The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?
Sep 15, 2011 at 5:16 PM Post #61 of 2,849

I'm still organizing it, but basically, the list is based on value, as in for the cost of the money, how much are you getting in terms of overall appeal for sound, build quality and materials used along with accessories. Some are tied, which means they're side by side, and I consider several to be of equal value, they are merely side by side and the order in which they are does not mean one is favored by me compared to another. 
In other words, I wouldn't read too far into the ordering of them on my signature.

Very best,

I get it though, still, interesting order. :wink:
Sep 15, 2011 at 5:28 PM Post #62 of 2,849

hi, what's the difference between rphtf600, rp htf 890, and creative aurvana live? I'm interested in getting one, which would you guys suggest?

what type of music you like?.. . The HTF 890 is an open headphone and shares a lot of similarities with the Audio Technica AD700s. If you listen to a lot of instrumentals and vocal for example the HTF 890 is actually better than the AD700 for that.  However, if you are into bassy music, hiphop, trance , dub..  Just get the HTF600-S.. The Creatives would be weak compared to these HTF600s.. If you want something with less bass and more of a do it all type can. The Creatives are good for that.  I sill would recommend the HTF600s however. Once you hear how these Panasonic HTF600s sound and then move onto the creative aurvanas...You will just put away the Creatives.. Trust me on that.
Sep 15, 2011 at 5:33 PM Post #63 of 2,849
Well I love my kickers for what they are and it isn't like you just spent $200 on them.. I would actually say get both.. The Panasonics clearly win over the kickers in sounds I will be the first to admit that.. The kickers have bigger mid bass impact than the Panasonics. Still a great budget can.  The Panasonics win over in just sheer dynamics and quality in the sounds..  $50 to have 2 different sounding cans?  I spend more on drinking beer with my friends.
 If I knew about these before the kickers I would have shown this to the community first. But the kicker still remain one of my all time fave fun listening phones.. If you just got them and you are wondering if you should have gotten these instead..Return your monoprice and get these.. If you need more than one can get both. The monoprice are way more portable than these Panasonics..

Thanks. I think the panasonic's would match my taste better, however as you mentioned the monoprice's are more portable(fold up) and durable in that the cable can be replaced. Those two things ultimately make it the better choice for the intended use(2 year old riding in a plane/car). The monoprice's will fit in is backpack better etc.
I may get the Panasonic also. I know some one who is looking for a pair of headphones for watching tv. I let them try my HA-RX700s. They liked the sound but said they were too bulky. How do these phones compare in size to the HA-RX700?
Sep 15, 2011 at 5:39 PM Post #64 of 2,849

Thanks. I think the panasonic's would match my taste better, however as you mentioned the monoprice's are more portable(fold up) and durable in that the cable can be replaced. Those two things ultimately make it the better choice for the intended use(2 year old riding in a plane/car). The monoprice's will fit in is backpack better etc.
I may get the Panasonic also. I know some one who is looking for a pair of headphones for watching tv. I let them try my HA-RX700s. They liked the sound but said they were too bulky. How do these phones compare in size to the HA-RX700?

The Harx700 would be the biggest out of the 3. The monoprice have the smallest size again more portable.. The Panasonics are about in the middle of the 2.. Good size but I wouldn't call it bulky.. Just right. almost the same size as the Audio Technica M50s actually.
Sep 15, 2011 at 6:19 PM Post #65 of 2,849
Oh thanks dsnuts. I listen to a wide variety of music but I almost always listen to a lot of chill out music (jazzy electronic) lately and most, if not all lean towards bass. So I guess I'm looking for balance + good bass, if that makes any sense ( im not a basshead but for chillout I prioritize bass above all).  Thanks
Sep 15, 2011 at 7:07 PM Post #68 of 2,849

Oh thanks dsnuts. I listen to a wide variety of music but I almost always listen to a lot of chill out music (jazzy electronic) lately and most, if not all lean towards bass. So I guess I'm looking for balance + good bass, if that makes any sense ( im not a basshead but for chillout I prioritize bass above all).  Thanks

Get a Pansonic HTF600- S...Absolutely get the Panasonics.. After you get them and discover them. Get more to throw on your friends and then have them guess how much they cost..
Sep 15, 2011 at 7:49 PM Post #70 of 2,849
Is there any comparison possible with the SRH440? I like them but think they're a bit anemic in the mids/bass area. Very comfy w/ the 840 pads.
I'm trying to give a good all-around headphone to my gf and I'm wondering if the Panasonics could do. How does it sound w/out an amp, on an iPod/straight out of a lappy headphone out?

Sep 15, 2011 at 7:59 PM Post #71 of 2,849

Is there any comparison possible with the SRH440? I like them but think they're a bit anemic in the mids/bass area. Very comfy w/ the 840 pads.
I'm trying to give a good all-around headphone to my gf and I'm wondering if the Panasonics could do. How does it sound w/out an amp, on an iPod/straight out of a lappy headphone out?


The Panasonics are 56 Ohm. It drives easily on my Mp3. My laptop..No amp necessary.. Hmm I have the SRH440 and I like them... These will surprise you and you might give your SRH440 to your girlfriend and take these instead... I kinda feel the same way you do on the Shures... They are smooth but kinda boring.. The Panasonic fixes boring.. The bass is on another level while maintaining a very clean even sound on the whole sound stage how about surround bass. I only wish the Shures had this bass.. For $30 are you kidding?   You can spend more on street tacos and get the runs because of it..
Sep 15, 2011 at 8:40 PM Post #72 of 2,849

Is there any comparison possible with the SRH440? I like them but think they're a bit anemic in the mids/bass area. Very comfy w/ the 840 pads.
I'm trying to give a good all-around headphone to my gf and I'm wondering if the Panasonics could do. How does it sound w/out an amp, on an iPod/straight out of a lappy headphone out?


The panasonics are very warm and bassy. They're comfortable stock. I've been wearing them for two days now and I'm pretty picky, so these are quite decently comfortable. Not too much clamp, but not so loose that they flop around. No amplification at all needed. You can plug it into anything and go. Just make sure your GF's source audio is high quality, even though this headphone will be forgiving to low bitrate compressed audio, you still want to give her a proper gift by also making sure she has some very high quality music to listen to.
Very best,
Sep 15, 2011 at 9:42 PM Post #73 of 2,849
Thanks, Dsnuts, MalVeauX. Originally, the SRH440 was my present, but after burn-in, the sound was not as good as I'd hoped for vocal stuff. (She listens to lots of vocal material/pop/oldie) The Panasonics, I hope will address the "chestiness" of some voices and dynamicness missing on the 440s.

Where are these going for $30? (w/out outrageous shipping) Amazon?

Sep 15, 2011 at 9:51 PM Post #74 of 2,849

Thanks, Dsnuts, MalVeauX. Originally, the SRH440 was my present, but after burn-in, the sound was not as good as I'd hoped for vocal stuff. (She listens to lots of vocal material/pop/oldie) The Panasonics, I hope will address the "chestiness" of some voices and dynamicness missing on the 440s.

Where are these going for $30? (w/out outrageous shipping) Amazon?


$29 at Amazon.
To be fair, they're actually a $60 headphone, and that reflects the price in EU too apparently. It's just Amazon warehouse must be full of them so they literally slashed it 50%. It's such a good headphone, I'd buy it for $60 no questions asked too though. I'd buy it as a $150 headphone. After that, well, I start to have different options. But at $150 and under, this thing freaking competes for musical warmth and just outstandingly fun to listen to.
Very best,
Sep 15, 2011 at 10:05 PM Post #75 of 2,849

Thanks, Dsnuts, MalVeauX. Originally, the SRH440 was my present, but after burn-in, the sound was not as good as I'd hoped for vocal stuff. (She listens to lots of vocal material/pop/oldie) The Panasonics, I hope will address the "chestiness" of some voices and dynamicness missing on the 440s.

Where are these going for $30? (w/out outrageous shipping) Amazon?


Hmm You know what. I was gonna recommend the other open Panasonic HTP-890 but I was just listening to some vocals.. Never mind. The HTF600 is just awesome for it.. They sound great for all genres I have heard on em actually... She will dig em.. I bet you will want them too once you try them out.  I am sure you will..

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