The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread
Dec 7, 2012 at 1:14 PM Post #2,251 of 12,548
Thanks for your reply. My ps3, oppo player,and dish are already connected to the Onkyo receiver. My onkyo doesnt have a silent cinema future. I can only listen mono or stereo when connected to the headphone output jack. I think that I've read somewhere about other than headzone system amplifier that incorporates surround sound but I cant find it anymore. So my only option is to buy a new receiver with silent cinema or dolby headphone future, right?
Dec 7, 2012 at 3:00 PM Post #2,252 of 12,548
Please post a detailed review on the Indeed G3.

I definatly will! Sadly Though the one I purchased had slight modifications made to it over the orginal... But those mods are only to make Tube Rolling a plug n Play process
Here's the link to the ones you can buy on ebay [they are still great! those IRF510 Mofsets are really nice]
Paid for it Today, and I will most certianly do a detailed review on it! Will proably spend a day and review all of my amps. E6 E11 cMoy and Indeed G3 
Dec 7, 2012 at 6:28 PM Post #2,254 of 12,548
Thanks for your reply. My ps3, oppo player,and dish are already connected to the Onkyo receiver. My Onkyo doesn't have a silent cinema future. I can only listen mono or stereo when connected to the headphone output jack. I think that I've read somewhere about other than headzone system amplifier that incorporates surround sound but I cant find it anymore. So my only option is to buy a new receiver with silent cinema or Dolby Headphone future, right?

Usually external DAC/head amp. with built in surround sound, are not high end audio, more like half-way decent audio quality and are more likely to use Dolby Headphone and not DTS.
I believe PS3 use DTS, and DTS seems to be the main audio on Blu-ray disks.
So with a newer receiver you get Dolby True-HD and DTS-HD Master Audio support, I personally do not think you can tell from receiver to receiver if it comes with true headphone surround sound support, like Dolby Headphone and DTS-Surround.
Others believe if a receiver comes with the latest Dolby audio processor, the Dolby Pro Logic IIz, it will come with Dolby Headphone.
Anyway, Yamaha came up with their own Headphone surround sound, called Silent Cinema, which seems to be standard with all their A/V receivers.
And of course the Yamahas come with all the Dolby and DTS features like other receivers.
I think buying a used receiver (or heavily discounted new A/V receiver) is a better price value.
Check the website Technbargins.
Dec 8, 2012 at 1:30 AM Post #2,255 of 12,548
Usually external DAC/head amp. with built in surround sound, are not high end audio, more like half-way decent audio quality and are more likely to use Dolby Headphone and not DTS.
I believe PS3 use DTS, and DTS seems to be the main audio on Blu-ray disks.
So with a newer receiver you get Dolby True-HD and DTS-HD Master Audio support, I personally do not think you can tell from receiver to receiver if it comes with true headphone surround sound support, like Dolby Headphone and DTS-Surround.
Others believe if a receiver comes with the latest Dolby audio processor, the Dolby Pro Logic IIz, it will come with Dolby Headphone.

Anyway, Yamaha came up with their own Headphone surround sound, called Silent Cinema, which seems to be standard with all their A/V receivers.
And of course the Yamahas come with all the Dolby and DTS features like other receivers.

I think buying a used receiver (or heavily discounted new A/V receiver) is a better price value.
Check the website Technbargins.

Thank you again. I think I will stick right now with my current setup and just use the phone out jack from my receiver to connect the beyer dt 880 headphones. I'm still waiting for them so I have no idea how will they sound pluged in to the receiver. If they sound not good enough for me, what would be a good powered $200-$300 amplifier or DAC/Amp combo I can use with my system and how to connect it to the receiver or dvd/cd player (analog, optical output)?
Dec 8, 2012 at 5:28 AM Post #2,256 of 12,548
Thank you again. I think I will stick right now with my current setup and just use the phone out jack from my receiver to connect the beyer dt 880 headphones. I'm still waiting for them so I have no idea how will they sound pluged in to the receiver. If they sound not good enough for me, what would be a good powered $200-$300 amplifier or DAC/Amp combo I can use with my system and how to connect it to the receiver or dvd/cd player (analog, optical output)?

If you dont like the DT880's with your receiver, you will never like them. Trust me, I've tried my DT880's with maybe 20 integrated amp and receiver under 500$, and they all sounded way better than DAC/head amps such as Teac UD-h01, Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus, Asus Essence One, etc. Not to mention with a receiver you get a little bit more than a plastic box with a headphone jack and two buttons, like you do with most DAC's at this price range. Dont even let yourself fall for that "you need a headphone amp" bullcrap, its just not true in case of  high impedance headphones, they work as good as they ever will out of amps/ receivers headphone jacks.
Dec 8, 2012 at 10:12 AM Post #2,257 of 12,548
If you dont like the DT880's with your receiver, you will never like them. Trust me, I've tried my DT880's with maybe 20 integrated amp and receiver under 500$, and they all sounded way better than DAC/head amps such as Teac UD-h01, Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus, Asus Essence One, etc. Not to mention with a receiver you get a little bit more than a plastic box with a headphone jack and two buttons, like you do with most DAC's at this price range. Dont even let yourself fall for that "you need a headphone amp" bullcrap, its just not true in case of  high impedance headphones, they work as good as they ever will out of amps/ receivers headphone jacks.

Hmm. There are a lot of different opinions and I'm a noob when it comes to the headphones. But like I said, I'm gonna start with connecting them to my receiver first.
Dec 8, 2012 at 9:03 PM Post #2,258 of 12,548
Hmm. There are a lot of different opinions and I'm a noob when it comes to the headphones. But like I said, I'm gonna start with connecting them to my receiver first.

Honestly, Try the JDS O2 Amp/Dac Combo, it should have RCA out. If anything get the O2 Dac, I'm certinaly saving up forone my self! It again has the RCA out so you can run it though a good number of things <3
Dec 10, 2012 at 7:38 PM Post #2,259 of 12,548
I've used my Beyers with five or so different headphone amps. While it's true that the sound character remains constant, the sound quality varies with the quality of the amp. Best results I've had are with an excellent Australian-made preamp (SS) and with the Little Dot MkIV SE. But I get good results from the Millett Hybrid MiniMax.
I use an O-DAC with the MiniMax - it's a little gem of a DAC, and a screaming bargain. Keen to try the O2, as well.
Dec 10, 2012 at 10:20 PM Post #2,260 of 12,548
I've used my Beyers with five or so different headphone amps. While it's true that the sound character remains constant, the sound quality varies with the quality of the amp. Best results I've had are with an excellent Australian-made preamp (SS) and with the Little Dot MkIV SE. But I get good results from the Millett Hybrid MiniMax.
I use an O-DAC with the MiniMax - it's a little gem of a DAC, and a screaming bargain. Keen to try the O2, as well.

mmm sounds good, I want to LOVE my Indeed G3 that SHOULD have been here today. but If I do like my Tube Hyrbid, I want to build a Millet Hybrid Min Max and maybe buy a Little Dot MkIV SE <3 good to hear I'm on the right path :D
Dec 11, 2012 at 4:36 AM Post #2,261 of 12,548
'Ello fellas.
I'm looking to move up in the audio world. Right now I've got the 225i's with a Little Dot 1+. I do like this combo, but I have a few problems with it:
- This isn't an all rounder set up, not the most versatile
- The lower bass spectrum is too rolled off (on both the amp and the 225i), lean bass (with the exception of the hump that it has) takes away from it sounding "full"
- It seems to focus on particular parts of the music and leaves some stuff out entirely (in A to B comparisons with the HFI-580, I hear things that I don't on the Grados)
- The comfort is insufficient for long listening sessions, the rest of the time it's acceptable at best
- Amp is very sturdy, but the Grados aren't the most solid feeling headphones, too much plastic
So, with those complaints in mind I've been on the hunt for something that addresses them, and the DT880 seems like it could be a prime candidate. I believe in doing things right, so I of course am only considering the 600 Ohm version (specifically the manufaktur version, so I can have the coiled cable and improved aesthetics / materials, I think that's worth the premium). From what I've read I have full confidence in the build quality and comfort of the DT 880, however I'd like to hear some informed opinions about the sound of the 600 Ohm versions, and when properly amped. Obviously the LD1+ would be insufficient for the task, so I would be upgrading from that. My experience with Little Dot has been quite good so I'm considering the LD Mk IV SE, which has a great reputation with the Beyers, and it's a gorgeous looker as a nice bonus.
But anyway, more about the headphones themselves. How well of an all rounder do you think they are? I listen to Ambient, Electronic, Symphonic, Gaming OSTs, Hip Hop, Jazz, Metal and Prog, and ideally I'd like something that will sound pretty good with everything. I find that the 225i's are significantly better with jazz than they are metal (ironically, since their metal reputation was why I bought them). They do good but not great with Ambient and Prog. They sound too narrow for Symphonic and often the Gaming OSTs (since they're often symphonic to some degree). Hip Hop and Electronic really suffer from the very rolled off sub bass. 
Do you guys have any insight as to how well the DT 880 600's will cope as an all rounder with these genres? Keep in mind, I'm very much leaning towards running them with the tube amp, for what it's worth (I'll also be getting a dedicated DAC and leaving soundcards behind).
I know it's best to try things yourself, unfortunately I don't know anybody who owns these and a proper amp, and the only store that I'm aware of that I can try them at is about a 4 hour drive. Unless I have business near there (which I never do) I can't really make the trek there. Hence why I ask for your help. Any insight would be much appreciated. 
Dec 11, 2012 at 10:01 PM Post #2,262 of 12,548
Just got my DT880/600s. I had the 250ohm back in September/October but I returned it due to getting the HD600 and HE400. Then I ended up selling and returning those, respectively, and settled with my HD650s. I thought I was happy with them. And I am! I have the Lyr and it just shines with the HD650s. I got the Custom One Pro but it clipped in the right ear at medium-high volumes in songs with a lot of bass, so I sent that in for repair. And because I knew I wanted something as clear as my DT880s, I decided to get the 600 because I knew I easily had enough power for them now, compared to my E17 before. That still sounded good anyway.
Someone here said "I like it's resolution/transparency as well as it's deeper bass (along with slightly more impact). Treble is smoothed out and the mids make a big appearance." I wholeheartedly agree with every word. The mids actually surprised me the most out of anything. Vocals are actually engaging and even hypnotic at times, whereas on the 250 I would call them an afterthought. I have an EQ to give the bass more punch as well. They're capable of more EQing than the 250, I will say that.
I am really starting to warm up to these. Oh, and I definitely notice how the Lyr puts a warmer signature on them, compared to the E17 and the 250 being a bit more analytical. I like it with the Lyr. Noticing a bit of ear fatigue though. Not used to that with the HD650s... I can wear those all night long and be fine if I take them off for a bit every hour or so. The clamp seems to be more than I remembered from the 250 Premiums. I will just put them on a pillow. Ooh and I can try them with the black DT990 pads I have.
TL;DR: These rock.
Dec 12, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #2,263 of 12,548
Hi Guys, I'm likely getting some DT880s(600 ohm) and I have the Audioengine D1, I wanted to know is anyone can recommend a good budget amp (sub $200) to use with the Beyers... maybe an O2?
Dec 12, 2012 at 4:36 AM Post #2,264 of 12,548
Ordered the dt 880 premium 250 and 600 ohm version, been testin them both for 1 week now. Had a hardtime hearing differences on the 250and 600 ohm version, so I decided to get my wife and 2 friends help with some blind testing. Fun thing is that in 47% of the times we all believed the dt 600 was sounding nicer, so I can assume if we had continued for some hours more it would be closer to 50%.

Must say it is a very lovely headphone in sound and looks. Ordered 2 others aswell AKG Q701 and Sennheiser 650 both was returned as I can only choose one for now and I liked the beyers more since I like to also use em much for gaming and movies. The music on the 650 was nice and relaxing but not as neutral as that was what I was after.

In the test we tried many different genres of music, alot of classical and all in flac or cd. Tried with different sources of amplifiyng aswell.
Gear used has been:

Marantz SR4023
Onkyo TX-NR515

And on the PC:

Asus STX
And RCA out with:
Objective 2
Little Dot MK-III

The recievers did sound very much the same, and overall good. Stx and objective 2 was the one I would say did the best job with both 250 and 600 ohm version. And the info about the STX not being enough power for the 600ohm to sound rich and good is false info.

Sorry for bad Englishnot my first language :)

Had a hard time finding good info on this as most people who has tested both have done a test betwean 250 pro or before 2005 with the *new* premium 600.

And as an conclusion I now love Beyerdynamics I really wanna hear some more of them in the future, maybe an T1 :p

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