Sony's new flagship 2014 - MDR-Z7
Oct 7, 2014 at 3:09 PM Post #1,456 of 9,173
Don't make things difficult for me!! I'm trying to thin the herd as well... I might probably go with the new Ultrasones... .... not sure yet! Arrrghhhh!!!

we need your impressions man! 
Oct 7, 2014 at 3:15 PM Post #1,457 of 9,173



Don't make things difficult for me!! I'm trying to thin the herd as well... I might probably go with the new Ultrasones... .... not sure yet! Arrrghhhh!!!



Oct 7, 2014 at 4:17 PM Post #1,458 of 9,173
What can I say, I do love me some bass and closed-back and Ultrasones usually delivers! :)
Still, have a few days to think about it... ... ... (maybe I'll just buy both...)
Oct 7, 2014 at 7:19 PM Post #1,460 of 9,173
That's not what everyone that's tried them has said... (i.e. if they leak at LEAST like the Denon Dxxxx series, THEY LEAK!!! -- enough to disrupt my workplace setting at the level I sometimes listen to music)
Hahahaha Nice! If I could only withstand IEMs for long periods... .... I have their SE215 and bassy Denons and ... well... I just hate having things inside the ear!! LOL!! :) Glad you are enjoying those though! How's the bass on those?

Unfortunately, they do leak moderately.  I was just being a bit of a troll!  

Oct 7, 2014 at 9:11 PM Post #1,462 of 9,173
So am i the only one who ordered:laughing:?

I ordered 2 times and canceled 2 times. F.A. not happy with me

I gave up after giving it my bass test and the goal of Sony and the LCP coating became clear as they said...I just thought I could make it work but failed
 The diaphragm is constructed of aluminum coated Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP), which has the unique characteristics of being able to both quick and damped. Meaning the material has velocity which allows it to produce a wide range of tones, yet loses energy quickly, so that there is little coloration of the sound due to resonance.

Great for ya'll but bad for a basshead that likes the note to hang. I heard this with my own ears 4 times and canceled for the 2nd and final time a week ago .
Reason #1002 why I know I'm not an audiophile

Used a Cowon + an  e/12
 vol 34
e/12 boost on and gain/volume at 60%
Standard test parameters and same track.
I did discover on that same day that the D7k and D5k (display models not for sale) respond to those settings with authority like the FOSTEX brothers do.
The highs with hi res source are great and bass is like planar in its ability to separate and move from note to note very precisely (Z7).
Oct 7, 2014 at 9:23 PM Post #1,464 of 9,173
I ordered 2 times and canceled 2 times. F.A. not happy with me :p

I gave up after giving it my bass test and the goal of Sony and the LCP coating became clear as they said...I just thought I could make it work but failed

Great for ya'll but bad for a basshead that likes the note to hang. I heard this with my own ears 4 times and canceled for the 2nd and final time a week ago .
Reason #1002 why I know I'm not an audiophile:D

Used a Cowon + an  e/12

 vol 34

e/12 boost on and gain/volume at 60%

Standard test parameters and same track.

I did discover on that same day that the D7k and D5k (display models not for sale) respond to those settings with authority like the FOSTEX brothers do.

The highs with hi res source are great and bass is like planar in its ability to separate and move from note to note very precisely (Z7).

I love deep and present bass, you got me worried now, thought it will hit hard and sweet down there..
What about XB1000?
Oct 7, 2014 at 10:18 PM Post #1,466 of 9,173
That's a bit disappointing to hear that the bass is not hitting hard :p
Perhaps this is a good thing as we can save some money by buying the Fidelio X2!

Sorry to speak on his behalf but I think it needs some context.

i have a super hard time believing that the x2 bass will come close to this. I have a strong feeling people will be more disappointed with the x2 bass.
That is Hawaiibadboy posting. Not that he is not credible, quite the opposite in regards to bass. I just think him coming close to buying it actually may mean that some will find it too distracting in the low end.

Again sorry for posting like that but thats how I interpret it all.
Oct 7, 2014 at 10:42 PM Post #1,467 of 9,173
I ordered 2 times and canceled 2 times. F.A. not happy with me

I gave up after giving it my bass test and the goal of Sony and the LCP coating became clear as they said...I just thought I could make it work but failed
Great for ya'll but bad for a basshead that likes the note to hang. I heard this with my own ears 4 times and canceled for the 2nd and final time a week ago .
Reason #1002 why I know I'm not an audiophile

Used a Cowon + an  e/12
 vol 34
e/12 boost on and gain/volume at 60%
Standard test parameters and same track.
I did discover on that same day that the D7k and D5k (display models not for sale) respond to those settings with authority like the FOSTEX brothers do.
The highs with hi res source are great and bass is like planar in its ability to separate and move from note to note very precisely (Z7).

Grrr, that sounds nice
little color and decay. I really do need to hear these 
Oct 7, 2014 at 11:53 PM Post #1,468 of 9,173
Sorry to speak on his behalf but I think it needs some context.

i have a super hard time believing that the x2 bass will come close to this. I have a strong feeling people will be more disappointed with the x2 bass.
That is Hawaiibadboy posting. Not that he is not credible, quite the opposite in regards to bass. I just think him coming close to buying it actually may mean that some will find it too distracting in the low end.

Again sorry for posting like that but thats how I interpret it all.

No.. you know me griz

I think this is the best bass in terms of going from note to note (low piano keys, double kick drum etc) while resolving and delivering high notes at the same time by anything not a planar. It's 70mm for gods sake
. They created a driver with LCP that accelerates the decay pattern of long bass notes so that it did not interfere with the reproduction of the next audio info. It reduces the hang but for anyone besides bassheads this is not an issue.
You don't need to worry about an X2 creeping up on you if you get the Z7. That's ridiculous. I didn't pull the trigger because I am a Hip Hop head. I felt pressure because of the thread i run to have this but I waved myself off twice because at test levels ( 5 minute listening period max /watch out for your hearing) these were not xb1000 with shallower and me know thats a good thing but folks are mistaking me and my thing. I push cans to distortion 1st and then go from there. Find my edge and then work within the boundry I found. If you run these off a good source griz you will be pleased.It's 70mm and it's got good mids and great highs...c''s a ******* unicorn!! I will get a Unicorn myself just not at this time. I would never buy an does what better than everything?....exactly. I think the 1st review of those was off but the update was accurate as he says they are not as bassy but not neutral......and I still don't know if that was a no eq or what the settings were?? Context is everything. If you have a good source and are not using mp3 files I think you'll be satisfied as it will play every note your ear can catch and do so well. It will expose lower quality sources..I learned that. Be happy...ride the Unicorn !!!
This track...listen....was the best headphone experience of my life running through the display set-up. Ear orgasm.

  That's a bit disappointing to hear that the bass is not hitting hard :p
Perhaps this is a good thing as we can save some money by buying the Fidelio X2!

Hard is a relative term. It does hit hard but not my hard that I could find under time and staff pressure. I'm an extremeophile. The Z7 may still make a Top 10 appearance if ati and his amp and eq do their magic. The X2 would never make it. I'm sure my list is of no interest to you but you mention bass and hard and on those 2 terms the 70mm sony eats the X2's sandwich and then steals it's dessert.
My first impression of these using sonys pha 3 hi res walkman and kimber listening to Boston's foreplay track was mind blowing...I typed that in this thread in this post and 20 pages back.
  Grrr, that sounds nice
little color and decay. I really do need to hear these 

You....get it!!
Planar kick  quick and play clear. These Z7 go low and hit good and move on thanks to the LCP. It is a good thing though I think these need a good source. Decay is short and sweet and does not interfere with whatever is supposed to be coming next. You do need to hear these. Nothing beats a personal experience. Mine is just another opinion and it's a damned good one. I love these. Folks don't know me so they miss my point.
Oct 8, 2014 at 12:30 AM Post #1,469 of 9,173
Sorry to speak on his behalf but I think it needs some context.

i have a super hard time believing that the x2 bass will come close to this. I have a strong feeling people will be more disappointed with the x2 bass.

That is Hawaiibadboy posting. Not that he is not credible, quite the opposite in regards to bass. I just think him coming close to buying it actually may mean that some will find it too distracting in the low end.

Again sorry for posting like that but thats how I interpret it all.

No.. you know me griz:p

I think this is the best bass in terms of going from note to note (low piano keys, double kick drum etc) while resolving and delivering high notes at the same time by anything not a planar. It's 70mm for gods sake:D . They created a driver with LCP that accelerates the decay pattern of long bass notes so that it did not interfere with the reproduction of the next audio info. It reduces the hang but for anyone besides bassheads this is not an issue.


That's the other reason I spoke up. To get some more impressions and clarification. I'm on these jawns. I'm a hip hop head too but just prob more underground east coast like j dilla , mos def, m.o.p. , knottz and black milk etc. and less 808's and popular music. also ambient hip hop instrumentals like Nosaj thing, flying lotus and all. But these seem like good all a rounders and Friday can't come sooner mp3 or not they will get it all.
Oct 8, 2014 at 1:01 AM Post #1,470 of 9,173
No.. you know me griz

I think this is the best bass in terms of going from note to note (low piano keys, double kick drum etc) while resolving and delivering high notes at the same time by anything not a planar. It's 70mm for gods sake
. They created a driver with LCP that accelerates the decay pattern of long bass notes so that it did not interfere with the reproduction of the next audio info. It reduces the hang but for anyone besides bassheads this is not an issue.
You don't need to worry about an X2 creeping up on you if you get the Z7. That's ridiculous. I didn't pull the trigger because I am a Hip Hop head. I felt pressure because of the thread i run to have this but I waved myself off twice because at test levels ( 5 minute listening period max /watch out for your hearing) these were not xb1000 with shallower and me know thats a good thing but folks are mistaking me and my thing. I push cans to distortion 1st and then go from there. Find my edge and then work within the boundry I found. If you run these off a good source griz you will be pleased.It's 70mm and it's got good mids and great highs...c''s a ******* unicorn!! I will get a Unicorn myself just not at this time. I would never buy an does what better than everything?....exactly. I think the 1st review of those was off but the update was accurate as he says they are not as bassy but not neutral......and I still don't know if that was a no eq or what the settings were?? Context is everything. If you have a good source and are not using mp3 files I think you'll be satisfied as it will play every note your ear can catch and do so well. It will expose lower quality sources..I learned that. Be happy...ride the Unicorn !!!
This track...listen....was the best headphone experience of my life running through the display set-up. Ear orgasm.

Hard is a relative term. It does hit hard but not my hard that I could find under time and staff pressure. I'm an extremeophile. The Z7 may still make a Top 10 appearance if ati and his amp and eq do their magic. The X2 would never make it. I'm sure my list is of no interest to you but you mention bass and hard and on those 2 terms the 70mm sony eats the X2's sandwich and then steals it's dessert.
My first impression of these using sonys pha 3 hi res walkman and kimber listening to Boston's foreplay track was mind blowing...I typed that in this thread in this post and 20 pages back.

You....get it!!
Planar kick  quick and play clear. These Z7 go low and hit good and move on thanks to the LCP. It is a good thing though I think these need a good source. Decay is short and sweet and does not interfere with whatever is supposed to be coming next. You do need to hear these. Nothing beats a personal experience. Mine is just another opinion and it's a damned good one. I love these. Folks don't know me so they miss my point.

haha, I'll be lucky to get a Demo. I think though it will be a worth while invest ment, though my funds have been drained by a nother little monster, I'm having a Senn Grado built for me
as I 1) need a low impedance headphone to use with my portable rig when I share Music with people
2) it's a franken wood back and I need a Cheap [ish] Referance can to compare all the Low n Mid Fi stuff to
so $300 in teh hole later, it's still going to be spring before I even think about getting another Closed Back 

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