The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread
Aug 15, 2020 at 2:35 PM Post #11,761 of 12,548
I used to have AKG K712, but sold them after couple of years as they just didn’t sound right with that increased bass. Recently got DT880 Black and love them out of the A20 amp. Even tried them against T1.2 Black for past three days, running non-stop, hoping those T1.2 will burn-in and settle, but in the end returned the T1.2 this morning. DT880 for their price are just perfect for the music I mainly listen to (electronica and industrial), while the T1.2 was just too much of everything. Never tried the Grey DT880 so can’t comment if they sound different, but as I like the sound of the DT880 Black edition I have no need to investigate further.

How did you find the bass out of the T1.2's? Did you run any of them out of a tube amp??
Aug 15, 2020 at 4:26 PM Post #11,762 of 12,548
How did you find the bass out of the T1.2's? Did you run any of them out of a tube amp??
Hi Shane D, was running T1.2 out of A20 for three days non-stop. Tried them also with ARCAM rHead and a headphone socket of Marantz PM7005 amp. I do not have a tube amp. In all three cases there was too much bass to my liking, all the time. And not just bass, there was too much of everything. A20 has two sockets, had both headphones connected and was alternating them while listening. Was marking down what headphone do I prefer for each song and DT880 got more points in the end. I was hoping for DT880 with a bit more resolution, unfortunately T1.2 was more of an overkill in my set up. Everything forced into my ears and fighting for attention. DT880 in contrary are serving their presentation just right and when I focus on detail it’s there.
Aug 15, 2020 at 5:13 PM Post #11,763 of 12,548
Hi Shane D, was running T1.2 out of A20 for three days non-stop. Tried them also with ARCAM rHead and a headphone socket of Marantz PM7005 amp. I do not have a tube amp. In all three cases there was too much bass to my liking, all the time. And not just bass, there was too much of everything. A20 has two sockets, had both headphones connected and was alternating them while listening. Was marking down what headphone do I prefer for each song and DT880 got more points in the end. I was hoping for DT880 with a bit more resolution, unfortunately T1.2 was more of an overkill in my set up. Everything forced into my ears and fighting for attention. DT880 in contrary are serving their presentation just right and when I focus on detail it’s there.

Thanks for the reply! Now I wanna try those T1.2's even more. :L3000:

The DT880's have been blowing me away on my tube amp. I keep meaning to try them on other amps, but I have been just locked in with these. They are a home run compared to the HD600's, for my tastes.
Aug 15, 2020 at 6:43 PM Post #11,764 of 12,548
If the DT880 suits your needs the T1.2 is like that warm blanket welcoming you home.
The "new" Beyerdynamic house-sound (without the treble spike) is exactly fitting my needs: MMX-300, TYGR, T1.2, T5p.2 and even the Custom one pro's are all just great headphones for their price
Aug 15, 2020 at 8:00 PM Post #11,765 of 12,548
If the DT880 suits your needs the T1.2 is like that warm blanket welcoming you home.
The "new" Beyerdynamic house-sound (without the treble spike) is exactly fitting my needs: MMX-300, TYGR, T1.2, T5p.2 and even the Custom one pro's are all just great headphones for their price

I bought the T5p.2's last year. I bought them used and at the time they were the most expensive headphones I had ever bought. I loved them at first, but after several months they were too bright and I ended up buying a Schiit Loki to calm them down. By early this year I sold them.

I am Loving the DT880's so far and have not noticed any excessive brightness so far. The same person recommended the T1.2's to me, so if I can find a good price, I will go after them.
Aug 22, 2020 at 3:10 PM Post #11,768 of 12,548
I wrote this post on another forum, but figured I should copy it here:

I am Really getting attached to these 'phones. :heart_eyes:
I have been enjoying them immensely with my tube amp and the assistance of a Schiit Loki.

I tried it on my Violectric V220 for about 5 minutes with zero pre-gain and it sounded good. Yesterday I tried it again with the dip switch set to maximum (+12 Db's). It was great, but just seemed like too much, after a while. I was thinking that with a 600 Ohm headphone, you want to max that gain. Volume was at 10:00-11:30, depending on the music. Nice but...

Today I started out with going to #3 on the dip switch panel (+6Db's). And this is where the adjustments end. I have found the sweet spot. :grin:
Volume ranges from 11:00 to 12:30ish, depending on the music. The mids sound great, the bass is very present and I don't find them too bright, up to this point. This is a LOT of audio goodness for $310.00 in Canuck bucks! 👍

2020 will go down as one of the shittiest years in recent history. However, personally, this has been a great year for audio goodness, for me. When I look at other gear now, it is idle curiosity.
Music has never sounded better or even close to how it sounds now. And I am old! :laughing:

Great day for tons of Steely Dan and Dave Matthews Band.
Aug 22, 2020 at 4:42 PM Post #11,769 of 12,548
Same here. Started with DT880 Black Edition. The amount of bass in the end was too much (sent them back). Tried T1.2 Black edition - same, the amount of bass was too much (sent them back too). Got DT880 Edition 600ohm, driving them via A20 amp and I'm stunned how this combo performs for its price. Yes, DT880 is not as revealing as DT1990 or AKG812, but they are just pleasure to listen to. They don't fight for your attention, they just deliver everything effortlessly, with ease and with the right amount of treble, mids and bass. It's hard to justify spending more money than this A20/DT880 600ohm combo. :) And I can now confirm that the DT880 Black Edition are indeed darker sounding with more bass presence than the standard DT880 Edition headphones.

PS: When they arrived yesterday my better half gave me that disapproving look why do I need another headphones... I responded that I'm still in search of perfection... I let them run overnight to settle a bit and this morning let her listen to her favourite song. When I came back few minutes later to see how she likes it, she was in tears. Just pure emotions flowing through... The power of music. Priceless. :L3000:
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Aug 23, 2020 at 7:52 AM Post #11,771 of 12,548
Isn’t it odd how we are guessing here on the forum? Would be nice if Beyerdynamic market this thing properly. Well luckily when bought directly from Beyerdynamic there’s generous 60 days return window.
Sep 10, 2020 at 2:57 AM Post #11,773 of 12,548
Sep 10, 2020 at 5:51 AM Post #11,774 of 12,548
The beyerdynamic DT 880 comes in at least three different versions with different impedances: 32Ω, 250Ω, and 600Ω.
I also read this reviewer's comment that: 800

The sound is identical among the different versions except for how loud they go. I've compared the 32Ω and 600Ω versions directly to each other on my Apogee Duet 2, iPod Touch and Benchmark DAC1 HDR.

Maybe Ken should just stick with camera's :D
I stopped reading after this statement:

The beyerdynamic DT 880 comes in at least three different versions with different impedances: 32Ω, 250Ω, and 600Ω.

The sound is identical among the different versions except for how loud they go. I've compared the 32Ω and 600Ω versions directly to each other on my Apogee Duet 2, iPod Touch and Benchmark DAC1 HDR.

Maybe Ken should just stick with camera's :D

I also read this reviewer's comment that sq-wise, dt 800 32 ohm = 600 ohm. Seriously? All of us who swear by the 800's noticeably better performance over the 32 version must be aurally challenged. Ahem.

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