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  1. gtp

    Where are the 16gb flash players???

    I'm looking for a 16gb flash player. -Iaudio 7 16gb is out, but is too much $$$ at $299. -Zen 16gb is $249 and Sansa View 16gb is $199. The last two were anounced a while ago and were supposed to be out in's October! Anyone know when they will actually hit the street?
  2. gtp

    Shure SE420 First Impressions

    ...UM2: slightly muffled, rounded edges (crunchy guitars are mellow), less clear, more "phat" bass, more at-the-ear (Grado-like) soundstage, *slightly* louder vocals, easy/less-tangle cables, hisses from headphone out. SE420: more precise, sharp edges (great crunchy guitars), much faster...
  3. gtp

    Ipod Hiss Gone with Rockbox...Why???

    I have an Ipod 5.5G with Rockbox installed. With the OEM software, I get a hiss with IEMs. With Rockbox, the hiss is gone. Anybody know what about Rockbox does this? Whatever it is, why wouldn't Apple do the same? I must be missing something, because I would be extremely surprised if a...
  4. gtp

    Anyone have DT770 and DTX50?

    Can anyone compare these two? I'm still looking for DT770s in an IEM. And any idea when the DTX50 will be released in USA (it was supposed to be Sept 06, then March 07, then...)?
  5. gtp

    Please Read! Could save your life!

    Hi Everyone! Testicular cancer is the most common cancer for men age 15-40 (although it is rare compared to, say, prostate cancer). I encourage man on this board to do monthly testicular cancer self-tests. Please see here on how to do it: LINK Please also go to your yearly physicals (and the...
  6. gtp

    Alternate Takes!

    I HATE ALTERNATE TAKES ON REISSUES. What is the point of subpar, often poorly mastered, bastardizations of final takes? I have NEVER heard an alternate take as good as the final take. Venting, that's all I have to say.
  7. gtp

    Paypal virtual debit card?

    Have any of you used the Paypal virtual debit card? Is it accepted just as a regular credit card would be? Any issues?
  8. gtp

    Go-Vibe V5S: Why 8397/825, not 8397/6171?

    I have a Go-Vibe V5S with LM6172/6171, and I have an AD8397 on a browndog so I gave it a shot. With the 8397/6171, everything seems to work well - DC offset was ~0.5 mV and it sounded great. Why is 8397/825 a stock option and not 8397/6171? Am I at risk using the 8397/6171 combo? Hopefully...
  9. gtp

    Rockbox for 5.5G 30Gb Ipods Now Available!

    I just wanted to let everyone here know that Rockbox now works for 5.5 30Gb Ipods. For me it is fully functional and I'm loving it. A huge bonus with respect to the 5.5G Ipod is that running RB pretty much gets rid of the annoying hiss with IEMs.
  10. gtp

    Beyerdynamic DTX 50

    Anyone know when, where, how, why???? [showUID]=1853&tx_sbproductdatabase_pi1[showUid][backPID]=104&cHash=6d5d0491b5]Link They look nice, not just another me-too rebrand. Clearly my excitement proves that I have become a Beyerdynamic ho!
  11. gtp


    Warning: Silly rant to follow! Not that it is in any way important, but one thing that bugged me on a superficial level the other night was the newscasters and analysts using "Mizzurah" for "Missouri". The newscasters don't actually have any sort of an accent in normal speech. Only when it...
  12. gtp

    double post, please remove

  13. gtp

    Amp Gain and PS Question

    This might be kind of a rambling and vaguq post, but hopefully I (and some readers) will learn something in the process. I listen to DT770/80 while stationary and UE SF5Pros while on the go. I have built 3 Cmoys (9V) and a Pimeta (9V portable). For each, to avoid hissing with my SuperFi 5Pros...
  14. gtp

    South Florida Travel Advice

    Hey Everyone, I posted this question on TripAdvisor's forums and basically got no responses. Since the people here are so nice, I figured I would ask here! My wife and I are flying to Miami April 8-13 (Sat-Thurs before Easter). We are 30 year-olds from UpperSoCal, who have never been to...
  15. gtp

    Points of view: HeadFi vs HydrogenAudio

    Getting into HeadFi over the last year or so, and reading over at HydrogenAudio periodically, I have become confused about the somewhat opposing points of view. Aside: If this has been beaten to death before, let me know. Let's start with the premise that we all want our music to sound...
  16. gtp

    BUF634P Silk Screen Differences???

    Hi, I bought three Buf634P for my Pimeta on EBay. When I tried them out, I found that one was dead. Hmmm, I bought a replacement from a HeadFi member. Tonight I noticed that the Ebay ones have a different silk screening than the one from the HeadFi member (who is well-known and...
  17. gtp

    Do people with bigger heads experience more bass?

    Whenever I press my full-size headphones in towards my head, I experience a much more bassy sound. For a given headphone, there should be more pressure exerted on those with a bigger head. Thus the big-head sound should be similar to pressing the headphones in for those of us with smaller heads...
  18. gtp

    Pimeta Ground Buf634 Question

    I just finished putting together my first Pimeta (9V portable, class A, 220 ohm bandwidth resistors, added 75 ohm R8s for my low-Z headphones). Initial measurements revealed that something was definitely wrong. To make a long story short, one of the three Buf634s that I got on Ebay was blown...
  19. gtp

    Strange Recheargeable 9V Problem

    Hi, I bought a cheapo "Titanium PowPower" 9.6V, 160mAh battery for portable amp use. I also bought the 2x9V smart fast charger, which seems to work great (tested on my other 8.4V rechargeables). However, there are some wierd issues with the batteries, I'll describe the symptoms and possibly...
  20. gtp

    Super.Fi 5 Pro = First Eargasms!

    I found a great deal on some barely used clear Super.Fi 5 Pros and received them yesterday. For reference, I own or have owned: E2c, V6, HD201, DT250-80, HD25-1, and KSC-75. I have not heard any other high-end headphones, so I can only compare with what I have owned. My source is a 4G Ipod...
  21. gtp

    Single version of OPA2107? Or similar?

    I searched but could not find an answer. Does a single version of the OPA2107 exist? I've discovered that this is my favorite opamp in Cmoys, but if there is no single equivalent, then I cannot use it in a Pimeta. Any other similar sounding opamps that aren't too current/voltage hungry for a...
  22. gtp

    2 Batteries last longer than 1?

    This might be a silly question, but here goes. When building an amp, say a Pimeta, what is the purpose of using two 9V batteries? I have been under the impression that more batteries equals longer life, but just thinking about it now, I'm not so sure. In series, you get 18V. Fine. But the...
  23. gtp

    Cmoy: 9V versus 18V

    Hello, I am putting together a Cmoy and need to decide on a battery configuration. I am planning on using rechargeable 9V or 9.6V. Opamps will be the usual suspects: 2227, 8620, 2132, and perhaps 8397 if I can work out all of the stabilization schemes from Tangent's website. I am planning...
  24. gtp

    AD8397 in Go-Vibe?

    I searched and didn't find an answer to my question. Has anyone tried the AD8397 in a Go-Vibe? If so, did it work out OK? I know there are some offset issues, but I don't know if the GoVibe circuit has the corrective elements. I have a sample AD8397, so if I put it in, I need to measure the...
  25. gtp

    My impressions of the Go-Vibe V3b

    ...but stick out enough to be pressed down by the HD201 drivers, so after a few hours the cartledge begins to ache. If anyone can recommend another *closed* headphone with a similar sound signature but with more comfort, I am open to suggestions. I listened to the E2Cs briefly. The highs did...