Sep 3, 2006 at 9:00 AM Post #61 of 73
Definitely Leather!
The Omega II have nice soft lamb leather, which both looks great and are very comfortable.
Oct 19, 2014 at 11:57 PM Post #62 of 73
Hi everyone, 
finally a forum that's topic is purely about pleather vs velour. I hope you guys can help me out on my dilemma.
I'm not sure if I should get the Brainwavz HM5 pleather pads or velour pads for my Yamaha MT220's
My main concern is that I don't want my ears to get very warm or muggy from wearing them for a long period of time nor do I want them to get very dirty very quickly.
I've never used velour ear pads before so I don't know how they are like but from my experience with pleather ear pads I do find that they make my ears get quite warm depending on how the weather is like however they are easy to clean and hold up quite well. 
Jan 4, 2015 at 2:04 PM Post #63 of 73
Newb audiophile here; but I noticed that when I switched from the stock ATHM50 pleather earpads to the brainwavz HM5 velour earpads, they seemed to reveal more detail in the instruments and even vocals. I'm not sure if that was because of the material, but I just wanted to add this to the discussion.
Jan 4, 2015 at 5:39 PM Post #64 of 73
I compared a number of cans relating to pleather vs velour (or a similar product): Beyer DT880/600, DT990pro, A900x and AD900x. In every case, and I mean every, the substitution of pleather for velour made the cans sound much more bassy, and negatively effected all other parts of the spectrum. In the case of A900x, where I substituted AD900x non-pleather pads, the cans lost their bass, significantly, as well as their sense of depth. The overall tonal balance became lighter. Essentially, the opposite of substituting pleather for velour. I got very similar results with the ATs and Hi-Fiman velour pads, though less drastic in magnitude.

Edit: text, spelling
Mar 27, 2016 at 8:01 AM Post #66 of 73
Velour for me!
I have Audeze LCD-2. I ordered with leather and extra velour pads. The leathers didn't last a day, I changed them and never looked back. The comfort brought by the velours is really in another league.
I have various others headphones and the second best for me is memory foam that is covered with pleather.
I have the recently released Audeze Sine and I'm really craving they release deep Velour pads.
Feb 9, 2017 at 5:49 PM Post #68 of 73
Hybrid pads are marketed to give you the bassy warmth of pleather/leather while also throwing in the comfort of velours. Does it really work or are there disadvantages? I currently see no reason why I should go for anything else.
Feb 1, 2021 at 2:06 AM Post #69 of 73
Sorry to resurrect a dead thread, but I'm currently using some Beyerdynamic DT 770s along with a dedicated sound card on my computer.

The stock pads are nice and all, and I've been using BRAINWAVZ replacement hybrid pads for some time now.

Does anyone have any opinion on their sheepskin leather pads? The reason I'm considering leather is because my PU ones have flaked and worn out, and since I wear these like, 12 hours a day every single day, I thought leather might be more durable and easier to clean than velour.

Or is the sound quality adversely affected?

The pads I'm eyeing, approximately the same dimensions as the stock pads:
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Jan 11, 2024 at 5:08 PM Post #72 of 73
It's funny how on the forum dedicated to sound quality almost no one mentions, ehm, sound quality.
Leather ears pads, in my experience, kill high frequencies. Big time. Compared to both pleather AND velour pads (even more so the latter).
So if you're willing to by leather pads and you like the sound of your current ear pads, make sure to take that into account, as you might end up lacking highs BIG TIME.
Jan 11, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #73 of 73
I've tried Dakoni's top of the line leather as well as other cheaper options from them. Pleather always peels off after a while. For me leather feels super nice in the first few months but tends to get greasy no matter how much I clean them. They seem to absorb the skin oils over time and it's hard to get back to the original feel.
I much prefer velours because of that where you can just remove them and wash with soap.

I also thing comfort wise velours are better. Skin on skin makes you sweat much more ( I live in a warm place).

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