The Stax Thread III
Sep 19, 2015 at 5:09 PM Post #6,152 of 25,850
I finally overcame my fears and ripped the stock pads off the SR-X MKIII.
I actually laughed out loud for a second... all that anxiety and they were easy to remove as stickers off a sticker steet.
I have a set of real leather (pleather?) pads for the SR-X, but I'm actually really enjoying using them with some velour pads that fit.
They sound beautiful with the SRD-7 and my Crown amp
very unforgiving to bad recordings of course though not as bad as I expected! I can enjoy high quality MP3's through these.
The adapter for you to stick speaker wires into on the SRD-7 is so annoying... i can see why people have chopped it off, but I'm not ever going to do such a thing... really makes me think twice about selling them, but ugh...
Just look how comfy they look! I know all of you with expensive leather pads are grumbling right now while thinking about how often you have to peel them off your face


Sep 19, 2015 at 8:53 PM Post #6,153 of 25,850
Out of curiosity, is the KGST you are referring to the 350v or 400v version or both?

I only have the 400v built by headinclouds and it's synergizes very well with the current 007a's.  


I think Geoff is finished with my kgst and hopefully I'll have it within a week or two. it'll be paired with an 007A that I used for a short time with a 717 that I had to return to the owner because it was slightly damaged. so I haven't had an amp for the 007A in 5 or 6 months and am looking forward to finally settling down with this stax setup. in the meantime I've been listening to my he-6, which isn't too shabby.
Sep 19, 2015 at 9:04 PM Post #6,154 of 25,850
Congrats! Geoff is an amazing gentleman. And a pretty darn good builder.
Sep 20, 2015 at 1:56 AM Post #6,155 of 25,850
The treble is so bright it's on the edge of annoying.  It give me listening fatigue after an hour or two if I'm at normal levels.
I'm really confused because the ESP-950 doesn't do it, but the innerfidelity charts show the ESP-950 as having a treble spike, and the SR-009 not.
Edit: It's been bothering me so much over the past 3 days, I just swapped out my uberfrost for my NFB-15.  The WM8741 is one of my favorite DACs for being smooth and non-fatiguing.

What amp are you using? The lower Stax amps can sound bright with the 009. I find many DS DACs sound edgy in the treble anyway. Can you hook up your front end to a speaker system? Turn it up loud and see how it sounds, I would guess you have trouble upstream...
My 009s are perfect on my Audio Note DAC, and perfect on my friends K-01. Basically putting a 5K phone which is comparable to a 50K speaker on the front of a low end front end will not be a good outcome. Better to go with the (masking) 007s if you want to stay with that front end.
IMO you need a 5K DAC at least and a better amp if a Stax amp.

I'm using an SRM-1/MK2 Pro as in my sig.
  Astrostar is right on. Don't people do their due diligence and read any more? All you need to know has been said over and over in the forums for years now. It's not hidden like Hillary's emails. You don't need to subpoena these posts. It's not that hard.
People need to read these forums and do some research. It seems obvious they have not read about this here before asking or buying something. Spending half a day or so plowing through the last few years of the Stax threads here and elsewhere (at least read Tyll's epic 009 test) would save a lot of time and money.
The strong consensus is that the Stax amps do not work well with the 009 (or the 007 for that matter) and can make the 009 sound shrill up top and anemic down low and flat in the middle. I keep reading about people trying this or that Stax amp and then saying things don't sound good. And then they incredulously keep asking about getting some other type of Stax amp. And they the continue down the same rabbit hole and get into more trouble and then complain about Stax phones. Give it up.
You will clearly get an idea of what to get and what not to get for the Stax phones. Basic reading comprehension will make the consensus obvious. There are a some outliers among the posts but that's always true. But look at the (vast) majority opinion for the truth. Look for people who have heard the major players in stat amps and take them seriously. There's an abundance of posts by experienced people like this.

Does you have a link to Tyll's test?
Sep 20, 2015 at 5:42 AM Post #6,156 of 25,850
  I'm using an SRM-1/MK2 Pro as in my sig.
Does you have a link to Tyll's test?

I would look to buy a KGSS second hand, or commission one. Even better find a good KGSShv, they are about if you keep looking. Then you start to get a serious sounding system and those 009s will blow your mind - trust me. Forget the Stax amps, they are ok-ish for the 307/407/507 but once you get serious i.e. 007 and 009 and get into real depth and transparency / attack you need to fead them a similarly good amp. Lets face it, there is NO sense whatsoever in feeding your 009 3.5K headphones with an old 1K Stax amp that is marked up 100%. Basically you are feeding a world leading headphone, the equivalent of a 50K speaker with a budget run of the mill 500 US basic amp. It makes no sense, think about it.
You are posting here, so are excited about the Stax sound, and are keen to have more, or find a more balanced setup. Don't give up!
Your dream (sensibly priced system) IMO would be:
Mac running Audirvana+ or a PC equivalent
A good DAC (Yiggy / Pavane / Audio Note DAC 3.1 kit)
Ha Ha Job done. You will be rushing home from work to listen to that I can promise you.... and staying up till 3am plenty.
Sep 20, 2015 at 11:01 AM Post #6,157 of 25,850
Tyll's Amps for Stax SR009 video.
Such a great phone with a KGSShv. Truly endgame and it does things like no other phone... Good luck.
And totally off topic, this is a great read on Innerfidelity if you missed it ( I found it when looking for the SR009 video there) :
Sep 20, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #6,158 of 25,850
One of the "Experts" Tyll or his well known Mastering Audio Engeneer friend Bob Katz, must have a little hearing problem.
Katz didn´t like the 009 at all!
Nice to see Tylls reaction in the video as Katz told him his opinion.
So who´s right? 
Sep 20, 2015 at 2:44 PM Post #6,159 of 25,850
The SRM-1 MK2 and SR-009's are not a good match IMO.
SRM-1 MK2 is much stronger with "lower end" and older Stax phones.
I've heard a friend's SR-009, even the 323S compliments it much more than the SRM-1 MK2.
However, if I were to upgrade from the SRD-7 based setup I have, I might consider a SRM-1 MK2 unless I come across a nice normal-bias tube amp.
Sep 20, 2015 at 2:48 PM Post #6,160 of 25,850
  The SRM-1 MK2 and SR-009's are not a good match IMO.
SRM-1 MK2 is much stronger with "lower end" and older Stax phones.
I've heard a friend's SR-009, even the 323S compliments it much more than the SRM-1 MK2.
However, if I were to upgrade from the SRD-7 based setup I have, I might consider a SRM-1 MK2 unless I come across a nice normal-bias tube amp.

  The SRM-1 MK2 and SR-009's are not a good match IMO.
SRM-1 MK2 is much stronger with "lower end" and older Stax phones.
I've heard a friend's SR-009, even the 323S compliments it much more than the SRM-1 MK2.
However, if I were to upgrade from the SRD-7 based setup I have, I might consider a SRM-1 MK2 unless I come across a nice normal-bias tube amp.

IMO Stax has NEVER made an amp suitable for the high end attained by the 009s, might never build one. The T2 probably, but it nearly bankrupt them.
Just because Stax make a range of amps, and made many many different amps in the past doesn't mean they fit the 009. It is a lost cause IMO. The 009 is a world class headphone that can beat or equal any domestic speaker system. Can the Stax amps equal or beat any Stat amplifier out their? You have you answer.... 
Sep 20, 2015 at 2:59 PM Post #6,161 of 25,850

IMO Stax has NEVER made an amp suitable for the high end attained by the 009s, might never build one. The T2 probably, but it nearly bankrupt them.
Just because Stax make a range of amps, and made many many different amps in the past doesn't mean they fit the 009. It is a lost cause IMO. The 009 is a world class headphone that can beat or equal any domestic speaker system. Can the Stax amps equal or beat any Stat amplifier out their? You have you answer.... 

Much better said than I was trying to put it. Unless you can get a T2 or similar I think we should thank all who brought us such incredible products as the KGSSHV

After all if you have headphones worth $3000, why would you surprised that trying to drive them out of a amp worth $300 tops isn't quite cutting it. To me, it's like getting a really nice amp and really nice headphones but using your laptop's headphone out.
Sep 20, 2015 at 3:10 PM Post #6,162 of 25,850
It's not just Stax. Ever heard the Elektra or LL. Going with KG is the way and the truth and the life. 

Sep 20, 2015 at 3:15 PM Post #6,163 of 25,850
  Mine is 350V Sam, so the 400V may make all the difference.  Yes, Jeff's built is quite awesome.  I wish I went for one when I had the chance.  I now want to get the KGSSHV Carbon.

Geoff has been great, including with follow-up.  One of the best audio purchase decisions I've made.
The HV Carbon looks to be a really nice amp.  Would very much like to see what you think if you decide to jump in.
Sep 20, 2015 at 3:17 PM Post #6,164 of 25,850
I think Geoff is finished with my kgst and hopefully I'll have it within a week or two. it'll be paired with an 007A that I used for a short time with a 717 that I had to return to the owner because it was slightly damaged. so I haven't had an amp for the 007A in 5 or 6 months and am looking forward to finally settling down with this stax setup. in the meantime I've been listening to my he-6, which isn't too shabby.

I think you'll be pleased as punch when you get your hands on your KGST.  Please let us know what you think once you've had a chance to live with it.  I know it's been a long while since you drove your 007A's with the 717, but any reflections would be good to see.
I find it very interesting how varied people's experiences are.  Not altogether surprising given all the different music, setups and reference points.
Best of luck.

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