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  1. saitoh

    Phonitor Mini

      Oh good, glad someone did. I was busy and forgot to email them. Did they mention an ETA?
  2. saitoh


      There has to be some point where it mixes channel signal together, you wouldn't be able to do the speaker simulation if you didn't.
  3. saitoh

    Can I hook this EQ up to my Headphone AMP?

    Yeah, if your set on using a hardware EQ between your DAC and your headamp, then it's just a matter of making sure your amp will accept analog ins, since the behringer isn't a digi-out. On the bright side, it does both balanced XLR and some form of 1/4" (I can't tell from the pics if it's a...
  4. saitoh

    Can I hook this EQ up to my Headphone AMP?

    The behringer is analog and you're working with a digital input headamp. So you'd need an ADC to re-digitize the signal after it leaves the eq. I'd replace the headamp before I did that (or pick up an additional amp and use the audio-gd as a dac to feed the eq).
  5. saitoh


    I'm not really surprised by the above two sets of comments; when I take a mix into the studio that I've tinkered with on headphones (cause the monitors were in use for tracking or whatever) I can replicate some of those, specifically the sub-bass comments. If you take some records and flip them...
  6. saitoh


    I love that back panel; made by engineers, for engineers.    I think that just became the next thing on my gear acquisition list.
  7. saitoh

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    Quote: Currawong's right, there will be production differences in frequency response for each individual unit. The trend is that they are brighter after the revision, but how much brighter and where in the spectrum is by individual unit. This isn't anything new in my experience. My...
  8. saitoh

    Some OVERRATED High End Gear.

    Quote:   Amen. They are nice headphones for the cost, but they don't warrant the jumbo gushing thread, specifically the 200+ pages of going back and forth on which driver tweak is better.   Quote:   I agree, the HD800 is a nice headphone, but I don't think it's not worth...
  9. saitoh

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    Quote: Sure.   The gist is, you're getting more in the 2-2.5khz range. There are probably other differences, but that's the biggest one that I get out of this discussion and the specs that Audeze is sending. I compared my graph, other R2 graphs and other R1 graphs and thats about...
  10. saitoh

    Natural sound, the way the musician intended it - How can we define such a thing?

    Quote: I think we'll agree to disagree on the first paragraph. I can think of a number of small or regional places that have spent more on their mics alone then they did on the board. I suspect it's just a difference of experience between us. I do agree that major label places like...
  11. saitoh

    Natural sound, the way the musician intended it - How can we define such a thing?

    Quote: Correct, mics, preamps, and ADCs are where the money is blown most of the time, plus a good DAC and near-fields. Headphones are an afterthought most of the time.   For DACs, I've seen a bunch of shops like the Lavry DA series, the Myteks, the Grace Design products, and the...
  12. saitoh

    Highest frequency you can hear?

    I can hear upwards of 19khz if I turn it up to normal listening levels (which defeats the whole point of the test....) Using the same method my audiologist uses with the noiseaddicts site as a reference (so turn it down to where you hear 8khz as part of the background noise in the room), mine...
  13. saitoh

    Denon AH-D7000

    Thank you all for the suggestions, I'll do some research now. My 901 was ultra quiet, truely black as night with the Denons. While I love Sound Devices' gear, and their ADC and DACs are beautiful (esp the former), their headamp stages are meh at best. It's the companies one weak spot in all of...
  14. saitoh

    Denon AH-D7000

    Any recommendations on a cheap amp that is black as night quiet when paired with the 7ks and neutral/cold/clean? I was using a Grace 901 which fit the bill and had to sell it to fund other gear purchases and my backup, while accomplishing many other things, doesn't work nearly as well. I think...
  15. saitoh

    Denon AH-D7000

    Quote:   I did everything except the cable change (wasn't worth it to me for what they were offering, to each their own) and I've heard non-modded with J$ pads and here are the big things I noticed:   I think it's more balanced across the spectrum, I thought the stock unit with J$...
  16. saitoh

    Grace Design m903, reference headphone amplifier, DAC, monitor controller

    Quote: This is the one thing I can speak to in this thread. I've dealt with Grace Design for 901 work, and used their V series of pre-amps. I'd rather send my stuff back to Grace Design then to say Apogee any day of the week. Not many companies reach that level in my mind (Sound Devices...
  17. saitoh

    Any interest in a meet in Northern VA or Washington DC area?

    I'm out for this cycle, post-january I think is my next chance. I'll be in NoVA in December, but it's a tight schedule and I don't know the date.   That said, I have some fun toys I didn't see at the last meet that would be interesting to pass around. The Grace 901 has 2 headphone outs so...
  18. saitoh

    headphone amp+dac recomandation for denon d7000 for 600$ budget

    Personally, I'd look for the cleanest/smoothest dac/amp possible to balance out the bass region of the D7000s. They arn't particularly difficult cans to drive, and I find that the sonic effect of tubes to be anti-productive for the Denons. The FUN was on my list for a while and is well within...
  19. saitoh

    Denon AH-D7000

    ...(I find about 2-4db solves it). One potential difference and one I didn't get to test when I had access to a stock set was the 7khz dip you have. I *hate* the presence peak @ 7.25khz & color combo on modern Neumann microphones, but with the D7000s, I don't notice the peak at all (and the...
  20. saitoh

    Live Dead/Phish

    The mix this summer on the boards is very good. I find Page's keys to be positioned wrong (full on left channel, in my face), but it's a minor beef for what really represents the best 3.0 mixes they have done. I've been listening to a friends copy of the boards for shows I couldn't hit up last...
  21. saitoh

    Denon AH-D7000

    Well done, and an interesting tidbit I just noticed; for the next DC meetup, we now have the potential for a stock J$, a stock, and a marklmod setup to compare.   I'm going to be a cheapskate and get the FUN now that I'm not traveling as much.   edit: typo
  22. saitoh

    Review of the Audio-GD FUN - A modular Dac / Headphone amp / Preamp

      Quote: As I read it, the K702s are 105 dB/V compared to my UM3X which is 124 db. I have to digitally attenuate the signal before it gets to my D10 and the gain on the D10 isn't anything special. I have to as well (but not as often) for my Denon 7000s and those are 108. So either I...
  23. saitoh

    Review of the Audio-GD FUN - A modular Dac / Headphone amp / Preamp

    ...sets and on both I have to digitally attenuate the signal so I can turn the amp up to just past 9:00 (about where the imballance ends) when using *both* of my headphones. It was mentioned that I could request a special gain structure of some sort to remedy this on the FUN. Is there anything...
  24. saitoh

    Audio-GD Sparrow or FUN for my Denon D2000s?

    Quote: When we order, is there any special language we are supposed to reference? I'm interested in a lower gain option myself. The lowest gain I get on my portable D10 before the imballance occurs is where I do about 80% of my listening.
  25. saitoh

    If I like Westone UM3X signature, which full-size cans should I try?

    From cheaper stuff, I tried the MS-1s, AKG701s, the ADH700s and none have the bass that the westones have without using a dark amp or earthy tube amp to bump it up, and even then I wasn't happy. The Sennheiser eh-350s come closest in my experience, and your top end will be brighter by about 1 or...