Nov 10, 2006 at 9:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


1000+ Head-Fier
Sep 2, 2005
Warning: Silly rant to follow!

Not that it is in any way important, but one thing that bugged me on a superficial level the other night was the newscasters and analysts using "Mizzurah" for "Missouri".

The newscasters don't actually have any sort of an accent in normal speech. Only when it came to Missouri, they made an effort to say Mizzurah. What's the deal? Why intentionally mispronounce the name? Do Missourans actually call up national stations and complain about the pronunciation?

Further just because some people in Missouri pronounce it Mizzurah, does that define the new pronunciation of the name for the nation?

Since the deviation from common phonics is so egregious, I can't say this is similar to Ore-gone vs Orig-un, and California vs Ca-lee-fornia.

Did this bug anyone else?

(And, yes, I do have a life!)
Nov 10, 2006 at 10:11 PM Post #4 of 8
You think that's bad? Most people can't pronounce my name right. Hell, some don't even try to.
Nov 10, 2006 at 10:17 PM Post #5 of 8

Originally Posted by ilikemonkeys
I live here and it doesn't bother me.

Call it what you want.

What he said!


Where'd that pesky "h" come from [Mizzurah]? Or the whacky spelling, for that matter...

Our state is itself divided on the pronunciation.

You know what bothers me? Of course you don't. It's a local Kansas City thing, where a complete stranger comes up to you and says, "Well, what about them Chiefs?" It's a conversation starter, a verbal cover-up for a gaffe of some kind, or just our way of saying "oy" or "uffda". Kansas City is full of red necks and pickup trucks - I think that's how we rated a NASCAR track - but that's another rant.

Nov 10, 2006 at 11:21 PM Post #6 of 8
I live in STL and it drives me nuts! It's mostly the elderly and the more rural areas that call is Missoura (along with the politicians trying to get their vote).

I absolutely hate it.
Nov 11, 2006 at 12:05 AM Post #7 of 8
I didn't mean to insult anyone from Missouri, or even those who say Mizzura. I don't really care what people in Missouri call their state. Accents are accents, I guess.

Rather I was annoyed by the newscasters who were calling it Mizzura. It just seems so contrived. It's like the newscasters are pandering as much as politicians were/are.

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