The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Apr 15, 2014 at 7:50 AM Post #9,902 of 29,032
If your going DIY why not go for the Su Sy Dynahi?  IMO it's miles ahead of the Beta22.  
FWIW the Beta22 kicked the GS-1 out the door, the GS-X mk2 kicked the Beta22 out the door, then the F1J kicked the GS-X mk2 out the door. 

Apr 15, 2014 at 8:13 AM Post #9,903 of 29,032
  If your going DIY why not go for the Su Sy Dynahi?  IMO it's miles ahead of the Beta22.  
FWIW the Beta22 kicked the GS-1 out the door, the GS-X mk2 kicked the Beta22 out the door, then the F1J kicked the GS-X mk2 out the door. 

What HPs did you try with the SuSy?  I have been curious if such a powerful amp could run sensitive headphones like the TH900 without too much hiss?  I am sure that it would do the business with the HD800.
Apr 15, 2014 at 8:24 AM Post #9,904 of 29,032
OH - my bad.  I haven't tried the SuSy yet.  I've heard an older Dynahi a few years ago and it was with the HD800.  The older Dynahi was also miles ahead of the Beta22.  So I was just taking an educated guess that the SuSy would be the same or better.
Apr 15, 2014 at 8:27 AM Post #9,905 of 29,032
  OH - my bad.  I haven't tried the SuSy yet.  I've heard an older Dynahi a few years ago and it was with the HD800.  The older Dynahi was also miles ahead of the Beta22.  So I was just taking an educated guess that the SuSy would be the same or better.

Tsk Tsk Preproman.... getting my hopes up like that.

Apr 15, 2014 at 9:20 AM Post #9,906 of 29,032

Just because it looked great in the morning light.
Apr 15, 2014 at 10:13 AM Post #9,907 of 29,032
Nice Amos^^^^
I think I'll celebrate a little sunshine over here, first really nice day of the year so far. 


Apr 15, 2014 at 1:00 PM Post #9,908 of 29,032
Given your comment, a krell ksa5 klone might also be worth looking into.

The KSA-5 is indeed legendary but it's extremely rare no?
  If your going DIY why not go for the Su Sy Dynahi?  IMO it's miles ahead of the Beta22.  
FWIW the Beta22 kicked the GS-1 out the door, the GS-X mk2 kicked the Beta22 out the door, then the F1J kicked the GS-X mk2 out the door. 

It's the other way round, I prefer buying commercial products whenever possible.
The builder of the Beta 22 that I auditioned said that the Dynahi shares a similar concept with the GS-X 2 so chances are it won't have the liquidity and resolving property that I seek.
The F1J is a power amp, I don't think it's suitable for headphone duty. 
Apr 15, 2014 at 1:37 PM Post #9,909 of 29,032
You do realize that their company name is "First Watt" right?
It's also a very unique design, current source. Don't jump to conclusions...
Apr 15, 2014 at 1:42 PM Post #9,910 of 29,032
The Beta22 is a good amp, no question. However, being more resolving than the GS- mk2 is laughable to say the least. I owned a very well built 4 channel for 2 years and loved it until the GS-X mk2 came in the house.

FWIW the F1J is more suitable for "any" headphone than any other heaphone amp I've owned or heard.

I guess we all do hear different. Although I like to say we hear the same things and just describe them different.
Apr 15, 2014 at 2:18 PM Post #9,911 of 29,032
Do you know if the First Watt "Current Source" is similar to the "Current Drive" implemented by the Bakoon HP21?
Current drive (source?) could be the biggest thing to happen in amplifier tech in.... well since the introduction of the op-amp or mosfet really.
The HP21 is getting absolutely stellar reviews all around, and now you're saying that the F1J is the best universal amp you know.
The principle is genius really. If you control the voltage the amount of current that goes through the circuit will forever be dependent on the resistance and impedance.
But if you are able to control the current.... well... now we're talking. Resistance or impedance doesn't matter as long as you have enough power to negate them.
I predict we'll see many more current drive (source) amps in the next 2-5 years!
Apr 15, 2014 at 6:04 PM Post #9,913 of 29,032
Just finished building my Bottlehead Crack. 
So so fun to build!!!! My first soldering project too. What an experience!!! Listening to something you build from the ground up with your own hands!! Definitely goes head to head with $1000+ amps!! Absolutely amazing, highly recommended!!!
And i haven't even added the Speedball yet. Saving that for another day.
Apr 15, 2014 at 6:16 PM Post #9,914 of 29,032
Congrats Swolern!  The crack's a keeper, no doubt - and so incredibly gratifying to complete 
  Enjoy that sweet stock sound with your hd800's for a little while and trust that it gets even better with the speedball and other mods.
Apr 15, 2014 at 6:33 PM Post #9,915 of 29,032
  Just finished building my Bottlehead Crack. 
So so fun to build!!!! My first soldering project too. What an experience!!! Listening to something you build from the ground up with your own hands!! Definitely goes head to head with $1000+ amps!! Absolutely amazing, highly recommended!!!
And i haven't even added the Speedball yet. Saving that for another day.

Congrats!  It's good to hear that the HD800s sound good with it.  I was given the kit for Christmas but I haven't found the time to tackle putting that thing together.  I think part of it is fear of damaging it - I've never soldered before either.  Hearing it was your first soldering experience helps.

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