacturer’s official sales channel!

CH-AMP, unlike ST-AMP, consists of a separate power supply section in the form of the PSU-3 power supply and the CH-AMP amplifier module. In addition to the equipment, we will receive a remote control and it is the same remote control that accompanied us when unpacking the tradutto DAC. Then we get a power cable for CH-AMP, three 12V power cables. Additionally, we will find a handful of information in the form of brochures, and that’s it. The PSU-3 is a small square block, with a really quite decent weight. On the front there is a device switch and two LEDs providing information about the device’s operating status. In my opinion, CH-AMP is a perfect copy of the tradutto transducer. I mean its size and shape, but also its external appearance, which is very similar. It’s nice that the manufacturer maintains a consistent style. Thanks to this, we can create a functional tower consisting of a power supply, amplifier and transducer. An interesting option is to add a stage amplifier at the bottom to save space, as the size of the PSU-3 allows it perfectly. On the back of the PSU-3, in addition to the socket dedicated to the CH-AMP, there are three 12V outputs enabling the connection of a Tradutto converter or other devices, in my case I connected the FiiO k11 to the linear power supply, and a nice cheap DAC xDuoo mu601. The PSU-3 is a great power supply with ultra low noise level, which actually translates into a much cleaner sound. However, the total power of the 12V outputs is only 1.5A, so we will not connect very demanding devices to it. The set does not include a power cord, so I used my isotec evo. It may not be the most neutral power cable, but I like it very much and I know that many people cannot hear the impact of the power supply on the sound at all. However, I definitely consider it an important aspect. But let’s leave the topic of power for another day. Today we are going to talk about CH-AMP and let’s get back to that. The amplifier itself is really small, if it weren’t for the power supply it would fit in a larger jacket pocket. On the front there is an input change button and two levels of gain adjustment. A tiny screen shows us the channel balance and allows us to adjust the volume in the range 0-30. I have no idea why they decided on such a scale, but I admit that it works well and allows you to listen to virtually any headphones without any problems. So I don’t know how you did it, but good for you Earmen! On the back of the device there is a 4.4mm balanced input classic for EarMen, two RCA analog inputs, and an RCA and 4.4mm analog preamplifier output. On the headphone output side, on the front of the device there is a 6.5mm output and a balanced 4.4mm output. The quality of workmanship and fit of the elements are at an exemplary level

Low tones
: The lower frequencies are flexible, very well controlled and provide excellent sensations. It is a very good and well-thought-out combination of a mature and technical approach with musical and slightly easier-to-understand tuning. I definitely prefer when music is primarily for listening, rather than for showing excessive parameters. At the same time, I am very impressed by how much EarMen in the CH-AMP model has raised the bar when it comes to the technical layer. This is a very powerful device and undoubtedly, the bass is powerful, but not overwhelming. The energy of the low tones is strong and hits the spot perfectly, regardless of the music genre. At the same time, the amount of bass is not overwhelming, but rather encouraging to listen and continue playing with the sound. At the same time, the bass goes low and has very good extension, which is especially noticeable in the case of rock, electronic music or music that is typically based on low tones. The lower bands made a huge impression on me with their purity and the depth they represent. At the same time, care was taken to maintain a smooth and very coherent character, which shows that CH-AMP maintains a classic, universal, but at the same time very technically efficient approach to sound. It reminds me a bit of the bass from the angel model, but at an even higher, more refined and developed level. Of course, if someone is a fan of ultra-fast transistor sound, they may be surprised, because CH-AMP sounds more analog, tempts with its sound and encourages you to continue listening. At the same time, we put sound quality first. And it’s not that CH-AMP lacks dynamics, because it perfectly follows any type of music, but it does it so naturally and ethereally that it is pure pleasure.
Mid tones: This area in the case of CH-AMP focuses primarily on naturalness. At the same time, not forgetting about the technical layer. Both the voices and the instrument sound full and engaging. CH-AMP maintains the overall tonal balance, but at the same time provides us with clear and legible vocals that are not hidden in the background. My Arya Organic or HE1000SE could really shine in a positive way when connected to CH-AMP. However, softears volume and BGVP DM8 also took full advantage of the potential offered by CH-AMP. What particularly pleased me was the amount of detail and air presented by CH-AMP. We can catch every detail and even the smallest detail in our music. At the same time, it is done in a natural and engaging way, not artificial or overwhelming. That’s why I assess the midrange in CH-AMP as well-thought-out and mature, at the same time it is a truly addictive and emotionally engaging tuning. Which I consider an additional advantage. The sound stage is expanded both in depth and height. The amount of air and the separation of instruments are much higher than the price we will pay for this amplifier. Each instrument, voice or detail has its place in space, and the whole thing is perfectly visualized. It’s truly inspiring how agile this little amplifier is at drawing planes and soundstages.
High tones: CH-AMP focuses strongly on balanced sound, while maintaining the balance between the technical and entertainment layers. Thus showing incredible realism and clarity of sound. It is no different in the case of high tones. That’s where the real magic happens. The tonal range and resolution provided by CH-AMP is a very high level, much higher than what we can find in this or even more expensive price range from the competition. The high tones are smooth and consistent, while remaining appropriately extended and not dull in any way. Instead, they provide a lot of excitement and a lot of information. They allow us to enjoy the music we listen to and at the same time enable us to analyze it thoroughly and thoroughly. This is a truly impressive feature of this amplifier. I have tested many DACs, but it sounds best with the tradutto converter dedicated by EarMen. Of course, it also sounds good with other pickups. However, this combination is tailor-made. In combination with the tradutto, the high tones became clear and legible, while being completely contained. Providing detailed and clear sound with a very pleasant and smooth reception. This means that even when connecting louder headphones, we should not be afraid of excessive piercing in the high tones. On the other hand, choosing darker or more subdued headphones, CH-AMP will add some life to them and make them even more engaging and exciting to listen to. This plasticity in the case of CH-AMP is a very good and desired feature by many.


In terms of power, we will definitely not lack it both with the SE and balanced outputs. Importantly, in the vast majority of cases, CH-AMP remains completely silent and has a black background, offering us one of the purest sounds on the market. This is very important, especially in the case of sensitive and more sensitive headphones. That’s why I’m glad that EarMen didn’t approach the topic differently and instead of the unknown high power, choose a very reasonable compromise in which there is no lack of power, and the main assumption is signal purity and quality. CH-AMP will also work well with IEM headphones.

EarMen CH-AMP (999USD) VS EarMen ST-AMP (599USD)

EarMen CH-AMP has a more mature sound, much more technical and resolving, but ST-AMP is, in my opinion, a great device, more entertaining and easier to listen to. In terms of entertainment, ST-AMP is certainly more entertaining in presentation, while CH-AMP is more resolving and universal. Of course, both devices are great, but the price difference between them is fully justified and dictated by the increase in sound quality in the case of CH-AMP. CH-AMP has such a different sound compared to ST-AMP that I personally decided to have both devices, their quality and mutual complementation are really worth such an investment in my opinion. ST-AMP is an almost perfect device for people looking for a universal, all-in-one device. As well as for people who like to save space, or when such saving is dictated by our space. However, CH-AMP is a more mature amplifier, with a sound closer to the angel mobile DAC/AMPA, and thanks to its arrangement in a tower, it also requires relatively little space.

EarMen CH-AMP (999USD) VS HIFIMAN EF600 (799USD)
The EF600 is, above all, an excellent device when it comes to planar headphones or units that require a lot of power. Unfortunately, due to the very high amplification level, it is not suitable for very sensitive headphones. However, it also has a DAC based on the R2R circuit, which is outstanding in its price class. However, if we evaluate the EF600 only as a stand-alone amplifier, it sounds more neutral, transparent and with much more power. However, CH-AMP has a better gain control, is perfect for virtually any type of headphones, is also more precise, shows more details and focuses on greater listener involvement. So it’s a completely individual decision which will be better for you. The EF600 worked great as a R2R DAC for CH-AMP and turned out to be an excellent combination offering very good analog sound. Although the tradutto is most suited to the CH-AMP signature, the R2R system warmed the whole thing up even more. When it comes to very current-demanding headphones, the EF600 certainly has more power and offers much greater amplification, but on the other hand it has limitations related to very sensitive IEM headphones. In the case of CH-AMP there is a lot of power, and in the case of sensitive and ultra-sensitive headphones we have very good synergy. In terms of signal purity, both amplifiers are impeccably clean, offering a beautiful black background.

EarMen CH-AMP ($999) VS EarMen ANGEL ($599)
Since I have mentioned the legendary Angel DAC/AMP so many times, it could not be missing in this review. Angel is primarily an all-in-one device and still retains its portable form factor. While in terms of sound it is similar to CH-AMP. However, CH-AMP is, in my opinion, an extension of the angel project, offering sound on a larger scale. CH-AMP does what angel does, but does it much better, with greater dynamics, a larger stage and even better sound. Of course, you should remember that there is almost a double price difference between angel and CH-AMP, which is completely justified. For mobile solutions, angel is simply very good, it offers stationary-level sound in a pocket-sized package, which deserves great admiration. At the same time, if you like the sound of this DAC/AMP, you should not think too long about purchasing the CH-AMP. It is an undisputed evolution compared to its portable brother and provides an even greater range of sound sensations, which translates into an even better experience

EarMen CH-AMP is an outstanding and timeless device, offering incredible workmanship and a unique and very engaging sound. The perfect combination between musicality and clinical clarity. The clean and strong signal offered by CH-AMPA is another important advantage. At the same time, it is ideal for both demanding planar headphones and less demanding IEM headphones. This is also an advantage of low output impedance. In terms of power, we will certainly not lack it in virtually every case. As a preamplifier, the CH-AMP sounds really good and the volume control works very smoothly. It is worth remembering that each time we turn our device back on, all parameters will be reset and the volume will be reduced to 0. This is a form of protection against accidentally turning on too high a volume. Many companies could learn from EarMen when it comes to device design and security. It all makes a very solid impression. The strong point of CH-AMP is its unique and well-thought-out tuning as well as its relatively small and compact size. That’s why I consider CH-AMPA to be one of the best amplifiers in its price class, and once again I strongly recommend the EarMena product because they have once again proven their professionalism and the quality of their products, making CH-AMPA a device that is not only practical and functional, but above all, plays beautifully. At the same time, the purity of the sound and the almost perfectly black background were kept in mind. All this translates into an extremely positive value for money offered by this product.
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Are there any Grado-owners (and/or Grado fans) here, who have tried the CH-Amp with Grados and who can tell how Grado's sound with the CH-Amp?
I had the opportunity to try this combination and the sound was very good.


New Head-Fier
The birth of the real bass.
Pros: production quality, Music quality, nice entertaining sound subtitle, smooth tuning, natural sound, bass quality.
Cons: no metal safety net.

FIR Audio E12​


FIR Audio E12


Today a large parcel from the USA landed on my desk. As you can guess, inside there is a very unusual and extremely interesting product in terms of design. This is something FIR AUDIO has already accustomed us to. It’s truly amazing how confident brands defend themselves despite high prices thanks to technology and product quality. Undoubtedly, FIR Audio is one of these brands. When it comes to products of this brand, so far I have only heard about them among other audiophiles. Fortunately, today I can tell you my observations about E12. These headphones are so unique that a book could be written about the technology used and developed by FIR Audio. The E12 model has a single 12mm electro-dynamic transducer and for the first time we can replace the faceplates ourselves. For my review unit, I received panels called mars, the price of which is approximately USD 129. Thus, I could personally check the operation of the replaceable panels. I’ll tell you now that this technology works phenomenally and at the same time allows very simple access to the inside of the headphones in an emergency situation. The headphones cost USD 1,799 and are rather one of the cheapest products of the FIR Audio brand. The manufacturer promises “extra bass”, so let’s check what it is like in practice!

Fir Audio E12 are headphones that remind me of my first steps in audio, it was many years ago when form was as important as content. For the price of USD 1,799 we get a large cardboard box that is really well packed. Additionally, we get a lot of cool accessories. After unpacking, apart from the headphones themselves, we also have three sets of spiral tips and three pairs of foams. Then we get a rubber tool for changing the front panels along with a beautiful screw-on case made of real leather. The set includes a beautiful thermal patch and a coaxial cable made of eight strands of pure monocrystalline silver with copper insulation. This cable itself is literally a steal when it comes to value for money. In headphones of this price class, it is not often that the market value of the cable from the set is several hundred dollars. The stock cable is terminated with a 4.4mm plug and a 0.78mm plug on the headphone side. The E12s themselves are made of CNC-machined metal housings, and although they are slightly larger, they fit very comfortably in the ears, providing excellent isolation and comfort. The only thing I missed was some sort of mask at the end of the nozzle to prevent anything from getting in there. However, a device for cleaning the headphones is included, so I think that this type of nozzle ending is an element of tuning. The nozzles are made of metal and finished with solid rings that prevent the tips from slipping. Therefore, when it comes to the quality of workmanship, it is phenomenal and absolutely exemplary, all of which makes E12 really solid headphones that will last for years.

Let’s go a bit further, i.e. to the sound sensations. In general, FIR Audio E12 are headphones that clearly show how underestimated the 1DD configuration is. What the engineers did in the E12 model is an amazing phenomenon. These headphones sound like a high-end multi-driver setup, not a single driver.

Bass: This is probably the most impressive point of the E12 – I have heard many models of headphones, which is an essential element of review work. Fir Audio declares that the bass will be like from a subwoofer and I must honestly admit that in reality it is much, much better! Low tones sound like they come from a stereo system, not from in-ear headphones with a 12mm dynamic driver. The amount of energy generated by this single driver is so impressive that I can confidently call the E12 the king of the lower bands. The amount of bass at the same time is constructed in such a way that it does not completely disturb the other bands, leaving them clean and clear. It’s really like headphones with a subwoofer or a multi-driver hybrid with great musical presentation. Importantly, the overall presentation is quite smooth and is aimed at pleasant and calm listening while maintaining full listening pleasure. This is important because many products do not pay attention to the fact that most often our headphones are supposed to accompany us for many hours, providing listening pleasure, and not shining far away among the technical side of music. This is a very good move and I am personally glad that FIR decided to go for it.

Musical midrange: The midtones are slightly recessed below the bass line, but this is done in such a well-thought-out way that it does not come at the expense of the overall musical presentation. Additionally, the diameter is clear and legible. It sounds like a good quality armature, not a single dynamics unit. Although the sound will not be as dense as in the case of multi-driver designs. However, by using only one transducer, the sound becomes more coherent. The midtones are clear and very naturally reproduced, and at the same time the amount of information we hold is enormous. The details and size of the sound stage can amaze you with their grandeur. I have no doubt that the E12 are great headphones with a very pleasant diameter. Vocals sound less warm, but are still extremely natural and allow you to catch even the smallest musical details. Honestly, I really liked it.

Treble: This is another point where the FIR Audio E12 show that sometimes less is more. The high tones are perfectly extended and provide a perfect sound experience. The treble is clean and full of air. At the same time, the high tones are smooth and very pleasant. FIR Audio E12 have a huge amount of air and excellent separation of instruments. The stage in the E12 is large and presents an excellent picture of what can be achieved with in-ear headphones. Both the width and depth of the sound stage are truly impressive. The smoothness and consistency of the treble is truly world-class. I often had the feeling that I was listening to an electrostat and not an ordinary dynamic transducer, which once again proves the quality of the FIR Audio brand. Of course, this is not the grandeur of multi-driver designs, but in my opinion it is not a disadvantage, because the contoured image is more natural and coherent. However, if you are looking for greater scope, consider the larger sizes of the FIR AUDIO brand.

Generally, FIR Audio E12 are quite sensitive and effective headphones, which means that they do not require strong current to work. However, they benefit significantly from better DAC systems, which is definitely worth remembering. They also like clean sources because they have a slight tendency to pick up noise.

Equipment used in tests:
For my tests, in addition to Tidal and AppleMusic, I used my music collections. The equipment used during the tests was DAP iBasso DX170, EARMEN colibri, angel and FiiO K11 and KA17.

Comparisons with other headphones:

FIR Audio E12 VS Hifiman svanar:

Svanary are much warmer headphones with a slightly wider soundstage. Providing a more analog and intimate sound. However, Fir Audio E12 are headphones with more space and more information (I mean details). Generally, both pairs have a different character and are tuned differently. However, if someone is looking for an intimate and warm sound, the Svanry from HIFIMAN is closer to this tuning. However, if someone prefers a slightly more analytical sound with more information, the E12s are perfect. At the same time, they retain the natural warmth of the dynamic driver and offer a slightly more entertaining and smoother tuning. When it comes to comfort, it is an individual matter, some people prefer the angular shapes of SVANAR, others the flat finish of E12. However, both pairs provide very good noise isolation and a great fit in most ears. Hifiman in the Svanar model opted for a less smooth, more dynamic presentation, while FIR AUDIO in the E12 model opted for a smoother, more entertaining and easier to listen to tuning. Of course, both pairs are absolutely brilliant and it’s hard to pick a winner. The level between both headphones is absolutely top. However, the differences in tuning make both headphones feel completely different, which allows us to tailor our choice to our individual preferences.

FIR Audio E12 are unique and unusual headphones. They made an incredible impression on me with the quality they presented. The E12’s bass is probably the best bass I’ve ever heard in in-ear headphones. Mid tones, although slightly cooler, retain a natural and engaging character. The high tones are smooth and full of information, and the amount of detail and scene are literally stunning. At a price of USD 17,999, it is a really strong and interesting proposition. Additionally, we can personalize our headphones using interchangeable front panels. The set includes a very functional and nice case made of real leather and a very good quality silver cable. All this makes the Fir Audio E12 headphones one of my favorites on the market and I highly recommend them to anyone who likes strong bass and beautiful high tones with a lively midrange. When it comes to sound insulation, it is above average and provides a very good cut-off level. The things that I particularly liked are the pressure regulation system inside the headphones, which ensures high comfort even after many hours of listening. The only thing missing was a small bag to protect the headphones from scratches in the case, but it’s really a small thing and despite my desire, I have no reason to criticize this great model of headphones, the E12 from FirAudio. That’s why I highly recommend checking out and assessing for yourself how these headphones sound. Quite honestly, no matter how hard I try, it’s hard for me to find any real flaws. However, please remember that these are headphones with strong bass. If someone doesn’t like low tones, either E12 changes their feelings, which is very likely, or they should look for something else. However, the low tones I mentioned and emphasized are not at the expense of the mid or high tones. The remaining parts of the band represent very good, high-quality sound comparable to that of a stationary handset. It is a difficult art and that is why I really admire the FIR AUDIO brand for the technologies they have developed and the quality of their products, regardless of the price. In the case of E12 it is completely justified.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound
Build quality
Cons: No 4,4mm balanced output.

Hidizs SD2​


Hidizs SD2
instagram link:

The Hidizs brand is quite an interesting manufacturer of really good and well-priced audio equipment. Initially, they showed their capabilities by creating several successful players and headphones. To be honest, so far I have heard more than I have actually had the opportunity to test when it comes to this brand’s products. Fortunately, this has changed and I hope that I will be able to check out many more interesting designs of the hidizs brand. SD2 is their latest proposal from the group of headphone dongles. It has a very unusual design and interesting specifications. Although the dongle market is currently extremely saturated and there are quite a number of competing models, I think that hidizs followed its own path when designing the sd2 model. Offering us a completely different approach to the topic not only in bold design, but also in well-thought-out styling. In my review, I decided to focus primarily on what SD2 offers and why it stands out on the market. So I invite you to read my observations.

Unboxing and accessories.
Unfortunately, as of the date of writing this review, SD2 has not been released yet, so I don’t know its price, but I can guess that, as in the case of other hidizs products, SD2 will be very well priced. The SD2 comes to us in a small cardboard box. We have quite a lot of accessories inside. Therefore, apart from our device and documentation, we will find a USB C to USB adapter and something that I particularly liked – a Lightning to USB C adapter in the form of a short cable. The dongle itself is somewhat unusual because it deviates from conventional shapes and is an irregular, angular shape. Although it resembles a spaceship in some ways, it is very convenient to use. The body is completely made of thick plastic, which additionally increases the durability and safety when carrying in a case with headphones. The parameters are quite good, we have a DAC system from ESS based on the ES9270 chip and 70mW of power per channel at a load of 32Ohm.

Well, first of all, I can say that if someone blindfolded me and told me that it costs 100USD, I would totally believe it after listening to it!

BAS: The lows in the SD2 are really nice, with complete neutrality and naturalness in the low range. A clean and noise-free background provides a truly excellent sound experience even with very sensitive headphones. The low tones are not overly emphasized, instead they naturally reflect the character of the headphones. The low tones are present in exactly the amount I can expect from a DAC/AMPA, which is to accompany me every day as an “interface to the phone”. I’m glad that hidizs didn’t go for a very bass tuning.

Musical midrange: Vocals and instruments embedded in this range are, like bass, very natural and neutral. The SD2 is a product with a mature and balanced tuning that can really be heard. Vocals remain at some distance as the SD2 produces quite a good soundstage with nice depth and adequate width. The vocalists’ voices remain virtually unchanged and are presented as on the original recordings. Instruments retain the right amount of air and good separation.

Treble: Higher sounds retain clarity and purity. It is still a linear and neutral sound, but care was taken to adequately extend the treble. The instruments sound lively and look really good. The amount of detail in the sound and information we can hear is at a very good level. At the same time, the high bands are not excessively sharp and represent an excellent technical level. The highs are quite a strong point of the SD2 and are well implemented.

Technical layer and imaging:
Technically, DS2 is a very strong competitor, it can show a solid level and in fact in this aspect it is the biggest surprise. I did not expect such a good technical level in equipment so small and inconspicuous.
There is relatively little power, at least on paper. In practice, I had no problem driving either pair of IEMs.

Hidizs SD2 VS Fiio KA11 (USD 29.99)

SD2 is a more neutral tuning, aimed at as little interference in the sound as possible. KA11, on the other hand, is slightly warmer, but still close to neutral. The KA11 has more power, but the SD2 still has enough power for most in-ear headphones and provides less noise with very sensitive headphones. Personally, I love both dongles, the KA11 is a great and ultra-convenient option, while the SD2 sounds up to par with the references.

Hidizs SD2 VS ddHIFI vs tc35pro (65USD)
The TC25pro is an excellent adapter that I really liked. The SD2 provides a more neutral sound, while the tc35pro is more musical and somewhat engaging, but therefore has more of an impact on the signature of our headphones. Therefore, everything depends on our expectations because both devices are really great.

Hidizs SD2 VS ddHIFI vs xDuoo link v2 (59USD)
This comparison is interesting because lnk v2 is an even more technical and cool device. SD2 has a more natural and pleasant signature and, above all, is much more compact in terms of external structure. The SD2 produces a fuller sound, while the link v2 from XDuoo focuses on a more technical presentation. Which one is better depends on our preferences, I personally like both devices.

Hidizs never ceases to surprise with the form of its projects. SD2 looks very original and although it makes an inconspicuous impression, it surprises from the very first moments with its durability and resistance to falls and other such obstacles. What is most impressive, however, is the excellent, neutral and even sound with a great sound stage and an excellent technical layer for its category. This is a very interesting dongle that can successfully replace many other audio devices. I secretly hope that hidizs will present us a balanced version of this project or maybe develop another project with a similar tuning. Generally, despite the unconventional design, the quality of workmanship is at a very high level, and hidizs surprised me with an incredibly good approach to tuning and the very attractive sound this device offers. Despite the lack of physical buttons or physical volume control, the SD2 offers compact dimensions and pure, beautiful sound. All this makes me think this model is successful and interesting. I can certainly recommend it, it works very well in everyday use.
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New Head-Fier
Pros: very compact size, low price, a lot of power, slightly warm and pleasant tuning, great quality of workmanship.
Cons: no buttons or physical hardware volume control.
When music flows in your veins, choose a good guide!

Fiio KA11​


Fiio KA11:

Recently, it has been a completely new game for Fiio, starting from a great stationary combo in the form of the k11 or the flagship ka17 dongle, ending with the cheapest and most basic model in terms of dongles, i.e. the KA11. The cheapest offer from fiio is addressed to users who focus primarily on minimalism and simplicity. The cost of KA11 is USD 29.99 and I consider this price to be ridiculously low compared to what the device itself offers us. So it’s time to take a closer look at it.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
Fiio KA11 is the cheapest product from the dongle series of mobile DAC/AMPs in the fiio portfolio and this is reflected in the packaging. The emphasis here was on content, not form. We receive a nice cardboard packaging with an instruction manual and the device itself. In my opinion, at this price you don’t need anything else, maybe apart from a large USB adapter, but it’s not a must-have. The DAC itself is relatively small and very slim. Despite its small size, fiio fits an independent DAC from the CL and an additionally powerful independent amplifier. Although the cable is not detachable, it is made of strong braided material and really inspires my confidence. Additionally, there is a diode indicating the device’s operation and full access to the Fiio Controll application. From the application level, we can fine-tune the device’s filter, diode parameters and other aspects of operation. What is important and worthy of great praise is that the settings we choose will be saved in the device’s memory and will be valid on a Windows computer or any other device. The DAC/AMP itself generates enough power to drive most in-ear headphones, as much as 200mW per channel at 32Ohm, and it does not heat up excessively, maintaining great operating smoothness. At the same time, it looks like a slightly longer USB C to 3.5mm jack adapter, so it is a really compact device.

: The low tones are natural, clean and transparent, which translates into excellent quality, unheard of in this price range. We have a musical, natural and transparent tuning here, which translates into a very good final effect, and the bass generally followed the character of the headphones very well. HifiMan svanar sounded true to its nature, just like softears volume. I like that the ka11 is not very bassy, but rather focuses on balance and a pleasant natural sound.

Midrange: Vocals and instruments sound clean, smooth and natural in the KA11 with some of the bright tuning typical of the Cirrus bones. However, I did not feel any digital character or excessive analysis here. It seems that Fiio wanted to reach a more classic audience with the KA11 model who simply wants to listen to music. Nevertheless, the stage impressed me with its depth and good width. And most importantly, the signal purity has always remained impeccable. The sound resolution of the KA11 is really high, which is important despite the low price. The KA11 provides a lot of pleasure and joy from listening.

High tones: The high tones are neither unpleasant nor dominant. Their consistent and smooth character perfectly suits the KA11 tuning. Fiio decided on a calm and safe tuning model, which I personally think is a very good move, and the whole thing results in a calm and relaxing sound. Another good aspect is the nice separation of instruments and quite good positioning for this price range.

Fiio KA11 (USD 29.99) VS xDuoo link v2 (USD 49)

xDuoo link 2v sounds drier, more analysis, but also less entertainment and fun. Fiio KA11 also has a slightly better quality cable and more power. I like both devices very much, but the Fiio KA11 is a bit more universal tuning, less technical.
Fiio KA11 (29.99USD) VS whizzer DA1 (59USD)
DA1 has physical volume buttons, which is a big plus because the volume can be adjusted from the device. However, Fiio KA11 is better made, has a much better cable, and has a more refined sound with much more power.
Fiio KA11 (29.99USD) VS fiio ka17 (149USD)
Of course, I treat this comparison as a curiosity and I decided to make it more because of the curiosity of many people and the number of questions I receive, rather than because of the real competitiveness of both products. Is KA17 better? Yes, it is much, much and several times much better, but it is a product dedicated to a different audience and a different target group. If you are looking for a device that will provide you with the basic functionality of the 3.5mm jack output and good sound quality, then the KA11 will be great. However, if you are looking for sound at the level of stationary audio devices, definitely head towards the KA17. I don’t think I need to explain to anyone that it’s impossible to compare these two devices fairly, and both are leaders in their price class.

I have just finished the review of KA17, the flagship dongle from fiio, and I consider it a leader in its price category. KA11 is the cheapest, but not the worst, representative of the Fiio portfolio. It sounds great, provides excellent comfort of use and above-average sound quality. Its tuning is accessible and natural. The price of USD 29.99 is obscenely good compared to what KA11 offers us. I think that many people, like me, will share my opinion that the KA11 is an excellent USB dongle with a beautiful design and very good tuning. It stands out from the competition with its amount of power, great clean signal and, above all, well-thought-out and tuned sound. All this allows me to rate the work Fiio put into KA11 very highly. I hope future updates will bring even more improvements. Finally, I would like to add that a great advantage is also a great application that allows you to control the parameters of your device, you can use it to set the volume, digital filters or the backlight of the signal diode, and these are really useful issues.
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Reactions: Cat Music


New Head-Fier
Planar suprise
Pros: Sound,quality,tuning filters,
Cons: slightly heavy.

Hiidizs MP145​


Hiidizs MP145:

The war of planar IEMs has brought us a heavy harvest of many very interesting in-ear headphones models. I remember when Tin hifi presented the P1 model and started a small revolution on the market. Although I liked the P1 very much, it still had a few limitations, one of which was the difficulty in driving and a really huge appetite for power. Then, many manufacturers entered the fray and also wanted to have their share in this market segment. So far, my planar IEM collection includes models such as: TIN P1, P1MAX, Letshuoer s12pro and s15. However, I have heard a lot about the unique project from the Hidizs brand. I am glad that I have the opportunity to supplement my collection with their innovative project, the MP145. You will find out what its innovation is later in my review. Let me just mention that the MP145 is a model based on a large 14.5mm planar transducer and was priced at USD 159. Of which 1% of this price goes to help save whales, which I personally think is a very good and noble initiative.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
Well hidizs has packaged the MP145 in a very thoughtful way. We have a paper box with product information and a good-quality hard box made of thick plastic. It can successfully serve as a larger organizer. Inside, apart from the headphones themselves, there are three sets of tips (vocal, balanced and bass) in sizes S, M and L and it must be admitted that they really influence the sound as described. Then we have three types of filters in the form of screw-on caps (treble, balanced, bass) and these filters also strongly influence what we hear. The set also includes a high-quality SPC cable in the 4.4 or 3.5 mm standard and an ecological leather bag for storing the headphones. As for the cable, it is of really good quality and sounds quite good. The tips are also of very good quality, so the set is complete and does not require replacement of accessories. Unfortunately, the headphones themselves are not the smallest and weigh quite a lot. Personally, it didn’t bother me, but people with small ears or sensitive to the weight of the headphones should take this into account. Behind the weight, however, there is a solid aluminum body that provides a truly armored casing.

A lot depends on the configuration we choose. Therefore, I will try to discuss several variants. For my tests I used earmen angel and fiio k11.

Bass: Low tuning depends on the selected tips and filters. On the factory balanced filter, when selecting balanced tips, the bass is embedded in the background. It is not overbearing and is more audible than tangible. However, we can quickly change it by selecting a red filter with bass tips, then the whole thing changes by 180 degrees. On red tips, the sound becomes less transparent, but we gain a solid and tangible bass foundation. Overall, thanks to the use of a planar transducer, the bass is fast and well-produced. Its quality is really great considering the price of the headphones.

Midrange: The midtones are generally slightly recessed because it is a harman tuning. However, the vocals are always clean and clear. We can get a U-shaped sound or bring voices closer to us using vocal tips. The amount of instruments and information is always large. The stage itself also impresses with very good depth, the width of the stage is slightly smaller, but we do not feel claustrophobic, because the instruments are very well distributed in space. The MP145 are not technically tuned, they are rather pleasant headphones for relaxing and quiet listening.

Treble: We can adjust the high tones to our needs. By choosing red filters, we will have more bass and midrange, and the treble will become calmer and less present. However, by choosing silver filters, we will get great extension of high tones and even more details and information. The technical layer will improve, without artificially raising the mountain or pushing it out excessively. You can hear the many benefits of the planar transducer here, at the same time, thanks to excellent tuning, hidizs cleverly got rid of the metallic and unnatural timbre, tuning the planar transducer to resemble the warmth of a dynamic transducer as much as possible.

Power appetite:
Hidizs MP145 are not particularly demanding in terms of current, but they gain a lot from a more powerful source and it is worth giving them more power.

Hiidizs MP145(159USD) VS TIN P1(169USD)

Tin P1 are already a few years old, but they still stand out on the IEM market. First of all, with a beautiful neutral sound. However, the MP145 are much more musical headphones, less linear, but also with more bass, which can often be missing in the p1. P1s are also much more difficult to control and therefore less mobile. The MP145s offer a larger stage, but the P1s have more treble. Generally speaking, the MP145 is full of great progress in planar IEM technology that has recently taken place.

Hiidizs MP145 (159USD) VS TIN P1 MAX (120USD)
Tin P1max is a new improved version of the p1 model and honestly I love this model because of its beautiful full sound. P1max are also tuned for entertainment and have a good amount of sub-bass. MP145, however, have a larger stage and more tuning possibilities. Overall, considering the number of possible configurations of the MP145, they are more versatile. P1max are still great little headphones, but the hidizs MP145 are a kind of development of their sound at an even higher level.

Hiidizs MP145 (159USD) VS Letshuoer s12pro (139USD)
S12Pro is a truly legendary model. In technical terms, s12pro focuses more on the technical layer and less on entertainment. Of course, the s12pro sound great, but the MP145 are more warm, they are tuned typically for entertainment, so we have more fun with them. However, s12pro may be better if we are looking for a very technical sound. Both pairs of headphones are great, but their tuning is completely different. Therefore, in this case, everything depends on our preferences and preferences.

Hiidizs MP145 (159USD) VS Letshuoer s15 (329USD)
Letshuoer s15 is the undisputed leader of planar headphones. This is also reflected in the relatively high price. In terms of sound, the S15 are smoother, slightly more resolving headphones with a higher technical layer. However, their price is also much higher than the price of MP145. The MP145s sound equally great, presenting a high level of sound and plenty of detail for their price.

The Hiidizs MP145 are excellent headphones and have been priced very well indeed. Importantly, we can change a lot in them and adapt them to our needs. The filter system and excellent tips allow you to have a lot of fun with the sound. The MP145 tuning itself is rather entertaining and focused on listening pleasure. However, the resolution and separation are very good. The quality of workmanship is exemplary. The only downside may be the large size and weight of the headphones. Overall, the MP145 are very good headphones offering excellent sound quality and a very high level, so they will definitely stay with me for a long time and have my full recommendation.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Excellent build quality, excellent sound quality, amazing resolution, beautiful detail, timeless addictive sound.
Cons: Nothing!

HifiMan HE1000SE​


HifiMan has produced many products, many of which have become legends and timeless benchmarks of sonic heights. Such models include arya, sundara and susvara. Quite recently I remember my admiration for the latest Arya Orfanic and the excellent version of Ananda with the note nano. All this means that I consider HifiMan products to be among the best in the world and I could not deny myself the pleasure of reviewing the timeless version of one of the most popular models of this manufacturer, the HE1000SE. These are planar headphones, dedicated to more advanced listeners. Initially, their price was USD 3,500 and even then it was an incredible opportunity. Currently, HifiMan prices HE1000SE at USD 1999, so it is the same price as great closed-back headphones such as Audivina.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
HifiMan undoubtedly targets another user with the HE1000SE model and places its product in the premium segment. This is reflected not only in the equipment, but also in the packaging. HE1000SE comes to us in a beautiful box covered with a material imitating leather with an elegant silver decoration at the top. On the front of the packaging we can see the manufacturer’s logo and model name. This is one of the most elegant headphone packaging I have ever seen. Inside, our headphones and a set of documentation rest safely on a satin fabric, and we also have three types of cables under a foam cover. The latest HE1000SE literature has improved cables with black braided insulation. The first cable has a classic 3.5mm plug, the second has a 6.5mm jack, and the last one is an XLR cable that perfectly fits the EF600. On the headphone side, we have classic 3.5mm plugs on each side. This design ensures very wide compatibility with other cables dedicated to HifiMan headphones, for example those from the Arya Organic or Audivina models. It is true that we do not have a dedicated case, but on the other hand these are not headphones dedicated to travel, but definitely equipment for home use. In terms of ergonomics, we once again have an open design and planar drivers with a very large surface area. The headphones themselves have a similar headband design to the he1000 V2, only the headband has become black. Inside our headphones we have acoustically invisible magnet technology, and the housings are completely metal. The monotony of silver metal is beautifully broken by veneer imitating wood. And the earcups themselves are asymmetrical and have one of the most comfortable pads I have ever encountered. Overall, the HE1000SE are one of the most comfortable and perfectly fitting headphones I have ever encountered, on par with the Arya Organic model.

Current and drive:
Although the HE1000se are not overly demanding on current, they scale well with better devices. So the Z EF600 worked together phenomenally, and it was similar in the case of the EarMen tradutto DAC combo with ST-AMP. Thanks to the relatively low current requirements, the HE1000se also works well with EarMen angel or even iBasso DX170. With FiiO KA17 in desktop mode, the sound was OK, but much more can be achieved using stationary solutions.

HE1000SE is one of the most famous headphones in HifiMan’s portfolio, famous for its above-average resolution and adopting the character of the sound of the source. All this makes them highly universal and timeless headphones.

Bass: The low tones are incredibly elastic and saturated. The resolution of low tones is astonishing, and the scope and scale of the sound present in the HE1000SE exceeds our wildest expectations. We can literally feel every bass note and even the smallest beat. At times I had the impression that the world around me was literally spinning, in a positive sense of the word. Thanks to the incredible dynamics and complexity of the structure, the low tones revealed a lot of information. Bass instruments and musical genres based on low tones benefited significantly from this. At the same time, the bass was never too aggressive or unpleasant. It did not overlap other bands and sounded in an extremely natural and well-thought-out way. You could hear the enormous potential of these headphones. This is the kind of bass that encourages listening while maintaining a natural character. Despite the natural tuning, there was a huge amount of information and details.

Mid tones: In this range, in addition to enormous dynamics, at first glance you can hear an incredibly natural and realistic sound signature. The amount of detail and information in the midrange of the HE1000se is beyond all expectations. Every time I closed my eyes, I literally had the impression that music around me was being played or sung live, which is a huge advantage of these headphones. The midtones in the HE1000SE are also saturated with detail and information, and the soundstage is built in a realistic way, with appropriate width and depth. At the same time, it has not been artificially blown out to the sides, HE1000SE are headphones that do not pretend anything and present the music exactly as it was recorded. Therefore, poor recordings will be presented in a ruthless and unforgiving way, while well-mastered ones will reward you with a beautiful and valuable sound. The HE1000se is one of the most impressive headphones in terms of resolution and tuning. Although the vocals are slightly forward, they retain great separation and exemplary positioning. In the case of vocal music, where we have more than one vocalist, we can easily divide the voices into prime factors.

Treble: The treble in the HE1000SE is slightly enhanced and brightened, which is quite typical of HifiMan products. At the same time, the amount of information and the resolution of high tones are well above expectations. However, it should be remembered that the HE1000se perform better with warmer sources and benefit, for example, from the R2R system in the EF600. However, the high tones are easily kept in check and although they convey a lot of information, they do not do it in an unpleasant or negative way. Brightening the high tones gives us an even greater sense of resolution and allows us to increase the sense of realism, which is above average in these headphones. Instruments placed in the upper midrange sound natural and very clean, which is incredibly noticeable in the overall presentation of the HE1000SE.



HifiMan HE1000SE (1999USD) VS HifiMan Audivina (1999USD)

Audivina is a truly unique and quite unusual headphone, presenting sound in the same way as in a concert hall. Initially, you need to get used to the extremely interesting, but also original sound signature. Therefore, HE1000SE are headphones that sound more natural and realistic, but at the same time have less bass. I consider both headphones to be outstanding in their aspects and I appreciate them for their unique features. HE1000SE are headphones that focus on resolution and realism. Audivina impresses with a huge sound stage, concert hall reverberation and excellent bass. That’s why I can’t pick a winner here, I encourage you to listen to both models and choose the most suitable one. In terms of music analysis and production, the Audivina is irreplaceable, but for quiet home listening, the HE1000SE may be a bit more natural.

HifiMan HE1000SE VS HifiMan Arya organic (1399USD)
Arya Organic is a wonderful headphone with timeless tuning. The latest version of the Arya model has been completely tamed and kept in check. In my opinion, Arya Organic is a bit more intimate and musical, but not as resolving as HE1000SE. There is a significant price difference between these headphones and with a good HE1000SE amplifier they show their superiority over their cheaper siblings. However, if someone is looking for more entertainment, they will find company in the Arya Organic model. I personally own both of these models and think they are both absolutely gorgeous. In my opinion, HE1000SE has a more mature and resolving sound, but requires appropriate amplifier investment. Arya Organic is a more intimate, direct tuning that can bring a lot of listening pleasure. Personally, I think these two models complement each other very well and I recommend checking them both out.

HifiMan HE1000SE VS HifiMan Ananda Nano (599USD)
Yes, I know this is a very unfair comparison. However, many people ask me whether it is worth paying extra for more expensive headphones. Well, it all depends on our expectations, but in my opinion, even with an average quality source, we can hear a lot of differences. Ananda Nano is a cooler, more analytical and more V-shaped headphone than the HE1000SE. Ananda nano is not as resolving, but still represents a great level and excellent sound. Personally, I love my Ananda Nano. However, in terms of resolution, amount of detail, naturalness of sound and diameter, the HE1000SE represent an unrivaled level and represent a completely different product category.

HE1000SE are not the cheapest headphones on the market, but their current price of USD 1,999 is literally daylight robbery. The quality-price ratio of this model goes far beyond the price range of the HE1000SE. These headphones delight with their time resolution, universal tuning and dynamics combined with incredible sound realism. All opinions about HE1000SE are absolutely true and I am not surprised that these headphones have become legendary in the world of audiophiles. Additionally, we get a decent cable set and beautiful premium packaging. The HE1000SE from HifiMan represent such an excellent level that it’s hard for me to fault anything because both the comfort and the sound are world-class. These are one of my favorite headphones, I value them equally as Arya Organic for their timeless design and phenomenal sound. However, I encourage you to connect them to a better sound source to hear their full potential and be able to fully appreciate them. If someone is looking for realism and resolution, HE1000SE may be a hit and should be the first choice.
They're $1699 now on Amazon and I ordered them right away
Great review. Next time if you could compare to some non-hifiman headphones that would be nice.
Thank You!


New Head-Fier
Pros: Music quality, purity, power, amplifier mode, exquisite workmanship.
Cons: Nothing.

Fiio BTR7​


Fiio takes perfection quite seriously in the pursuit of transparent and pristine sound. I remember perfectly the strong and decisive sound of the BTR5 and the even better sound of the BTR52021. However, it was not enough and Fiio decided to go even higher, creating the most advanced and at the same time the highest priced DAC/AMP receiver on the market. This is how one of the most ambitious Bluetooth projects in recent years, BTR7, was created. It was supposed to be not only an extension of the BTR series to a flagship position, but also to give a solid signal to the competition that Fiio is not giving up its leadership position. The new project is based on the same transducers as the predecessor, but a completely new THX amplifier section, a 4.4 mm output, and a completely new USB system from Xmos have been added.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
Now that we have the introduction behind us, it’s time to move on to the next stage. The price of the new BTR7 is currently USD 199, so it is higher than BTR5 or other competitive solutions. In return, we get a nice cardboard packaging with the device itself, documentation, a USB-C to USB-C cable and a USB-to-USBC cable, as well as a nice and functional case made of gray suede-emitting material. Fiio BTR7 includes completely new components in the amplifier and USB sections, and the power from both the SE and BAL outputs has also increased significantly. As performance increased, the size and weight of the device also increased. It is already the size of a small DAC/AMP, but the parameters still do not exceed the concept of mobility and functionality. However, we must take into account that we will not attach the BTR7 to a T-shirt or sweatshirt, but we can still easily fit it in a pocket or even in our hand. The whole thing is made of a solid aluminum frame and two panes of glass. On the front there is a nice color display, unfortunately it is LCD, but its readability is very good even on sunny days. Additionally, we have a power button, volume control and a function button, as well as a microphone and a switch to turn on or off the charging of the device. The ability to power the BTR7 only from the built-in battery is a great solution and I really like it, it’s a pity that we can’t completely bypass the battery power supply and use an external power supply, but at the same time the battery still provides a much more stable current.

Battery and power supply:
As I have already mentioned, BTR7 can operate as a full-fledged DAC/AMP, both using the built-in battery and charging via the same cable used for data transmission. In DAC/AMP mode, it supports both UAC 1.0 and 2.0 modes and supports all popular Bluetooth codecs, including native MQA. This is a significant advantage over the competition, which at best reaches 92khz/24bit. Wired, the BTR7 sound is smoother and more resolved, with less compression. As for the battery, in real use with FLAC files and the LDAC codec and Tin P1max headphones, I achieved a stable time of 6 hours on the balanced output. This result may, of course, vary depending on the headphones and the selected configuration, but in my case it was always a stable time of over 5 hours.

Moving on to the next aspect, which is sound, I will divide my description into three main parts.

BASS: The low tones are very transparent and very technical, this technical aspect accompanies us throughout the entire tuning of the BTR7. We will definitely not miss the bass, and the tuning of the BTR7 is less ruthless than in the case of the BTR5 or BTR52021, the resolution of the low tones and their energy are exemplary, and the entire tuning is almost colorless and completely neutral. The amount of bass is adequate to the music presented, and the lower bands hit the right points nicely. The low tones are perfect for reference listening or analysis, but if we are looking for a warm sound, this is not the way to go. It is much better than in previous models, you can already feel a certain amount of heat. However, information and technical aspects still come first.

Midrange: The vocal and instrumental layer remains transparent and colorless, BTR7 shows music exactly as it is. It adds virtually nothing to the Siena, and the neutrality of the midrange is complemented by a quite good soundstage, both in width and depth. The 3D plan outlined in this way is enriched with incredible instrument separation and brilliant positioning. The amount of detail and information is above average, we can hear each instrument separately, and it is brilliantly placed in time and space. The vocals are natural and clear, not lifeless, but still retain an absolutely technical outline. The instruments sound natural, without any coloration.

Treble: The treble has been completely tamed and softened to a completely pleasant level. The high tones are smooth and neutral, showing a lot of information and details, without stinging the ears, which is a very desirable treatment. The high tones still retain their full of information and excellent sound character, but thanks to the minimum amount of warmth they sound much more natural and represent a much higher level, which is due to the tuning and great THX amplifiers. I like this direction of tuning because it allows me to focus entirely on the information contained in the music and analyze the songs completely, literally breaking down the music into its prime factors.

Fiio BTR 7 (199USD) VS qudelix 5k 2020 (99USD)

Qudelix 5k is the undisputed leader when it comes to this type of devices up to PLN 500. It provides the most extensive application and excellent realistic sound with more warmth than the BTR7. However, BTR7 wins with much better technical features, a much larger sound stage and power. The BTR7 application also provides a lot of functions, and the BTR7 itself also has a functional screen. Sonically, the BTR7 is much more bland, technical and unforgiving of the music, while the qudelix 5k is more compact and provides a more forgiving tuning with a more intimate presentation.

Fiio BTR 7 (199USD) VS radsone es100mk2 (99USD)
Es100mk2 is a warm playing device with much less power than BTR7. Both devices are on completely opposite sides of the barricade when it comes to tuning. The es100mk2 stage is much smaller, more intimate, there is also more warmth and musicality, which is why the technical layer and resolution suffer. So it all depends on our preferences, in general the BTR7 sounds like a higher class device, but the tuning of the es100mk2 may appeal to lovers of warm sound and personally I love both devices.

Fiio BTR 7 (199USD) VS Oriolus 1795S (199USD)
Oriolus 1795S has similar dimensions to the BTR7 and, like it, has inductive charging. The workmanship is also similar – it is an aluminum frame and two glass panes. Oriolus 1795s is a less neutral sound, focusing more on the musical and technical side. However, it has a much smaller soundstage than the BTR7, but is less ruthless and more forgiving. In my opinion, both devices are great, the Oriolus will be perfect for quiet listening, and the BTR7 is an excellent reference and colorless device, but at the same time it is a real leader when it comes to the technical layer.

Fiio BTR7 is not the cheapest device on the market, as it costs USD 199. However, you can see a lot of work in every aspect that Fiio put into this project. The quality of workmanship is impeccable, and even the smallest detail is well thought out. The sound offered by BTR7 has been slightly warmed and softened compared to BTR5 and is absolutely colorless and even, highly analytical and full of details. In addition, numerous updates offered by Fiio and many functions as well as good quality of calls via the built-in microphone allow me to clearly evaluate BTR7 as one of the best Bluetooth receivers on the market and an excellent USB DAC/AMP. The sterility and purity of sound offered by fiio, as well as the completely black background in BTR7, are something that should not only be praised, but also absolutely appreciated. The battery life is also satisfactory, and the device itself can operate entirely on the built-in battery, all this makes it my favorite device from an analytical point of view, which I highly recommend. The stability of the Bluetooth system is great, and the support of virtually every Bluetooth codec on the market ensures wide compatibility with many devices.
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Reactions: Colin5619


New Head-Fier
New king!
Pros: perfect quality of workmanship, excellent sound, dynamics and consistency of sound, sound stage, number of functions
Cons: Nothing
Fiio KA17:

Currently, we have a real apogee of dongles and all kinds of mobile miniature DACs/AMPs. At the same time, the Bluetooth section is developing, which is very encouraging, because it’s really nice to be free from cables. However, in the near or distant future, wireless technology will not even come close to the potential of a wired connection. That’s why manufacturers continue to outdo each other with ideas for the best mobile USB sound cards. At the same time, miniaturization and the audio industry have already reached such a level that little can be improved, and racing for numbers no longer satisfies users. Fortunately, there is a group of audio producers who decided to go beyond the usual patterns by serving us their best technology in the most compact version. For example, iBasso with the DC-Elit model made a huge stir on the market, but the great quality was also accompanied by a quite high price. Fiio went in its well-known and beloved direction by offering a number of the best technologies along with the world’s newest DAC chip from Saber, i.e. the double ES9069EQ and a full-fledged amplifier chip from THX AAA78+ at a very affordable price. Before I move on to the price, I will mention that one of the highest available xmoss systems, i.e. XU316, was used and the digital and analog sections were separated from each other. In addition, we took care of the display and two operating modes, because we have an additional USB C port to power our device in dekstop mode, we can reach up to 650mW per channel at 32Ohm and all this in a device the size of a pendrive. The price of the latest flagship model in the USB dongle segment is USD 149, which is hot on the heels of the competition.

Fiio KA17 is a flagship and this is what the entire package looks like. In a large cardboard package we can see a beautifully exposed device, protected with a protective foil and a nice leather case in a color matching our device. Then we find a ubb C-USB-C cable and a USB C to large USB adapter. Two plugs for the USB C ports have also been added, although I would prefer some protective glass for the screen, but I understand that due to the design of the case this idea was abandoned, fortunately the included cover made of elegant ecological leather looks really great and functional. The device itself is made of solid metal ensuring durability, and the front of the device has a small black and white display that shows not only the parameters of the music being played, volume and amplification, but also allows you to adjust the settings completely to your needs. From the settings level we can change display settings, amplification, and music filters. This is a great convenience, and in addition to the physical volume buttons, we also have a functional button for managing settings and a dekstop mode switch. The DAC/AMP itself is so small that it easily fits into the headphone case. The build quality is exemplary, and we have both a balanced 4.4mm output and a basic 3.5mm SE output.

The low tones are produced in a very flexible and realistic way, a lot depends on what kind of headphones we connect to our device, while with the iBasso IT01X the bass was extremely plastic, soft and engaging, it was not intrusive and did not cause additional amplification in already strongly exposed areas. lower bands of headphones. At the same time, the low tones gave me a lot of pleasure, and with headphones such as the TIN P1 ka17, it perfectly weighted the lower range and made the music even more engaging and exciting. This is very interesting because the lower bands retain the neutral character and purity typical of the THX amplifier, but at the same time, by adding a bit of warmth to the sound, the sound has become much more realistic and natural. This tuning means that the lower bands literally lead us by the nose, arousing the appetite for more pieces of music.

Midrange: Thanks to the great purity and lack of any noise or artifacts in the music, we hear nothing except what was recorded on it, even with such sensitive headphones as the iBasso AM05 I did not observe any noise. The midrange itself is impressive, primarily thanks to the large soundstage, which is perfectly spread out to the sides and has plenty of depth. It may not be as huge a stage as in the case of iBasso DC06pro, but thanks to this its naturalness and realism of the message are not compromised. The vocals are natural, sweet and full of realism, the amount of detail is truly amazing, especially since every instrument, sound or insect flying in the background is in its place. Despite the huge amount of information, everything is extremely coherent and maintains a natural and realistic message. The music doesn’t sound light or dry, which is what I was afraid of the most, instead I heard a fairy tale that you can really fall in love with.

High tones: This is a completely tamed saber, there is not a hint of sharp, unpleasant or tiring sound here, in addition, the whole thing sounds very spacious and delights with the beautiful sound of string instruments and the richness of space. I must admit that this approach to treble provides us with wide functionality and versatility with virtually every type of headphone tuning we encounter. The instruments also have natural size and color. This is a very good tuning direction and a completely new approach when it comes to the Saber DAC. All the best aspects have been preserved while eliminating the flaws.

Energy and power:
In standard mode, one USB cable is enough and we obtain approximately half of the potential power of our device, but even in this case, KA17 is a very powerful DAC/AMP and is able to drive virtually any in-ear headphones. As for the desktop mode, there is enough power to even connect over-ear headphones, and my HifiMan sundara was correctly driven. I also tried to test the ka17 with the HE1000se and, to my surprise, it was better than acceptable. Of course, in the case of such headphones there is no way to achieve their full potential, but we can listen to them safely because they will sound quite good.

Fiio KA17 (149USD) VS iBasso DC06pro (119USD)

Ka17 is, above all, a great combination of naturalness and neutrality of sound, while DC06pro has a more midrange, wider sound. In terms of power in standard mode, the DC06pro wins, but in stationary mode the KA17 is the undisputed leader. Overall, both devices are great and look great. DC06pro is also smaller, but the presence of a built-in screen in KA17 significantly improves functionality compared to the limited application. However, there is no better or worse here, both devices are great and represent a very high level.
Fiio KA17 (149USD) VS iBasso DC04pro (119USD)
DC04Pro from iBasso is probably one of my favorite dongle DAC/AMPs, it represents great and balanced sound and extremely high price-quality ratio. The KA17 is more versatile and sounds a bit spacious. Therefore, it is worth listening to both devices and making a decision based on our preferences.
Fiio KA17 (149USD) VS BTR7 (199USD)
Fiio BTR7 is an excellent device with Bluetooth function, it represents an incredibly high sound level. The neutral and clean transmission of the BTR7 is unique and provides a completely reference image. However, the KA17 sounds more lively, natural, a bit warmer. However, here again it all comes down to our preferences, lovers of analysis and ruthlessness in the message will love BTR7, and listeners who prefer more warmth and energy in music will approach KA17. However, I value both devices extremely highly and consider them to be great reference points in their price ranges.

FiiO KA17 is an excellent dongle at a very high level. It retains the character of the THX amplifier with an additional portion of warmth, which makes the sound more pleasant and universal in its presentation. The price of USD 149 is not decent for the quality we receive and the components from which this dongle is made. We get not only a carefully designed metal casing, but also a beautiful glass display and a case included. In terms of power, it is the most powerful dongle on the market, and in terms of sound, it goes way beyond the price range. Resolution, amount of information and even, linear sound make the KA17 a very versatile and successful model with universal and ultra-clean tuning. KA17 is one of the best dongles on the market and you can feel it in every piece of music you listen to. That’s why I highly recommend KA17 to every fan of a good and realistic school of gaming. At the same time, I believe that up to 200USD KA17 is definitely on the podium when it comes to USB sound cards, and even successfully rivals many stationary projects or DAPs. Bravo FiiO, great job and the amount of work put into KA17 is noticeable and easy to notice whenever you listen to this excellent Dongle.
which has a more forward/brighter midrange, dc06pro or fiio ka17?
I think that DC06pro.


New Head-Fier
Really good tribrid IEM
Pros: Bas, sound, isolation,build quality's
Cons: Stock cable

Kinera Celest Plutus Beast​


Kinera Celest Plutus Beast
instagram: link

Quite recently, I wrote an extensive review about quite unusual headphones, which turned out to be tribrid phoenixcalls. As it turned out, however, Celest does not slow down even for a moment and its parent company, Kinera Audio, makes sure that their projects are equally interesting. I remember some time ago when the celest brand developed the first SPD transducer. Today I have the pleasure of presenting you my observations about the latest creation, which will be the Kinera Celest Plutus Beast. Due to the fact that I received my unit pre-premiere, I do not know the official price of this model, but I can hope that, according to unofficial assurances, it will not exceed USD 100. Plutus Beast is a model consisting of three second-generation 1BC+ BA + SPD transducers. The domes were made using 3D printing from resin.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
Celest Plutus Beast comes to us in a small package, and inside, apart from the headphones themselves, there is a beautiful, small case made of ecological leather, the cable in my case was made of four SPC conductors and ended with 0.78 mm plugs and a 3.5 mm jack, but for There is also a 4.4mm variant to choose from. The next element in the set were two sets of headphone tips and a bookmark with a motif matching the name of the headphones. This set is completely sufficient. The headphones themselves are very elegant and made of a dark, semi-transparent casing that allows us to gently see the inside of our headphones. Personally, I consider the new celestas to be little works of art and I really like their design.

My observations will be based on connecting the headphones to Fiio K11 after balance, EarMena Angel and iBasso DC06PRO. The files I used were dense FLAC and DSD with different sampling.

Bass: Low tones are reproduced by a full-range SPD driver and enhanced by bone conduction. I must admit that I did not expect such physical and literally tangible bass. The low tones are literally physical and this is largely due to bone conduction, the bass not only goes low, but allows us to accurately and precisely feel its presence. At the same time, thanks to the smooth and natural signature of Celest Plutus Beast, the lower bands are neither tiring nor dominant. It’s a solid bass foundation full of energy rather than an overwhelming, jamming plague.

Midrange: The mid tones are beautiful and perfectly reflect the realism of the presented content. The vocals are smooth and engaging, and the instruments are well isolated from each other. Here, choosing the right tips helps a lot, in my case the HIFIGO RENDER tips worked best. Which I think is great and worth your attention. The instruments are natural and full of details. The upper midrange reflects music as it should be in a smooth and coherent way. I also like the natural tempo of the music presentation and the lack of midrange retraction in relation to the other bands.

Treble: Once again we experience a mature and coherent presentation. I really like the smoothness and huge amount of information that can be heard in Celest Plutus Beast. The high tones are not overly muffled, instead they are shaped to complement the rest of the band. At the same time, this tuning minimizes the feeling of fatigue when listening for a long time. However, if someone does not like smooth and spacious sound, Celest Plutus Beast may not be a good choice. What surprised me the most was the large sound stage, both in width and with excellent tuning depth.


Kinera Celest Plutus Beast VS Phoenixcall ($129)

Kinera Celest Plutus have much more bass, and the lower bands in them are more physical thanks to the use of BC. In contrast, Phoenixcalls present a less smooth signature with greater extension in the upper frequency ranges. Personally, I think that both headphones are great, if you prefer a smooth sound with physical bass, be sure to listen to the Kinera Celest Plutus Beast, and if you prefer more aggressive high tones and higher resolution, the Phoenixcall will also be an interesting listen.

Kinera Celest Plutus Beast VS celest pandamoon (59USD)
Pandamoons are the debut of the celest audio brand when it comes to a fully independent SPD transducer. What surprised me most about them was their great and natural sound despite the low price. However, due to their open design, they did not provide proper insulation. Kinera Celest Plutus Beast represent a slightly higher level, and thanks to the closed construction, they provide excellent insulation and are perfect for urban hiking. At the same time, I find the sound of the Kinera Celest Plutus Beast more entertaining and slightly more resolving. However, pandamoons are much more equal in sound.

Render tips:
I decided to include a special paragraph here dedicated to hybrid nail tips developed by HIFIGO. First of all, they impress with the quality of workmanship and the great insulation they provide. At the same time, they do not wear out, unlike foam tips, and provide great sound experiences, which also puts them higher than foam ones and allows me to rate this solution as the best compromise between silicone and foam tips.

Kinera Celest Plutus Beast are excellent headphones full of new technologies and interesting solutions. As for the sound, it is entertaining, spacious with great bass and midrange. However, please remember that the overall signature is slightly warmer and much smoother. I believe that it is worth getting acquainted with these headphones because, in addition to their great sound, they represent excellent workmanship and provide very good insulation and high wearing comfort. When it comes to build quality, this one is also very good. If I were to look for weak points, I would like a little more sparkle in the treble, but this is not a defect, just a personal preference. If you are curious about these headphones and would like to see for yourself how they sound, I leave a link to the official HIFIGO store where you can order them. Additionally, although the Kinera Celest Plutus Beast are headphones that benefit from better amplification, they are still not excessively demanding on current and can be powered by an ordinary pocket amplifier or a pocket music player. This increases their functionality and usefulness in urban space, ensuring greater mobility.
Link to headphones:

link to render tips:

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New Head-Fier
Really good!
Pros: Sound, bas, treble...
Cons: Nothing on this price...

Fiio/Jade audio JD1​


Fiio/Jade audio JD1

Fiio is a brand that cares about virtually every user. He tries to reach everyone in a comprehensive and thoughtful way. Thus, it offers its products not only to people with a rich wallet, but also to those with a slightly smaller appetite for spending. JD1 is a budget option for USD 15. This is an interesting alternative and proposition for stage artists or young people who often change headphones. That’s why I decided to take a closer look at this proposition and assess for myself whether you can find something interesting in the world of headphones for under 20 USD.

The headphones themselves come to us in a small, colorful package, inside you will find the headphones themselves, one pair of tips in sizes S, M, L and a detachable cable with a microphone in the 0.78 mm standard. The headphones themselves are nice and fit perfectly in the ears. The outer panels are made of metal, and the interior can be easily seen thanks to beautiful transparent domes. The headphones themselves are made in the OTE standard, which means that the cable is worn behind the ear. The biggest cost cuts can be seen in the sloped cable. It’s not bad, but it is a bit stiff, but otherwise it looks good. So when it comes to equipment, we will find everything that is most important without unnecessary extras, but I think that they are completely unnecessary in budget equipment, where it is better to allocate a larger budget for tuning the headphones than to use essentially unnecessary accessories.


The lower bands are strong, they hit the point strongly, but unlike other cheap headphones, they remain not only elegant but also do not take away from the joy of listening to the other bands, especially the midrange. I wouldn’t call the JD1 very bassy, I would rather describe their lower bands as slightly enhanced, which translates into great performance in electronic music, rock and pop.

Midrange: The mid-range tones remain very clear and show a warmer and natural character. The amount of information in the mid-frequency range is quite large considering the price of the headphones, and the music scene is satisfyingly deep, the width is moderate, but such an intimate presentation also has a lot of advantages and I personally like it very much. The instruments are well separated and have a natural and smooth timbre with a bit of warmth.

High tones: They can be slightly metallic, but it is completely marginal. Apart from that, they sound very smooth and are not harsh or unpleasant. In this price budget, it is one of the best options when it comes to consistency and purity of presentation. The highs show a lot of information and show great performance. Please remember that it is still 15USD and the mentioned metallicity is not a mistake, but can only be heard to a very marginal extent. I also like the clean and natural presentation of string instruments.


Fiio/Jade audio JD1 (14.99USD) VS KZ ZST (29USD)

KZ are much more bassy, they also emphasize the sharp and metallic texture of the treble to a greater extent, while the Fiio in the JD1 model focuses on a pleasant and natural presentation. According to my personal preferences, I definitely liked Fiio more.

Fiio/Jade audio JD1 (14.99USD) VS FiiO FH1S (59USD)
FH1S are great headphones, but in terms of the naturalness and consistency of tuning in the JD1 model, you can see and hear a lot of work that Fiio put into tuning new products. Although the FH1S boasts greater technical performance, the JD1 makes up for it with musicality and tuning consistency and a lower price. However, I like both pairs very much and recommend listening to them.

Fiio/Jade audio JD1 (14.99USD) VS kbear sk1 (9.99USD)
Once again, fiio wins primarily with a more natural and pleasant tuning. Sk1 are more bassy and provide more entertainment in the low bands, but this comes at the expense of other frequencies, which translates into greater tonal balance in JD1.

Insulation and power:
In terms of insulation, Fiio JD1 provide a very good result, in fact, with a good selection of tips, they are able to completely isolate us from the surroundings. We don’t have to worry about performance either, because these are very efficient headphones that do not require additional amplifiers to drive.

JD1 are interesting headphones that have been very well priced and represent a warm, natural sound with a slight bass tint. Their consistent and uniform tuning character and very good wearing comfort allow me to evaluate JD1 as a very interesting and well-thought-out design. If someone is looking for a budget solution and does not want to go for higher models of headphones, they will find many interesting and interesting solutions in JD1. Among other things, excellent value for money and excellent low end. As for the disadvantages, maybe the treble can be slightly metallic at times, at this price, but it’s hard to describe it as a disadvantage, it’s rather a feature of these headphones. The ease of driving and versatility of the JD1 additionally increase their usefulness in my opinion and allow me to consider the JD1 even more as a great and recommendable product.
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New Head-Fier
Absolutely perfect DAC/AMP
Pros: Sound, quality, function...
Cons: Nothing on this price...

FiiO K11 Balanced DAC/AMP​


FiiO K11 Balanced DAC/AMP


FiiO is one of those brands that never sleeps, literally, because they constantly release better and better equipment, not only those from the budget intended for the premium segment, but also many much cheaper items. One of the newest and at the same time very reasonably priced items is a small headphone amplifier with a built-in DAC circuit for USD 129. There wouldn’t be anything special about it if it weren’t for the fact that it is a fully balanced unit with a line output. So I invite you to read.

Unboxing and use:
Unpacking the device itself is a pleasant process because in a nice cardboard box we will find an adapter from a large jack to 3.5 mm, a USB cable, a good quality switching power supply and our device. Two colors are available, black and white. I received the black variant, which is matte and picks up fingerprints moderately. On the front there is an LCD display and a volume knob, which is also a switch and a control button for our device. In addition, there is, of course, a large jack output and a balanced 4.4mm output. The device is really small and is covered with a rubber pad at the bottom, which ensures a secure position of the device. At the top there is an illuminated FiiO logo and on the back we have a USB C input, coaxial input and output, optical input and RCA line output. I must admit that this is a pretty solid set of inputs and outputs. It is true that I lacked an input to connect my DAC, but in this price range and with such a small device, I completely understand that some compromises are inevitable. So I don’t see it as a disadvantage, but only as a personal preference. In general, the layout and arrangement of sockets are very well thought out, which makes the k11 comfortable to use because it is a completely functional all-in-one device

It is worth noting that when it comes to functionality, Fiio has always represented a very high level. In fact, this has been happening from the very beginning of the company’s operation. If any function is available, you will find it in Fiio. So in k11 we have six types of functional and sound-changing digital filters, full backlight adjustment, and the ability to update the software. However, that’s not all. Using the volume knob, we can quickly switch between the line and headphone outputs. The former always functions as a preamplifier with a separate volume control. The headphone output has three independent gain levels and a 99-step volume control. Each gain stage has separate graphs and a slightly different sound signature. The only thing we don’t have here is a line input, but on the other hand, at this price it would be a crime to add so many functionalities, although I think it’s more a matter of the small size of the device and lack of space on the housing, rather than cutting costs.


In general, the entire lower band is kept close to linearity and neutrality, with a tint towards minimal warming, however, allowing us to enjoy listening. The bass is clear and not dominant. K11 is a very detailed and balanced position, which translates into great control of the lower bands. All in all, you can clearly feel the character of the DAC chip used here. It is worth adding here that the purity of the sound is absolutely amazing and we have a completely black background. The bass, although neutral, attracts attention and is revealed when required and necessary. At the same time, in songs that do not need it, it perfectly gives space to other sounds. The bass itself, despite its neutrality, can go low and this is a great compromise between musicality and analyticality. I’m glad that Fiio decided on this tuning, because it is very pleasant to listen to.

Midrange: The midrange faithfully follows the linear and even tuning of the K11 signature. The vocals are very clear and transparent, they are not lifeless, but I wouldn’t call them overly colored. This midrange delights with the amount of detail and information, the span of the stage is very interesting due to the great 3D plane. The plan is not overly broken down into boli, instead it naturally breaks down all sounds into prime factors. At the same time, for USD 129, it is probably one of the best resolutions I have seen in equipment of this class. The positioning and separation of instruments are at a very good level. Of course, vocals are not as engaging as R2R-based structures. However, in technical and analytical terms, it is a huge qualitative leap. What I mean here is sacrificing candy warmth to analyze the music and admire its technical layer. Of course, this is not an exaggeration, and the Fiio K11 still plays lively, retaining all musical features.

Treble: What I noticed most compared to other Fiio products that I remember is a significant softening of the treble, we no longer have U-shaped tuning. The treble fits smoothly and linearly into the rhythm of our favorite music. K11 is a device tuned closer to the reference than the budget we will have to pay for this device could indicate. The upper bands are full of information and reproduce strings and other instruments very naturally. I think using cirrus bones is a very good step. Personally, I like them very much and their influence can be clearly heard in the music. In fact, the K11 is one of the most neutral devices I have ever encountered, thanks to which it perfectly captures the natural sound of the connected headphones.


FiiO K11 ($129) VS EarMen st-amp ($199)

First of all, ST-AMP has a few additional functions that affect functionality, it has both a single and balanced line input. However, K11 is much smaller and takes up less space on the burek. It’s worth noting here that the st-amp is a bit brighter and more entertaining. K11 has a more linear, balanced sound. ST-AMP is one of my favorite amplifiers, but if I were looking for analysis and references, I would go towards the k11. Thanks to the gain control, the K11 copes slightly better with very effective headphones.

FiiO K11 (129USD) VS xDuoo ta01b (170USD)
XDuoo ta-01b is an excellent DAC/AMP based on cirrus chips, and with a hybrid amplifier design in class A. The benefits and natural warmth of the tube in the TA01B is something that I personally love, but the K11 is a more universal device with tuning that is technically I think it’s very good.

FiiO K11 (129USD) VS xDuoo xd05plus (269USD)
FiiO K11 is a stationary device, while xd05plus is quite mobile. The XD05Plus also has a few more features. However, its sound is warmer and more entertaining. After balancing, Fiio has a larger stage and greater control thanks to not only more power but also three gain levels. However, xDuoo XD05plus has irreplaceable mobility and this significantly increases its functionality. So I consider both devices to be very good and worth attention.

Fiio surprised me once again. Not only did they create a very budget-priced unit with incredible build quality, but they also armed it with the latest technology. Great linear and natural/neutral tuning is another argument for the k11. The line output with volume control is perfect for active speakers or devices with an AUX input. In fact, when it comes to sound, the DAC/AMP is very well tuned between musicality and analysis, which allows it to be used for reference listening as well as for everyday listening. Compared to the competition with a total value up to PLN 1,000, it is difficult to find a clear rival for the K11. Not only because of the sound itself, which I personally like very much, but above all because of the multitude of functions. What I miss in the k11 is definitely the Bluetooth function, fortunately we have an optical and coaxial input, so it’s not that big of a problem, and AUX inputs. However, these are marginal comments and I would actually prefer a device that sounds great without unnecessary gadgets than a device that does everything without good sound. The K11 is a great little desktop device that comes with its own power supply and a surprising amount of clean power. I consider the K11 to be a very versatile device with a beautiful tone and excellent functionality, which is why I highly recommend it to all music fans. Regardless of the level of advancement in the musical hobby, I think that everyone will find something interesting and suitable for themselves in k11.
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Great review! I find the rgb light cool, will be waiting for an added Bluetooth version of these.
By adding an optical input, you can use an external Bluetooth receiver, for example the xDuoo QX50 pro works great.
Yeah, but I'd cost extra hehe, and will take some extra space too.


New Head-Fier
The best planar IEM
Pros: Sound, quality, bas, mids
Cons: Price is a little too high but quality makes it worth.

LETSHUOER S15 – 14.8mm planar driver IEM​


LETSHUOER S15 – 14.8mm planar driver IEM


I usually start my reviews with a short introduction, and this time will be no different. LETSHUOER is a company known for many innovative projects, including planar IEM headphones called s12 or their improved version s12pro. These are interesting products because they started the famous war of planar in-ear headphones and for a long time they held the leading position, or at least took a well-deserved place on the podium. Thus, the competition was developing strongly, outdoing each other in newer and newer projects. LETSHUOER looked closely at the competition and listened to what users thought. Finally, he decided to release another edition of his headphones based on a planar transducer, and that’s how the S15 model came to us. Together with new technologies in the form of an original sound pressure reduction system, an advanced acoustic crossover and a new version of the planar transducer, we were greeted by an increase in price to USD 329. So let’s see if such a price increase is justified.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
The new S15 headphones come to us in a neat cardboard packaging, the quality of the prints is very good, and the retractable lower part with accessories adds a sense of aesthetics. The headphones themselves are made of medical resin in a similar shape to the DZ4, so the build quality is impeccable and the metal front panel looks great. Overall, when it comes to build quality, it is undoubtedly premium, and the headphones are very comfortable. We also have documentation at our disposal, a blue case identical to the one in the DZ4 set, but in a color matching the headphones, it is a plastic screw-on can. The next element is a cable similar to the one from the s12pro, but slightly more flexible and with a set of three 4.4″ angle plugs; 3.5, 2.5 mm with a classic 0.78 mm plug. That’s it, it’s a sufficient set without unnecessary gadgets. I ran out of foams from the s12pro set, but apparently the manufacturer decided that the tuning was for a different type of tips. That’s why the set includes two types of tips: vocal and balanced. Overall, I really like the set and I really like the new LETSHUOER product philosophy.

Test material:
Tidal Master, and your own files.
I used EarMen colibri and Angel as a reference device.

Okay, I’ve already briefly discussed what you can see with your eyes, it’s time to move on to the most interesting issue, because everyone is curious whether the S15 really sound so good to justify such a large price increase? For those who are impatient, I can say right now that these are the best planar IEMS on the market, and the competition does not even come close to the level of the s15.

Bass: There is no question of boredom, even on such a neutral and reference DAC/AMP as the EarMen colibri, the low tones were delightfully strong and hit the point strongly. The depth of the bass turned out to be amazing, which could be felt in electronic music and pop arrangements. The low tones were not overwhelming, but instead showed an excellent musical foundation. You could feel and hear all the benefits of the planar transducer. Additionally, the sound pressure reduction system effectively eliminated the feeling of fatigue and provided a smooth and consistent sound without loss of low frequencies. It reminded me a bit of the excellent pressure reduction system I encountered in the NXears sonata headphones. I didn’t feel overwhelmed or undersaturated in the bass range, as it sounded incredibly linear throughout its entire range. I really liked this. I have always liked planar drivers for their incredible technical abilities, but this was usually at the expense of the natural sound, just as armature drivers lacked that delicate warmth.

Midrange: Fortunately, in the s15 model, LETSHUOER took care not only of beautiful vocals and midrange, but also of a bit of non-obtrusive warmth, which effectively eliminates all the shortcomings of the planar transducer. The midrange, like the bass, sounds linear and clean, allowing you to literally enjoy the excellent vocal or instrumental layers. At the same time, the sound stage is the size of a listening room, the S15s sound wide and with very good depth, but they are far from artificially inflated sound, which is a good thing. The technical aspect is not overly demanding, instead the focus is mainly on musicality and the pleasure of listening to music. Together with a very even band, this gives excellent results:

Treble: The upper bands turned out to be brightened, but fit perfectly into the overall tuning of the s15. The number of instruments and separation are at the highest level. The high tones are neither harsh nor unpleasant. The higher diameter allows the instruments to build a realistic and pleasant experience. They may not be overly stretched, but thanks to their linearity and even presentation they maintain a coherent image. This can be especially noticeable when listening to instrumental music and music based on strings. The brightness and natural warmth in the presentation allow you to relax during long listening sessions. I mentioned at the beginning that in my opinion S15 are currently the best planar headphones available on the IEM market. So let’s move on to justifying this position



LETSHUOER S15 These are warmer and much more balanced headphones. Tin P1 were something of a pioneer when it comes to planar IEMs. However, they were very difficult to drive and suffered from a lot of treble. At the same time, the P1 provided an almost perfectly flat sound. S15 takes full advantage of the potential of planar technology. They offer much greater resolution, wider depth and much more resolution and maturity in sound. The S15 are less bright, smoother and much easier to control.

Tin P1MAX is a great example of how well-implemented evolution can contribute to overall evolution. Strong sub-bass, excellent entertaining sound and a large amount of details made me unable to resist these headphones for a long time. However, the S15 sound more mature, much more scenic and, above all, equally charming with a beautiful midrange.

S12Pro are great headphones, but their tuning was quite focused on the V plan. S15 are much more even and definitely more resolving. So I completely understand the price increase. With the higher price we get a significant improvement in performance, resolution and diameter. Increasing the balance of the sound resulted in excellent results. Of course, if someone prefers more bass, they may like the s12pro a bit more, but the s15 provide an amazing experience never seen before in the world of planar IEMs.

LETSHUOER S15 are balanced and very even headphones, with strong bass, a lot of air and an excellent midrange. KINERA CELEST PHHOENIXCALL These are slightly sharper, more aggressive headphones. At the same time, I love both tunings and it all depends on our individual preferences.

It’s hard to say anything bad about the S15’s design, and when it comes to sound, it’s consistent and coherent. The even tuning and incredible resolution provided by the planar driver are literally felt at every step. The stage has considerable depth and correct width, and the accessories are coherent and complete. At first I was surprised by the price of $329, but now I completely understand it. The tuning and quality of the S15 fully justify this, putting the S15 in the position of the undisputed leader. The S15 will work well in any genre of music and is not difficult to drive, but it benefits significantly from stronger sources. In fact, it’s hard for me to find any weak area of this project. Only fans of ultra-natural tuning may be surprised because the S15 focuses on entertainment and musical tuning with a bit of warmth, I personally like it very much, but you should remember it. Well done LETSHUOER for creating an amazing project that once again amazed me with its quality and functionality.


New Head-Fier
The best planar IEM
Pros: Sound, quality, bas, mids
Cons: Price is a little too high but quality makes it worth.

LETSHUOER S15 – 14.8mm planar driver IEM​


LETSHUOER S15 – 14.8mm planar driver IEM


I usually start my reviews with a short introduction, and this time will be no different. LETSHUOER is a company known for many innovative projects, including planar IEM headphones called s12 or their improved version s12pro. These are interesting products because they started the famous war of planar in-ear headphones and for a long time they held the leading position, or at least took a well-deserved place on the podium. Thus, the competition was developing strongly, outdoing each other in newer and newer projects. LETSHUOER looked closely at the competition and listened to what users thought. Finally, he decided to release another edition of his headphones based on a planar transducer, and that’s how the S15 model came to us. Together with new technologies in the form of an original sound pressure reduction system, an advanced acoustic crossover and a new version of the planar transducer, we were greeted by an increase in price to USD 329. So let’s see if such a price increase is justified.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
The new S15 headphones come to us in a neat cardboard packaging, the quality of the prints is very good, and the retractable lower part with accessories adds a sense of aesthetics. The headphones themselves are made of medical resin in a similar shape to the DZ4, so the build quality is impeccable and the metal front panel looks great. Overall, when it comes to build quality, it is undoubtedly premium, and the headphones are very comfortable. We also have documentation at our disposal, a blue case identical to the one in the DZ4 set, but in a color matching the headphones, it is a plastic screw-on can. The next element is a cable similar to the one from the s12pro, but slightly more flexible and with a set of three 4.4″ angle plugs; 3.5, 2.5 mm with a classic 0.78 mm plug. That’s it, it’s a sufficient set without unnecessary gadgets. I ran out of foams from the s12pro set, but apparently the manufacturer decided that the tuning was for a different type of tips. That’s why the set includes two types of tips: vocal and balanced. Overall, I really like the set and I really like the new LETSHUOER product philosophy.

Test material:
Tidal Master, and your own files.
I used EarMen colibri and Angel as a reference device.

Okay, I’ve already briefly discussed what you can see with your eyes, it’s time to move on to the most interesting issue, because everyone is curious whether the S15 really sound so good to justify such a large price increase? For those who are impatient, I can say right now that these are the best planar IEMS on the market, and the competition does not even come close to the level of the s15.

Bass: There is no question of boredom, even on such a neutral and reference DAC/AMP as the EarMen colibri, the low tones were delightfully strong and hit the point strongly. The depth of the bass turned out to be amazing, which could be felt in electronic music and pop arrangements. The low tones were not overwhelming, but instead showed an excellent musical foundation. You could feel and hear all the benefits of the planar transducer. Additionally, the sound pressure reduction system effectively eliminated the feeling of fatigue and provided a smooth and consistent sound without loss of low frequencies. It reminded me a bit of the excellent pressure reduction system I encountered in the NXears sonata headphones. I didn’t feel overwhelmed or undersaturated in the bass range, as it sounded incredibly linear throughout its entire range. I really liked this. I have always liked planar drivers for their incredible technical abilities, but this was usually at the expense of the natural sound, just as armature drivers lacked that delicate warmth.

Midrange: Fortunately, in the s15 model, LETSHUOER took care not only of beautiful vocals and midrange, but also of a bit of non-obtrusive warmth, which effectively eliminates all the shortcomings of the planar transducer. The midrange, like the bass, sounds linear and clean, allowing you to literally enjoy the excellent vocal or instrumental layers. At the same time, the sound stage is the size of a listening room, the S15s sound wide and with very good depth, but they are far from artificially inflated sound, which is a good thing. The technical aspect is not overly demanding, instead the focus is mainly on musicality and the pleasure of listening to music. Together with a very even band, this gives excellent results:

Treble: The upper bands turned out to be brightened, but fit perfectly into the overall tuning of the s15. The number of instruments and separation are at the highest level. The high tones are neither harsh nor unpleasant. The higher diameter allows the instruments to build a realistic and pleasant experience. They may not be overly stretched, but thanks to their linearity and even presentation they maintain a coherent image. This can be especially noticeable when listening to instrumental music and music based on strings. The brightness and natural warmth in the presentation allow you to relax during long listening sessions. I mentioned at the beginning that in my opinion S15 are currently the best planar headphones available on the IEM market. So let’s move on to justifying this position



LETSHUOER S15 These are warmer and much more balanced headphones. Tin P1 were something of a pioneer when it comes to planar IEMs. However, they were very difficult to drive and suffered from a lot of treble. At the same time, the P1 provided an almost perfectly flat sound. S15 takes full advantage of the potential of planar technology. They offer much greater resolution, wider depth and much more resolution and maturity in sound. The S15 are less bright, smoother and much easier to control.

Tin P1MAX is a great example of how well-implemented evolution can contribute to overall evolution. Strong sub-bass, excellent entertaining sound and a large amount of details made me unable to resist these headphones for a long time. However, the S15 sound more mature, much more scenic and, above all, equally charming with a beautiful midrange.

S12Pro are great headphones, but their tuning was quite focused on the V plan. S15 are much more even and definitely more resolving. So I completely understand the price increase. With the higher price we get a significant improvement in performance, resolution and diameter. Increasing the balance of the sound resulted in excellent results. Of course, if someone prefers more bass, they may like the s12pro a bit more, but the s15 provide an amazing experience never seen before in the world of planar IEMs.

LETSHUOER S15 are balanced and very even headphones, with strong bass, a lot of air and an excellent midrange. KINERA CELEST PHHOENIXCALL These are slightly sharper, more aggressive headphones. At the same time, I love both tunings and it all depends on our individual preferences.

It’s hard to say anything bad about the S15’s design, and when it comes to sound, it’s consistent and coherent. The even tuning and incredible resolution provided by the planar driver are literally felt at every step. The stage has considerable depth and correct width, and the accessories are coherent and complete. At first I was surprised by the price of $329, but now I completely understand it. The tuning and quality of the S15 fully justify this, putting the S15 in the position of the undisputed leader. The S15 will work well in any genre of music and is not difficult to drive, but it benefits significantly from stronger sources. In fact, it’s hard for me to find any weak area of this project. Only fans of ultra-natural tuning may be surprised because the S15 focuses on entertainment and musical tuning with a bit of warmth, I personally like it very much, but you should remember it. Well done LETSHUOER for creating an amazing project that once again amazed me with its quality and functionality.


New Head-Fier
Perfect reference DAC/AMP
Pros: Sound, battery,price,quality
Cons: No protection case

EarMen Colibri-Dongle DAC/AMP​


EarMen Colibri-Dongle DAC/AMP


When I hear EarMen my head instinctively starts singing because their musical philosophy is exactly what I expect from music. I don’t mean only the excellently made devices, but above all the excellent sound they produce. So, after testing the excellent portable equipment that turned out to be the angel and immersing myself in the wonderful duo that was the st-amp and the tradutto amp, it was time for something a bit more pocket-friendly. Colibri is a battery-powered USB-C dongle currently costing about USD 249. It has a chip from ESS-SABRE with full MQA decoding and two outputs: high-power balanced 4.4mm and classic 3.5mm SE. So let’s move on to the description and a short unpacking

I don’t know what the previous editions of this device looked like, but I received the latest version where in a small rectangular package I found a few leaflets, a short USB c-c cable and c-lagting. In addition, I found the device itself, which is still a small black block made of metal and glass. There is also a separate socket for charging and data transfer. A great solution is to use a built-in battery that ensures trouble-free operation between 5 and 6 hours without consuming the battery from the source device. Additionally, there are four physical buttons, two for volume control, one for turning on the device and playing music, and one for turning on the bass-boost button. The latter is interesting because it significantly changes the signature of our sound. In the center of the device there is also a logo that serves as an RGB indicator. So we already know what the whole set looks like, it’s time to analyze the next point, which is an equally important aspect, i.e


This aspect is always the most delightful element of every new set and, for example, there are brands for which this aspect is always obvious to me and their tuning is a beautiful variation of a carefully selected signature. Such brands include, for example, iBasso, DUNU, or HIFIMAN, which I love, but EarMen is undoubtedly one of them. That’s why I invite you to read my listening impressions.

Bass: What best describes the colibri is its incredible neutrality and tonal evenness. That’s why I understand perfectly the addition of a bass-boost button. Depending on the selected mode, we can obtain either a neutral and even bass adapted to our sound profile, or a strong and punctual bass profile that slightly reduces the clarity of the midrange, but does it in a way that absolutely does not exceed the limits of good taste. Overall, the bass is clean and regardless of the mode selection, it provides a smooth and clear sound without unnecessary rumble. First of all, the bass amazes with its even and consistent way of presenting content, which is very important in a reference portable device.

Midrange: The midrange profile is neutral and clear, vocals sound smooth and natural, without imposing unnecessary coloration, and in fact, without adding practically any additions to the natural signature of the headphones. That’s why S15 showed beautiful vocals, and dunu falcon ul
They sounded with their natural signature, which translates into excellent results if we are looking for a reference device. Not only are the vocals natural and neutral, the instruments sound at a considerable distance from each other, and the amount of air and detail that accompanies them is really large. The resolution represented by this tiny dongle is at a very good level and puts even basic DAP models to shame.

Treble: So I perceived this area as gentle and still very neutral, I liked the clean and clear image of the upper midrange that the colibri presents. The string instruments showed their potential and, depending on the headphones connected, the treble could shine or maintain a calm tone. I especially liked the combination of the s15 or BGVP DM8 with the natural and airy colibri tuning. The amount of information and details also exceeded my expectations and far exceeded the price we would have to pay for this model.

EarMen Colibri (249USD) VS Earmen angel (599USD)

Earmen colibri is a cheaper version of the excellent DAC/AMP, the beloved ANGEL, Colibri is smaller, much smaller, and lacks functions such as digital or line output. Angel is bigger and its sound is also bigger in terms of scale and power. However, Colibi boasts mobility and an excellent price. Both devices are great and dedicated to slightly different audiences, so I personally can’t imagine not having both.

EarMen Colibri ($249) VS iBasso DC04Pro ($119)
Colibri is a very neutral device, which I call a reference, while iBasso has its own timeless and unique sound house and represents an incredibly well-tuned sound with a completely different signature. Earmen focuses on neutrality, while iBasso combines neutrality with an entertaining sound. Colibri has a built-in battery and more power, which saves the battery of our device, and DC04PRO is a significantly smaller device. However, there is no winner here and it all comes down to our preferences.

Colibri has a lot of power, even from the SE socket, and the balance only gets better, which will result in trouble-free driving of most headphones, even full-size ones.

For my tests, I used high-resolution FLAC music and Tidal, the device itself worked with headphones such as letshouer s15, BGVP DM8, HIFIMAN ANANDA NANO and many other headphones. Each time it showed its timeless linear and neutral character, and if necessary, I could quickly add something of my own thanks to the dynamic bass boost button. All this made me really love this device, and the built-in battery allowed me to forget about the problem of the smartphone discharging while using the dongle for 5 hours and provided a stable current for the components. In my opinion, colibri is one of the best dongles on the market and is still defending its position. The only thing I missed was a dedicated case in the set, because the device is beautiful and I just want it to stay that way. Fortunately, it can be purchased for little money in the manufacturer’s dedicated store. Therefore, colibri receives my full recommendation.


New Head-Fier
Really good
Pros: Quality, sound, price
Cons: Nothing on this price

Dunu Falcon Ultra​


Dunu Falcon Ultra

instagram link: Mataudiophiles


“Dunu has no weak products” – this slogan has been accompanying this manufacturer for a long time, they have models such as the legendary SA6, EST112 or, for example, Vulkan or Talos. So I didn’t expect that the new, refreshed and practically completely redesigned version of the model based on a single dynamic driver from the Falcon series would be different. I have already had the opportunity to test and review a great model, which turned out to be Falcon Pro. This time, DUNU focused on another evolution, starting with the latest version of the eclipse technology, ending with a complete redesign of every element of the headphones.

Technical side, unboxing and ergonomics:
When it comes to unpacking headphones costing $229 and based on a single, very advanced dynamic transducer, Dunu, as usual, showed incredible class. The box itself looks inconspicuous and does not give any indication of what we will find inside, but I must admit that the number of accessories is impressive. There are four sets of original tips, although I liked the Velvet tips best, which ensure excellent sealing and incredible smoothness of sound. Additionally, there is a modular cable with a 3.5 and 4.4 mm plug. Unfortunately, there is no 2.5 mm variant, which is a pity. We can also enjoy an adapter for a large jack, a soft transport bag, a cloth for cleaning the headphones, and a cleaning tool. If that’s not enough, we also have two types of replaceable nozzles and a solid, really large and beautifully made case made of hard material. This is more than a lot, not every manufacturer can take care of every, even the smallest, detail, and Dunu does it brilliantly. The headphones themselves are really small and fit perfectly in the ears, providing good insulation, but not perfect because their construction requires a large number of ventilation holes. Small domes made of the highest quality materials are painted blue and polished to a high gloss. Although this helps catch fingerprints, it also translates into a very elegant premium look. Falcon ultras have very slim and small housings, and although the insulation is only good, the comfort they offer is far beyond expectations.

What I can write right from the beginning is the fact that these are the best Falcons I have ever encountered. This time I will start the description by pointing out that in the case of Falcon Ultra, the selection of tips is of great importance, and those included in the set constitute practically four separate sound signatures. However, I liked Divinus’ velvet nail tips the most. Their incredible ability to smooth out the sound and provide excellent isolation is something that significantly influenced my impressions. Although the dunu falcon ultra only has two replaceable nozzles, instead of three as in its predecessor, they are very well selected. The blue nozzle provides a more bass, intimacy-focused sound, while the gold nozzles provide much more space and air. You may not like this tuning, but such a large difference between the jets allows you to significantly adjust the sound to your needs.


Bass: The use of the next generation of eclipse technology and a solid proprietary dynamic driver resulted in strong and very well-textured bass. The amount of sub-bass turned out to be completely adequate for me, in combination with the blue nozzles the amount of bass was larger and more concentrated. The golden nozzles provided a more mid-range sound, but the amount of bass was always adequate, ensuring a solid experience in music based on low frequencies. There was also midbass, which nicely followed our music. The speed of the new transducer allows you to create not only appropriately low descents, but also the excellent speed that accompanies them. Personally, I really like dunu because, honestly, they don’t have weak products, and although many people complain about the technical layer of falcon ultra, I didn’t notice this relationship at all when I connected them to the ST-AMP and Tradutto combo from EARMENA, the music literally enchanted me .

Musical midrange: The midtones surprised me with their enormous naturalness, above-average realism and excellent resolution, their slight removal from the ears resulted in greater depth, and although the stage in the Falcon Ultra is not overly huge, I certainly cannot deny its very good separation and depth. Personally, I don’t like excessive tuning and stretching the sound sideways at all costs. That’s why the way Dunu presents music is great for me. Vocals are very clear and delight with realism and close to neutral tuning. The instruments are perfectly separated and provide a clean and smooth sound. The midrange, depending on the filters used, may be more musical or slightly more technical.

Treble: The amount of treble proved to be a great balance between resolution and listening pleasure. High tones have always been present and audible, while maintaining a natural and pleasant character. The resolution of the instruments and their timbre always remained close to natural and faithful. String instruments sounded not only clear, but also resolved. Importantly, the choice of nozzle is very important here. Blue nozzles provide a bit more softening in the upper diameter, while gold ones provide more resolution.

Dunu Falcon ultra (23USD) VS iBasso IT01X (119USD)

The Falcon ultras provide greater resolution, while the IT01X will certainly sound more intimate and slightly more midrange. iBasso IT01X are smaller, but the Falcon Ultra fits easily in your ears. The bass in the IT01X is much stronger, and that in the Falcon Ultra is more resolving. Overall, both pairs are great headphones and I like them both very much, but the iBasso sound warmer and more entertaining, while the dunu favor the technical side a bit more.

Dunu Falcon ultra (239USD) VS BQEYZ ATUMN (199USD)
Atumn are very good dynamic headphones with a magnetic fitró1) system, which focus more on low tones and provide a more entertaining sound. Falcon ultras are much more comfortable due to their smaller housings and produce a much more balanced sound.

Dunu Falcon ultra (239USD) VS HifiMan svanar (1999USD)
Honestly, it’s quite unfair to compare the best single dynamic driver in-ear headphones on the market with any other headphones. However, I will try to do it. HifiMan svanar sound much more natural and with amazing resolution, but the Falcon ultra have a solid basis to chase the champion. Additionally, Falcon ultra have replaceable filters, which allows us to fine-tune our headphones, and although it is obvious that Svanar are much better, there is no doubt that the price increases almost tenfold. So whether svanars are better, the answer is yes, but whether they are ten times better, you have to judge for yourself.

Dunu falcon ultra are excellent headphones, especially in combination with velvet tips, which I think are excellent. The number of accessories, quality of workmanship and excellent possibilities of tuning the sound using replaceable filters allow me to confidently write that for USD 239 these are excellent headphones and it is hard for me to imagine better dynamic headphones at this price. Comfort and quite good insulation further confirm this for me. On the downside, the high-gloss housing unfortunately tends to collect fingerprints and I was missing one more pair of intermediate filters. However, these are still very good and worth considering headphones, which I highly recommend to anyone looking for a resolving sound with good bass, pleasant vocals and a good stage.

For my tests I used the following DAC/AMP models:
EarMen tradutto+ EarMen ST-AMP with power supply via IsoTek initium cable,
xDuoo poke II, iBasso DX170, EarMen colibri, EarMen angle.
The files I used came from my Tidal playlist in the highest possible quality, and from my own resources.
Where to buy headphones: I personally recommend, in my opinion, the best foreign store, which is HIFIGO DUNU FALCN ULTRA As for VELVET tips, you can buy them here: HIFIGO VELVET

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Reactions: Ryokan
Hi can anybody help me here? The only 3.5mm adapter that came with my Ultra has no hole in it but instead what looks like a sort of..microphone? This means i cannot use it with my main deskstop stack!

The connector that is on the stock cable itself only fits the bigger socket on my portable Topping NX7.. I confess i do not even know what connector that is - just not 3.5mm!

Oh. Just tried to attach image and it asks for url? Never tried to do this before, i confess!
* ok so i see from reviews that the connector on stock cable is a 4.4mm.