The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread
Sep 26, 2015 at 5:16 AM Post #9,406 of 12,548
Muxamed, do you find the T90 very much brighter than the 880? The FR indicates that it is, but I'm wondering if that comes through subjectively.

It probably is brighter, just a little, little bit. T90 is also a bit stronger in the bass region so the treble doesn't prevail. It is never strident or harsh.
Sep 26, 2015 at 10:12 AM Post #9,407 of 12,548
Hard to tell from the graph. Obviously a bigger treble peak, but then the whole volume level is lifted except for the area around 1khz. I do wish Beyer could damp that peak though, in all their phones.

Sep 26, 2015 at 12:29 PM Post #9,408 of 12,548
  Hard to tell from the graph. Obviously a bigger treble peak, but then the whole volume level is lifted except for the area around 1khz. I do wish Beyer could damp that peak though, in all their phones.

I agree, it is hard to tell from the graph. There is a little more going on above 10k with T90 and a slightly deeper valley at 5k. DT880 is a tad more forward in the mids (according to the graph). But the brightnes of T90 is quite exaggerated by some people here on head-fi. I have HD650 and X2 and switching between these two and T90 never gives me the impression of T90 being overly bright. Perhaps airier, more refined, with better pin-point imaging and more threedimensional soundstage. 

Oct 1, 2015 at 9:06 AM Post #9,410 of 12,548
I agree, it is hard to tell from the graph. There is a little more going on above 10k with T90 and a slightly deeper valley at 5k. DT880 is a tad more forward in the mids (according to the graph). But the brightnes of T90 is quite exaggerated by some people here on head-fi. I have HD650 and X2 and switching between these two and T90 never gives me the impression of T90 being overly bright. Perhaps airier, more refined, with better pin-point imaging and more threedimensional soundstage. 

Good details just by reading the graph, I would have taken more radical conclusion hehe this is well explained !
Oct 1, 2015 at 1:53 PM Post #9,412 of 12,548
  My details don't come from reading the graph. I actually own T90 and have owned DT880. Great headphones, both of them 

How do you compare the T90 with the HD800?
Oct 1, 2015 at 2:04 PM Post #9,414 of 12,548
My DT 880 600 ohm cans sound wonderful out of Schiit Audio's Mjolnir 2, using Telefunken TK's. The bass is tight and impactfull, without mudding up the mids. The mids are lush and detailed. The highs are detailed without sounding fatiguing.. the soundstage seems to open up a tad and seems more holographic. The DT 880's seem to like the 8 watts of power of the MJ2.
Oct 1, 2015 at 2:57 PM Post #9,415 of 12,548
My DT 880 600 ohm cans sound wonderful out of Schiit Audio's Mjolnir 2, using Telefunken TK's. The bass is tight and impactfull, without mudding up the mids. The mids are lush and detailed. The highs are detailed without sounding fatiguing.. the soundstage seems to open up a tad and seems more holographic. The DT 880's seem to like the 8 watts of power of the MJ2.

It's not the extra power, but the amp is surely very clear and resolving.
More so, the MJ2 can't provide 8W into your DT880.
It's only able to provide 0,4W 
Happy Listening!
Oct 2, 2015 at 12:06 AM Post #9,418 of 12,548
  I just got my Magni 2. The DT880/600s sound fabulous. Fabulous. Yes, they do classical exceptionally well, and Rush YYZ never sounded better. 

Glad to read that you like them!

Oct 2, 2015 at 9:11 AM Post #9,419 of 12,548
I've heard some things I hadn't heard before, both good and bad. For example, one of my favorite discs is a recording of Jacqueline du Pré and Daniel Barenboim playing Beethoven cello/piano sonatas. It was, alas, a live recording, and I've always been annoyed by the coughing, but now it sounds worse because it sounds like I'm right there in the audience. The coughs are more detailed. Ug. Also, it feels as if the music is mostly in the right channel, as if I were sitting and looking straightforward, with the musicians playing to my right.  It's clearly a quirk of how the thing was recorded/mixed, for the perceived imbalance is not present in other recordings. Also, during a recording of Helene Grimaud playing a Brahms concerto, I hear something that might be her breathing, or maybe the sound of air being pushed out of her seat cushion if she were maybe moving around...I don't know what it is, but it's there. Never heard it before, not on my DBA-02 Mk 2 IEMs or my un-amped DT770/32s.
In another recording (The Magic Flute), I thought I was hearing a problem with higher registers because the female soprano voice during "O Tamino Mein" didn't sound great in comparison to the male tenor, which sounded phenomenal. But on other recordings (Natalie Dessay singing Mozart's Mass in C Minor, for example), the soprano is terrific. So, either the woman on my magic flute recording isn't that good, or maybe she just wasn't mic'ed as well as she should have been?
The good news is that many things clearly sound better. I'll keep listening so that I can pin down the highlights, but in general I notice more detail, more sonority (I hear better the vibrations of cellos and of bow against string), and some of the voices I've heard really just shine, like Dessay and that tenor in the Magic Flute. The big fourth movement in Saint-Saens' organ symphony is gloriously detailed yet powerful. I love the bit at the end when the organist sounds like he's just stomping on those foot pedals for  all he's worth...
One danger: I'm clearly playing my music louder, really because there's more to listen to. It's like when I first saw an HD broadcast on a good HDTV and wanted to get right in front of the screen so that I could examine all the new details. 
Oh, and for the record, my Schiit Magni 2 (the non-uber version) clearly handles the 600 ohms DT880 well. I won't/can't argue that a different or better amp would be better...I have nothing to compare, but the Magni is certainly up to the job.
The real danger: because of having read so many reviews on this site, I'm eager to try other cans, not because I think the DT880s are deficient in any way, but out of curiosity and the knowledge that the sound signature of other cans might be more pleasing to my ears, even if those cans are not 'better.' I'd love to get my hands on the HD600s, the 7xx, and the Fidelio X2...
Oct 2, 2015 at 10:28 AM Post #9,420 of 12,548
A Cx to the above: I can hear that weird sound on the Brahms concerto disc with my 770s, but not as clearly, And is simply hadn't really caught my attention before as it was more lost amid all the other sounds. Only now that I'm paying attention do I discern it. With the 880s, the sound is too clear to ignore.

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