Woo Audio WA6 + WA6SE: Tubes, Comments, Pictures, and Advice
Jul 20, 2019 at 6:38 PM Post #3,196 of 4,913
honestly depend on headphone for me, if I put on my Beyer T1, I need absolute warmth and bass, I dont think 6sn7 in that configuration is good. Surprisingly 6DE7 is really good for bass, 6sn7 will add punch but it really lean up the bass compare to the 6DE7. 6FD7 is good too but 6sn7 maintain that top end clarity. is it worth the upgrade? depend on what you like and your headphone.

6FD7 add more boom, it doesnt punch as hard compare to my GE 6DE7

I bought some custom designed 12AU7 adapters today for the WA6SE. I am looking forward to hearing that combination. The 12AU7 tubes with adapters in my Monolith Liquid Platinum amp sound better to me than any of many old stock 6922 tubes I tried with that amp.
Jul 20, 2019 at 10:34 PM Post #3,198 of 4,913
Jul 21, 2019 at 4:32 AM Post #3,199 of 4,913
Will do. It will probably be a few weeks before they will be built and delivered.

And there they are.

Hello everyone my name is Deyan. As it turns out there is a way of working around the incomparably problem of the WA6 and 6SN7 tubes. I don't know what the big deal is since Glenn is making those adapters for years now.
Jul 22, 2019 at 6:15 AM Post #3,201 of 4,913
honestly depend on headphone for me, if I put on my Beyer T1, I need absolute warmth and bass, I dont think 6sn7 in that configuration is good. Surprisingly 6DE7 is really good for bass, 6sn7 will add punch but it really lean up the bass compare to the 6DE7. 6FD7 is good too but 6sn7 maintain that top end clarity. is it worth the upgrade? depend on what you like and your headphone.

6FD7 add more boom, it doesnt punch as hard compare to my GE 6DE7

If anyone cares to dig through all of this content, takezo wrote a lot about his/her WA6/6SE listening impressions with various tubes several years ago. Type takezo in the search window at the top of any page on head-fi.org and that should take you to takezo's content.

Below are excerpts of takezo's listening impressions:

"6DE7 - Fast transients, good for rock, pop
6EW7 - Softer sound but slightly larger soundstage, good for some jazz, classical
6CY7 - between 6de7 and 6ew7
6DR7 - similar to 6de7 but higher gain
6FD7 - punchy bass, large soundstage, fast transients"

"6sn7 is super linear and offensive to no one's listening
palate but the 6dj8 has a beautiful coloured tone that
is addictive. it also needs the anode plate voltage to be
lowered to around 130v for the 6dj8 and 150v for the
6922 and 7308 to function a long time. it'll work fine at
200v on the wa6SE without any resistor adjustments
but i'm sure it'll lead towards an early grave for the tube."

"favorite ... 6CS7 ... requires
a simple adapter and works fine at 200+ volts. the tone
is as sweet as 6922 but with an even more intimate texture,
soundstage and timbre, especially for acoustic instruments.
acoustic guitar, violin and piano sound great with the 6cs7."
NOTE: I sent a PM to Deyan and he built 6sn7 and 6cs7 adapters for my WA6SE.
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Jul 24, 2019 at 2:57 PM Post #3,202 of 4,913
funny enough that is exactly my setup

western electric 422a and sylvania 6sn7

Headphones used: HD800 with the stefanaudioart ultra modification and stock pads and a variety of cables.
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Jul 24, 2019 at 6:07 PM Post #3,203 of 4,913
If anyone cares to dig through all of this content, takezo wrote a lot about his/her WA6/6SE listening impressions with various tubes several years ago.

The 6CS7 sounds interesting. Does takezo give any details about the required adapter?
Also, do you have another link? Unfortunately all I get when clicking on the link you offer is
"Search Results for Query: takezo
no search results"
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Jul 24, 2019 at 6:27 PM Post #3,204 of 4,913

quadels asked:

The 6CS7 sounds interesting. Does takezo give any details about the required adapter?
Also, do you have another link? ...
I don't know what is going on with the link. Try typing takezo in the search window at the top of this page. That seems to take you to takezo's content.

I did not find any further details about the adapters in the takezo content that I have read. Deyan built me some 6CS7 adapters a few days ago and they are due to arrive in a couple weeks or so.
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Jul 24, 2019 at 8:19 PM Post #3,205 of 4,913
for reference, this is probably what I would pair my headphone up with (DAC is hugo 2)

6DE7 - (require warmth and bass (more punch and bloom)) Beyer T1, Mrspeakers Ether C (non flow), Sennheiser HD800
6EW7 - (require soundstage, with little emphasis on bass and seperation) Hifiman HE1000se, TH900, Sennheiser HD820, Focal Utopia
6FD7 - (a little bass but more emphasis on definition, with big soundstage) Hifiman HE1000se, Sennheiser HD800s
6SN7 - (require highs and very good soundstage and seperation, bass definition) Hifiman HE1000se, HD820, Meze Empyean (from memory)

Jul 27, 2019 at 6:18 PM Post #3,206 of 4,913
Have recently been enjoying mine with a vintage pair of Grado RS1's... the sound (after an hour or so of warmup) is almost holographic. Using it with an old Parasound DAC2000 which definitely helps with the out-of-head experience. As a reference mine has the Sophia Princess and I'm using RCA 6FD7 tubes

Knowing myself I'll eventually splurge on an end game amp like the EAR HP4 or one of the more elaborate Eddie Current amps, but the 6SE is keeping me satisfied for the time being. Speaking of which, has anyone compared the 6SE to those amp? I'm not expecting it to compete, but wondering if it's even in the same ballpark
Jul 30, 2019 at 1:20 AM Post #3,207 of 4,913
let us know.

Received the 12AU7 to 6DE7 adapters from Deyan. They are very well made and were easy to install.
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Jul 30, 2019 at 10:20 AM Post #3,208 of 4,913
Received the 12AU7 to 6DE7 adapters from Deyan. They are very well made and were easy to install.

I have been using the adapters with old stock RCA clear top 12AU7 and Mullard CV4003 tubes in my WA6SE. The RCA tubes have a rising treble response which is annoying to me with my HD800. But the Mullards have great mids and are really good on vocals. Vocals are up front but background instruments seem to sound further away and less like themselves and less clear than they do with 6SN7, 6DE7, 6DR7 and 6FD7 tubes.

To me, the 12AU7 tubes in the WA6SE seem to retrieve midrange details very well but overall are on the dark side of neutral and do not sound as much like live music as the 6SN7, 6DE7, 6DR7 and 6FD7 tubes. I will probably use the 12AU7 tubes now and then when I'm in the mood for female vocalists such as D. Krall and for certain recordings that have edgy treble.

read that and....NOPE not for me, thanks!
Jul 30, 2019 at 11:24 PM Post #3,209 of 4,913
Have recently been enjoying mine with a vintage pair of Grado RS1's... the sound (after an hour or so of warmup) is almost holographic. Using it with an old Parasound DAC2000 which definitely helps with the out-of-head experience. As a reference mine has the Sophia Princess and I'm using RCA 6FD7 tubes

Knowing myself I'll eventually splurge on an end game amp like the EAR HP4 or one of the more elaborate Eddie Current amps, but the 6SE is keeping me satisfied for the time being. Speaking of which, has anyone compared the 6SE to those amp? I'm not expecting it to compete, but wondering if it's even in the same ballpark
Another head-fi site that I will not name has some discussion along these lines sandwiched into discussions of EC and DNA and other so-called end game amps and how well they work with head phones like HD800, Audeze LCD3 and LCD4, Utopia, Abyss and the like. The leader of that site has stated on more than one occasion that a WA6SE is a great amp to own and recommends it with the caveat that it might not be a good match for some hard to drive orthos.

But a different question that comes up in the Woo owners' unite thread on this site and in this thread sometimes is: Is the WA6 with the PDPS (psuedo dual power supply) a better sounding amp overall that the WA6SE? A few members who seem to be credible have indicated on this site in the first few years after the release of the WA6 1st Generation (with PDPS) that they had both amps and sold their WA6SE because they felt the WA6 sounded better with their particular headphones.

Anyone care to comment that has owned both as to whether they decided that the WA6 is better, or vice versa?

NOTE: For a while the WA6 1st Generation amps had a different power supply than the units that were produced later. The PDPS was added as a standard feature of the WA6 1st Gen several years ago and is of course also included in 2nd Gen amps. The PDPS apparently improved the sound of the amp significantly.
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Jul 31, 2019 at 10:00 AM Post #3,210 of 4,913
Good day everyone,
I'm looking to buy a Woo Audio WA6 (first gen possibly, NOT SE). I'm looking for a decent rectifier tube -- peferrably one that tightens up the bass and increases impact. Any recommendations? I'd like to use EBAY.

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