The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Dec 12, 2023 at 8:25 AM Post #73,216 of 91,357
I see you use the same tips as I do 😄💪
Yeah man 😂 eletech Boroque tips have been killing it for me lately 🔥 also the stock tips on aura pretty good with them
Dec 12, 2023 at 8:25 AM Post #73,217 of 91,357
Agreed . And when I did a side-by-side with phoenix the aura was a more comfortable fit for sure and really appreciated the vents due to the double DD so there’s no pressure buildup
Yup (though the vent of the DD is only on the back of the DD) I also experience less pressure and more comfort.

That is actually the reason I let the Phonix go, to much pressure
Dec 12, 2023 at 8:26 AM Post #73,218 of 91,357
Phönix counts as a warm IEM? I think I pick a wrong eartips or maybe a wrong cable that time 😂
Using my OrphyS and Spiral Dot++ when I tried it on my N30 with H Gain and hyper mode.
I’m a little confused how you wouldn’t think Phoenix is warm it is extremely warm especially in that midrange compared to most sets in my findings with comparisons to many other sets.. might be those spiral dots.. 🤔
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Dec 12, 2023 at 8:37 AM Post #73,219 of 91,357
Dec 12, 2023 at 8:47 AM Post #73,220 of 91,357
I have a warchest of eartips to help me combat comfort issues. I envy folks that can finetune the sound with eartips, I desperately try to find a tip that at least allows me to wear the damn IEM for more than an hour! What helped me with my Supermoon uni demo was a cable change (just an ergonomics issue), I can also recommend trying some o-rings to space the eartips a bit. Have you tried getting into customs? Even having the earmoulds done will help you understand your ear anatomy better. :)

I'm kind of in the same boat. The vast majority of tips don't fit me. I've spent a custom IEM's worth on tips over the years but I rarely veer from my favorite, the Azla crystals.

Does a man intend to purchase the ground adapter for the WM1Z?

I'm not sure what that is?

Which are you reaching out for more often? The Bonneville or Perpetua? 🙂

Perpetua is my at-home listening set. It's super immersive and benefits from my being able to give all my attention to the listening experience. Pound for pound it's probably my favorite IEM right now, or at the very least tied for that place. Bonneville and Cascara are my "out and about" sets. Different use cases, in other words.

Glad you're finally getting to hear and enjoy it for yourself. I had a sneaky suspicion you'd love it. Perfect combination of size, UI, speed and tonality, and like you say, still right up there with the best technical performers today. The fact that it's still the best made, best looking DAP around after 5 years is quite something. It's a masterpiece that I'll never sell because I don't think we'll see the likes of it again, and synergy with certain IEMs - and Z1R in particular - is incredible. You should have a listen to Z1R again with the WM1Z, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (again).

Yes picking up a third IER Z1R is definitely on my bucket list. Perhaps this new acquisition will expedite that.

PS. Not sure if you've installed @MrWalkman's firmware on it yet, but the world of possibilities this opens up is next level - for free, and with zero SQ compromises. Seek out the dedicated thread when you're ready to explore.

@Damz87 said the Firmware was installed and that I could switch in on...I haven't dug deep enough into the player to figure out how to do that yet but I'm looking forward to playing around with it.

Oof wait till you dive into the MrWalkman mods, you can tweak the sound so much. Also if you have a chance, try the OG Solaris & VE8 with the 1Z, my original love and some of my favourite pairings ever.

I never really jelled with the VE8 for some reason. Solaris (the SE variant) is high on my list of IEMs from my "early days" to re-buy just to hear them with fresh, more experienced ears.

. Sony has also began to remove high gain for more countries for recent Android players so do you research. Japan / HK has high gain for Sony Android players, change language to English

This is one of the reasons, aside from a general disdain for Android on DAPs, that I never seriously considered the 1ZM2 and went straight for the OG.

Tips are for poor people who can't afford customs.

Lol wut...customs are no more expensive than their universal variants.

You clearly underestimate what the average head-fier spends on tips.

Yup I once spent $70 on Corier tips that don't even fit me :/

I prefer universal because I can sell it again and I can use the fund for my new toys. I'm not a collector too so I don't want to have too many. Let's assume you're just joking with your statement 😉

+1 Plus my two favorite IEMS are not available in custom form.

How does it compare to trifecta? Do you like it almost the same? Thanks!!

They are nothing alike. I like Trifecta more personally but I'd recommend Bonneville to more people as it's more classically versatile and I think more broadly appealing.

A few weeks ago I asked you a question about your assessment of the Volur, and you kindly answered. I mentioned I'd try it and you asked me to post about what I thought afterwards. I did get to try it. So, my experience with it jibes with what you wrote here. Congested sounding, particularly the mids. The bass was nice. Overall I wasn't into them. You wrote "That said people who are saying that the Volur is "u12t plus DD bass"...well maybe they're onto something but that's never been a particular ideal of mine so there's that." FWIW I didn't find that at all, to my ear they're nothing like the u12t.

To be fair I was kind of talking out my a$$ when I made that comment about the u12t...I don't think they sound at all alike either.
Dec 12, 2023 at 8:56 AM Post #73,221 of 91,357


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Dec 12, 2023 at 9:04 AM Post #73,224 of 91,357
Bass Bleed is usually a bad thing. It occurs when the bass is so prominent and boomy that it overwhelms higher frequencies. Usually the midrange. Vocals will sound muffled and instruments sound unnatural. This is the sign of a lesser quality IEM.
Yes but there is also such a thing as bass that is so prominent but not boomy and therefore it doesn't overwhelm anything, just dominates, which is different.

I agree on Bonneville, very musical iem and pairs exceptionally well with zm2. I’m still in tips rolling, as you wrote they are VERY sensitive to tips and insertion depth. Let us know which tips you preferred :)
I have landed on the Tri Clarion tips. Wide bore, good seal. They are the most "raw" I have found - meaning you get the Bonneville sound pretty unfiltered.
Yeah, I wouldn’t go that far. To me, I associate base bleed with what I consider boomyness. It’s like listening to a bass player playing in a gymnasium versus playing in a studio. Personally, I prefer the studio sound.
Or Bonneville, which is a studio set up in a gym haha
Its interesting how we all perceive and term things differently based on our experiences. For me, and coming mostly from 2Ch systems bass boom is loose/less controlled/flabby bass which may / may not bleed. Bleed I would term as mid & upper bass congesting the mids and making them sound less airy and open.
YES, this.
I try to use it to my benefit as a thicker mid/upper bass usually leads to more bodied male vocals and large acoustic instruments. Also, listening to orchestra or piano on an IEM that has your typical V shaped FR makes some instruments (or even parts of the piano spectrum) too under/overstated. So on those IEMs I prefer a much slower roll off into the mids; generally described as bass bleed, while I'd say it lifts the fullness and palpability of the lower mids to where it should be on acoustic instruments and vocals.

And this!
I have a custom Rn6. With the right tips, Xe6 is just as comfortable. Tips are so underrated, but probably one of the most important parts of the chain.
I couldn't agree more. Make or break. Like room accoustics in 2channel.
Dec 12, 2023 at 9:04 AM Post #73,225 of 91,357
This is one of the reasons, aside from a general disdain for Android on DAPs, that I never seriously considered the 1ZM2 and went straight for the OG.

I believe USA 1AM2 and 1ZM2 has high gain, it is the newer ZX707 model that loses high gain in a first for USA (does Canada simply receive USA models?). If you are making a point of principle comment against the current messy state of Android DAPs from all manufacturers, we are singing from the same page :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm not sure what that is?

It's unnecessary. For Sony 1A/1Z originals and M2 the 4.4mm port is not grounded. DDhifi and PWA will happily sell you a ground pin adaptor. See 3 posts here:
Dec 12, 2023 at 9:04 AM Post #73,226 of 91,357
It says it's for the M2-- what does it do?
It adds a 'ground' connection to the 4.4mm socket by using the grounding of the 2.5mm. I have one from DD HiFi. Personally I feel.itnadda bulk and changes the output direction of the socket (affecting ergonomics) without really adding any SQ benefit, but as always, YMMV.
Dec 12, 2023 at 9:08 AM Post #73,228 of 91,357
I believe USA 1AM2 and 1ZM2 has high gain, it is the newer ZX707 model that loses high gain in a first for USA (does Canada simply receive USA models?). If you are making a point of principle comment against the current messy state of Android DAPs from all manufacturers, we are singing from the same page :stuck_out_tongue:

I was, and I'm aware that North American models currently have high gain. I'm just apprehensive at the prospect of a FW update down the road that changes this "for my own good" or some such.
Dec 12, 2023 at 9:12 AM Post #73,229 of 91,357
Feeling inspired lol Aura truly is one of my favorite sets of all time currently sitting at the top for me . Such an incredible set I’m happy to see @Simpeler enjoying it 🔥👍🏼
It’s at the top of my list, narrowly knocking out Phonix (although I think you could make an argument to have both)
Dec 12, 2023 at 9:12 AM Post #73,230 of 91,357
Ah there’s one for the original ones from a few brands online.

Ground pin on the 4.4 isn’t soldered on the Sony DAPs for some reason. This just fixes that, better dynamics.
IIRC this is why Tsuranagi need a Y-split IC when used with WM1A/ZM2. Because they need the grounding on the 3.5mm port.

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