The Official Beyerdynamic T1 Impressions and Discussion Thread
Mar 9, 2011 at 4:47 AM Post #302 of 10,994
I'm #2800
Mar 9, 2011 at 8:06 AM Post #303 of 10,994
Hey Zombie_X,
how's the T50p compare to T1 ? I am thinking of buying T50p.
And how significantly better T1 over DT990 600ohm ?
thanks in advance.
Mar 9, 2011 at 9:32 AM Post #304 of 10,994
i think the t50p are greatly under appreciated here.  they sound pretty damn good.  i would have kept mine but i had to recoop some money from all the spending i did a few months ago.  i havent tried any of the beyers besides my t1 and t50p but i was impressed at the sound. it seems not all people like it given how particular it is for location on the head.  also, i pretty much had it on its smallest setting so if you have a small head, it wont work.
Mar 9, 2011 at 10:14 AM Post #305 of 10,994

And how significantly better T1 over DT990 600ohm ?

Speaking from my own experience, the sound signature of the T1 is actually closer to the DT880. It's like an 880 on steroids.
The major difference between the T1 and both the DT880 and DT990 is the amount of detail.
As for the DT990, it has more mid-range and clarity, not as colored toward the lower end of the sound spectrum.
Don't get me wrong, the T1's seriously rock any bass heavy sound. IMHO, they do an outstanding job of Rock, Electronica, Jazz, and any other music that requires a punchy low end.
Up until I got the T1, my favorite rock headphone was the DT990 600ohm, but no longer.

Mar 9, 2011 at 11:09 AM Post #306 of 10,994
I agree that the T1 is closer to the DT880, but it does have more bass weight (along with much better transparency and soundstaging, IMHO).
Mar 9, 2011 at 12:59 PM Post #307 of 10,994
I had my T1 for some time, but it was until I mated it with CSP2+ then I start to appreciate its full strength.  I was not much of tube amp lover but this combo starts to show me the serious power on soundstage, details, and tonality that I have never experienced since I ever got caught by this hobby.
CSP2+ in this combo works like sonic zooming glass that enlarges the soundstage and in the same time brings me closer to the stage.  The layer and distance between sound sources are enhanced.  Together with T1, this combo allows me to "feel" the texture of each tone while demonstrate a deep 3D scene (the width of the soundstage was not much increased though).  Such close-range examination and far-distance soundstage feeling at the same is what I though unique and set T1 apart from my beloved DT880/600.  DT880/600 still has its fun factor, but T1 has it new discovered strength to me now.  Certainly T1's bass is a level up from DT880/600 in terms of the volume and quality.
Interestingly, while T1 with Phoenix has more solid bass and better bass impact and still excellent image focus, this combo put me outside the sonic scene and hence I lost the intimacy and close feeling.   It is a very clear trade-off to me.
Mar 12, 2011 at 5:17 PM Post #308 of 10,994
Hello guys, my first post on the forums, so i hope i can behave :)
I´ve been planning to upgrade my headgear from pretty aged sennheiser HD555´s to T1´s, but haven´t quite made up my mind yet. I´ve read tons of reviews, comparison to HD800´s etc.
But what concerns me is will i get the most of the cans, and will i notice big difference to my old sennheisers?
The setup i had in mind is T1´s, (obviously), Lehmann Rhinelander amp, PC as a source (optical) and CA dacmagic.
Is there any big flaw in the setup i had in mind?
-edit- Oh yeah, and my music taste is rock, surf, etc
Mar 12, 2011 at 7:01 PM Post #309 of 10,994

Hello guys, my first post on the forums, so i hope i can behave :)
I´ve been planning to upgrade my headgear from pretty aged sennheiser HD555´s to T1´s, but haven´t quite made up my mind yet. I´ve read tons of reviews, comparison to HD800´s etc.
But what concerns me is will i get the most of the cans, and will i notice big difference to my old sennheisers?
The setup i had in mind is T1´s, (obviously), Lehmann Rhinelander amp, PC as a source (optical) and CA dacmagic.
Is there any big flaw in the setup i had in mind?
-edit- Oh yeah, and my music taste is rock, surf, etc

Welcome to the nuthouse.

I'm fairly certain that you'd hear a big difference going from 555 to T1. Although I do believe in amp/cans synergy, I also believe that any decent amp won't change the general sound sig of a HP enough to discard your decision.
If you've done your homework and have come this far in considering the T1 or 800, I will recommend the T1 based on your rock preference. I use a parametric EQ with my T1 to boost the already generous bass response. They can dish out serious bass if you prefer even more than when "flat". Deep and tight with no bloat.
Mar 14, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #311 of 10,994
Throw me in on recommending the T1 before the HD800 - (had them both, t1 stayed)
I have both the hd800 and the t1 and i catch myself listen too the t1 instead of the hd 800.
Mar 14, 2011 at 5:22 PM Post #313 of 10,994

I have both the hd800 and the t1 and i catch myself listen too the t1 instead of the hd 800.

Me too :)) T1 (#2724) HD800 (#09273)
Mar 20, 2011 at 6:58 PM Post #315 of 10,994
My music taste tends more to the T1 :). I wouldnt say it is a greater love. It is the better pairing :) Nevertheless today I have listenend the whole time with my clip+ and the HD-25 sitting in front of HD800 and T1..

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