SRH840 impression
May 14, 2010 at 5:23 PM Post #1,726 of 2,135
modded that bad boy, totally disassembled
stripped off the leather,
removed the rubber piece and band inside that weights 25% of the headphones itself
removed the sliding plastic pieces on both sides
broke off the housing for the cord on both sides and replaced with hooks
removed DANGEROUS piece that could slice the cord in half with ease if dropped on it
added memory foam to the top side for added protection for the wire
recut and applied the leather band
added the sennheiser HD 600 band
its epic win
May 14, 2010 at 5:27 PM Post #1,727 of 2,135
double post, i apologize.
See the large black curved thing in the 2nd pic to the left side ?  Thats a giant heavy piece of rubber. Weight reduction and comfort is immense.  I use it all day without the slightest bit of pain on my head, i do have a topic explaining it all which was not very popular, even tried to sell them and nobody was interested...apparently nobody wants an immensely comfortable and lighter set of 840s

May 22, 2010 at 2:01 AM Post #1,728 of 2,135
Guys, these headphones are really deceptive to me.  They look like high impedance phones.  It amazing how well these phones drive on a simple DAP.  It sounds very good without an amp, its really an achievement.  These headphones are good solution for people looking for cans to use portably, but don't want the hassle of an amp.
May 25, 2010 at 11:39 AM Post #1,729 of 2,135
first time poster. i want new cans! i've had some mid level ones in the past but nothing right now and i want to change is. i've got some e4c earphones and px200's for light travel now.  i'm down to the srh440 and srh840.  wanna sell me on the difference between the two. the 440 can be had for 77$ on ebay and the 840 can be had for 140$ currently.
May 25, 2010 at 11:43 AM Post #1,730 of 2,135
I still think that SRH840 is a transportable can at best.  You can use it as portable cans of course like you can do with any other fullsize cans, but with too much detrimental aspects that goes with it (heavy weight, large size, hot earpads, long cable, etc).  I honestly urge you to reconsider if this is for purely mobile use (keeping in mind that it has nothing to do with the sound, which IS indeed good).
May 25, 2010 at 11:49 AM Post #1,731 of 2,135
yea i get ya. i honestly would usually grab the px200's if i'm really mobile. long trips (car, plane) and such would be my ideal use for these cans. That and at home. just plugging to a hk or denon box, depending on the room :)
May 25, 2010 at 11:51 AM Post #1,732 of 2,135
I agree with K_19.
Consider the weight and size for portability.
That's why I wound up with the M50. Smaller, lighter, very easy to drive.
I really liked the sound on the SHR-840, but they were impossible to wear. I think they are amazing for studio monitors.
Compromise... the sound is not as 'neutral' on the M50 (bigger bass, less mids), but the result is great for 'fun' sounding portability.
May 25, 2010 at 11:57 AM Post #1,733 of 2,135

yea i get ya. i honestly would usually grab the px200's if i'm really mobile. long trips and such would be my ideal use for these cans. That and at home. just plugging to a hk or denon box, depending on the room :)

For transportable use it's definitely fine.  The thing is very robust and can take the rigors of travelling very well, and has nice isolation to boot.  I just wouldn't walk around the streets with the thing on the regular basis, that's all.
May 25, 2010 at 11:58 AM Post #1,734 of 2,135
oh yea, this isn't a take a walk pair of phones. but back to the question, 440 or 840 and why? is the 840 worth the difference? the 440 @ 77$ seems like a pretty good however it sounds like the 840 is a much more finished off set
May 26, 2010 at 9:45 AM Post #1,737 of 2,135
I'd say if you can afford the 840s, go for them. Got a friend a pair of 440s for his birthday, and while the 440s aren't bad, the 840s just sound fuller and more rounded, where the 440 sounded a little bit harsh. Also, the 840s come with pads that are a lot more comfortable than what the 440s come with. If comfort is a factor, then the SRH840 is the obvious choice, especially for the price that you can get them for.
May 26, 2010 at 9:56 AM Post #1,738 of 2,135
the curve ball as i saw it was that the 440 was a headfi best value.  in the top 10 headphones.  that said, with the 840 being at 140$ i'm sure they'd be in there too. but the original 250$ prevented that from happeneing.  i figured the 840 was the way to go just didn't know if anyone could spell out why.  so a bit fuller or bigger in sound is what i assumed. tends to be the story with phones and speakers.  (jbl studios, definitives, and martin logans here)  along with comfort i think i'm going 840

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