Westone ES5
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:32 PM Post #1,336 of 5,554
Hmm, it can be frustrating when a company promises a customer a certain time and then misses that time. Three weeks over is annoying, but not excessive. I would say that you should give them the benefit of the doubt. Custom iems, unfortunately can involve a lot of patience. You may very well require a re-fit, that often happens. That involves yet more waiting.
At the end of the day, hopefully you receive something you will enjoy for a long time.
I do not believe nationality has anything to do with it. You would have been better off not to have mentioned that, as I think it is separate from the wait issue.
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:42 PM Post #1,337 of 5,554
should’nt companys accomplish what they promised in the 1st time?
or it’s ok with custumers that they didn’t diliver in that time? 
if it’s your stuff. your paying your saving on this. doesn’t matter what it is. but you want it so bad. and you play by the rules they set.  is it just me that is not happy that the stuff didnt diliver on time? 
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:47 PM Post #1,339 of 5,554
I think it's okay and reasonable to be annoyed.  I think your reaction is waay over the top.  I have to ask for a glass of water 3x's when I go for Dim Sum.  Oh well.
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:52 PM Post #1,340 of 5,554
hey guys
i’ve been doing some thinking. in my culture. breaking a promise is a huge disrespect. but on this website it’s different. maybe it’s ok that westone breaks there words and everyone speak for them. i’m ok that people dont agree with me. i can still live with my JH13. 
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:54 PM Post #1,341 of 5,554
let’s say it in this way. westone promised me the set will be in my hand before Mar, 9. but it didn’t.
then they promised me the set should be sent before Mar, 17. but it didn’t.
i have to wait 3-4 days for an e-mail with gentelwords.(on Mar,9)
i get an e-mail in 12hr with strong words.
they promised me the set will be sent before Mar, 17. but it’s sent at Mar, 22. if you can’t make it. then don’t make any promise to custumer. i’m a doctor. not a sells. promise is something you will make. not something to comfort someone in a short time
by the way. i’m from Taiwan. 

should’nt companys accomplish what they promised in the 1st time?
or it’s ok with custumers that they didn’t diliver in that time? 
if it’s your stuff. your paying your saving on this. doesn’t matter what it is. but you want it so bad. and you play by the rules they set.  is it just me that is not happy that the stuff didnt diliver on time? 

it's unfortunate that things didn't go smoothly. sometimes they don't. there may be any # of reasons that it didn't get to you in the originally stated time period. it's not necessarily the case that any one person was deliberately lying to you or trying to act in bad faith. i don't get your extreme upset. this is a small matter and a frustrating experience. if you're a doctor surely you routinely deal with matters of far more consequence (perhaps matters of life and death)!  i'd think that'd help put things in perspective.

You seem to be overreacting to a relatively small delay.
It's an annoyance to receive your earphones three weeks late, it's not a reason for huge anger.

I think it's okay and reasonable to be annoyed.  I think your reaction is waay over the top.  I have to ask for a glass of water 3x's when I go for Dim Sum.  Oh well.

Mar 24, 2011 at 2:56 PM Post #1,342 of 5,554
Get used to it. I have my DAP delayed for more than 10 times till I don't even want to speak about it. I don't know how many times had the promise been broken on me.
It was horrible, but I have come to learn that the world is not Asia and so you can't expect the same thing from other people.
Your delay for ES5 is a small case compared to mine. Don't overreact. Things happen. Learn to live with it.
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:57 PM Post #1,343 of 5,554

It's bad enough your grammar is horrible, but now you have to start typing like an idiot? You really are a flaming douschebag.

A bit harsh, don't you think? 
So the guy's a bit upset about the delivery date being missed by Westone on two separate occasions (from what I gathered, anyway) and he's complaining about it.  I see no problem with that.
And yes, I agree that he's font makes it rather difficult to read, and, English isn't his first language.  But then, we're a large community spanning the globe. 
The OP should probaby have chosen a different user name, as I see this similar to tatooing a girlfriend's name on your shoulder.  What happens when she dumps you?  Or in his case, when he gets his hands on the custom IEMs and all is forgiven, as I'm sure it will be (at least eventually).
Mar 24, 2011 at 3:05 PM Post #1,344 of 5,554
I think you confuse an estimate w/ a promise w/ a blood oath.  Maybe us ignorant hakujin have to many words for 'promise' like the Eskimos have so many for 'snow'.  As a doctor in 'your culture', when you give a patient treatment and they die, did you break your promise?  Can I go post about you w/ the name 'murder doctor' on some Taiwanese health forum?  I assume your patients have never had to wait for you in a waiting room either?  Your practice runs as efficiently as a German train to Poland?  Just curious.  I know I've exceeded my daily Head-fi allowance so I'm done here.  
Mar 24, 2011 at 3:11 PM Post #1,345 of 5,554
maybe an estimated ship date by a company isn't the same thing as a sacred promise that someone can lose face over
maybe you are really taking this personally and you have an inferiority complex about being Taiwanese, I don't think the delay had anything to do with that.
What kind of doctor are you, by the way?
Mar 24, 2011 at 4:38 PM Post #1,347 of 5,554

It's bad enough your grammar is horrible, but now you have to start typing like an idiot? You really are a flaming douschebag.

...maybe you are really taking this personally and you have an inferiority complex about being Taiwanese...


I honestly think the above comments are way out of line and there's no excuse for posting them, no matter what.
Mar 24, 2011 at 4:44 PM Post #1,348 of 5,554

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I honestly think the above comments are way out of line and there's no excuse for posting them, no matter what.

I think you are taking Kunlun's post out of context.  He was simply reflecting that posters own comments back at him cynically.  He's the one who somehow brought nationality, culture and race into the discussion from the get go.  That was my reading.
Mar 24, 2011 at 4:55 PM Post #1,349 of 5,554
I think you are taking Kunlun's post out of context.  He was simply reflecting that posters own comments back at him cynically.  He's the one who somehow brought nationality, culture and race into the discussion from the get go.  That was my reading.

He did bring the nationality issue, and that's how he feels about it, and he might be right or wrong about it - we don't know. That is still no excuse, cynically or otherwise, to make such a comment.
Mar 24, 2011 at 4:57 PM Post #1,350 of 5,554
I've read stories from practically every custom iem and remold company where some people didn't get their iems shipped out at the time the company promised they would ship. I've personally gone through this as well. Take it with a grain of salt and stop drinking from the:


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