Oct 5, 2023 at 9:55 AM Post #1,711 of 1,937
Warm and dry eh? Btw, where can i learn how to do review like yours based on the sound signature chart like how you, Woody, oogenesisoo did? I think the chart looks quite cool

I want to amend the above with: excellent timbre, not simply good. I still think of the TGX line up this is my favourite. DS has the resolution/detail but strings aren't as textured as they are on Alpha, in my opinion.

As for learning to review, and I don't consider my reviews on par with oogenesisoo, it's really just a case of close ab'ing between models and using language consistently to describe what you hear. To place yourself on the tonality chart you just need to hear a variety of transducers to know where abouts you fall on the axes. It's not scientific despite the appearance of the chart!
Oct 5, 2023 at 1:56 PM Post #1,712 of 1,937
Totem off my 80's Sony integrated amp (TA-F700ES) sounds truly excellent. I thought it sounded fine off the Topping A90D but it really comes to life off the headphone out of the Sony. I highly recommend trying your TGXear with a (well regarded) vintage amp.
Oct 10, 2023 at 5:09 PM Post #1,714 of 1,937
Oct 13, 2023 at 1:19 PM Post #1,716 of 1,937
Posting some early Desolation Sound impressions based on listening to the tour unit for ~2 hours.

-Tonally mostly very neutral, though with some good subbass kick. Vocals are more forward than Sunniva.
-The best vocal clarity I’ve heard on any earbud.
-Resolution is the highest of any earbud I’ve heard.
-Soundstage can feel decently wide, though not quite Serratus OG levels. Imaging is okay, doesn’t feel like as strong of a trait as the others above.
-Cable is nice quality, but I’m not a huge fan of the splitter and jack - they look nice but feel a bit hollow in hand. They are fairly light.
-Earbuds are Jim’s usual clear MX500. It might be placebo, but I think they’re the heaviest MX500 buds I’ve held, probably a testament to how strong/dense the magnets in the drivers are.

Comparisons versus my VE Sun Copper, two buds in very similar price ranges.
-Although I prefer the vocal clarity of the DS, I generally prefer the tonality of the Sun Copper. The warmer tonality gives music a lusher, albeit colored, feeling. In both cases I prefer a bit of EQ - for DS, adding midbass around 500Hz; for SC, adding some subbass, cutting midbass at 300Hz, and pushing vocals a bit around 2800Hz. (As a dark horse, Tantalus is 100% my favorite tonality, with no EQ required at all. I hope Jim sells it again in the future!)
-Subbass and bass quality and texture are superior in DS.
-Vocals are a bit smoother on the SC. I also prefer the energy that the warmer signature gives to vocals.
-Timbre is more natural on the DS. As with all of Jim’s buds, it’s spot on.
-Staging and imaging are clearly SC’s forte. They give me an enveloping sound that’s unlike anything else I’ve heard. Listening to Graveyard (Acoustic) by Halsey feels like I’m in a cavernous amphitheater listening to her. DS is fine in this regard, but doesn’t give the same “hair standing on end” feels.
-Resolution is a slight edge to DS, probably due to its brighter-leaning tuning. I’ve noticed some parts of songs that didn’t stand out clearly before, like some notes dancing around at the 2:00 mark of Supercut by Lorde.
-Build is in favor of the Sun Copper. The cable and earbuds feel like premium materials that differentiate from all other buds. On the downside, I need to use earclips with them to have them seat properly.

Which would I recommend? It entirely depends on your preferences, and hopefully the above description can guide you. The two buds feel very complementary in many ways with their different approaches. Kudos to Jim for making such amazing buds - these custom drivers are likely the best of any bud I’ve heard.

Other buds I have owned/tried: TGXEar Serratus, Bell MMCX Ripples, Sunniva, Totem; Dunu Alpha 3; Yinman 600 Ohm; Rikubuds Lancer 1; NiceHCK EB2S Pro; Yincrow X6
Other gear I have: Symphonium Meteor, Shuoer S12 (Prometheus mod); EPZ Q5; ISN D02; Sennheiser HD600


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Oct 14, 2023 at 9:46 AM Post #1,717 of 1,937
If you miss the Tantalus, I plan to put mine - mint condition - one sale this weekend (I prefer Tgx Sunniva and Totem in the Tgx family ) 😉
Oct 20, 2023 at 7:29 AM Post #1,719 of 1,937
It is very hard to go back to other earbuds when I am using TGXear buds with a proper setup like Tempotec V6+A&K PA10. It becomes easier when other buds have that different flavor that Jim's buds are not offering...however, having three buds from his works ruins that too. The Serratus Black Sand, Sunniva, and Desolation Sound effectively cover all the bases that I can ever desire, eliminating the need to seek different flavors elsewhere!


Serratus Black Sand: Relatively less midbass slam in this trio, but subbass depth is quite impressive, and midbass slam is a bit more dynamic than the OG Serratus. The midrange is highly transparent but slightly more organic than the OG. It is more transparent than Sunniva, almost similar to Desolation Sound, and the notes feel a bit wider. The treble energy is also considerably more brilliant than Sunniva but nearly similar to DS. The difference lies in the presentation and the definition. Surely, SBS reproduces the details quite precisely, but the notes feel slightly flat compared to DS and Sunniva - their notes are more three-dimensional. Also, SBS sounds more composed compared to the high-octane dynamics of Sunniva and DS. SBS has the widest soundstage out of the trio, similar height, and less depth. Imaging is immaculate though.

Sunniva: The most organic-sounding one. Initially, the bass was full-on slamming but the midrange felt a bit veiled. But with time and burn-in the midrange has gained better transparency, albeit still the least among the trio. Overall sound signature is distinctly smooth, favoring a full and dynamic presentation with a slight compromise in the details. Using the Smooth foams on them. These have a toe-tapping signature right from the beginning, so mostly perfect for pop and rock. Because of the smoothened notes, they do not do justice to orchestral pieces. In the beginning, the sound might feel less detailed, however, where Sunniva top the SBS is the note definition - the notes of Sunniva feel more organic and full, so essentially more realistic. Even though the width of the stage is less compared to SBS, the depth is more, creating a slightly more spherical soundstage.

Desolation Sound: And here comes the boss. It is like the best aspects of both of the above put together! Highly dynamic, and the best bass I have ever heard on earbuds - slamming, powerful, deep, and on top of that incredibly textured and tactile! Midrange and treble have a realism that simply takes away my breath - considerably above the other two. Despite the slamming bass the transparency of the midrange is not compromised at all, but does feel very slightly less than the SBS, but way above Sunniva. Plenty of energy up top, but no sibilance. The notes have a very unprecedented robust definition with outstanding details! The soundstage is slightly less wide than the SBS, but quite open-sounding nonetheless, and the depth is considerably better as well. Not a hint of congestion anywhere, and the best imaging out of these three. This is the highest degree, the crème de la crème. The euphoric combination of dynamics, organic timbre, and details!

So now, tell me, why do I need to venture elsewhere when Jim gives it all? Really, these are a collector audiophile's bane and a thrifty audiophile's boon.
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Oct 20, 2023 at 3:41 PM Post #1,720 of 1,937
It is very hard to go back to other earbuds when I am using TGXear buds with a proper setup like Tempotec V6+A&K PA10. It becomes easier when other buds have that different flavor that Jim's buds are not offering...however, having three buds from his works ruins that too. The Serratus Black Sand, Sunniva, and Desolation Sound effectively cover all the bases that I can ever desire, eliminating the need to seek different flavors elsewhere!


Serratus Black Sand: Relatively less midbass slam in this trio, but subbass depth is quite impressive, and midbass slam is a bit more dynamic than the OG Serratus. The midrange is highly transparent but slightly more organic than the OG. It is more transparent than Sunniva, almost similar to Desolation Sound, and the notes feel a bit wider. The treble energy is also considerably more brilliant than Sunniva but nearly similar to DS. The difference lies in the presentation and the definition. Surely, SBS reproduces the details quite precisely, but the notes feel slightly flat compared to DS and Sunniva - their notes are more three-dimensional. Also, SBS sounds more composed compared to the high-octane dynamics of Sunniva and DS. SBS has the widest soundstage out of the trio, similar height, and less depth. Imaging is immaculate though.

Sunniva: The most organic-sounding one. Initially, the bass was full-on slamming but the midrange felt a bit veiled. But with time and burn-in the midrange has gained better transparency, albeit still the least among the trio. Overall sound signature is distinctly smooth, favoring a full and dynamic presentation with a slight compromise in the details. Using the Smooth foams on them. These have a toe-tapping signature right from the beginning, so mostly perfect for pop and rock. Because of the smoothened notes, they do not do justice to orchestral pieces. In the beginning, the sound might feel less detailed, however, where Sunniva top the SBS is the note definition - the notes of Sunniva feel more organic and full, so essentially more realistic. Even though the width of the stage is less compared to SBS, the depth is more, creating a slightly more spherical soundstage.

Desolation Sound: And here comes the boss. It is like the best aspects of both of the above put together! Highly dynamic, and the best bass I have ever heard on earbuds - slamming, powerful, deep, and on top of that incredibly textured and tactile! Midrange and treble have a realism that simply takes away my breath - considerably above the other two. Despite the slamming bass the transparency of the midrange is not compromised at all, but does feel very slightly less than the SBS, but way above Sunniva. Plenty of energy up top, but no sibilance. The notes have a very unprecedented robust definition with outstanding details! The soundstage is slightly less wide than the SBS, but quite open-sounding nonetheless, and the depth is considerably better as well. Not a hint of congestion anywhere, and the best imaging out of these three. This is the highest degree, the crème de la crème. The euphoric combination of dynamics, organic timbre, and details!

So now, tell me, why do I need to venture elsewhere when Jim gives it all? Really, these are a collector audiophile's bane and a thrifty audiophile's boon.
Thanks for sharing!
Oct 24, 2023 at 12:02 PM Post #1,721 of 1,937
TGX Tour Earbuds – Impressions of “Desolation Sound”

Frame of reference:
I used my usual gear consisting of an Exogal Comet Plus DAC and EC BW2 amplifier. I also tried these with my DIY Sangaku, FiiO Q1M2, Q5K, AD1862 DAC, and iPod Classic 5.5gen. No EQ software was used. Music files were either from my personal library or Hifi lossless from Apple Music.

Earbuds I compared these to: Valbuds 1, Vidobuds (blue), MS Zune buds, Google Pixel Type-C wired buds, VE Monk Plus, VE Monk Pro, Qbuds.

Other comparisons: AirPods Pro 2, CRN, HD800, HD580 (BP), HD600 (2022 SS)

Jim of TGX Earbuds is awesome, communicative, and a fun person to talk to. I appreciate the opportunity to trial this set. My first earbuds ever were sunflower yellow and came bundled my father’s tape Walkman. The first set I called my own were bundled buds included with my Sandisk Sansa m230 MP3 player. Earbuds have always filled a comfy, somewhat open place in my heart and I’m happy to see people like Jim exist that feels similarly.

Build, Fit & Finish: I was incredibly impressed with the included assortment of ear foams, silica gel packets, and cleaning wipes - all of which encourages cleanliness for those on the tour. I used a new sets of earbud foams I had spare so as to not use Jim’s reserves – I have plenty of them anyway.

Build quality feels great. The cable is soft with no discernible memory or feedback. The y-split and matching 4.4mm pentaconn plug accents are attractive and light weight. The transparent shell is fun and sturdy. As a unit, the Desolation Sound earbuds felt nicely constructed and pleasant to look at. Familiar shape and size with a familiar in-ear fit. Great work there!

Sound Quality: These earbuds are pretty dynamic! Sub bass can be difficult to achieve in earbuds, especially since fit is a major component. To my ears, bass regions felt loose and pillowy while rolling off sooner than I would like. The bass hump would’ve been fine if not for the midrange scoop afterward - while lower midrange felt mildly cloudy, middle mids seemed a bit empty. To my ears, treble sounded more uneven in response than I’d like. Female vocals in particular were intimate and emphasized, but lacking depth that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The treble region overall was quite detailed and presented most instruments with good layering and separation. Unfortunately, the upper registers were slightly marred by a coating of grain that caused instruments such as cymbals to sound smeared and shrill. While this may not be a deal breaker for some, it might help provide context: to my ears, Desolation Sound is very female vocal forward trailing into bright territory.

I thought perhaps part of my experience was caused by an impedance mismatch with my gear. I tried every source I could think of, adapters and no adapters, and just couldn’t get this earbud to sound like something I wanted to listen to for extended periods of time. It’s unfortunate, because overall these earbuds are pretty dynamic and engaging.

For the right person, these might be just the buds they are looking for. There is quality in Jim’s work and I am very much looking forward to what he will accomplish in the future. Thank you again Jim! Thank you for helping keep the earbud community alive.


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Oct 24, 2023 at 12:14 PM Post #1,722 of 1,937
TGX Tour Earbuds – Impressions of “Desolation Sound”

Frame of reference:
I used my usual gear consisting of an Exogal Comet Plus DAC and EC BW2 amplifier. I also tried these with my DIY Sangaku, FiiO Q1M2, Q5K, AD1862 DAC, and iPod Classic 5.5gen. No EQ software was used. Music files were either from my personal library or Hifi lossless from Apple Music.

Earbuds I compared these to: Valbuds 1, Vidobuds (blue), MS Zune buds, Google Pixel Type-C wired buds, VE Monk Plus, VE Monk Pro, Qbuds.

Other comparisons: AirPods Pro 2, CRN, HD800, HD580 (BP), HD600 (2022 SS)

Jim of TGX Earbuds is awesome, communicative, and a fun person to talk to. I appreciate the opportunity to trial this set. My first earbuds ever were sunflower yellow and came bundled my father’s tape Walkman. The first set I called my own were bundled buds included with my Sandisk Sansa m230 MP3 player. Earbuds have always filled a comfy, somewhat open place in my heart and I’m happy to see people like Jim exist that feels similarly.

Build, Fit & Finish: I was incredibly impressed with the included assortment of ear foams, silica gel packets, and cleaning wipes - all of which encourages cleanliness for those on the tour. I used a new sets of earbud foams I had spare so as to not use Jim’s reserves – I have plenty of them anyway.

Build quality feels great. The cable is soft with no discernible memory or feedback. The y-split and matching 4.4mm pentaconn plug accents are attractive and light weight. The transparent shell is fun and sturdy. As a unit, the Desolation Sound earbuds felt nicely constructed and pleasant to look at. Familiar shape and size with a familiar in-ear fit. Great work there!

Sound Quality: These earbuds are pretty dynamic! Sub bass can be difficult to achieve in earbuds, especially since fit is a major component. To my ears, bass regions felt loose and pillowy while rolling off sooner than I would like. The bass hump would’ve been fine if not for the midrange scoop afterward - while lower midrange felt mildly cloudy, middle mids seemed a bit empty. To my ears, treble sounded more uneven in response than I’d like. Female vocals in particular were intimate and emphasized, but lacking depth that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The treble region overall was quite detailed and presented most instruments with good layering and separation. Unfortunately, the upper registers were slightly marred by a coating of grain that caused instruments such as cymbals to sound smeared and shrill. While this may not be a deal breaker for some, it might help provide context: to my ears, Desolation Sound is very female vocal forward trailing into bright territory.

I thought perhaps part of my experience was caused by an impedance mismatch with my gear. I tried every source I could think of, adapters and no adapters, and just couldn’t get this earbud to sound like something I wanted to listen to for extended periods of time. It’s unfortunate, because overall these earbuds are pretty dynamic and engaging.

For the right person, these might be just the buds they are looking for. There is quality in Jim’s work and I am very much looking forward to what he will accomplish in the future. Thank you again Jim! Thank you for helping keep the earbud community alive.
Very well written! This kind of perspective on sound reminds us that not everything can be for everyone. And at the end of the day, we all have our very own preferences for sound!

Out of the TGX earbuds, Ripples is my personal fave due to it's wonderful tonality that does well in a lot of tracks. But, other TGX earbuds I have heard didn't do well for me much like the Alpha and Tantalus. Jim is definitely a good person to chat with, he's always open to conversation and never a stranger, really appreciate that kind of work to earbuds.
Oct 24, 2023 at 12:46 PM Post #1,723 of 1,937
Very well written! This kind of perspective on sound reminds us that not everything can be for everyone. And at the end of the day, we all have our very own preferences for sound!

Out of the TGX earbuds, Ripples is my personal fave due to it's wonderful tonality that does well in a lot of tracks. But, other TGX earbuds I have heard didn't do well for me much like the Alpha and Tantalus. Jim is definitely a good person to chat with, he's always open to conversation and never a stranger, really appreciate that kind of work to earbuds.
Yup very subjective indeed. As for me, my favourite by far is the Tantalus for the reliable beautiful sound it always have without ever being surprised by weird tonality which can happen with all the other buds, including DS unfortunately.
Oct 25, 2023 at 12:17 AM Post #1,724 of 1,937
Very well written! This kind of perspective on sound reminds us that not everything can be for everyone. And at the end of the day, we all have our very own preferences for sound!

Out of the TGX earbuds, Ripples is my personal fave due to it's wonderful tonality that does well in a lot of tracks. But, other TGX earbuds I have heard didn't do well for me much like the Alpha and Tantalus. Jim is definitely a good person to chat with, he's always open to conversation and never a stranger, really appreciate that kind of work to earbuds.
What other Tgx earbuds have you use before mate?
Oct 26, 2023 at 4:01 PM Post #1,725 of 1,937
Spending some time with the Tantalus today via my Cayin N30LE and man I forget how this bud can scale with power. It sounds very similar to the Aroma Jewel in tonality and with it’s technical prowess. Bass is more subdued than Jewel but it’s a very close sound signature. Loving the Tantalus today!
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