YouTubers are spying on me
Nov 27, 2010 at 10:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 54


New Head-Fier
Aug 11, 2010
k so guys
I don't know if u remember me. some of u might. but for those of u who aren't i'll recap:
I had neighbors downstairs who were making fun of my singing and piano playing and i thought they were tapping onto my headphones and microphone since i thought that was the only way they could be hearing me. after ppl told me what was really up i figured they weren't actually tapping andi tw as just my singing that they were hearing.
k so now i have another thery and maybe since this is no longer about headphones and microphones this post should be moved somewhere else let me know.
I was browsing online on my laptop and saw the following blog:
the guy seems serious and ppl in the comments look like they're really scared. my neighbor has since moved out and new neighbors have moved in and they don't laugh, but they actually bang on my door asking me to stop singing because it's bothering them.
i don't think the floors are so thin they can hear me singing. i think they're using youtube to spy on me cuz i realized i always leave my laptop on in the same room as my keyboard. maybe not these neighbors since obviously if they are so bothered they can just turn there computers off but definitely the last neighbors.
i'm not looking for answers or anything like that. i just wanted to give u an update of what's going on and give u all a heads up.
i just don't know how the new neighbors can hear me. it can't be simply singing cuz i can never hear them talking below so how can they hear me singing above???
Nov 27, 2010 at 5:41 PM Post #2 of 54
Here's what you do. Turn on your radio or stereo and set the volume to the same level you sing at.

Now go to your neighbor's apartment. If you can hear the radio playing, the neighbors can also hear you singing.

You are assuming that they cannot hear you. You have to test that assumption. If your assumption is wrong, then they are not spying on you.

Also, you should probably talk to a doctor you trust. Take a friend or family member along, too. Tell the doctor that you think you are being spied on. There are medications that can help. After you take them, you won't be afraid of your neighbors and will be able to relax and enjoy life. Think about how much happier you would be if you did not have to worry about your neighbors.
Nov 27, 2010 at 5:50 PM Post #3 of 54
Uncle Erik with Excellent advice AGAIN...........U.E.   Should he Wear the Tinfoil  Hat to the Doctors???   Or would that kinda send the wrong message?

Nov 27, 2010 at 6:08 PM Post #5 of 54

+1 on the tin foil hat, it will solve all your problems.
This guy and the EMF guy must be brothers.

We will not speak ill of Patrick82.
Nov 27, 2010 at 6:52 PM Post #7 of 54
omg u ppl
look it's not the government i'm worried about it's the neighbors. i'm nowhere near washington dc and besides why would the cia be interseted in my singing??? one thing to note is they haven't asked me to stop since a few weeks ago so maybe they can't listen anymore
i remember there was someone who knew what i was talking about. i just tried what u sugested uncle eric and surprise i can't hear it in the neighbors place! they said something about me going to american idol and then asked me to leave.
i think these neighbors are much nicer than the last ones and i don't think they are doing anything to purposely hear me singing. maybe the equipment the last neighbors had is still in thier apartment? maybe. that would make sense for them to stop hearing me for a few weeks cuz the equipment might have broke or the batteries died. it's also possible i had my laptop on sleep since then and maybe they can't use youtube to find me
all i know is I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY CAN HEAR ME SING THROUGH THE WALLS WITHOUT SOMETHING HELPING THEM whether it's youtube headphone descrambler or microphone descrambler
you said ppl can't tap closed wires and microphones don't mask sound and for the last one ur right. i turned my laptop on record and put it in the other side of the room and sure enough it could pick up my singing. but you'd have to listen REALLY HARD to hear me sing from downstairs. it's not enough for them to notice
Nov 27, 2010 at 8:03 PM Post #9 of 54
This thread is hilarious hahahahahaha. Invest in some dampening curtains and soundproof your room. :D
Nov 27, 2010 at 8:21 PM Post #10 of 54
Just Got A Brain Storm!   Just visit your downstairs neighbors with a nice bowl of fruit or a Pie and when they answer the door you should Sing " Here's a gift for you to enjoy", Followed by (Singing) If there's anything You need you can count on me!!!!!  The neighbors will think "the poor boy can't even speak a word" without, "SINGING HIS THOUGHTS"........That should work!!  But As the guy's said above "IT'S" probably a Covert CIA Probe!!! Maybe trying to figure all of "US" Head-Fi'ers out...So Take one for the team!! Big Daddy!!
Nov 27, 2010 at 8:29 PM Post #11 of 54
All kidding aside, I think Uncle Eric has given the best advice. You'd be surprised how well people can hear you when you think they can't. My old set of cans had the pleather flake off the earpads, and when that happens you lose all leakage protection. I used to just waltz around my dorm suite at three in the morning when everybody was asleep and listen to music, figuring nobody would hear anything. It was only until my one roommate last year poked his head out his door and shouted at me for having the music so loud that I realized there was a problem at all. Then, half a year later, a friend of mine listened to a song on my headphones and I learned just how bloody loud those things were. They probably leaked as much sound as an open back design by that point, on account of the sorry state of the pads. I had been doing the late at night thing for three years by that point without any idea just how annoying it must have been.
So don't be surprised if it turns out your neighbors really could hear you--it certainly makes a lot more sense than the idea that they're spying on you through your computer.
Nov 27, 2010 at 8:44 PM Post #14 of 54
I wish people here would be more respectful. 
Have you tried contacting the FBI? The sad truth is most local police departments are ill-equipped to handle these matters. A private investigator might be able to help, but only someone who is highly qualified.
Another possibility is to misinform. Example: "I sure hope no one takes this stack of cash I left on my coffee table while I go out with my front door unlocked." Or: "I sure hope the police don't find that dead body I buried out back. That would suck." While unorthodox, this method is often a quick, cheap way of discovering amateur spies.
If you need additional assistance, please PM me or write back here.

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