Westone ES5
Mar 20, 2012 at 2:40 PM Post #4,321 of 5,554
Wow GG, you must have made a very persuasive argument when talking to Westone. I gave it a go and I talked with a rep called Megan for over 10 minutes, and she was really firm about not allowing direct orders, unless there weren't any dealers located nearby. So I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and pay the premium of living in Canada.
Mar 20, 2012 at 5:08 PM Post #4,322 of 5,554
I see. All the dealers in Vancouver seemed to charge over $1500, some $1100 per ear; I guess she found Vancouver's prices outrageous as well.
Wow GG, you must have made a very persuasive argument when talking to Westone. I gave it a go and I talked with a rep called Megan for over 10 minutes, and she was really firm about not allowing direct orders, unless there weren't any dealers located nearby. So I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and pay the premium of living in Canada.

Mar 20, 2012 at 7:05 PM Post #4,323 of 5,554
I wish my dealer charged over $1500 too. Then Westone might have better seen my point lol.
Anyways, I went to the audiologist to get my impressions done, and I am so disappointed with the way I was treated. I brought the instructions from JH Audio with me so that she was on the same page as I am and when I gave it to her, she reads it for 3 seconds and puts it away. I wanted to be polite and didn't assert her to read it over, and she said that we were going to do open mouth impressions so I felt comfortable with that. And then before I can even say anything she places the syringe in my right ear and then starts pouring the material in and keeps telling me to open my mouth! And I'm panicking because she didn't even give me a bite block so I hastily ask her to give me bite blocks so she pulls some out from her drawer and gives them to me. I put the bite blocks in AFTER my right ear was filled up so I gave it a tap several times to make sure. I still can't believe that she was going to do open jaw impressions without biteblocks. Seems like I should have known from the start when she was arrogant enough to just toss the instructions I gave her when I came in.
So the lesson here is, NEVER leave your audiologist to do his/her thing while you just sit and watch. There is absolutely no guarantee that they know what the hell they're doing. Certainly be pushy or rude if you need to. I really hope the impressions didn't turn out as bad as I think it did...
Mar 21, 2012 at 2:17 AM Post #4,326 of 5,554
You might as well get new impressions done. Once you close your mouth and reopen it during curing, the impressions are going to be messed up.
Go to a different audiologist. Call them up and ask if they have bite blocks and use cotton dams.
Mar 21, 2012 at 1:32 PM Post #4,328 of 5,554

Yeah, I think I'm going to get the right ear re-done elsewhere if they're not going to do it again for free. I think the left should be fine since that was done right after I put the bite blocks in.

Just think about receaving your custom IEM with a bad fit... I think you will be like this 
 . So doing the impressions right, is the way to go =)
Mar 21, 2012 at 7:46 PM Post #4,330 of 5,554
Which default cable did everyone decide to go with? I think I want to go with the clear, but I'm kind of afraid that they might turn green or something just like the Shure scl5 (e5c). Also, does anyone have pics of the dark brown cable?
Mar 21, 2012 at 9:52 PM Post #4,331 of 5,554
Get both sides redone. Your second audiologist will probably force you to get both done. Your left might be fine but it was done in a different setting by a different audiologist with different expertise. Therefore, get both sides redone.
As for cable, go with black, trust me. They turn blue-green fast... And go for 64" since I found 48" to be too short, it tugs on my ears from my jeans pocket.
Which default cable did everyone decide to go with? I think I want to go with the clear, but I'm kind of afraid that they might turn green or something just like the Shure scl5 (e5c). Also, does anyone have pics of the dark brown cable?

Mar 21, 2012 at 10:14 PM Post #4,332 of 5,554
Black would be fine too, but I kind of wanted to try a cable that might look different from the stock um3x cable. I might be wrong though about them being the same. As for the audiologist, I'm going to the same one tomorrow and they told me that I could get them redone for no cost if I bring the impressions with me. I wonder why they need them back though, since surely they're not going to be reusing it?? Have no clue about this. If I still feel that they do a shoddy job I'm just going to toss those and go to another audiologist.
Get both sides redone. Your second audiologist will probably force you to get both done. Your left might be fine but it was done in a different setting by a different audiologist with different expertise. Therefore, get both sides redone.
As for cable, go with black, trust me. They turn blue-green fast... And go for 64" since I found 48" to be too short, it tugs on my ears from my jeans pocket.



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