Unique Melody Miracle Review & Impressions Thread
Sep 4, 2012 at 9:25 PM Post #168 of 3,153
Well from the day the lab first received them around 20 days?
I shipped them the cheap way (USPS) but that alone took a month to arrive to their lab.
I suggest you just swallow the expensive shipping cost and ship them fast and reliably through Fedex or UPS.
Sep 4, 2012 at 10:36 PM Post #169 of 3,153
Have you received your miracles?

I understand and maybe I did not state it clearly.
Hey Psygeist, I'd like to know too! :) did you get and impressions please.

Not yet. I guess it may get delayed further. It's been a long wait since they received my ear impressions.
Sep 5, 2012 at 9:48 AM Post #170 of 3,153
Well from the day the lab first received them around 20 days?
I shipped them the cheap way (USPS) but that alone took a month to arrive to their lab.
I suggest you just swallow the expensive shipping cost and ship them fast and reliably through Fedex or UPS.

You must've have a lot of patience and time to wait that long.

Not yet. I guess it may get delayed further. It's been a long wait since they received my ear impressions.

Hope it gets done soon. Did they give any reason why it got delayed?
Sep 5, 2012 at 10:35 AM Post #171 of 3,153
Well from the day the lab first received them around 20 days?
I shipped them the cheap way (USPS) but that alone took a month to arrive to their lab.
I suggest you just swallow the expensive shipping cost and ship them fast and reliably through Fedex or UPS.

You must've have a lot of patience and time to wait that long.

Not yet. I guess it may get delayed further. It's been a long wait since they received my ear impressions.

You must've have a lot of patience and time to wait that long.
Hope it gets done soon. Did they give any reason why it got delayed?

Have you contacted UM Global? I just sent my impressions away yesterday. I'm banking on the 4 (I think) week turnaround.
Sep 6, 2012 at 12:13 AM Post #172 of 3,153
Hope it gets done soon. Did they give any reason why it got delayed?

     I have no idea what's the progress on my Miracle. I know that it got delayed by 1 week when they received my ear impressions because of some excuse that they didn't receive the order paper inside the box. I am pretty sure that I put 3 copies of the order paper and return shipping label inside the package.
    I wish they had weekly updates regarding the progress on your CIEMs, more transparency and consistency in communication. I will be less inclined to consider buying from them in future. I was hoping to get Merlin to cover the bases later next year but the thought just vanished in to thin air.
Have you contacted UM Global? I just sent my impressions away yesterday. I'm banking on the 4 (I think) week turnaround.

My wait is nearing 1 month from the time they received my ear impressions. Communication with UM Global is not something I can talk highly of, replies go unanswered some time. I hope the long wait is worth it.
Sep 6, 2012 at 1:52 AM Post #173 of 3,153
The wait will be worth it!
As for the lack of communication, from my own experience, UMGlobal seems to go with the idea they'd rather not give you any update when there's no good news. You really have to pester/spam them. My Mircales took quite some time to arrive because they were still catching up with promo offers when I ordered mine. I can't complain though since I got a pretty good discount!
Sep 6, 2012 at 2:14 AM Post #174 of 3,153
My Miracles arrived just today after nearly 2 months from the time I sent my impressions to the lab. 
The fit is near-perfect as the left piece is a little tighter than I would like it to be. But overall the quality is flawless and outstanding.
The sound is well... I just got them so I'll give them ample burn-in/one on one time before making any conclusions.
So far so good...
Sep 6, 2012 at 4:16 AM Post #175 of 3,153
Hey guys, anyone with issues re: UM Global communications, please do drop us an email so that we can look into your individual case.
We also ask that you would please be fair in your assessment of wait times.  Unfortunately we often experience that a lot of our clients send impressions and begin their count down.  Unfortunately some postal services can be excruciating slow and we simply can't be held responsible for slow turn around times when we are at the mercy of courier companies.  This is why we always recommend good courier services rather than postal services.  All UM Global representatives use FedEX, DHL, UPS, ECI or EMS services.
Also note that you are only talking to UMGlobal when you email any of our representatives at sales@uniquemelody.co or any of our international distributors in Indonesia (.co.id), Philippines (.com.ph), Brazil (.co), UK (The Headphone Company) or Australia (.com.au).  There are no other email addresses that represent UMGlobal.  Please also be fair and include this in your assessment if you have been in direct contact with other distributors or direct to UMLab.
Currently we are turning around IEM's in 3.5 weeks from the date impressions arrive at UMLab for 80% of our Australian clients.  95% of our clients are receiving their IEM's within 6 weeks of dropping their impressions off at our office here in Australia.
Sep 6, 2012 at 5:13 AM Post #176 of 3,153
Originally Posted by UniqueMelodyAus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We also ask that you would please be fair in your assessment of wait times.  Unfortunately we often experience that a lot of our clients send impressions and begin their count down.  Unfortunately some postal services can be excruciating slow and we simply can't be held responsible for slow turn around times when we are at the mercy of courier companies.  This is why we always recommend good courier services rather than postal services.  All UM Global representatives use FedEX, DHL, UPS, ECI or EMS services.

Delivery date of ear impressions at UM Lab, China was 5th Aug 2012. I suppose counting from 6th Aug to today's date is fair enough.
Also note that you are only talking to UMGlobal when you email any of our representatives at sales@uniquemelody.co or any of our international distributors in Indonesia (.co.id), Philippines (.com.ph), Brazil (.co), UK (The Headphone Company) or Australia (.com.au).  There are no other email addresses that represent UMGlobal.  Please also be fair and include this in your assessment if you have been in direct contact with other distributors or direct to UMLab.

     It's just an observation over past couple of weeks. No hard feelings. I do expect better or similar level of communication (replies within 2-3 days excluding weekends) compared to other manufacturers and distributors I have been in touch with before.
Currently we are turning around IEM's in 3.5 weeks from the date impressions arrive at UMLab for 80% of our Australian clients.  95% of our clients are receiving their IEM's within 6 weeks of dropping their impressions off at our office here in Australia.

     I guess then I am in the rest 20%. It's ok, I can wait more but the excitement is already gone.
Sep 6, 2012 at 7:07 AM Post #178 of 3,153
UniqueMelodyAus: Thank you for your frequent and informative posts. I ordered a Miracle, and The Headphone Company received my impressions on August 20th. I assume they sent them on the same or next day, and I will get them in 4-6 weeks from then. Do you think it would be possible for UM China to email the customer or the relevant representative 1) when they receive the impressions, and 2) at about the 4 week point if they haven't dispatched them by then? Not a major point, I know, but it should help to keep us happy.
Sep 6, 2012 at 7:25 AM Post #180 of 3,153
UniqueMelodyAus: Thank you for your frequent and informative posts. I ordered a Miracle, and The Headphone Company received my impressions on August 20th. I assume they sent them on the same or next day, and I will get them in 4-6 weeks from then. Do you think it would be possible for UM China to email the customer or the relevant representative 1) when they receive the impressions, and 2) at about the 4 week point if they haven't dispatched them by then? Not a major point, I know, but it should help to keep us happy.

We'll ensure The Headphone Company receive notification when your impressions arrive to us.
" am pretty sure that I put 3 copies of the order paper and return shipping label inside the package"
Oh oh are we supposed to have included a return label?
I did not read this. Did I miss it?

Not necessary.  If you lodge your order with us or one of our representatives we take care of it all :)
All we ask is that you follow our actual instructions once you do place your order through one of our distributors or on www.uniquemelodyshop.com

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