ZMF Verite Open
Sep 10, 2020 at 4:02 AM Post #5,101 of 9,559
What amp are you thinking about? Just read that Feliks Audio is coming with a new, fully balanced flagship headphone amp ("high power tube") early next year. Might be worth a look if you can wait a little longer.
Well I always wanted to buy a Felikse Audio,and I have read it goes pretty well with ZMF. But I do have a budget so won't be throwing a lot of money on that. Probably Euphoria is the way to go. But getting the desktop gear would be my last step, I dont like sitting down at one place, hence sorting out the portability options first.
Sep 10, 2020 at 4:11 AM Post #5,102 of 9,559
Well I always wanted to buy a Felikse Audio,and I have read it goes pretty well with ZMF. But I do have a budget so won't be throwing a lot of money on that. Probably Euphoria is the way to go. But getting the desktop gear would be my last step, I dont like sitting down at one place, hence sorting out the portability options first.
Yes, I can understand that. I just got a desk in for my home office space in the attic, but I know I also spend a lot of time working downstairs and so portability or transportability could have its advantages. Still really tempted to go for a tube amp though. I guess we are in a similar situation.
Sep 10, 2020 at 4:13 AM Post #5,103 of 9,559
Yes, I can understand that. I just got a desk in for my home office space in the attic, but I know I also spend a lot of time working downstairs and so portability or transportability could have its advantages. Still really tempted to go for a tube amp though. I guess we are in a similar situation.
Did you decide on the headphones? I know you are looking to build one, so curious! Might get some ideas! :wink:
Sep 10, 2020 at 4:34 AM Post #5,104 of 9,559
Did you decide on the headphones? I know you are looking to build one, so curious! Might get some ideas! :wink:
No, not yet. It all comes down to budget and our new puppy has been eating up most of it. I initially thought it would be okay because he was half the price I expected, but then came all the unexpected extras... :sweat_smile:

Money no object, I would be really interested in the Diana V2, the Vérité of course, the Final D8000 and the Stellia. As it is, I am more interested in the Eikon and Auteur, the Elegia and I am curious to see what Final will release next in their D-series (something new is coming). Hoping to demo a few headphones soon and get access to desktop gear I can try out.
Sep 10, 2020 at 4:41 AM Post #5,105 of 9,559
No, not yet. It all comes down to budget and our new puppy has been eating up most of it. I initially thought it would be okay because he was half the price I expected, but then came all the unexpected extras... :sweat_smile:

Money no object, I would be really interested in the Diana V2, the Vérité of course, the Final D8000 and the Stellia. As it is, I am more interested in the Eikon and Auteur, the Elegia and I am curious to see what Final will release next in their D-series (something new is coming). Hoping to demo a few headphones soon and get access to desktop gear I can try out.
And you thought the cuddles were free? :D Having owned 3-6 dogs I know there's a price to pay but its totallly worth it!!!!

I actually have my eyes on Diana V2 but people aren't happy with the fit, so that's something i have to check out!
Sep 10, 2020 at 6:02 AM Post #5,106 of 9,559
And you thought the cuddles were free? :D Having owned 3-6 dogs I know there's a price to pay but its totallly worth it!!!!

I actually have my eyes on Diana V2 but people aren't happy with the fit, so that's something i have to check out!
Hugo 2 might be a good option!
Sep 10, 2020 at 6:14 AM Post #5,107 of 9,559
Well I always wanted to buy a Felikse Audio,and I have read it goes pretty well with ZMF. But I do have a budget so won't be throwing a lot of money on that. Probably Euphoria is the way to go. But getting the desktop gear would be my last step, I dont like sitting down at one place, hence sorting out the portability options first.

The Euforia is a lovely pairing with the ZMF (I remember Zach saying it's a shop favourite a few pages back). Mobile wise, I'm using my ZMF with the Hugo 2 (which also can act as the DAC feeding the Euforia). They are different presentations, but both very enjoyable. I also haven't felt the need to change out the stock tubes on the Euforia, but I understand that would be a good next upgrade path for me when I want to start tweaking. The Euforia is extremely solid with a small footprint that is suitable for a desk. Totally recommended.
Sep 10, 2020 at 12:39 PM Post #5,109 of 9,559
Does somedofy had the chance to compare the Vérité with the Empyrean?
I know @Pharmaboy had both in his system at one time, though not at the same time IIRC. He might be able to shed some light on a comparison there...I do know he preferred the Verite overall. I've only heard the Empy at shows & for a brief stint at home & the Verite for a more extended listen at home & I prefer the Verite as well.
Sep 10, 2020 at 2:04 PM Post #5,110 of 9,559
Does somedofy had the chance to compare the Vérité with the Empyrean?
I had both last year and decided to keep Verite. Empyrean was warm, thick but at the same time little bright and just a bit shouty as well to my ears and with my gears that I had at that time. Ziricote Verite was just right for me and was an easy decision.
Sep 10, 2020 at 4:07 PM Post #5,111 of 9,559
Does somedofy had the chance to compare the Vérité with the Empyrean?

I owned the Empyrean for 7-8 months in 2019. I sold it just before getting the loaner VO and VC late in 2019, so never actually compared the Empyrean to the VO (the Verite I listened to most). Still, I have pretty good recall of how these headphones sounded. Pls take these comments w/a grain of salt for sonic recollection...

Note: The Empyrean comes with 2 sets of earpads (leather; alacantara/suede) which sound somewhat different. I spent most of my time w/the leather pads & comments below reflect that.

Both headphones are beautiful, albeit in very different ways. And both were quite comfortable for me--no problematic clamping force, headband hot-spots, etc. Pads on both are comfy. VO is somewhat heavier, though that doesn't bother me at all.

I won't attempt a comparison by frequency range. I recall these headphones as being roughly comparable in their overall voicing: neither is bright, forensic, or hard on the ears; both are firmly in the "musical sound" camp; both have a large, rich-sounding midrange; and neither is a true basshead design, though they both have satisfying, above-average bass. The VO is said to have an upper midrange recession somewhere, but I didn't hear that. To me, both headphones sounded relatively level, with no glaring frequency anomalies.

The Empyrean is a low impedance planar & the VO (the Verite I listened to the most) is a high impedance dynamic. Despite these differences, neither headphone required epic power from any of my amps. Both scaled noticeably on bigger/better amps, but neither is a torture test headphone for the amplifier.

For me, the most noticeable differences were:
  • Resolution: The VO is one of the most resolving, detailed headphones I've heard. The Empyrean is moderately resolving, but really isn't in the VO's class.
    • Note that the VO's detail & resolution present with none of the "brightness" price tag some detailed headphones have. All that detail is ear-friendly & musical
  • Soundstage: The Empyrean has a larger soundstage (wider & somewhat deeper) than the VO, which has a moderately wide/deep soundstage. But the greater detail of the VO makes its soundstage better defined and articulated vs the somewhat diffuse soundstage of the Empyrean.
  • Dynamics: I found the Empyrean to have only average "jump factor" compared to other headphones. By comparison, The VO has above average in dynamics overall...more than enough to satisfy my ears.
The net effect was more musical information & realism with the VO than the Empyrean. Beguiling as the Empyrean was sonically & physically, I found it less interesting overall than the VO....I often found myself wondering how X music (recording or genre) would sound on the VO--for me, a sign that a given headphone has lodged in my brain.

Conclusion: I admired the Empyrean a lot, but eventually sold it; I admired the VO a lot, and hope to eventually own one.
Sep 10, 2020 at 5:32 PM Post #5,112 of 9,559
So after selling off most of my gear, I am slowly building it again. Right now, i am trying to sort my portability gear, so the Hiby R8 will be coming next week. I am thinking of either getting Diana V2 or ZMF VC. Do you think the R8 can drive the VC to enjoyment levels? I will be getting an OTL later in the year, but for now I would love to move around the house with the headphones hence the DAP first.
So I had the Abyss Diana v2 and found it very clear no bass to what I’m accustomed too. My fav is the VO over Diana v2. Also I used ifi black label because for portable it is more then enough for the Diana. Last thing the bass boost made the Diana more enjoyable for me. So if you want bass look at the VC. I’d say VC is easier to drive when you look at sensitivity.
Sep 11, 2020 at 11:38 AM Post #5,114 of 9,559
Hello folks, I recently acquired a "new to me" set of VO Ziricote. I'm loving these so much that i have a Feliks Elise on the way to me which should be here on Saturday. Has anyone here tried the Eikon non-perf Suede pads on the VO's? I tried the stock Eikon pad on the VO and it definitely turns it into a bass cannon with a bit too much bass and things get a bit muddy. For now, I've settled on the stock verite perf pad. I'm looking for a pad which will give a touch more bass. Thoughts?
Sep 11, 2020 at 12:59 PM Post #5,115 of 9,559
Hello folks, I recently acquired a "new to me" set of VO Ziricote. I'm loving these so much that i have a Feliks Elise on the way to me which should be here on Saturday. Has anyone here tried the Eikon non-perf Suede pads on the VO's? I tried the stock Eikon pad on the VO and it definitely turns it into a bass cannon with a bit too much bass and things get a bit muddy. For now, I've settled on the stock verite perf pad. I'm looking for a pad which will give a touch more bass. Thoughts?

My only thought here is that ziricote is one of the prettiest woods I've ever seen. Each ziricote headphone of ZMF's that I've seen was different & beautiful.
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