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  • Users: tola555
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  1. tola555

    coupling cap too big?

    I'm considering upgrading input cap on cmoy. I have found some 10uF Vishay Roederstein MKP1839 polypropylenes ( ). At page 5 it seems 10uF 160Vdc is too much? From that datasheet I understand that smaller cap work better on higher frequencies. What...
  2. tola555

    which DAC for crossfeed + β22?

    hi, there is so many DAC's. Which should I build for β22 amp? Important thing to consider is that I will build 3 board configuration and not balanced. Thats because I will need to use passive crossfeed filter(Meier Audio Corda Cross-1). What dac can do good job with crossfeed? Price should be...
  3. tola555

    Cmoy. 2227 with 2134 highs?

    I upgraded my soundcard from av710 to ESI juli@ and It's way too harsh. I have used av710->cmoy(2227PA)->HD600 and it was OK. Now with juli@ it's too harsh. Violins and piano is too bad. With 2134 highs are what I need but bass is too bad. Some clarity and still warmth in mid sounds would be...
  4. tola555

    m-audio audiophile usb first impressions

    ...opa2227P -> senn hd600 both are no good, second is better NONE of these combinations is musical. First thing I notice is higs are not real, vocals are not intimate. I like SB Live (yes, that old piece of ****) many times more than this USB. ok..where is my screwdriver and those mod pages..
  5. tola555

    output resistors make sound better sometimes?

    Why? I think I know but can someone put it in the words? If I remove output resistors(or foam from phones) then sound is fast and detailed but quality is bad. Sound is not controlled, soundstage is worse, and not full. Some mid-bass is also lost. Made my test with cmoy(opa2227P) and senn. hd600
  6. tola555

    just survey, what studios use

    I own hd600 and since I bought them I managed to live year not looking at other phones Now I want to know what are these "professional" phones people talk about. These phones that make instruments as they are in real life but are not audiophile phones. What do you think?
  7. tola555

    CMoy. chip that clears up/adds mids ?

    I want to replace chip in my cmoy. I like opa2134 but I want little more mids or clear them up for acoustic and live music. chaintech av710 -> corda crossfeed -> cmoy -> hd600 thx
  8. tola555

    PINT and/or Modified Linkwitz Crossfeed layout forprototype board?

    Have few boards with that type of pattern left from cmoy : . Anybody has layout for Linkwitz or Pint or both? If they are on one board together its OK too. And maybe there is opamps for PINT that fit in protoboard holes? (making life easy ) thanx.
  9. tola555

    DIY cheap&small FM receiver into cmoy?

    I want to build FM radio receiver and integrate it in cmoy, with crossfeed for headphones. I searched this forum and no FM receiver threads Can you help to design it or know some ready schematics? It should be small and cheap(like cmoy).
  10. tola555

    cable braiding question

    main question: 1. is braiding better than twisting? 2. how tight braid is optimal? 3. is it important to end wires in same position as they were starting braiding? I have built some cables for hd 600 and best sounding I stock cable 4 conductor braided is clear sounding, no...
  11. tola555

    cmoy dead battery and dc offset?

    I use 4 batteries in series, each 9v (total 36v = +-18 for opa2134). It worked nice and one day I checked if I have to replace batteries. They were ok, total 28v or something. I measured DC offset and it was ok too (2.3mV and -2.0mV). Then I measured batteries one by one and two of them died ...
  12. tola555

    simple DIY tube amp please

    I have built few cmoy amps now and want to try some tube too. Is there any cheap, simple and with good documentation? thx.
  13. tola555

    is it op amp?

    I want to upgrade my home stereo receiver. There are 4 big transistors and two identical chips on front panel. I cant find datasheet Its old pioneer sx-335 and chips are 5218 with mitsubishi logo and another text is 8Y02R. They are 8 pin, 6X8mm size. I have found M5218AL its not the one i...
  14. tola555

    linux+av710 period time - placebo?

    I was having troubles (year ago?) with linux and chaintech av 710. It wasn't playing smooth. Then I set xmms alsa plugin setting "period time(ms)" from original 50 to 47 and it playd good. Now It is plaing good with 50ms too, but It sounds more clear if its 47ms. Is it placebo? Any coders here?
  15. tola555

    av710 -> [amp] -> senn. HD 600. What amp $200??

    I have chaintech av710 and sennheiser hd 600. What is good DIY amp for 200usd? I live in north europe, so prices are different a little. Now Im using stereo receiver Pioneer sx-335. It plays normally but it has noise, even with no music. As I have read that HD 600 would be better on headphone...
  16. tola555

    corda cross-1 + senn. HD 600 sounds bad...why?

    made corda cross http://www.meier-audio.homepage.t-on...sivefilter.htm and I don't like it attenuated sound. I like that cross but It attenuates mids and some mid-bass or high-bass goes really bad. It disappears. Only difference is I used 100nF 1000/600 V wima fkp1 cap instead of "vishay blue"...
  17. tola555

    which capacitors.. polypropylen?

    Can you help to choose capacytors for crossfeed? I built that crossfeed > http://www.meier-audio.homepage.t-on...sivefilter.htm Its said there that "The capacitors are all high-quality polypropylen versions." but I used cheap capacitors and sound is not what it should be. What is important...
  18. tola555

    hd650 cable to hd600 and vice versa?

    can I do it? Can I upgrade hd 600 cable to cable from hd 650? Are these plugs same?
  19. tola555

    better sound @ late night?

    All day I love music of senn. hd 600 but at night they start to impress me. I wear them for hours but they sound after 22.00 a lot better. Why? I have some long listening at morning but nothing same. Electricity has less parasitics, psychological case, etc ... ?
  20. tola555

    opening hd 600

    I just wondered how to took them apart. is there any pics and manual...don't want to break them. and more. I bought them new but they had very little scratch on grille and when I pulled headband out there were fingermark on one side. How can I know that they are really new?
  21. tola555

    suggest amp for high impedance cans

    I want to build amp for my senn 600. Something not very expensive, simple and good. Maybe class A tube amp? I'm totally newbie in electronics. I have 100$ to spend.
  22. tola555

    modding my amp to get power

    I'm going to mod my amp to use with 300 ohm phones. It has enough power to drive them connected to speaker out but there is some constant noise. so I want to mod my phones out. What I have to do? 325 ohm resistors out and thats all?
  23. tola555

    595 or 600 ?

    I have to decide which of them to get. I don't listen to rock, mostly smooth jazz, pop, 80's pop, 90's eurodance, sometimes mainstream-rock. I like acoustic music and female voices. And piano too . Do 600 are better for me? I'm afraid I take 600 but how about amping? I'm going to use them...
  24. tola555

    choosing headphones

    I have found that review and there its said that HD 270 are bad I don't know what to get: some better senns than 270 or these closed one. What about closed phones? Soundstage is not as good as with open back? can I replace...
  25. tola555

    external DAC

    Can you reccomend external DAC with optical in to use between my analog amp and Chaintech av710? It could have rca and phones output separate. Thanx