The Stax Thread III
Sep 17, 2015 at 7:37 PM Post #6,121 of 25,850
detailed doesn't have to mean bright, or vice versa
Sep 17, 2015 at 8:11 PM Post #6,122 of 25,850
  Is there any area in the 007 that you guys would say is better than the 009?

The treble is so bright it's on the edge of annoying.  It give me listening fatigue after an hour or two if I'm at normal levels.
I'm really confused because the ESP-950 doesn't do it, but the innerfidelity charts show the ESP-950 as having a treble spike, and the SR-009 not.
Edit: It's been bothering me so much over the past 3 days, I just swapped out my uberfrost for my NFB-15.  The WM8741 is one of my favorite DACs for being smooth and non-fatiguing.

Here I am listening to and enjoying my 007 with all different kinds of music for a long time without any fatigue, and suddenly wondering whether there is a connection between these two quoted posts and mine.
Sep 17, 2015 at 8:47 PM Post #6,123 of 25,850
Here I am listening to and enjoying my 007 with all different kinds of music for a long time without any fatigue, and suddenly wondering whether there is a connection between these two quoted posts and mine.

I've listened to the 007, it's much darker than the 009.  It is ALSO less detailed.  I'd put it in the same level as HE-6's and TH900s.
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:19 PM Post #6,124 of 25,850
  I've listened to the 007, it's much darker than the 009.  It is ALSO less detailed.  I'd put it in the same level as HE-6's and TH900s.

I agree with your first comments...but the 007 is a harder "nut to crack" than the 009 power wise. Get that right and I'd take it any day over the HE-6s and TH900s (I'd still put the SR-009s ahead). YMMV of course.
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:30 PM Post #6,125 of 25,850
I own the TH-900's and the 007a's, amongst some others.  Both powered properly and fed by an ygg.  I can't say I prefer one significantly to the other looking back on many listening sessions.  They are both very good for me and equally enjoyable.  The TH900 is more v-shaped but won me over after I gave it a week or two of listening.  At first, it did not move me...I found it a bit harsh especially up top.
They both have their strengths and for me they have more in common than not.
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:34 PM Post #6,126 of 25,850
  I own the TH-900's and the 007a's, amongst some others.  Both powered properly and fed by an ygg.  I can't say I prefer one significantly to the other looking back on many listening sessions.  They are both very good for me and equally enjoyable.  The TH900 is more v-shaped but won me over after I gave it a week or two of listening.  At first, it did not move me...I found it a bit harsh especially up top.
They both have their strengths and for me they have more in common than not.

Can I ask what your STAT amp is?

I'm using a GS-X MK2 with my TH900s (now sold though) and for the SR007s (Mk1), I've heard them through KGSSHV, LL2 and DIY T2. There really is no comparison. The treble on the TH900s was too sizzly and the bass a bit too much north of neutral. The mids were also pulled back as a result. The SR007s are quicker and better balanced tonally speaking.
(My DACs were Bryston BDA2, Metrum Acoustics Hex and now the Chord Hugo TT)
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:39 PM Post #6,127 of 25,850
  Can I ask what your STAT amp is?

I'm using a GS-X MK2 with my TH900s (now sold though) and for the SR007s (Mk1), I've heard them through KGSSHV, LL2 and DIY T2. There really is no comparison. The treble on the TH900s was too sizzly and the bass a bit too much north of neutral. The mids were also pulled back as a result. The SR007s are quicker and better balanced tonally speaking.
(My DACs were Bryston BDA2, Metrum Acoustics Hex and now the Chord Hugo TT)

I'm using a 400v KGST with the stats and a Woo WA7 with the 900's.  I've swapped a few DAC's but have been happy with the ygg.  It feeds both setups.
I felt the same way about the 900's until I settled into them.  No such issue for me now.
They each have their strengths and weaknesses but for me they have a lot in common.  I lean towards a warmer signature with some detail.
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:43 PM Post #6,128 of 25,850
I'm using a 400v KGST with the stats and a Woo WA7 with the 900's.  I've swapped a few DAC's but have been happy with the ygg.  It feeds both setups.
I felt the same way about the 900's until I settled into them.  No such issue for me now.
They each have their strengths and weaknesses but for me they have a lot in common.  I lean towards a warmer signature with some detail.

The KGST is more of a SR009 amp...the KGSSHV/BHSE would be more of an SR007 amp. But as I mentioned...YMMV.
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:48 PM Post #6,129 of 25,850
The KGST is more of a SR009 amp...the KGSSHV/BHSE would be more of an SR007 amp. But as I mentioned...YMMV.

It's interesting that you post that as I've had others that are Stax vets indicate the KGST goes very well with the 007's as they used it with both them and the 009's.  Can't speak to it personally as I've only heard the 007a's (the new versions) with the 400v KGST I had made.  My impression of the amp is that despite the tubes it comes across as a hybrid in flavor.  Similar to the WA7....not full blown tubey.
Sep 17, 2015 at 9:51 PM Post #6,130 of 25,850
It's interesting that you post that as I've had others that are Stax vets indicate the KGST goes very well with the 007's as they used it with both them and the 009's.  Can't speak to it personally as I've only heard the 007a's (the new versions) with the 400v KGST I had made.  My impression of the amp is that despite the tubes it comes across as a hybrid in flavor.  Similar to the WA7....not full blown tubey.

To clarify, I wasn't saying the KGST wasn't a great amp for the 007s, just that it's more in line for the 009s. Now on a DIY T-2, the 007s are truly glorious (though I still prefer the 009s).
Sep 17, 2015 at 10:26 PM Post #6,132 of 25,850
To clarify, I wasn't saying the KGST wasn't a great amp for the 007s, just that it's more in line for the 009s. Now on a DIY T-2, the 007s are truly glorious (though I still prefer the 009s).

I'll see if I can get my hands on a heftier estat amp but my gut is telling the more is more thing has its limitations with my hearing.  It'll need to be at least a week long rental or trade as I can't relate to wrapping my head around a device in an hour or two.  I need more seat time to formulate a meaningful opinion.
I'll likely purchase the 009's before too long despite my satisfaction with my rigs and the risk of a channel imbalance or the like.  Had my share of Stax drama.
Sep 17, 2015 at 11:41 PM Post #6,133 of 25,850
I'm currently leaning towards a Bifrost Uber with USB Gen2 for a DAC for a SR-009 + 323S setup. Any input about your experience with such a setup vs with other DACs would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.
Sep 17, 2015 at 11:48 PM Post #6,134 of 25,850
  I'm currently leaning towards a Bifrost Uber with USB Gen2 for a DAC for a SR-009 + 323S setup. Any input about your experience with such a setup vs with other DACs would be extremely appreciated. Thank you.

No.  The AKM4399 in the Bifrost is too harsh for the SR-009's for me.  The NFB-15 sounds fine, I'm going to have to inspect some of the R2R stuff...

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