Vision Ears and Rhines Custom Monitors (formerly Compact Monitors)
Mar 1, 2021 at 10:29 AM Post #2,251 of 5,717
ely back in town. i wanted to revisit the ely primarily to see how accurate my memory of it was. largely, i'd say...pretty spot on.

in the $1500 - $2k range, ely is my top choice iem for an emotional listening experience with incredible vocals. ve is just so good at getting an emotional sound with their tunings, and the elysium is wonderful in this regard. vocals are really extremely well done.

the first time i heard the ely, i had spent the last year listening to nothing but the a18t. coming from the a18t, the midrange and timbre on the ely was a complete revelation. however, over the last year i've listened to nothing but the erlky, so its a bit of a different story. ultimately, i don't want to spend much time comparing the ely to the erlky (or the traillii,) as i don't think that would be fruitful due to how dramatically divergent the price points are.

i still feel that the ely is a phenomenal piece with an incredibly unique tuning, and it's also a good value. i think the ely's presentation will be perceived to be bass-light by many, especially those looking for lots of bass. this has always been the biggest caveat when i recommend the elysium to people. that said, the bass on the ely is extremely balanced and accurate, it just isn't as visceral as those who are looking for a more "active" low-end may want. if you listen to lots of edm, this will likely be more of an issue. i do still also feel the stage is a bit on the smaller side, but i'm happy to say i don't find the treble to be as harsh as i did the first time...maybe i've just gotten a bit more used to estats after spending some time with the traillii.

not sure how long the elysium will stick around, but really glad to finally spend some more time with it. it's a really great piece deserving of all the praise it so often receives.
Mar 1, 2021 at 10:33 AM Post #2,252 of 5,717
ely back in town. i wanted to revisit the ely primarily to see how accurate my memory of it was. largely, i'd say...pretty spot on.

in the $1500 - $2k range, ely is my top choice iem for an emotional listening experience with incredible vocals. ve is just so good at getting an emotional sound with their tunings, and the elysium is wonderful in this regard. vocals are really extremely well done.

the first time i heard the ely, i had spent the last year listening to nothing but the a18t. coming from the a18t, the midrange and timbre on the ely was a complete revelation. however, over the last year i've listened to nothing but the erlky, so its a bit of a different story. ultimately, i don't want to spend much time comparing the ely to the erlky (or the traillii,) as i don't think that would be fruitful due to how dramatically divergent the price points are.

i still feel that the ely is a phenomenal piece with an incredibly unique tuning, and it's also a good value. i think the ely's presentation will be perceived to be bass-light by many, especially those looking for lots of bass. this has always been the biggest caveat when i recommend the elysium to people. that said, the bass on the ely is extremely balanced and accurate, it just isn't as visceral as those who are looking for a more "active" low-end may want. if you listen to lots of edm, this will likely be more of an issue. i do still also feel the stage is a bit on the smaller side, but i'm happy to say i don't find the treble to be as harsh as i did the first time...maybe i've just gotten a bit more used to estats after spending some time with the traillii.

not sure how long the elysium will stick around, but really glad to finally spend some more time with it. it's a really great piece deserving of all the praise it so often receives.

Ely has pretty much single handedly created in me an appreciation for super accurate and correct sounding bass...even if it isn't the most bombastic.
Mar 1, 2021 at 10:49 AM Post #2,253 of 5,717
ely back in town. i wanted to revisit the ely primarily to see how accurate my memory of it was. largely, i'd say...pretty spot on.

in the $1500 - $2k range, ely is my top choice iem for an emotional listening experience with incredible vocals. ve is just so good at getting an emotional sound with their tunings, and the elysium is wonderful in this regard. vocals are really extremely well done.

the first time i heard the ely, i had spent the last year listening to nothing but the a18t. coming from the a18t, the midrange and timbre on the ely was a complete revelation. however, over the last year i've listened to nothing but the erlky, so its a bit of a different story. ultimately, i don't want to spend much time comparing the ely to the erlky (or the traillii,) as i don't think that would be fruitful due to how dramatically divergent the price points are.

i still feel that the ely is a phenomenal piece with an incredibly unique tuning, and it's also a good value. i think the ely's presentation will be perceived to be bass-light by many, especially those looking for lots of bass. this has always been the biggest caveat when i recommend the elysium to people. that said, the bass on the ely is extremely balanced and accurate, it just isn't as visceral as those who are looking for a more "active" low-end may want. if you listen to lots of edm, this will likely be more of an issue. i do still also feel the stage is a bit on the smaller side, but i'm happy to say i don't find the treble to be as harsh as i did the first time...maybe i've just gotten a bit more used to estats after spending some time with the traillii.

not sure how long the elysium will stick around, but really glad to finally spend some more time with it. it's a really great piece deserving of all the praise it so often receives.
You should do a more detailed comparison wirh Ely, Traillii and Erlk. I would read it.
Mar 1, 2021 at 11:19 AM Post #2,255 of 5,717
Mar 1, 2021 at 11:47 AM Post #2,257 of 5,717
Ely has pretty much single handedly created in me an appreciation for super accurate and correct sounding bass...even if it isn't the most bombastic.

yeah, as we move onwards and upwards and go from gear to gear, we discover new iems and new sounds; our tastes become perpetually more refined and particular if we allow and welcome them to. like how the elysium has impacted your perception of "what's possible," @Rockwell75, and how that's reshaped your feelings about your previous gear.

it's been virtually impossible for me to go back to my previous stuff each time i've found something new that i feel takes things to the next level. this is why i don't keep much gear. admittedly, it can be frustrating to think that we're perpetually sapping pleasure away from things we used to derive satisfaction from as our bar keeps being raised. but the flipside of this is that we keep uncovering new and exciting things that hopefully create higher and higher sonic (and enjoyment) watermarks.

the level of detail and resolution on both the erlky and traillii is just eye-opening, even vs. the elysium. and the elysium is fantastic, and far more emotional and accurate than so much other stuff i've heard.

glad you guys will soon be able to experience the erlky for yourselves up north...everything the elysium does well, the erlky carries over and turns it up to 11.
Mar 1, 2021 at 11:51 AM Post #2,259 of 5,717
I don't have Ely with me now. I was listening it with my WM1A while did the audition last year. The treble was not as good as VE8.

That's a clear case of not enough power imho...Ely has far and away the best most detailed treble I've ever heard in an IEM.
Mar 1, 2021 at 12:51 PM Post #2,260 of 5,717
Mar 1, 2021 at 1:10 PM Post #2,261 of 5,717
Ely has pretty much single handedly created in me an appreciation for super accurate and correct sounding bass...even if it isn't the most bombastic.
I have also Legend X sure it is bombastic but no contest the Ely is a lot better in quality and control.
I mostly hear Metal and I like the Ely a lot here. Punch and slam when it's on the record. LX always punches its a fun IEM and there are days I want a V shape tonality but Ely is a genre master LX not.
Mar 1, 2021 at 1:13 PM Post #2,262 of 5,717
I have also Legend X sure it is bombastic but no contest the Ely is a lot better in quality and control.
I mostly hear Metal and I like the Ely a lot here. Punch and Slam when it's on the record. Lx always punches its a fun IEM and there are days I want a V shape headphone but Ely is a genre master LX not.

Do you have a Shanling M8? I don't remember. It delivers this smoothed and almost chiseled response to the bass. I was listening to Master of Puppets recently and with Ely/M8 I can, for the first time in my nearly 35 years listening to that album, clearly hear all the detail and nuance of Cliff Burton's bass playing and even how his fingers pluck the strings. It's rather remarkable.
Mar 1, 2021 at 1:22 PM Post #2,263 of 5,717
I have also Legend X sure it is bombastic but no contest the Ely is a lot better in quality and control.
I mostly hear Metal and I like the Ely a lot here. Punch and slam when it's on the record. LX always punches its a fun IEM and there are days I want a V shape tonality but Ely is a genre master LX not.
Glad to hear another HF'er agree that Eysium is underrated for metal! I know it gets the rep for being masterful for slower, more vocal-focused genres, but for a genre like metal where you need fast but detailed bass that doesn't bleed into the already hectic myriad of mids and cymbals/treble, Elysium definitely delivers.

I noticed IEMs that can't do "rich mids" struggle with metal...most of the chaos of the genre lives there and Elysium's texture and realism along with strong microdetail is a treat. It has strong transients with enough bite to keep the energy levels high but never fatiguing.

I would only slightly disagree on LX being V-shaped; more L-shaped. The more time I spent with it, I noticed how incredibly extended the treble actually is (although laid-back), and not sure many IEMs can touch it for its masterfulness for EDM, for example. It also does texture very well, just more warm with slightly less detail than Ely.
Mar 1, 2021 at 1:47 PM Post #2,265 of 5,717
Do you have a Shanling M8? I don't remember. It delivers this smoothed and almost chiseled response to the bass. I was listening to Master of Puppets recently and with Ely/M8 I can, for the first time in my nearly 35 years listening to that album, clearly hear all the detail and nuance of Cliff Burton's bass playing and even how his fingers pluck the strings. It's rather remarkable.
Yes I drive it with the M8 and this is a perfect combo! Mids and Highs of the Ely are on SR009 level and I drive my 009 with the KGSShv Carbon. Ely has also more bass then the 009.

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