VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread
Aug 9, 2011 at 7:01 AM Post #466 of 7,982
Muddy isn't really what I'd call the GR07. But warmer, yes, the GR07 is more overly balanced in comparison to the RE-ZERO, which is more... in my opinion... detail-focused.
Aug 9, 2011 at 7:16 AM Post #468 of 7,982

In your opinion, from RE-ZERO to GR07 is that an upgrade? or just a sidestep with different sound signature?

Technically, I'd definitely say that the GR07 is an upgrade. There are other IEMs that are detail-oriented and does a better job at maintaining the rest of the sound spectrum than the RE-ZERO.
A sidegrade to the GR07 would be something like the DBA-02 and the Brainwavz B2 to me (if the reports are accurate that they sound similar to the DBA-02).
Aug 9, 2011 at 8:10 AM Post #469 of 7,982

There seems to be at least one very experienced head-fier (Inks) that I know of who finds the EX600 better sounding than the GR07, and the EX600 (in the US) can be had for $135 - $150 and it comes with detachable cables.
I personally find the EX600 much better sounding than the SM3 (and CK10), BTW. I would also take the EX600 over the SE535, SE530, TF10, IE8, UM2 & CK100, and might even prefer it over the UM3X.

Yes, the EX600 is another viable option in the price range. And if it is as close to the EX1000 as I think judging from others' reports, it probably is a bit better technically. However they serve two different purposes since the GR07 isolates well. It will find use in many situations where my EX1000 won't. So they are both unique at the price I believe.
Aug 9, 2011 at 10:58 AM Post #471 of 7,982

Something I'm coming to appreciate more and more is how (great) vocals on the GR07.. excellent tonality, regardless of if the vocalist is male or female.  I've found they comfortable float slightly above the instruments.. one thing I absolutely cannot stand is a recessed midrange.. get a deep seat/seal and you'll really come to appreciate all the great things the GR07 do in that region.
Who would've though such a "lack of a sound signature" could be so lively and engaging?  There is simply something alluring about the GR07 sound to me.. there are more technically able performers.. but few trump the GR07 is cohesiveness and sheer musicality.  I hear so many of the favorite parts of my other ear phones in the GR07.

Aug 9, 2011 at 11:18 AM Post #472 of 7,982

There seems to be at least one very experienced head-fier (Inks) that I know of who finds the EX600 better sounding than the GR07, and the EX600 (in the US) can be had for $135 - $150 and it comes with detachable cables.
I personally find the EX600 much better sounding than the SM3 (and CK10), BTW. I would also take the EX600 over the SE535, SE530, TF10, IE8, UM2 & CK100, and might even prefer it over the UM3X.

Well if that isn't a very "SUBJECTIVE" statement I don't know what is. I can't say you meant it this way, but that statements almost reads as if you are saying out of all of us who have heard the EX600/EX1000 and the GR07, only Inks is experienced enough to give a fair objective critique of the GR07. I hope I'm reading that wrong.
Regardless of intentions in that statement, I agree with you that the EX600 is better sounding than the SM3. Can't comment on the CK10 (because I only comment on IEMs that I've actually heard), I agree that the EX600/EX1000 sounds better than the SE535, SE530, TF10 and IE8.

But the GR07 also sounds better than all of those IEMs mentioned being compared to the EX600/EX1000. Now, I think I've stated earlier somewhere that the Sonys might be a bit more refined than the GR07, and that the EX600/EX1000 are technically better than the GR07, but doesn't translate into sounding better to my ears. Again, for me, in enjoyment of sound quality it's virtually a tie between the GR07, EX600/EX1000 and FX700. But if I had to personally pick one (which I wouldn't want to be forced to do, but if  I had to), I would choose the GR07. Why? Because the Vsonic has a micro detailing and layering of sound (especially in the midrange region) that hasn't excited me this much since hearing the DDM for the first time (and the GR07 is far more superior than the DDM). And to these ears I haven't heard any universal IEM render drums and percussion better than the GR07. And to these ears the GR07 attacks electric guitars with the same fierceness of the HJE900, but in a clearer and more transparent manner.
Aug 9, 2011 at 11:33 AM Post #473 of 7,982

I forgot about the great isolation at cn11. Thanks for pointing that out. I rode to work with the GR07 in my ears, and will music playing at relatively low volumes I don't hear any external noises. And the shell of the GR07 has two visible tiny vents (one on the exterior and one on the part of the shell that faces the inside of the ear).
Yes, the EX600 is another viable option in the price range. And if it is as close to the EX1000 as I think judging from others' reports, it probably is a bit better technically. However they serve two different purposes since the GR07 isolates well. It will find use in many situations where my EX1000 won't. So they are both unique at the price I believe.

Aug 9, 2011 at 11:58 AM Post #474 of 7,982
I'm just curious about other people's opinion, can anyone share your experience with RE-ZERO vs GR07?
Check out page 4 and page 13, don't be lazy 

Aug 9, 2011 at 1:21 PM Post #475 of 7,982

Well if that isn't a very "SUBJECTIVE" statement I don't know what is. I can't say you meant it this way, but that statements almost reads as if you are saying out of all of us who have heard the EX600/EX1000 and the GR07, only Inks is experienced enough to give a fair objective critique of the GR07. I hope I'm reading that wrong.
Regardless of intentions in that statement, I agree with you that the EX600 is better sounding than the SM3. Can't comment on the CK10 (because I only comment on IEMs that I've actually heard), I agree that the EX600/EX1000 sounds better than the SE535, SE530, TF10 and IE8.

But the GR07 also sounds better than all of those IEMs mentioned being compared to the EX600/EX1000. Now, I think I've stated earlier somewhere that the Sonys might be a bit more refined than the GR07, and that the EX600/EX1000 are technically better than the GR07, but doesn't translate into sounding better to my ears. Again, for me, in enjoyment of sound quality it's virtually a tie between the GR07, EX600/EX1000 and FX700. But if I had to personally pick one (which I wouldn't want to be forced to do, but if  I had to), I would choose the GR07. Why? Because the Vsonic has a micro detailing and layering of sound (especially in the midrange region) that hasn't excited me this much since hearing the DDM for the first time (and the GR07 is far more superior than the DDM). And to these ears I haven't heard any universal IEM render drums and percussion better than the GR07. And to these ears the GR07 attacks electric guitars with the same fierceness of the HJE900, but in a clearer and more transparent manner.

Well, it is obviously subjective to you. What I said is actually OBJECTIVE / FACTUAL - very few people have, in fact, heard both the EX600 & GR07 and Inks is one of them. He says he prefers the EX600 and he is an experienced head-fier. I was merely pointing out to dweaver  that there is, in fact, another IEM, that is even cheaper (in the US at least), and that one experienced HF'er (that I know of) prefers it over the GR07. AND, that the EX600 also comes with detachable cables.
Yes, you made a VERY wrong interpretation of my post.
Aug 9, 2011 at 1:46 PM Post #476 of 7,982
All of the experienced head-fiers I know who have heard the GR07 and the EX600/EX1000:
I think I'm missing one or two more at least. Now, who likes which one better than the other one is subjective. Even Inks is quoted somewhere on this thread stating that it's simply a matter of personal taste because all are so close in performing on a high level. But I am sure we are all looking forward to you hearing the GR07, and gracing us with your experienced expert observations.

Aug 9, 2011 at 2:06 PM Post #477 of 7,982

All of the experienced head-fiers I know who have heard the GR07 and the EX600/EX1000:
I think I'm missing one or two more at least. Now, who likes which one better than the other one is subjective. Even Inks is quoted somewhere on this thread stating that it's simply a matter of personal taste because all are so close in performing on a high level. But I am sure we are all looking forward to you hearing the GR07, and gracing us with your experienced expert observations.

The EX1000 & EX600 are not the same phone and it's wrong of you to keep referring to them as if they were one and the same IEM. Of the people you mention, some have not heard the EX600 and some have not heard the EX1000. I was strictly speaking of those who have heard both EX600s & GR07s.
Aug 9, 2011 at 2:27 PM Post #478 of 7,982
I think joker has also, heard both I mean, and, I'm paraphrasing from memory, said that they are so close in sound quality that its only when you add in comfort and isolation that he recommends the GR07. But that was before the respective price increases and drops so who knows.

I haven't heard both but given what has been said it's a toss-up. They both have stellar sound quality and the difference doesn't seem worth arguing about which one is better. The EX600 isolates worse, is less comfortable, has detachable cables and costs less. The GR07 has better isolation and comfort, articulating nozzles and costs more. Let people decide what they want given these characteristics.

Personally, I'm torn trying to decide between the FX500 and the EX600 for work because I need less isolation in the office, and based on what I've read, within any reasonable relavent range, these are all sidegrades to eachother.

I'm going to go out on a limb here but I feel if you ask Inks how much better he thinks the EX600 is over the GR07, he'd say it was negligible for most people. No, I don't know him and if I'm wrong, I apologize in advance.
Aug 9, 2011 at 2:41 PM Post #479 of 7,982
Myself, I'd say DBA-02 is not a sidestep, just a plain downgrade from GR07. It has neither soundstage, refinement or detail of GR07. Also manages to sound metallic. Fit and build quality are ways behind. There are only few things it has more of: midbass quantity (but definitely not quality), mid-highs ~4kHz. I found it in general unpleasant-sounding.
About Brainwavz vs VSonic: I know the story about the split. Doesn't change one bit that Brainwavz M2 is a slightly modified clone of Visang R03.
Aug 9, 2011 at 3:02 PM Post #480 of 7,982
Well, I simply couldn't resist it any longer. My first ever GR07 should be here within 2 weeks time. Let's see what the buzz is all about, especially once it's Zo-ified.


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