TL;DR: E10 - Save up for the E12. E12 - Pricey but better than the E10
Hi all.
I've really been sitting on this review for a bit due to time and circumstances but I've managed to wrap up my thoughts over some entries from FiR Audio. This was actually received back on July 17th so it's been about a month but I made sure to take a lot of notes for this write up.
FiR Audio is known for their Frontier series IEMs (including the Neon 4, Krypton 5, Xenon 6 and Radon 6) that are in the multi-kilobuck range of pricing. Enter the new series of IEMs from FiR known as the Electron series which are both priced lower ($1,299 and $1,799 respectively).
*Images both directly from FiR Audio's website*
The FiR E10 and FiR E12 which are both single DD IEMs. What's the difference between the two? The numbers listed are based around the size of the driver with the E10 being a 10mm single DD and the E12 being a 12mm single DD. The dynamic driver here is called an 'electro-dynamic' driver.
Both the FiR E10 and E12 come with the new 'SwapX' technology (which allows for faceplate swapping), 'Tactile Bass' technology (which is a proprietary method for providing a rumbling sensation when bass notes hit), 'Atom Venting' (which is supposed to allow for widening of the soundstage, also found on the Frontier series),
Here's some specifications so you don't have to look yourself:
- Driver: Single 10mm Electro-Dynamic Driver with Tactile Bass
- Freq. Range: 20-20kHz
- Impedance: 16 ohms
- Isolation: -17db
- Driver: Single 12mm Electro-Dynamic Driver with Tactile Bass
- Freq. Range: 20-20kHz
- Impedance: 16 ohms
- Isolation: -17db
Disclaimers: I received the FiR E10 and FiR E12 as part of a tour. I would like to thank @Sebastien Chiu for allowing me to participate and listen to both of them. I was not given any directions or told to write about anything in particular and this review is all of my own opinion.
Build Quality, Comfort and Accessories
Photo dump time!
As this was part of a tour, I did not receive a full box so I can't document the full unboxing experience. They did come in a very nice and classy carrying case, though.
Both the E10 and E12 are extremely comfortable sized IEMs with the E10 being more understated in it's design while the E12 is absolutely gorgeous. I would say the shell on the E12 is amongst some of the best looking I've ever handled. Hence the gloves! (I also feel like you probably don't want to see my hands, so there's that)
They both are 2-pin IEMs (I believe the Frontier series is a proprietary cable system) and the cables received were very nice so I didn't feel a need to try any different cables on them.
Tip Rolling
Stock tips were very solid; I enjoyed them and their fit a lot better than standard stock tips. However, I still enjoy my workhorse tips and I did do a little bit of tip rolling to try and help out with my experience with the E10 and E12.
I did not do a lot of tip rolling in this case (or at least not enough to get a full picture) so most of my time was spent between the Spinfit W1, stock tips, Final Type E Clear/Reds and the Dunu S&S.
Spinfit W1: Actually, one of the better combinations as the W1 helped try to elevate the mid-range a bit for me. But, the bass took a bit of a hit and felt like the E10/E12 lost some of it's bass characteristics that actually made them feel special.
Final Type E - Clear/Red: The Type E are my favorite tips both from a fit/comfort level as well as what they do to the sound signature. These worked really well together with keeping bass notes the same as stock but really felt like they opened up the mids/highs a bit.
Dunu S&S: These worked OK together but wasn't as great of a combination as the W1 or the Type E Clear/Red.
How do the E10/E12 sound?
I am all for experimental tuning. I love to see companies not try to be safe. That being said, my experience with the E10 was middling at best and it felt like it was missing something that would make it special.
On the other hand, the E12 brought a lot more to the table (because of the bigger size maybe?) with it's bass weight/emphasis and overall technicalities. If I was going to make any suggestions, it would be to just save up for the E12 if you're interested or you can get the E10 on sale. Once you have the E10 in hand, listen to it and then sell it and save up for the E12.
I'm being a bit harsh on the E10 but I'm skewed a bit because of the price vs performance vs special sauce ratio that I just don't think it hits while it's larger brother does in some ways.
Gear Tested On: Primarily streamed music via either dedicated Streamer, Laptop or Phone
Phone chain: Pixel 8 Pro -> Abigail Pro
Phone chain: Pixel 8 Pro -> Shanling Onyx XI1
Streamed Music Chain Workstation: Laptop -> JDS Labs Element 3 MK2 (Boosted)
Streamed Music chain: WiiM Mini -> JDS Labs Atom DAC+ -> JDS Labs OL Switcher -> Geshelli Labs Archel 3 Pro
*My Audio Preference and Score Disclaimer*: To preface my breakdown, here's my sound preference. I tend to prefer warmer sound. I enjoy good sub-bass extension with enough mid-bass to feel the music. I prefer more fuller sounding mids to match my library. My preference is for smooth treble extension; while I'm not treble sensitive, I'd probably lean more towards 'safer' treble tuning for longer listening. I also tend to listen at either medium to louder listening volumes (reasonably loud).
In addition, all scores listed below are typically (unless otherwise stated) rated/scored as it relates to it's peers in the same price group.
Lows/Bass: Both the E10 and E12 have a special design choice that is tuned to provide excellent bass performance.
In one of those IEMs, that technology succeeded in a way that really was exciting to listen to. The other, however, felt like it was missing impact, note weight, and power.
I had listened to the E10 first. While the E10 has a lot of detail in it's bass/lows presentation, it sounded and felt super hollow. The E10, from the very first song I listened to, felt like it was trying too hard to make up for the sheer size difference between the 10mm and the 12mm driver size. It was a complete miss for me.
On the other hand, the E12 has some of the most punchy and impactful bass I've heard in an IEM. There's something special with how detailed yet warm those bass notes are. I think the E12's bass was very impressive especially with consideration that it's just one single DD providing this amount of slam that I believe could satisfy bassheads.
It does beg the question here.
Neither of them have any bass bleed even with how bass boosted they are and that's likely due to the excellent technology that's gone into them.
E10 Bass Score: 6.5/10 - TL;DR: Detailed, impactful but it feels like it's missing a lot of character in the bass notes
E12 Bass Score: 9/10 - TL;DR: Punchy, warm, detailed, impactful - this is some badass bass performance
Mids: The mids for both the E10 and E12 are where I do have a bit of an issue with.
The E10 gets my biggest ire here with how uneven the mids sound. There's a shouty/lean presentation to them where it sounds like the vocals are boosted and then suddenly muted for a split second. Male vocals are very thin sounding which works well for details but lacks the musicality I would have expected.
Female vocals are typically fine and airy but tend to have a slight unevenness to them where notes will sometimes sound blunted one second and then OK the next.
Instruments are fine, though, so the E10 would work well with more instrument laden tracks or artists.
For the E12, I think they handle that scoop/dip a bit better overall but still sounded lean/borderline shouty at times. I think any male centric vocal library will be very revealing to my issues with the mids while female heavy vocals will likely be less of a concern.
I would pick the E12 in either case (common theme here). You're getting a better mids presentation with my speculation that the size of the driver handling the mids makes up for it.
E10 Mids Score: 5/10 - TL;DR: Thin, some instruments pop out well but overall sounds shouty/lean despite
E12 Mids Score: 7/10 - TL;DR: Mids are still scooped, thin at times. Detailed but thin and borderline shouty.
Treble: The treble is inoffensive in both the E10 and the E12. Both have a predomintantly smooth delivery of the highs. To my ears, both are not sibilant at all.
That being said, both can be a bit dry with the E10 coming off as borderline too safe. Some tracks can sound appropriately airy and then the next track will sound a few steps forward/closer.
I think the E12, again, handles the treble/highs a bit better with a bit more energy in it's presentation. There were a few tracks where I was expecting it have that extra bit of sparkle and I didn't fully get it. But, that was less of a concern than what I encountered with the E10.
E10 Treble Score: 7/10 - TL;DR: It's not sibilant, inoffensive, smooth albeit situationally airy and then not in some aspects
E12 Treble Score: 7.5/10 - TL;DR: Good but both airy in some elements and then not; not sibilant or difficult to listen but more confusing and uneven sounding.
Detail, Separation, Imaging, Overall Timbre, Etc.: With considerations of both of these IEMs being single DD, I was pleasantly surprised by how much detail and separation I was able to perceive in both sets.
The E10 isn't lacking here, for a change, with details and separation being on par with it's older brother. I don't think it's quite as expansive/wide sounding as the E12 but it's no slouch.
The E12 has just a smidge wider (both horizontal and vertical) soundstage than the E10 but both are surprisingly capable.
E10 Technicalities Score: 8/10 - TL;DR: Good details, very open and detail oriented.
E12 Technicalities Score: 8/10 - TL;DR: Great details, great soundstage and separation for a 1DD. Very solid.
Library Hit List: For the most part, I found that female centric tracks or tracks with a lot of busy instruments worked decently.
Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
Florence & The Machine - Dog Days are Over
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Holly Cole Trio - I Can See Clearly Now
Guns & Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine
These are tracks where I think it works out well enough. The E10/E12 may shine better with your library - they worked for some of mine and then not for others.
Other Things to be aware of:
I think this is a case of YMMV; where I found the E10/E12 to be less than favorable, I think there are lot of fans for both.
I would also argue that this could be a case where source rolling would help out as I found that I enjoyed both (a bit more) on the Shanling Onyx XI1 more than on my JDS Element 3. The Shanling also has a tendency to warm up the music a bit while the Element 3 is very transparent and a bit more revealing of the perceived flaws that I found.
Both are easy to drive and I had no issues/concerns.
This review is a long time coming (as it's been a few weeks since I've listened to both) and I was disappointed in my experience with the E10. I just don't think it's worth the price of admission and, if I was going to make any recommendations, it would be to save up over the E10 and pick up the E12.
With the E12, I think you get an extremely enjoyable bass experience with 1DD hitting way above what you would expect a single driver is capable of. To my ears, though, I didn't enjoy the mids/treble nearly as much as I enjoyed the bass. Where it's not for me, it may be for you and I would recommend demoing both (or just skip the E10) to see if this could be your single DD end game.
E10 Special Sauce/Personal Bias Score: 3/10 - TL;DR: Just save up for the bigger brother
E12 Special Sauce/Personal Bias Score: 6/10 - TL;DR: Very pricey; I don't know if I could justify the $1800 price tag for just that great bass (as great as it is)
What's interesting is that while I may not like the Electron series, I
love the FiR Audio Radon 6 and would easily put that in my end game based off of an early listen. I believe I'm on the Watercooler tour for that so I'm in danger of really becoming obsessed with how awesome that sounded to me.
Which, I think, brings me to a small disclaimer:
Audio is subjective. This is a very subjective hobby. So, again, while this may not be for me and my ears, they may be for yours!
I'm super happy that I've been able to participate in both tours and meet ups and enjoy some amazing products (even if they're not all for me) and some things have really impressed me. I would even go so far to say that being able to listen to some other flagships/high end products has helped me create more of a baseline (i.e. Elysian Diva 2023, Elysian Annihilator 2023 - which,
spoiler alert, those are both easily some of the best I've ever heard for completely different reasons).
So, that brings me to the final weighted scores:
E10 Final Weighted Score: 5.9/10 - Not for me
E12 Final Weighted Score: 7.5/10 - Better but where they're not my end game, they may be yours!
Thanks for reading!