FranQL DIY Earbuds - Magical Mystery Tour
I have been reluctant to create this thread as FranQL (FQL) DIY Earbuds are not readily available, nor are they made to sell, but rather are kindly gifted to fellow flathead fiends and earbud lovers that the earbud maker is acquainted with. Upon receipt the other day of another brilliant...- WoodyLuvr
- Thread
- earbuds flatheads
- Replies: 122
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Rikubuds Alter Rider 3
Rikubuds Alter Rider 3 Earbuds from DIY maker Rikubuds https://rikubuds.com/generation-3/ Introducing the RG39 shell with Soundsphere technology. it’s pyramid shaped features interact with backward acoustic waves generated by movement of the driver redirecting them into different...- baskingshark
- Head Gear item
- earbuds flatheads rikubuds
- Reviews: 3
- Category: Earbuds
RikuBuds Hangout
RikuBuds by @RikudouGoku Since there are a number of other threads dedicated to certain brands of flathead earbuds I figured a hangout for RikuBuds owners was in order! RikuBuds by @RikudouGoku IG: https://www.instagram.com/rikubuds/ Google Docs...- WoodyLuvr
- Thread
- earbuds earphones flatheads rikubuds
- Replies: 153
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
TGXEAR discussion thread.
TGXear Serratus Many of you guys know me from the numerous IEM threads including the discovery thread and such. I start threads that I deem worthy of starting. Meaning the items of topic I feel needs its own dedicated thread. Well recently our good buddy @tgx78 has been around headfi as long as...- Dsnuts
- Thread
- alpha diy earbuds flatheads ripples serratus tantalus totl
- Replies: 1,936
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors