Yes, but that PCM-D100 sells for something like $700. Ouch! And we still wouldn't have all the features of a "real" DAP - no shuffle play, no sort by artist, sort by album, sort by song, no playlists, etc. etc.
You'll get none of those features with the PCM-M10, either (just in case you hadn't figured that out already). All you can do with the PCM-M10 or PCM-D100 is browse by folder, and even then, it automatically sorts all of the tracks by the date and time they were added to the folder on the microSD card - chronologically ascending (most recent files at the bottom of any given folder).
It does this because it was designed as a recorder and people want to see their most recent recordings (at the bottom of a list of files) - and again, there is no way to change the sort sequence on the recorder itself! If you want to see your albums sorted by title, for example, you have to delete everything from the microSD card (or just format it), then copy all of your folders and files from a hard drive to the microSD card ALREADY SORTED in alphabetical sequence, ascending, remembering that the last folder (or file within a folder) that's written to the microSD card is the file (or folder) that will be displayed at the bottom when browsing the file structure to use the recorder as a DAP.
If you're not interested in using the PCM-M10 as a recorder and your a fan of Sony's friendly, bug-free UI and build quality, I recommend you get the Sony NWZ-A17, instead.