Recent content by psxguy85
  1. psxguy85

    Head-Fi patch?

    I'd be in for a velcro'ed patch.
  2. psxguy85

    I'm feelin'... a little Supremus

    Well I haven't been here in ages....congratulations!
  3. psxguy85

    HALF LIFE 2 : HL2 : Now In Stores!!!

    I had it unlocked at 12 AM this morning. I swear, there were possibly 20 guys from my dorm floor in my room watchin me play the game for an hour. BEST GRAPHICS EVER! (as of 11/16/04 )
  4. psxguy85

    midnight Halo 2?

    I picked up my copy of Halo 2 at the release party at Universal City Walk in Los Angeles. #252 in the city to get his game. I also ordered my xbox a day later. (Don't worry, I've been playing it on my friend's xbox)
  5. psxguy85

    How do YOU pronounce BASS ?

    I say it like one would the fish.
  6. psxguy85

    Quail Power Cord Group Buy #2 -- Shipping Status

    I just paid for shipping. An even 10 for you guys to ship my 2 cords to USC, zip 90007.
  7. psxguy85

    Final: 2nd Quail Group Buy

    Sweeeet..........11/08 will be a good day. How do I arrange shipment, because I am now in California.
  8. psxguy85

    Do you wear your headphones in the rain?

    I've used my etys in the rain with no problem. I usually run the cord under a jacket or cover of some sort.
  9. psxguy85

    Nike Air Jordan I black toes

    Buy whatever floats your boat I guess.......people would think you are just as crazy for buying an Orpheus.
  10. psxguy85

    Anyone notice we passed 15,000 members?

    Wow, we're on the fast track here.... Now, if all 15,000 have bought at least a $20 pair of headphones, how much have we spent?
  11. psxguy85


    Quote: Originally Posted by Rizumu i used to be huge into radiohead but lost interest after the disappointing hail to the thief. i still think the bends, ok computer and kid a are amazing albums. i just don't really listen to the stuff anymore. There's still a couple good songs in...
  12. psxguy85

    Supermono pics

    Quote: Originally Posted by RickG It's apparent from the design/size of the case all the way to the nut-lock battery compartment that he's a fan of the SR-71... Since he provided a credit card for size comparison, is it similar in size to the SR-71?
  13. psxguy85

    2004 Summer OLYMPICS thread ...

    Oh well, the US Mens Basketball team got "PZZZOWNEDDDDD" to say the least. Let that be a lesson to bring in not just the star players next time. Next time: More depth required.
  14. psxguy85

    Seattle Meet Impressions 8/14/05

    All of those woodie CD3K's are just making me smile.