YouTubers are spying on me
Nov 28, 2010 at 2:31 AM Post #31 of 54
Several mentions have been made of a previous thread, but it seems to have evaporated. I'm not spying (
), BTW. In my other life I was a psych major and as such I can't help but feel concern for the OP if this thread was in earnest. I'm not implying anything specific, as not everybody who does or says unusual things from time to time has something pathologically wrong with them. I guess because of the fact that I'm human I can't help but smile a little when reading through this thread, but I also agree with several of the posts here suggesting that the OP shouldn't be afraid to seek help if he feels genuinely threatened by the neighbors.
Nov 28, 2010 at 2:59 AM Post #32 of 54
Argyris, some threads get removed when they go out of control. We're watching this one and making sure it doesn't turn insulting or mean-spirited.

People would not make jokes if they came across someone with a broken leg, they would do what they could to help. You should not make fun of people who aren't well.

If the OP is seriously distressed by his neighbors, he needs to do something about it. Talking with a professional might make his life better. Isn't that what we all want? Wouldn't everyone feel good if this problem was solved and he became happy and enjoyed his life?
Nov 28, 2010 at 3:13 AM Post #33 of 54
Nov 28, 2010 at 9:04 AM Post #35 of 54
guys u aren't reading
ppl it's not that i think BOTH neighbors are doing the same thing. i thought i said in my other post that i thought the first neighbors started it all and the new neighbors are accidentally listening using whatever the old neighbors had. as i said i know it's far fetched that these new neighbors would intentionally listen to me sing just to knock on my door and tell me to shut up.
it's even possible the old neighbors had whatever is necessary to listen to me sing and din't know it. i'm not ruling that out.
am i singing too loud to overcome the piano? probably not! I have a microphone and i hear myself in the headphones!
i've never said any of these things are DEFINITELY what's going on. maybe i shouldn't have named this thread soemthing that is so definite and should have named it something like "Youtubers MIGHT be spying on me" These are just theries just like what i said in the beginning! as i said the blog post i read gives the indication that it's POSSIBLE youtube could be using their technology against ppl secretly. i don't know if that's what the ppl downstairs are doing, purposely or not, but i'll say again, they stopped complaining a few weeks ago and that's right around the time i wasn't using my laptop as much.
if u would just read the posts you might understand what i'm saying more!!! It's not me being paranoid! I'm using scientific evidence to support what i'm seeing!!!
Nov 28, 2010 at 9:33 AM Post #36 of 54
Have you asked the neighbours who complained recently how they heard your singing? You might ask them if they can hear it through the walls.  That's scientific method. See Occam's Razor.
It's likely though, going by what you just posted, that when you are singing with headphones on, you are singing terribly and louder than you believe you are, which is annoying the neighbours.  I once tried singing with headphones on and my wife was on the floor laughing uncontrollably.  Very embarrassing. 
Nov 28, 2010 at 10:58 AM Post #37 of 54
i already asked them. they said it's through the floor but i don't know if they know for sure.
but again your not reading. i said i have the microphone connected to the headphones so i can hear how loud i'm singing. it's not that loud!
Nov 28, 2010 at 11:36 AM Post #39 of 54

i already asked them. they said it's through the floor but i don't know if they know for sure.
but again your not reading. i said i have the microphone connected to the headphones so i can hear how loud i'm singing. it's not that loud!


Have you asked the neighbours who complained recently how they heard your singing? You might ask them if they can hear it through the walls.  That's scientific method. See Occam's Razor.
It's likely though, going by what you just posted, that when you are singing with headphones on, you are singing terribly and louder than you believe you are, which is annoying the neighbours.  I once tried singing with headphones on and my wife was on the floor laughing uncontrollably.  Very embarrassing. 


Just thought I would try a different angle on this...
Are you singing to music with headphones on? You'll be surprised how loud you are actually singing compared to how loud you think you're singing. It's just like when you let a friend try your headphones on with the music loud, and s/he comments really loud unintentionally because they can't hear themselves over the music.
Regardless of how they're hearing you though; they can hear you. Hate to say it; but you might just need to keep the singing to a different environment like in the car.

I'll just rephrase what the people above have been saying.  If you listen to yourself sing through your headphones, it does not match the actual volume that you are singing.  Why?  It will probably be caused by the insensitivity of your microphone and the isolation of your headphones.  While it might seem unbelievable that they can hear you, you can try experimenting and validating your claims by doing any of the various experiments suggested from previous posts.  However, finding a different location to sing would certainly be a good idea, loud environments will allow you to hear only yourself sing in full volume.  
I'd suggest that you try singing without your headphones at a whisper-level volume.  If they can still hear you then suspicions of being bugged might be valid.  Still the chances are miniscule.  
Anyways, if the neighbors ask you to stop, then you should stop.  Show them some compassion since listening to loud unprofessional vocals can be pretty irksome.  Golden rule, go apply it. 
Nov 28, 2010 at 2:22 PM Post #41 of 54
Something tells me that the "singing" your neighbors are referring to is not your actual voice but the loudness of the piano coming through the walls and floors.  The voice singing is just an additive to the overall volume of the music.
I say this because they (the neighbors) mentioned they heard you through the floor.  Voice singing doesn't normally reverberate downward, but a piano would.
People don't realize how loud a piano can sound.
When I was a kid, I had a next door neighbor who used to teach piano and I would hear him give lessons every afternoon after I got home from school.  Even though we were both in houses and there was about 15 feet of space between the houses, I could still hear his student(s) banging away on the piano, even while I was watching TV.  It was loud enough to overcome the volume of the TV that was just 6 feet from me.
So, that was the sound of a piano traveling from one house, across 15 feet, to another house.  Imagine how loud your piano is to someone living right below you.
Nov 28, 2010 at 2:33 PM Post #43 of 54
dude just stop singing, it is obviously horrible.
Nov 28, 2010 at 3:17 PM Post #45 of 54


Well after re-reading a few times, it seems its your singing that is bothering them. I thought of a few solutions;
Option 1: Tin foil, makes hats, clothes, toilet paper, wall paper, everything out of tin foil. 
Option 2:  Glasses of water, if you make a few rows near the walls it should scare the sound away. 
Option 3: A Bubble boy bubble, if you sit in that and sing your voice will be significantly muffled and will likely not bother them.
Option 4: Call google, tell them someone from China is living in the apartment below you and they are using youtube to spy on you. Though I would be hesitant about this option, google is unpredictable and you may never see your neighbours again. 
Option 5: Go downstairs with a gift of sorts (not the kind that explodes) and say you are sorry and you will no longer sing loudly. 
To be honest I think option 5 is your best bet, but 1 is also likely to work. 

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