Recent content by iluvcans
  1. iluvcans

    Smokers - What's your opinion on "truth" ads?

    Quote: Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27 As a major Philip Morris investor, I suppose that I can not contribute in a meaningful way to this thread. However, I must say that smokers should be allowed to do as they please as long as they are not compromising the health of other...
  2. iluvcans

    Looking for a very specific type of Classical:

    hi guys, this is not complex at all. "classical" music is often incorrectly labeled. just because a work is played by an orchestra-- or seems "classically" based doesn't mean that it comes from the mozart/haydn era and is "classical". "classical" is just a generic term often used to sum...
  3. iluvcans

    Any trumpet players?

    hi, i play horn-- but the same issues apply here.. i've owned a yamaha silent brass mute for about ten yrs (got it when it first came out) and highly rec this mute for any playing situations where you don't want to be heard.. i've taken it to several auditions where i would have no option...
  4. iluvcans

    Professions in Music

    several say that you should go into music "professionally" only if that's where your "main talent" lies.. b.s. perhaps. a true and sincere musician is one that is serious about his craft. there are lots that are not serious and end up in another career.. also, lots that just didn't get their...
  5. iluvcans

    Good pizza?

    chicago style is sexy if you've ever had the pleasure to experience the real deal.. better not to even critique it if you've never had it.. new york is amazing as well but my top goes to giordano's, as there is so much more substance that goes into a slice-- what's not to like ny fans?? i...
  6. iluvcans

    Bedside Rig

    canal phones work great for falling asleep-- they help you to "block out" all other noise-- it's like a nice earplug. i guess with any can though-- you have to wake up to it dangling from somewhere around you!!
  7. iluvcans

    Ear Plugs

    Quote: Originally Posted by greenhorn I went to rock concerts with ER20 and I did notice a higher attenuation of highs as compared to the rest of the audible spectrum. thanks. i guess i never really "critiqued" or really put these plugs to the the test with strong fidelity...
  8. iluvcans

    best cheap wines

    thanks for the help. i am especially fond of the reds-- merlot and cabernet or shiraz is very good.. i love really good wine but it's fun to find a bargain! sometimes the cheap stuff isn't so bad..
  9. iluvcans

    decibel reader!

    you might find it'll help at other odd times.. we just had a baby and i had him in a room with lots of fans/ air conditioner/ tv was on (it's hot as hell here in cincy in july!). just to be safe-- i checked the sound level and it was below 80db (amazing peace of mind though).
  10. iluvcans

    best cheap wines

    any suggestions? i'm on a very limited budget-- but still enjoy good cheap stuff (especially red-- but not limited-- so suggest any) right now, my favorite "cheapy" is carlo rossi burgundy, 4liters for $12-- not bad!!! yellowtail also rocks and so does the famous "3 buck chuck" from trader...
  11. iluvcans

    decibel reader!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Illah I actually wrote up a guide on how to accurately measure the SPL of headphones: --Illah thank-you very much! that's crafty
  12. iluvcans

    decibel reader! scroll down to about mid article for a chart of db levels and "acceptable" exposure times..... although-- each of us has different levels of tolerance than others.
  13. iluvcans

    Running Tips?

    Quote: Originally Posted by overlunge Always run with appropriate and supportive footwear! If you have any discomfort or pain, consult a health professional. i strongly second that. be extremely cautious of your knees (i blasted my left knee for life-- i was so determined to...
  14. iluvcans

    Ear Plugs

    Quote: Originally Posted by EhJayKim I forgot to mention in my first post that I need these for performing music. So, would the er-20's be good enough to wear while tuning a timpani etc.? -A i'm a musician also (a horn player) and i notice no pitch alteration with these plugs...
  15. iluvcans

    Etymotic Digi-K, the best hearing aid?

    I'll try to make this short but sweet. This post is a follow up to my original postings on the Digi-K hearing aid-- by Etymotic. If you want more info on my impressions, do a head-fi search on hearing aid-- or pm me... In short-- I highly recommend...