The FiiO X3 Thread UPDATE: Project Back On! Read the First Post for Information.
Apr 8, 2011 at 1:18 AM Post #736 of 3,613
well the consensus IMO anyway seems to say that this player is gonna be "reasonably" priced.. certainly in the range for me to reeeeeeeeeeally want to get one!
Apr 8, 2011 at 1:20 AM Post #737 of 3,613
Cowon is a pro DAP maker that order parts in ten of thousands daily, FiiO is the first time DAP maker that only manage to order part in hundreds in the whole order, do you think the supplier is going to lower the price because you order less parts? The only reason why FiiO is managed to make E5 / E7 is such a low price is because the volume that they are making. X3 on the other hand won't have such a benefit.
The price difference between regular touch screen and normal LCD isn't that much, it is the need of a controller that supports the touch function that is the expensive part of the games. Same goes to memory chip, which can be as low as a few dollars when in quantity. The trick is still that same, when you have the mean to buy in big bulk, everything becomes cheaper.
Apr 8, 2011 at 3:13 AM Post #738 of 3,613
Of course manufacturing/production prices and production technicalities and what not will figure in the final costs to the public, but I think if they price it well over 200, they will be pricing it out its target audience and market.  I agree I doubt very much that it will be 100 or under, but at the same time I think it could potentially be a mistake if they price it over 200, as the potential options/alternatives increase rather exponentially at that point. 
Something along the lines of $130 to $180 would probably be the sweet spot for its intended market, and I would expect it to sell quite well if it's priced something between those price points.  I am guessing MSRP of $199 with street price of about $180-185 upon initial release, settling down to around $160-175 after the first or second release phases.
Apr 8, 2011 at 12:19 PM Post #740 of 3,613
In fact, it is far to decide the final price, but it will not higher than usd 199.00. and the final price decided by our distributor/sales agents.
Anyway, the price is depend on ,
1, the cost. mass production will decrease the cost, the initial quantity will be 500 pcs, but from second batch, it will be 2000 pcs each time. or more if the feedback is good enough.
2, the margin, everyone need to balance the margin with sales volume. we will like to make small margin but sell more because we may be the only manufacturer who mass produce headphone amp.
Anyway, there are lots of HiFi DAP located in USD 200.00 -500.00. it is not need to develop another DAP and compete with them.
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 8, 2011 at 1:02 PM Post #742 of 3,613

@wasteoftime Yes but cowon is a big business mass market manufacturer, fiio is a small boutique manufacturer that only caters for a small market, I dont think you can compare them. Greetings, Anouk,

Sure, we are not trying to compete with Cowon. in fact, we are not trying to make a similar products as Cowon's, or iPod, or Sansa.  or Hifiman, or Colorfly, we have our own brand position.
If we are trying to make a similar products , a big touch screen, huge build in memory, small output power is necessary. we don't like to compete with anyone. and I guess you don't need to buy another fake Cowon or iPod, because they are 
good and cheap enough. but from this long long thread, I know there are some friend will like to buy a cheap, high output power with 192k/24bit playback DAP which Cowon have not provide.
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 8, 2011 at 2:24 PM Post #744 of 3,613

In fact, it is far to decide the final price, but it will not higher than usd 199.00. and the final price decided by our distributor/sales agents.

Sounds great, sounds reasonable. If it is $150 or so I'll be getting it. I so far have not spent more than $120 on a DAP (2 Cowons and a Fuze) and think $200+ is too much.
@wasteoftime Yes but cowon is a big business mass market manufacturer, fiio is a small boutique manufacturer that only caters for a small market, I dont think you can compare them. Greetings, Anouk,

Well, afaik, 90% of the DAP/PMP market is Apple products, then there is all the rest making up the remaining 10%. In this respect anything but Apple are boutique manufacturers, and many, like Sansa, still make sub $100 DAP's.
Apr 9, 2011 at 1:40 AM Post #749 of 3,613
Yeah $149-$199.  At $200+ things start getting complicated w/ the competition unless the X3 will be a next level sounding product for similar price.

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