Waqar reacted to JEHL's post in the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest with Like.Probably goes without saying as most of my research is on loudspeakers so take ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I SAY AT FACE VALUE. THINK CRITICALLY...
Waqar replied to the thread Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (On or Over Ear Headphones).Ah, yes usd. Thanks for the rec
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.Thanks in going to look into these
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.Thanks for the detailed rec. I feel like you and me have the same taste. I am going to give these a look.
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.Super thanks for the rec. These look interesting.
Waqar reacted to ToneDeafMonk's post in the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest with Like.Penon Serial 100% Yanyin Canon would also be a good rec
Waqar replied to the thread Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (On or Over Ear Headphones).Hi, can you guys please advice me some good ones up to 500$? I have been away for a few years from here, so Reading up would be hardnon...
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.Thank you for the tip. Ill check then out.
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.Hi, can you guys please advice me some good ones up to 300$? I have been away for a few years from here, so Reading up would be hardnon...
Waqar reacted to DagsJT's post in the thread AudioQuest NightHawk Impressions and Discussion Thread with Like.Looking forward to trying these out! Won’t be able to give them a proper try until this evening or tomorrow but I’ll try a little when I...
Waqar replied to the thread Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread.Now this is golden, thank you for the lists.
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.This is a nice list, thank you. I am gonna look close at that ibasso one.. THanks
Waqar replied to the thread CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest.Thank you, they look good
Waqar replied to the thread Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread.Hi guys, been a few years som just gonna Ask you Nice people. What is the popular Buy these days? Im a buffer raging from 200$- 700$ can...