The Stax Thread III
Sep 20, 2015 at 4:58 PM Post #6,166 of 25,850
Geoff has been great, including with follow-up.  One of the best audio purchase decisions I've made.
The HV Carbon looks to be a really nice amp.  Would very much like to see what you think if you decide to jump in.

I hope to have mine by early December so I will definitely let you know.  I hope Geoff is back in game building the amp again.  His builds are very inspiring and first class.
Sep 20, 2015 at 5:15 PM Post #6,167 of 25,850
Geoff claims he has retired.
Sep 20, 2015 at 6:01 PM Post #6,168 of 25,850
Sep 20, 2015 at 6:09 PM Post #6,169 of 25,850
Sep 20, 2015 at 7:39 PM Post #6,170 of 25,850
It wasn't the T2 that nearly bankrupt Stax. They had very diverse product lines that were way too expensive - the profit making lines (the ear speakers and amplifiers cheaper than the T2) were dragged down by the loss making more expensive lines. They had virtually every component imaginable except a turntable for building a system. They were excellent products, but far too expensive. The reorganisation of Stax cut their product line back to a headphone and amp centred line, with a few accessories. 
Sep 20, 2015 at 8:27 PM Post #6,171 of 25,850
  It wasn't the T2 that nearly bankrupt Stax. They had very diverse product lines that were way too expensive - the profit making lines (the ear speakers and amplifiers cheaper than the T2) were dragged down by the loss making more expensive lines. They had virtually every component imaginable except a turntable for building a system. They were excellent products, but far too expensive. The reorganisation of Stax cut their product line back to a headphone and amp centred line, with a few accessories. 

Probably true.  The original Lamba pro was quite expensive during its time.  The SRM-T2 along with the SR-Omega were one of the last products Stax released before going under.  
Sep 20, 2015 at 8:44 PM Post #6,172 of 25,850

Just because Stax make a range of amps, and made many many different amps in the past doesn't mean they fit the 009. It is a lost cause IMO. The 009 is a world class headphone that can beat or equal any domestic speaker system. Can the Stax amps equal or beat any Stat amplifier out their? You have you answer.... 

I agree with all of this. I've got just about every Stax amp and first of all they're lovely, but I'm consistently hearing that they really only shine on the Normal headphones, or on a Pro paying relatively quietly. Their amps don't innovate that much and the design really only works well on the Normals IMO. 
Mysterious Upcoming Stax
Exciting, a new line! My prediction; they are discontinuing the venerable Lambda design (the black/brown plastic grill) in an attempt to modernize it. The headphone is really looking dated. This design appears to be have 009 design elements in an oval design; clearly a new Lambda, either a high end Lambda or replacement of the line. 
Interesting to pre-announce it by showing the bare drivers. 
Sep 20, 2015 at 10:13 PM Post #6,173 of 25,850
Maybe this is why Price Japan had that crazy sale out of nowhere... trying to get rid of leftover lambda shells?
normal_smile .gif

Sep 21, 2015 at 2:46 AM Post #6,175 of 25,850

Is that a new Stax amp I see there? Looks kinda KGSS sized?

Sep 21, 2015 at 8:13 AM Post #6,177 of 25,850
Actually SRM-T1W, just to be stupidly picky  

A beautiful Stax, with unusual rounded top knobs (all the rest are flat top including the SRM-T1S, except I think the T2 has the same rounded top), same unusual color as the T2 and T1S, the only one with a user adjustable bias, and the only amp that doubles as a passive preamp. Rest of the pics show discontinued items like the 404LE/600LE. Only new bit is the driver, which I hope means it'll release soon. 
Sep 21, 2015 at 8:51 AM Post #6,178 of 25,850
  Actually SRM-T1W, just to be stupidly picky  

A beautiful Stax, with unusual rounded top knobs (all the rest are flat top including the SRM-T1S, except I think the T2 has the same rounded top), same unusual color as the T2 and T1S, the only one with a user adjustable bias, and the only amp that doubles as a passive preamp. Rest of the pics show discontinued items like the 404LE/600LE. Only new bit is the driver, which I hope means it'll release soon. 

Interesting. Is it anywhere near the SQ of the T2 or is it just another Stax ok'ish amp?
Sep 21, 2015 at 9:10 AM Post #6,180 of 25,850
  Interesting. Is it anywhere near the SQ of the T2 or is it just another Stax ok'ish amp?

I'm almost finished with my T2 and haven't heard one so don't know, but I'd say no. It sounds like a somewhat richer T1. Personally I don't rate the Stax amps as OK-ish though, it really depends on the headphone and music context. I'm listening to the Haydn canon on a SRM-T1 with a 404 and it's lovely - perfect I'd say. Haydn used a classical orchestra which is a rather small one, and these acoustical recordings work wonderfully with the combination. 
  Can't you use the tape function in the SRA-12S for that, and by extension I think the 10S?

True (yes the 10S is just a Japanese 100V 10S), and the 3S too (mine is on the bench for repair but I'm pretty sure it has tape out). But tape out acts as a splitter I believe? With the T1W it's either headphones or preamp, you don't get both (when in headphone mode it's full out on the preamp out, and when in preamp mode I think it's silent on the headphone side). 

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