The Sennheiser HD580 Impressions Thread
Apr 18, 2006 at 6:10 AM Post #136 of 2,089

The Sennheiser HD-580s are truly awesome. My experience is similar to a couple other posters, but I figure why not add some fuel to the proverbial fire, especially since I do so love my Senns.

I got mine from a Head-Fier (thanks Clay
) a while back and proceeded to convince my wife to buy me for my birthday shortly after a JMT built PIMETA from another member (thanks Garrick
.) I have been nothing but pleased from first listen. I was afraid they might have the same problem as some HD-280s I had recently heard.... yes, the infamous veil. I dunno if the 580s might have had it too if they were brand new when I first heard them (as the 280s were.) I suspect the open design likely helps to eliminate any feeling of hearing the music as if through a sheer white filter, though I also imagine if I had burned the 280s in for 2-3x as long (120hrs instead of 40) it may have been cured in those too.

Bottom line -- If you want to hear music with unbelievable clarity and precision, while avoiding even the slightest hint of treble hiss/brightness/sibilance, I highly recommend you get yourself some open Sennheisers. If you're not rich (as in my case) you might find the cost/performance ratio to be at its point of diminishing returns the same place I did -- Sennheiser HD-580s
Apr 18, 2006 at 10:43 AM Post #137 of 2,089
I like my 580s and would recommend them especially for ambient/ electronica
as they're good allrounders they work for me. I use them with a Dynalo and E5 cd player with the gold raincoat ic's and get good results. Personally I like a more organic sound and might give an M3 amp a go, but the Dynalo is a great solid state amp without any bad traits. Can't go wrong with this combination especially if your'e more into electronica/ rock rather than classical jazz..
Apr 18, 2006 at 12:43 PM Post #138 of 2,089
The 580s with my SR-71 is quite a rig to say the least. Lush, big, warm, wonderful sparkle on the top end. After listening to my Etys, the Senns sound soooo lush, and surprisingly extended at the ends. I say surprisingly because so much gets written about the veil. There's actually more treble and extension than on my etys.

I liken the said "veil" effect, to putting on high quality polarized sunglasses. They soften the glare but at the same time actually sharpen the image by removing all the visual pollution that gets reflected and created by glare--even if you don't think there's glare there. This leaves a wonderful crispness and clarity while actually preserving or presenting the full brightness and extension of the treble region. Very comfortable. And very nice.
Apr 18, 2006 at 1:02 PM Post #139 of 2,089
hd580 are nowdays ,@ their price , one of the most ( if not the most ) affordable and satisfying headphone gear that's higly accessible, and it's still an hi-end product worth competition with cans in the top tiers ---if you can stand weight and bulkyness , but many top cans are very bulky ---
Apr 18, 2006 at 2:11 PM Post #140 of 2,089
What are people getting for these used these days? I'm interested in getting a better glimpse of the Senn sound, and this seems to be the way to go.

Sadly, I'm still on the SR-60 for the Grado cans, and I love them and have considered picking up some SR-225s, but in my day to day listening at work and on the go, I've recently been flopping back and forth between the KSC-75 and a pair of PX100 I just picked up. The PX100s seem just a bit muddy to me, and it somewhat veils the mids. Though the highs of the KSC75 never bothered me in the past, side by side, I'm noticing that they can be, at times, a bit fatiguing.

Anyway, before jumping to the 225s (as I still hold out hope for some hf-1s I can afford), I'm thinking I'd like to see what this Senn hype is all about, and I've seen them for $150 shipped new. Though I could easily afford that, if I can save money, I'm obviously all for it.
Apr 18, 2006 at 2:37 PM Post #142 of 2,089

Originally Posted by boodi
around 100$ used

your cure might be called ksc-35

No, I find that the ksc-35 sounds muddy to me.

I do actually prefer brightness, and more than anything, I am a big fan of mids. I think that the mids in so many people's systems are lacking, and a lot of the details that I enjoy in music seem to hover in this area. I find that, especially in jazz, the lack of mids can be incredibly jolting, and when placed back into the picture, the music takes on a whole new life.

I do still prefer the ksc75 to the px100 as they do a better job with the details I enjoy, but they do lack the lower punch that the px100 obviously have. I'm basically just curious to hear a finer example of the senn sound as it would appear that they resolve some of my issues with the well they should considering the retail pricing of each phone.
Apr 18, 2006 at 2:47 PM Post #143 of 2,089

Originally Posted by bobzemuda
No, I find that the ksc-35 sounds muddy to me.

that's quite strange...

there's recabled ksc-35 that've been said to have very nice performance ( I've read around some preferring them to Alessandro Ms-1 )
Apr 18, 2006 at 2:52 PM Post #144 of 2,089

Originally Posted by boodi
that's quite strange...

there's recabled ksc-35 that've been said to have very nice performance ( I've read around some preferring them to Alessandro Ms-1 )

I guess muddy might not have been the word, but they're more confined then the ksc75. They have a darker sound to them. Mine anyway.

I've seen those recabled ksc-35s and the like, but I can't really justify recabling headphones that cost so little. It seems a little silly to me. I guess I haven't crossed over to that realm of headphone listening.

Sorry to be mildly hijacking the appreciation thread. If you've got some hd580s to unload, I'll take them to appreciate.
Apr 22, 2006 at 5:16 AM Post #146 of 2,089
received my HD580s after buying them on eBay for about $100 used.

fantastic sound! I am coming from HD280s/SR60s, and I am amazed at the detail that I have been missing out on.

currently running them from a PA2V2 and they sound excellent. have a headfive reserved, but after reading this thread, am strongly considering upgrading to a PIMETA for the interim...since it'll be a couple of months til the headfive is shipped...

ah, upgraditis!
Apr 22, 2006 at 11:08 AM Post #147 of 2,089

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
seeberg where did you buy your Hd580s used and for how much?

I bought my HD580's here on the FS/T forums from Sassysound for about $110 if I recall correctly.

Glad to see my thread rise from idle once in a while
Nothing in particular to update from, as my rig still stands as the photo I posted on the Headphone Rig picture thread. If the folks at Sennheiser actually come through this time, I should be enjoying my long awaited HD600 grilles this time next month. Other upgrades are on the back burner until further notice.

Apr 22, 2006 at 1:03 PM Post #148 of 2,089

Originally Posted by bobzemuda
I've seen those recabled ksc-35s and the like, but I can't really justify recabling headphones that cost so little. It seems a little silly to me. I guess I haven't crossed over to that realm of headphone listening.

imo that's much more right to say they're very underpriced and they would go even for 40$ more for their sound and functionality .. and recabling doesn't cost always 100$ .. diy recable can cost very little .. around 10$ ..
OT , but on the other hand they share with hd580 the *absolute bargain award*

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