SR60-Mod part II
Dec 21, 2011 at 1:50 AM Post #2,866 of 3,353

That headband looks awesome Marvin, kudos!


Agreed! The color goes awesome with your cups. How does the ribbed band feel in comparison to normal smooth? 


Thanks buddy. 
It sounds like you have some nice plans laid out ahead of you. I think the steampunk leather+wood+metal look would be fantastic. The headbands that jinteddy makes are superb, but if you're going to recolor it anyway, why not just order some lambskin from Ebay and do it yourself? Here are a couple of good tutorials:
The headband that I did uses elements from both of these guides. The lambskin can be bought on eBay from seller rolipel. [size=x-small] You won't get the professional-looking stitching that the Headphone Lounge bands would have, though. [/size]
[size=small]If you're looking into investing money into the sound of the headphones, then I'd highly recommend taking a look at the Magnum [/size]
[size=small]drivers. I greatly preferred the V3.5 Magnums that I demo'd over my K701 by a large margin.[/size]

Thanks for the link, makes me want to make my own pretty badly, especially with the lettering engraved into the leather. I wonder how well that held up over the years. 
Dec 21, 2011 at 2:02 PM Post #2,867 of 3,353
Thanks guys for the kind words. I have a bunch of leftover leather, so I'm going to try to make as many headbands as I can this weekend. So hopefully more pictures to come! 
Deathdiesel -- I find the ribbed band very comfy, although I have to admit that I must be missing nerve-endings on the top of my head. I've never found any headphone to be that uncomfortable, except the LCD-2's vice grip of a clamp. The Grados were always comfortable to me, and I never have a problem with the "bumps" on the K701/K702 headband that people seem to have. The ribbed headband does feel noticeably more "cushy" compared to the stock vinyl one though. 
Also, I tried a couple of times to do the embossed version with the "GRADO" logo on top, but my hands were not steady enough to pull it off. If you successfully get one done, be sure to post pictures! The guy that posted that tutorial is a surgeon with the exacto knife! 
Dec 21, 2011 at 9:52 PM Post #2,868 of 3,353
I never really found the mids recessed listening to them Kojaku, but perhaps they were more recessed than I perceived. My initial involvement in the original SR60 thread began shortly after I first got my HF2's. My SR60's at that point had been pretty much rendered persona non grada and Bila was generating all kinds of excitement about the untapped sonic potential of an SR60. So I started reading and being infected by Bila's enthusiasm or mania or whatever it was, as well as his graciousness. Bila offered to send me a pair of Cocobolo cups like he was buying me a beer. Things got a little weird after that, but he did send the cups, and this is way before he went off the grid. Anyway the 60's in the crude cups fashioned by Bila with a drill press or whatever he was using definitely improved the sound. That combined with all the enthusiasm being generated in the thread by the various posters and all the awesome mods motivated me to start reading about tonewoods. Mostly as they related to guitars and why luthiers and players chose certain woods. I decided after reading all sorts of stuff off and on for a few weeks that I wanted a two piece design, Mahogany like Grado uses for the driver housings, and African Blackwood. In my estimation it's the wood or combination of the woods that produce that bass.
That was sort of long winded I suppose, but while my 60's were on their little hiatus with Tyll, someone PM'ed me and asked me if I would sell him some cups. So I ended up selling the cups I had on my 225, and when the 60's got back I put the 225's in the cups my 60's are in. You piqued my curiosity though. I wonder how they would measure with that hole covered and the silver cable reinstalled?
That headband looks awesome Marvin, kudos!


Yeah, I'm thinking of sending mine to Tyll when I get back to school. Besides, my girlfriend got me M-80s for Christmas so I won't be pining for hi-fi while they're gone.

Dec 22, 2011 at 10:02 AM Post #2,869 of 3,353

On a serious note use tweezers and pull out the fabric bit by bit. you get a nice clean hole with no particles pushed into the diaphragm.

Would you recommend sterilizing the tweezers first - to ensure you don't infect the Grado driver during the process? 

Dec 22, 2011 at 11:27 AM Post #2,871 of 3,353

Would you recommend sterilizing the tweezers first - to ensure you don't infect the Grado driver during the process? 


Only if the tweezers had been used on Beats at some point... 
Dec 24, 2011 at 10:43 AM Post #2,875 of 3,353

Tweezers should be shoved up the butts of the Beats and Soul founders.

Quite true.  However, I wonder how many parents who buy their 12-year-old children the Beats by Dr. Dre have ever listened to his music from 10 or 12  years ago?  I wonder if the parents heard albums such as "The Chronic" if they would really allow their children to get such headphones and their money - or royalties, go towards someone who gained popularity by writing such songs? 

Dec 27, 2011 at 11:44 PM Post #2,878 of 3,353

Any bets on what percentage of them are counterfeit?  It seems like a very easy headphone to make a clone of.  

I didn't even know the fake ones existed!  Well they're $500 in store, and lots of them are selling for $200 second hand.
Dec 28, 2011 at 12:49 AM Post #2,879 of 3,353
A lot of counterfeit stuff out there, definitely be careful when buying on ebay - especially if the price looks too good to be true.  I love to get second hand stuff to save money, but that's the one thing to always consider.  Certain brands / higher selling models are the ones you have to look out for, it's always a good idea to google search the model you are looking for and add the word 'fake' or 'counterfeit' to see if there are a lot of fakes out there.  
Fortunately for us more discerning listeners, the pricier headphone models are difficult to replicate and sell in sufficient quantity to make the effort of producing a good copy worthwhile. 
Dec 28, 2011 at 12:58 AM Post #2,880 of 3,353
Or in a few cases, the care going into a good copy resulted in a better sounding headphone... you might get lucky. :D

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