Sep 6, 2011 at 3:08 AM Post #136 of 149

Thanks for the update, John.  Glad to see you cherishing the sweet music these phones can offer (particularly when driven as well as from your set up).
"Stax SR-009? Who cares?"?  I reckon you would if you had the chance to try one and compare but, yes, for the extra dollars involved would the additional increments of detail add so much more to your current enjoyment? Probably not (but that doesn't mean it mightn't make a difference for others of course - YMMV).
Great to read that your 'taking one for the team' in acquiring the Sigma Pros has been of benefit.  Now you've got reasonable reason to sell your Sigma 404s if the Pros serve you better (unless, like me, you like to have a back-up - in this case should those difficult-to-replace 1 um Lambda Signature drivers ever fail).
Happy listening, John!  A chance to re-explore your music collection in total again LOL!
Sep 6, 2011 at 4:10 AM Post #137 of 149
Webbie, I will add a wink after the "Who cares" comment, but to be honest, I haven't missed the SR-007s at all. I just love what the Sigma high bias phones do. Bet you would never have guessed that eh?
Sep 6, 2011 at 4:12 AM Post #138 of 149

That's an interesting conclusion. Maybe I'll get to hear a pair of Sigma/404s someday.
As an aside, should we try to get this thread moved to the High-End Forum?

If you or Webbie64 are ever going to Perth, give me a yell.
Sep 6, 2011 at 4:29 PM Post #139 of 149

Webbie, I will add a wink after the "Who cares" comment, but to be honest, I haven't missed the SR-007s at all. I just love what the Sigma high bias phones do. Bet you would never have guessed that eh?

Yes, John, I FULLY understand (once you have Sigmas in your collection you definitely find yourself reaching for them to enjoy their presentation of the music!
Oct 11, 2011 at 2:08 PM Post #142 of 149
I'm looking for a reliable technician, who can do the 404 conversion for me.
Any recommendations?
Regards Georg
Feb 12, 2012 at 2:28 AM Post #143 of 149
I have sold off most of my dynamic gear to focus on STAX. The Sigmas seemed interesting so I just read through here. It sounds like I would love to get my hands on a Sigma/404. Are they really selling for as much as the Omegas, or is that just what people are hoping for. I think I will have to skip it if it is that much. I saw the pics of the DIY Sigmas that were mentioned here. Those seemed cool, but I am guessing no easier to acquire.
Maybe since I own the SR-009 and a Realiser I should just scrap the idea. They just seem so awesome. Has anyone thought to use a company like to build an enclosure? 
Feb 12, 2012 at 1:49 PM Post #144 of 149
Hello  Trubrew,
I personally own three of them but won't sell one. You can get them here and then on ebay or audiogon. Check for example the German and Japanes sites not only Sometimes on audiogon....
There is a prce range between 300Euro-500Euro. I wouldnot pay more. But other members know more about the market e.g. padam.
Regards Georg
Feb 12, 2012 at 2:27 PM Post #145 of 149
Thanks. There is actually a set on eBay right now. They are a bit pricey however; 500GBP for normal bias set. I think I will have to skip it.
Feb 12, 2012 at 5:39 PM Post #146 of 149
Sigmas are love or hate headphones and I am not sure what I think of them right now. Maybe I should give them another try? :)
But I decided to go for active nearfield monitors instead as the leakage is monumental anyway. My friend who had K1000s did exactly the same as well.
The cheap housing and the somewhat 'basic' damping distorts the sound somewhat.
That makes the Sigmas to sound highly coloured, but in a good way.
The SR009 has the Sigma midrange but with way, way better bass, treble and clarity+detail on a completely different level as you would expect considering the price&age difference.
Because of the sophisticated technology applied to the SR009 the distortion is ultra-low and it is more efficient as well.
The soundstaging is different but the imaging is way superior on the SR009 as well.
So you should't worry too much if you don't find one as I guess you got used to the level of detail the SR009 presents and I guess it can be EQ-d down a bit for bad recordings.
Jun 12, 2016 at 5:23 AM Post #147 of 149
I am not sure whether this forum is still alive. I bought a pair of Sigma Pro in good shape, only the cable is worn out here and there. Does anybody has an experience whether it is worth it to have the cable replaced by a contemporary one (from SR-307 probably)? 
Jun 13, 2016 at 2:14 AM Post #148 of 149
I am not sure whether this forum is still alive. I bought a pair of Sigma Pro in good shape, only the cable is worn out here and there. Does anybody has an experience whether it is worth it to have the cable replaced by a contemporary one (from SR-307 probably)? 

The thread may not be active but I am.

Good purchase. If the cord is functioning without breaks and shorts, it is of sufficient quality that it does not cry out for a new cord. I would say that you would get a detectable improvement with a new cord though. If you are looking for big improvements in sound look at my thread. See the last few pages for my most recent take on the Sigmas.

The sorbothane modifications will turn this phone into a major player far more so than a cord upgrade. It would also be a lot cheaper You can get 2 3 inch square sheets of 70 duro 1/4 inch thick self-stick sorb for about $12 on ebay. Start by putting small segments on the underside of the headband as you will see in the pictures. If you like the sound that produces, then open them up and place pieces as I note, on the metal baffle, not next to the drivers because there is no room, but where the baffle bends.

May 24, 2021 at 10:43 PM Post #149 of 149
For anyone interested, there are 2 nb Sigma’s and 1 pro for sale on eBay. Prices are steep.

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