Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread
Mar 28, 2013 at 5:16 AM Post #1,861 of 6,416
Just checking in with the thread to say the tour 1plus2 is now in my possession as well as its amp.

Oh cool, I saw new posts in the thread which reminded me of the tour and was going to ask what was going on with it. Unless things have changed I guess that means I'm next after you. :)
There's also these tips I don't own any yet but I'm planning to get some.
Mar 28, 2013 at 5:22 AM Post #1,862 of 6,416
Oh cool, I saw new posts in the thread which reminded me of the tour and was going to ask what was going on with it. Unless things have changed I guess that means I'm next after you. :)

There's also these tips I don't own any yet but I'm planning to get some.

You can also get them here for much cheaper. (shipping might be a wait though)

Regarding the tips Lee mentioned on the last page, I have taken his advice on those at an earlier date, they're working very well for some of my IEM. I do agree, some IEM much benefit from a larger bore.
Mar 29, 2013 at 6:34 AM Post #1,867 of 6,416
So I can buy this ciem and put those tips on it and it becomes universal? ******* awesome man. Would love to hear it but how much is this ciem?

It's a Universal Fit IEM (no custom version available) that competes with other High end customs and Universal IEMs in regards to sound quality and build. They start at $1,295.00 and comes standard with a high quality 6N OCC Pure Silver cable. They also offer an upgrade @ $100 extra for the gold cable which normally retails at $600.00 alone. Music Acoustics carries them or you can contact Tralucent directly. The info is on the front page.
Mar 29, 2013 at 11:03 PM Post #1,871 of 6,416
I own both and I love the 5.0 but the 1plus2 are a level above technically, which they should be at double the price. It is also a totally different signature as you can read in my posts in this thread and the 5.0 thread.
Did you get your Miracles back? If so how would you compare the two (back-2-back, not from memory)?

Apr 1, 2013 at 6:53 AM Post #1,874 of 6,416
My modest review of the Miracles has been posted and includes a basic comparison to 1plus2.

Thanks. I must say that it's surprising the 1Plus2 didn't pounce all over the Miracles.
Apr 1, 2013 at 7:00 AM Post #1,875 of 6,416
Thanks. I must say that it's surprising the 1Plus2 didn't pounce all over the Miracles.

I think the Miracles have a great personality. The 1plus2 are more proficient technically, but bear in mind that I used a Tralucent cable with the Miracles, which helps too. Keep in mind to that I am not the ultimate reviewer, so I do not make HUGE differences at that level.

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