The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread
May 26, 2013 at 4:13 AM Post #3,436 of 12,548
Is it 2 Volts rms maximum output?

What kind of headphone amp is it?

I have an iBasso D12,and it's kind of marginal for driving 600 Ohm headphones.

Aune T1. Spec says line out: 2V rsm and headphone amp maximum says 300 ohm - 150MW. Read somewhere that Beyer DT880-600 needs 43 mW at 600 ohms to hit 110 dB which is 5 V RMS. Thus the question.
May 26, 2013 at 7:08 AM Post #3,438 of 12,548
What is a good dac+amp to use with the 250 ohm version? Laptop is my source and my budget would be 100-200 usd. I have been looking at Yulong U100 and Maverick D1 but i am not sure if they would pair well with these cans.

May 26, 2013 at 11:37 AM Post #3,439 of 12,548

Interested in this as well. After looking around on head-fi and the net, the following "suspects" popped up:
- Shiit Magni / Modi
- Shiit Asgard / Bitfrost
- Darkvoice 336i
- Little Dot MKIII
- JDS C5
- Audinst MX2
- Fiio E12
- Fiio E7k / E9k
- Aune T1
TBH, after reading a lot the last few days (this seems to be a great and active community (duh :wink: )!) it is not at all clear to me what the best choice would be (this is a subjective thing of course). I'm totally new to this and also don't have a frame of reference what you get extra in terms of SQ when investing more or when sacrificing portability. In terms of amp choice there also seems to be more information available for the 600's, not sure if that advice applies to the 250. 
I enjoy my DT880s already as I bought them mainly for monitoring my Axe FX II guitar amp modeller for which they do an excellent job (I do have to crank the Axe's headphone output). Just plugging them into my Samsung HTS or Macbook Pro Retina however, I have a feeling these are not driven correctly (lacking clarity and cleanliness on bass heavier sections of metal CDs for example), they are also a bit too siblant on some CDs to my liking. 
I like the looks of the M&M combo though :wink:, anyone pairing them with a DT880 250? Do they emphasise the treble even more?
Thanks a lot for the input!
May 26, 2013 at 2:09 PM Post #3,441 of 12,548
Interested in this as well. After looking around on head-fi and the net, the following "suspects" popped up:
- Shiit Magni / Modi
- Shiit Asgard / Bitfrost
- Darkvoice 336i
- Little Dot MKIII
- JDS C5
- Audinst MX2
- Fiio E12
- Fiio E7k / E9k
- Aune T1
TBH, after reading a lot the last few days (this seems to be a great and active community (duh :wink: )!) it is not at all clear to me what the best choice would be (this is a subjective thing of course). I'm totally new to this and also don't have a frame of reference what you get extra in terms of SQ when investing more or when sacrificing portability. In terms of amp choice there also seems to be more information available for the 600's, not sure if that advice applies to the 250. 
I enjoy my DT880s already as I bought them mainly for monitoring my Axe FX II guitar amp modeller for which they do an excellent job (I do have to crank the Axe's headphone output). Just plugging them into my Samsung HTS or Macbook Pro Retina however, I have a feeling these are not driven correctly (lacking clarity and cleanliness on bass heavier sections of metal CDs for example), they are also a bit too siblant on some CDs to my liking. 
I like the looks of the M&M combo though :wink:, anyone pairing them with a DT880 250? Do they emphasise the treble even more?
Thanks a lot for the input!

I have an HT Omega Claro I still use as my DAC it's 24-bit/192khz capable but I plan on upgrading to an outside source. I have DT880 250ohms like you and I run an Asgard 2 as my amplifier. It's absolutely amazing for every kind of music and it has a high gain and low gain switch, I use my DT880s with high-gain at 12'oclock and I get plenty of power with no sibilance, low noise floor, and just pure accuracy. I'd say if you have the money go for the Schiit Bifrost/ Asgard 2 and you will thank me later
May 28, 2013 at 6:07 PM Post #3,442 of 12,548
That sounds good, thanks a lot for the feedback. I'll try to audition Magni & Modi vs Bifrost & Asgard 2 at a Shiit retailer. I'm eyeing a portable solution as well, the Leckerton UHA 6S, seems to get good feedback, it's also a lot cheaper than an Asgard 2 / Bifrost combo. Will have to audition it to see if paying extra for the Shiit stack while sacrificing portability is worth it. If in terms of harshness and siblance we have Aune > M&M > A2 & BF, I'll probably leave out the T1. 
Also, my current surround setup (Samsung HT-TXQ120) doesn't seem to have any audio outputs (OMG! :xf_eek:). For playing CDs, can you expect a big difference between PS3 + Bitfrost vs a dedicated CD player? Any recommendations there? This is starting to cost a 5-fold of the price of my DT880s... :wink: (I know, I know washmoh, you warned me in PM and I'm basically starting from zero here...). 
May 29, 2013 at 2:39 AM Post #3,443 of 12,548
How much worse are the 250 ohm versions of the 880s over the 600 ohm versions.
I don't think I can drive the 600 ohm ones to their full potential so I think I might need to settle for the 250s.

Also to anyone who has experience with both these headphones, how much of an upgrade are the 880s from a pair of K240 Sextetts (LP)?
May 29, 2013 at 5:49 AM Post #3,444 of 12,548
How much worse are the 250 ohm versions of the 880s over the 600 ohm versions.

They're not worse in any way. Frankly, it's time this silly myth about the 600 ohm version being the "Premium" 880 and all other versions being inferior in some way was put to bed.
May 29, 2013 at 12:07 PM Post #3,445 of 12,548
How much worse are the 250 ohm versions of the 880s over the 600 ohm versions.
I don't think I can drive the 600 ohm ones to their full potential so I think I might need to settle for the 250s.

Also to anyone who has experience with both these headphones, how much of an upgrade are the 880s from a pair of K240 Sextetts (LP)?

My experience:
I've compared 600 Ohm to 32 Ohm DT880, very little difference, the treble in the 600 Ohm may have been a little bit smoother.
I used to own a pair of AKG K241, which are very similar to the K240 I have heard numerous times.
Basically, the DT880 is a smoother, more neutral, clearer, more refined sounding headphone.
Let's just say I really don't miss the K241s.
May 31, 2013 at 12:22 PM Post #3,446 of 12,548


To anyone who wishes to recable their beyerdynamic DT880's to be Very, Very Careful with the drivers.
I have redone mine with Tiny XLR connectors and almost lost a driver in the process.
Here is your standard 880 driver.

The three tabs are what the cable wires solder to, each one has a little prong that comes out about halfway down, this is what the voice coil wires solder's to. The middle tab has no voice coil wire, just the left and right.
These tabs are just slid into the plastic ring with a tang on the bottom of the tab. They are not firmly attached or glued, I found this out the hard way....
Here is a pic of a someone else DT770 driver from here at Head-Fi with a broken voice coil wire.
Number 1 and 2 are the little wires, smaller than a hair they are.

After I had all the connections hooked up to the Tiny XLR socket, I had flipped the driver over to double check connections, I was extremely careful with the drivers.
As I turned the Right driver over, the leftmost tab pulled out of the plastic tearing the voice coil wire off in the process right before my eyes.
Well the air was blue, my voice was loud and things didn't look good...
Luckily the voice coil wire broke at the prong and not the bottom of the plastic, so I used a loupe and wrapped the voice coil wire 1/2 turn on the middle tab's prong and applied solder.
I crossed my fingers and measured the driver with my meter and got back a 235.5 Ohm reading, the other driver measures 236.
Put it all back together and tested them, thankfully everything worked and I dodged a purchase a new driver bullet.
So to all who wish to mod, be Very, Very Careful with the driver tabs, I'd probably drop a bit of hot glue on them before I started working next time.
May 31, 2013 at 12:30 PM Post #3,447 of 12,548
I guess I'm not modifying my DT880s!   

May 31, 2013 at 2:38 PM Post #3,448 of 12,548
They're not worse in any way. Frankly, it's time this silly myth about the 600 ohm version being the "Premium" 880 and all other versions being inferior in some way was put to bed.

You're right about this. I've finally had the chance to A/B and it took me about 30 minutes to come up with the conclusion that they sound almost exactly the same.
May 31, 2013 at 3:20 PM Post #3,450 of 12,548
I also had planned to recable my new DT880s but after reading about the hair thin coil wires I decided not to do it. Later I might pay an expert to do it for me, but for now I'm enjoying my stock DT880 600ohm cans. Only one word can describe them "WOW"

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