The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Feb 12, 2024 at 11:34 AM Post #81,286 of 93,307
It must be said grin that is connecting all of us here.

I can't report on this specific cable but found 3 other Brise cables on the brighter side. So if you found the 2 DAPs too much of a good thing then I could see the same thing happen with this cable; assuming it's a house sound kinda thing.

Well : only a real test and critical listening session can.................... It must be natural and organic.
I think the Orpheus would be a very good match... :beerchug:

Maybe an OTL (Ode to Laura) too... this kind of smooth but super technical, refined (OTL) and natural products... :L3000:
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Feb 12, 2024 at 11:44 AM Post #81,287 of 93,307
5 years ago today I made my first TOTL IEM purchase with the CFA Atlas...little did I know at the time the roller coaster this experience was going to kick off. Pictured here with my cat Mango.

Feb 12, 2024 at 12:06 PM Post #81,289 of 93,307
5 years ago today I made my first TOTL IEM purchase with the CFA Atlas...little did I know at the time the roller coaster this experience was going to kick off. Pictured here with my cat Mango.

And probably wasn't long after that I bought your Anole VX and moved away from se846! I remember your ever changing list of IEM's, I might go back to the start of the thread for a trip down memory lane and see what was hot / what wasn't at the time!
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Feb 12, 2024 at 1:10 PM Post #81,290 of 93,307
Fatfreq Grand Mastero, Raven/Odyssey or probably FIR RN6 with cable swap...
wait we have Z1R. Z1R is your way to go.
I got Z1R previously, lacks resolution even though the Bass hits harder than ODIN. After I tasted ODIN, it was hard to please me with other Bass Monster IEM.
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:15 PM Post #81,291 of 93,307
Agree with Grand Maestro. Have tried everything until Storm and GM still the best in so many area's.
I was thinking of GM, but I am afraid of it because of many complaints of quality control issues. For $3000 IEMs with quality control issue, it's a big red flag.
How is Storm? Did you audition it? What makes it so special, very little impression regarding Storm in the forum for now.
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:19 PM Post #81,292 of 93,307
Legend Evo and Grand Maestro. Evo has sub par quality upper mids and treble, Grand Maestro is very difficult to drive and will sound flat if it’s not powered properly. XE6 has huge bass but it’s also very warm. Raven has very good bass and is holographic but I wouldn’t call it a bass monster by my own standards, but it’s bassier than Odin.
hmmm maybe I should stay within EE realm, my Mentor will shortly be on the shortlist for trade or sale.
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:21 PM Post #81,293 of 93,307
I was thinking of GM, but I am afraid of it because of many complaints of quality control issues. For $3000 IEMs with quality control issue, it's a big red flag.
How is Storm? Did you audition it? What makes it so special, very little impression regarding Storm in the forum for now.
Oh oh, Aure Audio Elixir.... In your signature (these fabulous iems rock hard !!) 😎

You're a friend 🥰😘😜

About endgames and cost no object products :

Important precision, I haven't auditioned yet the Storm, so I don't know how it compares... 🤔
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Feb 12, 2024 at 1:24 PM Post #81,294 of 93,307
Oh oh, Aure Audio Elixir.... In your signature 😎

You're a friend 🥰😘😜
Yeah, that one is definitely a keeper, not sure even now, it's hard to beat all-rounder IEMs. Whoever tuned it and made it, they had done it really well. It's sad that they went out of business. I think if they did it in these last couple of years with the newest technology around, they might make it to the top five. Their cable is top-notch.
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:27 PM Post #81,295 of 93,307
Yeah, that one is definitely a keeper, not sure even now, it's hard to beat all-rounder IEMs. Whoever tuned it and made it, they had done it really well. It's sad that they went out of business. I think if they did it in these last couple of years with the newest technology around, they might make it to the top five. Their cable is top-notch.
Agreed 👍

I think they were experts sound tuners. Really. Among the best ever. World class (my own Ringo's - a super exclusive model, made by them at a quasi bespoke manner : target curve - are my personal best musical reference ever).

And aesthetics were just great, near Noble luxury customs to be said. 😎

Too bad yeah... They weren't very good at marketing chops 🤧🤒
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Feb 12, 2024 at 1:38 PM Post #81,296 of 93,307
I was thinking of GM, but I am afraid of it because of many complaints of quality control issues. For $3000 IEMs with quality control issue, it's a big red flag.
How is Storm? Did you audition it? What makes it so special, very little impression regarding Storm in the forum for now.
Storm is a totally different presentation from Z1R (for reference). Certainly not a bass monster like those previously mentioned but with good source material / source /amp it's still capable of excellent bass, both quality and quantity, it's just doesn't have bass emphasis vs the rest of the spectrum. It's more of a reference monitor done exceptionally well. (IMO) If you want a balanced end game IEM that's also technically superb then there's a fair chance it'll tick a big box, bass monster it is not though...

I've not heard any of the big bass IEM's so can't make any comparison to them, it's not something that floats my boat. Members like @HiFiHawaii808, @aaf evo , @Damz87 would probably be able to advise better, they've all got or had Storm and listened to / owned most of those mentioned previously.
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Feb 12, 2024 at 1:40 PM Post #81,297 of 93,307
Agreed 👍

I think they were experts sound tuners. Really. Among the best ever. World class (my own Ringo's are my personal best musical reference ever).

And aesthetics were just great, near Noble luxury customs to be said. 😎

Too bad yeah... They weren't very good at marketing chops 🤧🤒
Yeah, if they are in Singapore, they will make it big. However, they are based in Taiwan, and they did not go on full marketing and have no backer. It's sad, they don't even know that head-fi exists. If I have the funds, I will fly there and get the founder to continue and fund the operation. Truly, one of the best IEMs I've ever had. I bought and sold many TOTL IEMs, but only kept Elixir. You can't find them on sale anywhere now.
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:40 PM Post #81,298 of 93,307
Nightjar Singularity maybe ? 😉
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:44 PM Post #81,299 of 93,307
Yeah, if they are in Singapore, they will make it big. However, they are based in Taiwan, and they did not go on full marketing and have no backer. It's sad, they don't even know that head-fi exists. If I have the funds, I will fly there and get the founder to continue and fund the operation. Truly, one of the best IEMs I've ever had. I bought and sold many TOTL IEMs, but only kept Elixir. You can't find them on sale anywhere now.
Same 😉

I have had the Elixir and sold them because of a money need... 😭

Fortunately, this is one of my friend that have them. 😎

And he doesn't want to sell them to me again 😂

Keepers, yes.

And same, him and I have known a lot of elite and said totl products... But the Aure... 👏👌
Feb 12, 2024 at 1:45 PM Post #81,300 of 93,307
Storm is a totally different presentation from Z1R (for reference). Certainly not a bass monster like those previously mentioned but with good source material / source /amp it's still capable of excellent bass, both quality and quantity, it's just doesn't have bass emphasis vs the rest of the spectrum. It's more of a reference monitor done exceptionally well. (IMO) If you want a balanced end game IEM that's also technically superb then there's a fair chance it'll tick a big box, bass monster it is not though...
thank you, I will probably trade my Mentor for Trifecta. I guess when you tasted Bass Monster before, it is hard to go back to a neutral IEM, even though I don't think any IEM can beat Mentor holographic in your head music. That slam and dump from Odin... it's just perfectly done. BA bass is totally different from DD bass for sure.

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