Which I.E.M's Can produce House,Trance,techno Music's sub bass ?
May 19, 2011 at 5:03 AM Post #16 of 130

Wearing the E-q5 over ear is actually my preferred method so that shouldn't be a determining factor. I though the cable setup odd before trying them but it's a non issue in use unless you're wearing a hood or there's a lot of wind.

Yes to Hood and yes to wind .
I will be wearing the I.E.M especially when it's windy and raining . When the weather is carm there is no reason why I can't where portable open headphones, as they make listening to music feel more natural and don't isolate from the sounds in my environment . But when the strong winds and rain prevail I do prefer some isolation so I can hear the music.
Thus my search for a I.E.M .
Though having said that I have specifically bought a paramo waterproof jacket made from a soft waterproof material that does not add hardly any micro-phonics when it touches headphones ,I.E.M's cables so I should be fine .
So far the E-q5 is sounding like a Good choice .
Anybody's opinion whom actually runs whilst wearing the E-q5 would be appreciated .Do they stay secure when your very active ?.
May 19, 2011 at 8:26 AM Post #17 of 130
Another I.E.M that can only do "polite" bass ?. Techno does not have any tracks with a polite bass! .
I've now read many reviews referring to the Bass as polite with moving armature I.E..M's .
Does this suggest that if music is played with a powerful bass these types of moving Armature Drivers.......Can't Produce it?
Or does "polite" mean they just don't colour the bass & add a boom effect .
Any techno fans in the house with some e-Q5 and feeling the bass is a accurate reproduction all be it in a tiny envelope ?.
Bass response is ‘polite’ on the e-Q5. Quantity-wise, it’s basically equal to the Phonak PFE with grey filters. Quality-wise, it extends as deep as possible with no distracting midbass hump or other ‘cheap’ sounding connotations – again, same as the PFE in that aspect as well. Where the e-Q5’s bass shines is in its timbre and long decay. While the PFE sounds dryer and more analytical in its lower frequency registers, the e-Q5 add a smidgen more texture, and don’t cut the bass decay off as early. It has a pleasing ‘roomy’ (not boomy) quality to it, a kind of reverberation or resonance that sounds very natural. Compared to the e-Q7 it sounds a bit lighter, tighter and more cohesive, but not by much. The SM3’s bass sounds closer to the PFE in these aspects, albeit with more quantity and punch/impact. Needless to say, none of the phones mentioned – including the e-Q5 – would make bassheads overly happy, but that’s a given, considering the balanced, natural character of them. A bit of quality EQing never hurts, and the e-Q5 could of course be tweaked to deliver a more voluminous bass, if one wishes to do so.

May 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM Post #18 of 130
Depends on tips. I haven't tried the complies but the stock silicons have just a bit extra treble but for me are about right with Hybrids. Perhaps that's also true of the complies. At that point they have similar treble to the Phonak(definitely More than black filters) and more bass presence or weight also. It's an overall great phone for the price. It's funny how the review says it's the same driver as the E-q7 also. It can't be and the toerances aren't 25% as the reviewer also suspects. They're 116 db effecient and 31 ohms and wont vary by more than a ohm in ether direction. E-q5 is 40 ohms and 2 db more effecient. They won't vary more than an ohm up or down.
May 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM Post #19 of 130
GR10 has some excellent, excellent bass. I can not imagine someone wanting more bass. problem with gr10 are the mids, not bass. Bass is there and it is pretty excellent, same as astonishing highs.
May 19, 2011 at 9:37 AM Post #20 of 130
I like the mids a lot but find them very revealing of source. Spyro sold his off because he prefers more bass and treble but he described a vocal as rivalling the JH-13. They're further back than the the Ortos which I find a bit forward. Not objectionably so and I can see someone else preferring that sound. Funny how many prespectives we get on products. All should be considered.
May 19, 2011 at 11:42 AM Post #21 of 130

 Funny how many perspectives we get on products. All should be considered.

Definitely :)  Perspectives,points of views and alternative beliefs should all be valued ,provided they do no violent physical harm .Accidents in sports not withstanding .Of course if all Adhered to non violence there would be no need to use violence to protect ourselves from violence . will the vicious circle ever end?.I hope so.
Your phrase goodvibes reminds me of earlier today when I was talking to a women,she said she "will prey" for a warmer summer . I almost began explaining that it's certain meteorological conditions that produce the warmer weather, when I thought, essentially all she is saying is she believes in hope . As do I .She hopes to her God, I hope that homo-sapiens are rooted in logic and compassion, thus our species will prevail and not destroy our   planets natural environment thus ourselves
Anyway moving swiftly on with my pending I.E.M purchase.The reason why I  entitled this thread using specific Genres of music, was so to focus that opinion towards listeners with the same empathy towards feeling the bass and drums in the music .
With general consensus of the eq-5's that I've gathered over the Internet I'm hoping they will be just what I want .
For me it is not about if there will be enough bass or not.It's will there be a balanced reproduction of the low frequencies which I have read can be tricky with moving armature drivers . Of course slightly too much tuning with the I.EM one way or the over makes a objective difference in the sound .
From what I have read I think the bass of the eq-5 will be borderline .They will be either spot on the amount of bass I want from a I.E.M or will be too little  . The review I just mentioned states the bass is "polite" yet goes onto say
he e-Q5 add a smidgen more texture, and don’t cut the bass decay off as early. It has a pleasing ‘roomy’ (not boomy) quality to it,

So if the e-q5 don't add the Boom but do give the bass room to breath ,they should hit me objectively between the ears with a satisfying low end
well for a i.e.m anyways .Though on a side note you can make up for the conductive loss of vibration with a I.E.M by vibrating your body in time to the music . <<<
I've just about made my mind up on buying the e-q5 .
May 19, 2011 at 2:40 PM Post #22 of 130
Like I said in the other thread, the e-Q5's ergonomics are not the best for running. Yes, you can wear them over-ear, but if your ear canals aren't wide enough to accommodate a good part of the housing they won't stay in securely. I'd recommend you do a test before you buy the e-Q5 and try to fit an AAA battery at least 10mm deep into your ear canal. If you can do this there's a good chance the Ortofons will fit you.

Btw I too thought the FI-BA-A1 were a bit flimsy when I first bought them, but I've been using them regularly for more than 6 months and they show no sign of wear. I still think they are a good option as far as performance/price is concerned. Sound signature wise all of these are pretty close to each other and I bet you won't hear much difference while running.

Oh, one more thing, the Final Audios are the only ones that are vented, meaning you'll have slightly less isolation but also less occlusion effect (thumping) during running.

May 19, 2011 at 5:37 PM Post #24 of 130

Like I said in the other thread, the e-Q5's ergonomics are not the best for running. Yes, you can wear them over-ear, but if your ear canals aren't wide enough to accommodate a good part of the housing they won't stay in securely. I'd recommend you do a test before you buy the e-Q5 and try to fit an AAA battery at least 10mm deep into your ear canal. If you can do this there's a good chance the Ortofons will fit you.

Btw I too thought the FI-BA-A1 were a bit flimsy when I first bought them, but I've been using them regularly for more than 6 months and they show no sign of wear. I still think they are a good option as far as performance/price is concerned. Sound signature wise all of these are pretty close to each other and I bet you won't hear much difference while running.

Oh, one more thing, the Final Audios are the only ones that are vented, meaning you'll have slightly less isolation but also less occlusion effect (thumping) during running.

Hehe I can fit a AA Battery inside my Ear canals . When I went to have my ear impressions done the Audiologist commented on the larger than average size of my ear canals
.Running is only one the the activities I will be using them for . Since I also go dancing outside in the countryside ,I know normal people go to Night Clubs but normals always been over rated , I will need very Good isolation as one of my favorite spots for dancing is right next to a fast flowing stream. Which becomes a river very quickly when it rains substantially . The HD25's do a great Job for dancing outside for there sound and isolation, but when it gets windy the wind whistles over the headphones,that's when only I.E.M will do .
Maybe I should Go for a run with a couple of AA Battery's stuck in my ear lobes ? lol

May 21, 2011 at 4:13 AM Post #27 of 130
Hey James444 & Goodvibes by your response I'm assuming that  House , trance,techno etc music are  your favorite music genres ? 
I've just read the review http://www.techenclave.com/audio-zone/ortofon-e-q5-initial-impressions-182397.html
Bass of e-Q5 has some texture, but less on impact. It certainly has more body than that of a DBA-02. Bass is not a weak point in e-Q5 unless you are an avid fan of trance/electronica. For most of the other music, it has enough quantity, texture, body and even some string weight to sail through

Are you guys " avid fan of trance/electronica" ? Please tell me if you are not, as I'm wanting "opinions" that understand the level and structure of bass that these genres of music require.
May 21, 2011 at 8:18 AM Post #28 of 130
I listen to a fair share of trance and electronica, but wouldn't call myself an avid fan. But even among these, opinions will differ. AFAIK shigzeo is an avid trance fan and the CK10 are his favorite IEMs.

The way you keep focussing on bass makes me think you should maybe try DD based IEMs. Those MAs have more impact and better texture than the CK10, but it's not a night and day difference. Moreover, all of them roll off steeply below 30Hz, so if you're into rumbling sub-bass you might wanna look elsewhere.
May 21, 2011 at 8:44 AM Post #29 of 130
Not really for me either but I'm also not that into horses for courses. If everything is  right, an accurate IEM will bring what the engineer intended. Of course, everything right is seldom the case and 'enhanced' balanced is preferred by some(many). I think the E-q5 with the right tips can cover it's tracks just enough for a less than stellar source while still being fun, informative, having good bass and being pretty true to the mix. The GR10 has a slightly less mid forward balance and is a bit more informative of subtleties but also more critical of associated files and kit because of it. It has a bit more to offer in the way of textures and space between the notes but can more easily show other deficiencies which can be plenty in portable. If you just plug them into whatever you got, depending on tips, either could be preferred but more can be coaxed out of the Grado. This is going to be the dilemma with all expensive IEMs. Are you actually getting your money's worth with how they're being used or could something less expensive serve you as well or even better. Like the home market, consumers are transducer driven but as they get into the excellent range, other parts of the setup actually become more defining. You always need to ask yourself what the weakest link is and what compromises work for you. I find internet boards very bit perfect and spec driven and there's so much more to good sound.
I think the E-q5 a nice safe purchase for a wide genre. If you want a warmer presentation, Sony hybrids fill them out without robbing too much top as they can with some phones.
May 21, 2011 at 3:27 PM Post #30 of 130

Not really for me either but I'm also not that into horses for courses. If everything is  right, an accurate IEM will bring what the engineer intended. Of course, everything right is seldom the case and 'enhanced' balanced is preferred by some(many). I think the E-q5 with the right tips can cover it's tracks just enough for a less than stellar source while still being fun, informative, having good bass and being pretty true to the mix. The GR10 has a slightly less mid forward balance and is a bit more informative of subtleties but also more critical of associated files and kit because of it. It has a bit more to offer in the way of textures and space between the notes but can more easily show other deficiencies which can be plenty in portable. If you just plug them into whatever you got, depending on tips, either could be preferred but more can be coaxed out of the Grado. This is going to be the dilemma with all expensive IEMs. Are you actually getting your money's worth with how they're being used or could something less expensive serve you as well or even better. Like the home market, consumers are transducer driven but as they get into the excellent range, other parts of the setup actually become more defining. You always need to ask yourself what the weakest link is and what compromises work for you. I find internet boards very bit perfect and spec driven and there's so much more to good sound.
I think the E-q5 a nice safe purchase for a wide genre. If you want a warmer presentation, Sony hybrids fill them out without robbing too much top as they can with some phones.

Ok thanks "True to the mix" is definitely what I want . I now listen only to Dance Styles of music with it's many Genres.. I'd only consider the GR10's if many reviews agreed they  were  a higher quality sound than the E-q5's, since the GR10's are considerably more money in the UK than the E-q5's .
Originally Posted by goodvibes
If everything is  right, an accurate IEM will bring what the engineer intended


It is because of the extreme difference in the reproduction of bass presence in relation to the mids-highs ,on tracks with a more dominant low end ,between the CK10's and other headphones namely HD25's & G2a'  that is driving me to fully research  the opinions of the E-q5's and any other I.E.M's . Simply so I don't buy the wrong I.E.M .

I listen to a fair share of trance and electronica, but wouldn't call myself an avid fan. But even among these, opinions will differ. AFAIK shigzeo is an avid trance fan and the CK10 are his favorite IEMs.

The way you keep focusing on bass makes me think you should maybe try DD based IEMs. Those MAs have more impact and better texture than the CK10, but it's not a night and day difference. Moreover, all of them roll off steeply below 30Hz, so if you're into rumbling sub-bass you might wanna look elsewhere.

The reason I'm trying to get a idea of the nature of the MAs is because I want the impact and better texture 

I'm trying to establish a general consensus of how these MA's produce the bass regions so as to get a idea before spending money.Do the eq-5's  have a sufficiently balanced low frequency range  relative to the mids and highs,so as to be able to accurately reproduce the Dance Genres of music.Not only the specific genre of electronica ,which can be very light in the bass regions compared to Tribal /Tech House  for example .
But the different tastes that are forming opinions on many boards  makes it very difficult to get a decent Idea of what level and true to recording accuracy the E-q5's have .That is why I wanted opinions from people whom  are House,Trance,techno music Fans .
The Title asks 

EQ-5 ,GR10's or FI-BA-A1's ! Can they produce House,Trance,techno Music

I was hoping that fans of these Genres whom had tested out these I.E.M's could give some valuable information .
Originally Posted by james444
Moreover, all of them roll off steeply below 30Hz, so if you're into rumbling sub-bass you might wanna look elsewhere.

Only if rumbling sub-bass is in the original source :)
30Hz isn't that sub either ! .Maybe that was the issue I had with the CK10's.The "average" 808 kick drum can be anywhere around 46Hz + / -  .The  essential bass presentation that was missing may of been the Sub of the drum .Add to that the forward nature of the CK10's Highs and you have, relative to some Dance music, a very unbalanced I.E.M.
Sigh! so maybe I can't as yet have my CK10's Mid-highs and Dynamic driver lows and bas impact in a I.E.M with the moving Armatures .
I just wish some knowledgeable Dance music fans would give me the Low down on the E-q5's .

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