Feb 24, 2015 at 5:38 PM Post #1,801 of 14,773
The amazing thing is that the bass respond and quality just improves over hours....and is clearly transforming as the hours Burn-in is in progress!:D:D

It is kinda funny how some people don't ever believe in burn in for the headphones/DAP...and Sony clearly states it :D

By the way I ordered it from EBay, expedited shipping and it was 5 business days to get to me.
Feb 24, 2015 at 5:58 PM Post #1,802 of 14,773
Yeah, audio quality is def different (it's hugely noticable).   have been repeaitng the same song for the past 50 hoursish but the difference is def there when i try it on.  the 30-50 hour mark was kind of bad on bass for me (sounded lilke dirty bass)  but after that it got a lot better
Feb 24, 2015 at 5:58 PM Post #1,803 of 14,773
The amazing thing is that the bass respond and quality just improves over hours....and is clearly transforming as the hours Burn-in is in progress!

It is kinda funny how some people don't ever believe in burn in for the headphones/DAP...and Sony clearly states it

By the way I ordered it from EBay, expedited shipping and it was 5 business days to get to me.

Even after one hour the bass starts to improve. So many people deny burn-in. I am glad Sony came out and said it very clearly. 
Feb 24, 2015 at 6:08 PM Post #1,804 of 14,773
Even after one hour the bass starts to improve. So many people deny burn-in. I am glad Sony came out and said it very clearly. 

Well, it's not about denying burn in, it's about the fact that not everything needs to be burnt in. For instance, some people say cables need to be burnt in and that intuitively just doesn't make any sense. However, I do think that some headphones (not all) will change with burn-in. My Sony 7520 are case in point, the bass has significantly tightened up with more use.
Otherwise a lot of it is also just your brain getting used to a new sound signature and you hearing perceived differences which objectively might not be there.
Feb 24, 2015 at 7:07 PM Post #1,805 of 14,773
Even after one hour the bass starts to improve. So many people deny burn-in. I am glad Sony came out and said it very clearly. 

Heck yes! Every hour is showing improvement, and it is observable......let me tell you guys whoever going to be the brand new ZX2 Owner.

Please do yourself a favor, and listen to it as it burn in. This is like heaven, and the best part of it, which will only happen when you buy it brand new ! A privilege !! A must !!!!
Feb 24, 2015 at 7:17 PM Post #1,806 of 14,773
Now that I'm done with my testing of the ZX2, I thought I'd share a few other stray thoughts—primarily in regards to using a higher-end DAP like this.
Something that I noticed when I began using the ZX1, and is even more acute with the ZX2 are how my "old" mp3s sound.
Back in the day, I didn't know what the hell I was doing when encoding mp3s. And space was at a premium. I can recall finding various encoder settings and thinking to myself such lines as:
"I can save how much space by switching to 96Kbps? Well yeah, lets do that!"
"You mean I can completely discard huge swaths of frequencies and not even waste bits encoding them? Yeah, lets just chop out everything above 16,000Hz"
"Joint stereo sure does save a lot of space. And hey, it's still 'stereo'. I'd be stupid NOT to select this!"
Quality encodes on devices like the ZX line really do bring into sharp contrast just how poorly encoded files sound terribly flat and lifeless.
Also, my own predilections tend towards JRock and JPop. So I thought I would mention that in my casual listening to my playlists, one group has jumped out as having particularly interesting recordings that really make use of the strengths of the ZX2: Perfume. They're a sort of techno/electro/dance pop group that relies heavily on digital effects. Triangle, LEVEL 3 and Love the World are particular standouts. Real interesting use of effects and the sound stage. Just an FYI for anyone else with the ZX2 and who may be interested in similar genres.
Feb 24, 2015 at 7:43 PM Post #1,807 of 14,773
Heck yes! Every hour is showing improvement, and it is observable......let me tell you guys whoever going to be the brand new ZX2 Owner.

Please do yourself a favor, and listen to it as it burn in. This is like heaven, and the best part of it, which will only happen when you buy it brand new ! A privilege !! A must !!!!

After burning in for 15hrs, it certainly improved.  Listening on my K812, i was initially disappointed when i listen to Beck's Morning Phase on the day i bought it.    Now it sounded closer to AK240.   
Feb 24, 2015 at 7:46 PM Post #1,808 of 14,773
Sorry, just curious about this cuz some1 was considering using a glass protector..
Anyone users here had a screen protector installed?
My question here is if the original screen protector has this cut-out for the gold "HiRes Audio" sticker on the screen or do u have to remove this.
You can see this on the photos from Whitigir, right at the lower left hand side.
Feb 24, 2015 at 7:55 PM Post #1,809 of 14,773
Sorry, just curious about this cuz some1 was considering using a glass protector..
Anyone users here had a screen protector installed?
My question here is if the original screen protector has this cut-out for the gold "HiRes Audio" sticker on the screen or do u have to remove this.
You can see this on the photos from Whitigir, right at the lower left hand side.

you have to remove it, its a shame as it looks so good.
Feb 24, 2015 at 8:31 PM Post #1,810 of 14,773
  Hi everyone and sorry for the late reply to this thread. Generally have been busy so not much participation here on Head-Fi (which I love btw and Michael Mercer links to here within his excellent writings for As for my ratings, calling it as I hear them and yes with the Noble K-10 custom the ratings are as I hear it.
Note that the Pono and the older two Sony units I used the UE 18 Pro. Will bring this up within my follow-up review of the NW-ZX2. This past week I've been enjoying store samples with MANY hours on them (200+). Also, just bought a NW-ZX2 here at Sony's Singapore retail store today because, frankly, it really is that good imho. Yes the Noble K-10 is world's better than the UE 18 pro  and have accounted for that, yet I also used the JH Audio Roxanne custom and yesterday add the new JH Audio Angie and Layla to the mix (again, review forthcoming). Am right now loading up music on the new NW-ZX2 and will have it playing music 24/7 to expedite burn in. Am working as fast as I can can, yet want to ensure the NEW UNIT here has MANY hours, thus is why I used store samples. 
As for burn-in time, Sony very clearly states 100 hours, yet we all know 200 or more can't hurt :) 
Wish I had more time to participate here on head-fi and LOVE this awesome community. You guys are head and shoulders above all others for PMP :)  Alas, have so many other tasks on my proverbial plate....
BTW, was hoping to online live stream CanJam in SoCal like we're doing with AXPONA, THE Show, RMAF, etc, yet Jude seems to have not gotten back with me on that :frowning2:  Guess will ship the TV studio to AXPONA and you can always catch up with me there to hear the new Sony and talk about it, the AK240, Noble K-10, JH Audio Roxanne... the good ol' days when we used cassette Walkmans and Sony D-5/D-25/D-555, etc.
If anyone needs a hotel room at SoCal CanJam I'm going to give up the one I have reserved. PM me if you need it.
As always, in the end what really matters is that you....  Enjoy the Music  ♫♪♫♫♪  d[-_-]b  ♪♫♫♪

thanks a lot .... waiting your next review for the ZX-2  
Feb 24, 2015 at 9:18 PM Post #1,812 of 14,773
A match in heaven !!!

NW-ZX2 +!! I can't believe what I am hearing !

Every tones, and beats are so organic and detailed....I can clearly distinct between bass beats, instruments....oh and that vocal ? It is super sexy...just wow...

And my Zx2 only had 6 hours burnin lol

The FX750 is a perfect match to the ZX2 not only in sound Quality wise, but also in the design, physical appearance as well

Both feel kinda weighed ZX2 is like a chunk of Alloy, and FX750 is like two Alloy beads. The amazing thing is neither of them feel uncomfortable nor bothering, but rather sophisicated, and up class/ high class feeling of something truly is "High-End"

Look at that rose gold on 750... Then look at it quality wood....then stare down the Zx2 back leather with amazing smell and touch, and the gold "Walkman" logo just slapped against your eyes....just Wow!

Why does everything "Japan" gotta be this sophisicated !!!!

I will update later with the sound quality on this heavenly matched pair when ZX2 is fully burn in!
Feb 24, 2015 at 9:24 PM Post #1,813 of 14,773
Hi, I stumbled onto this thread recently and I'm wondering if someone here could clarify if the sony has Native DSD as opposed to dsd support (conversion to pcm on the fly). Also, how would I connect it to an outboard DAC? does it need a proprietary cable? Would I also be able to use it as an external dac and feed it tunes from my laptop. Is the cradle a necessity? If these questions are answered elsewhere on the thread please do point me to the relevant answers. Your inputs are much appreciated.
Feb 24, 2015 at 10:23 PM Post #1,814 of 14,773
  So, after burning in the ZX2 for 106 hours, I thought I'd begin my review of the unit in earnest...
Build and Physical Characteristics:
Among the first attributes that anyone who physically handles the ZX2 will notice is that it is heavy. I thought the ZX1 had some heft to it—and compared to a naked iPod Touch, it does. But the ZX2 has noticeably more heft than the ZX1. That's not to say it's unusable. Quite the contrary. I enjoy walking and listening to music. Holding the ZX2 in one hand for over an hour resulted in no fatigue or discomfort. The rounded sides help it sit nicely in the hand, and the rubber-ish back side provides a nice contrast to the lightly textured aluminum on the rest of the body.
That being said, you might want to be careful when handling the ZX2. Given the proper circumstances, I could easily see this sucker doing some damage if one's fingers got between it and a hard surface during a fall.
As this is the middle of winter, and considering this is likely going to become the coldest February on record 'round these parts, I would be remiss if I did not mention the fact that the ZX2 can get very cold. Well, duh. It's a huge chunk of aluminum—often used for CPU and GPU heatsinks. It has excellent thermal conductivity compared to most metals. So yes, in a cold environment, it will wick away the heat from your hands relatively quickly.
The physical buttons are a blessing. However, I find that my own tactile response favors the raised buttons of the ZX1. I seem to be able to inherently feel the size differences of the raised buttons better than I can feel the size differences of the "depressions" in the ZX2. But this is a very minor and rather subjective observation.
The door for the MicoSD card slot is peculiar. Well, not the door itself. Rather, the printing on the door. Sony used a barely-there dark gray color to show the orientation needed to insert the SD card. Honestly, I didn't even see it—I guess my eye was being distracted by the bright white printing of the serial number (or whatever it is) a couple of millimeters below it, and consequently inserted my SD card like any sane, normal person would—pins down. Nope. Pins up.
Why use bright white ink for something which is almost completely irrelevant for the end user, and a hard-to-see ink for something that is inherently important for an end user? Right next to each other, no less. A minor gripe, admittedly.
The screen is nice. It appears to be exactly the same as the screen used on the ZX1. One oddity that I noticed in regards to the screen on the ZX1 is occasionally, the screen brightness would flicker. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when it would manifest. And it has remained at least through the v1.13 software update. So far, I have not noticed the same behavior on the ZX2.

User Interface / Software:
It's Android. If you've ever used an Android-based phone, you'll be used to this. It's fundamentally the same as the ZX1.
One nice addition that the ZX2 has over the ZX1 are lock screen widgets (thanks to Android 4.2). I don't know about you, but I have so much music, often times it can become difficult to recall which song came from which album. And my obsessive compulsive nature really needs to know that on occasion. With the ZX1, I'd have to press the power button and swipe the screen to unlock it in order to see the interface again. The ZX2 now has a mini-player available for use on the lock screen. It's not much. It basically just shows a small thumbnail of the album artwork, the song title, and a few playback controls (which are obviously superfluous, given the hardware buttons). But it's nice that I no longer have to gunk up the screen with my finger prints.
The music app itself is fine. It's nothing amazing, though. Just a solid, serviceable application. You can "outscroll" the app's ability to update the screen. But only by a second. It catches up quickly. The device never feels woefully underpowered.
There are a number of audio enhancement options in the app, like the 5-band EQ, reverb effects and "DSEE HX". It's supposed to help lossy music files sound better:
I've tried it before on the ZX1 and never really heard any difference.
There are also post-processing effects available for use with DSD files. Apparently, they can't be turned off. You simply have to choose which set of options you want to use, and that's the way it will always be. That being said, I suspect these options are at least partially responsible for the expanded sense of the sound stage and enhanced reverb effects that I detect in DSD audio.
The ZX2 is capable of accessing the Google Play Store. I downloaded a few apps—Astro File Manager, MX video player, Angry Birds, Pandora, etc. Everything seems to work just fine.
I tested a couple of DVD-resolution videos in the MX video player. They were encoded in h.264 high profile and played back without any problems. While I haven't looked exhaustively, I didn't see any options for video output. I doubt the ZX2 can be used to play back on a TV or any other external monitor.
So far, I've found the battery run time to be very close to what Sony has claimed. While using a playlist comprised of MP3s, ranging from 128Kbps to 320Kbps, the battery indicator showed a drop of approximately 2% per hour. This would equate to roughly 50 hours of playback time—which is probably what one should expect, considering Sony quotes 60 hours of playback time when using JUST 128Kbps MP3 files.
I already mentioned this in an earlier post, but after letting the device run down to the point where the OS performed an emergency shut off, and using a 5v, 2Amp AC charger, it took a little over 3.5 hours to charge the device back to 100%.

Sound Quality:
I imagine this is the section that most Head-Fiers care about. However, I'm not exactly the best choice for describing the audio quality of the ZX2. I've never considered myself an audiophile, nor do I have the proper vocabulary to describe what I hear. And to be honest, I liked the audio quality of the ZX1. I never found myself saying, "This sounds like ass! I need a better sounding rig ASAP!". But, I'll do what I can.
First, my headphones of choice:
Sony MDR-7550
16mm dynamic driver (ported) IEM
16 Ohm impedance
108 db/mW sensitivity

The general, overarching difference in sound quality which I perceive between the ZX1 and the ZX2 are the width of the sound stage, the clarity and definition of individual instruments and the punch-y-ness of the bass.
The sound stage on the ZX2 appears wider than on the ZX1. It sounds more open. I wouldn't say by a huge margin, but it is a noticeable improvement. While I've always thought the ZX1 was was excellent at being able to render distinct, individual musical elements in any given song, I actually find myself surprised with how much more detail the ZX2 appears to be able to deliver. Combined with the improved sound stage, it really starts to impart a sense of "being there".
I consider it analogous to being in a crowded room with a whole bunch of people talking. In such a situation, a person can decide to hone in on one conversation or another. That's something I find myself doing with the ZX2. I've found a number of tracks where I've begun noticing details that I've never heard before. For example, I have a DSD copy of Michael Jackson's Beat It. On the ZX2 I can now pick out a faint melody line from a synthesizer in the left channel during the refrain. Likewise, on a 16/44.1 FLAC rip of Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), I can actually hear the pick on the acoustic guitar.
The ZX2 is also the first DAP that I've used which I did not feel a need to EQ. Granted, I've mostly been using Apple DAPs over the past 10 years (iPod Nano 1, 2, 3, iPod Touch 1, 3, 4 and 5). But even with the ZX1 I felt the need to EQ. The ZX2, with all default settings, matches and/or exceeds the sound quality I prefer out of the ZX1 even with EQing. The delivery of the low end is noticeably stronger than on the ZX1. A good example is Bug Hunt (Noisia Remix) from Skrillex. I have this as a 256Kbps AAC file from iTunes. On the ZX1 it sounds a little flat and muddy. The bass delivery on the ZX2 is more punchy and helps to impart a sense of greater dynamic range to the track, as the bass elements become more distinct.
One question I have not had a chance to investigate yet is the SD card. I use Sony's Media Go app to organize all of my music. When you plug in the ZX2, the interface gives you the option to send files to the internal memory or the SD card. You have to make a change in Android before connecting the device if you want Media Go to be able to send files to the SD card. So, I worry that if I make a playlist on Media Go, and transfer it over to the ZX2, but some of those files are on the SD card, instead of the internal memory, it might not play those tracks. I would hope that's not the case. I guess I'll find out once I run out of space on the internal memory...which won't be long now. The increased sound stage and detail I hear from the ZX2, particularly in DSD audio has convinced me to give the format another chance.
So there you have it. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that's what the edit button is for. :wink:
Oh yes, one additional item that annoyed me with the ZX1 was the amount of power that simply evaporated off into the universe, while sitting in sleep mode. Despite turning off all radios, and despite disabling a boatload of worthless services that I don't need running in Android, I would still lose about 5.5% of the battery per 24 hours while sitting in sleep mode.
I've performed my first initial test on the ZX2 for this same issue. I turned off all radios and disabled A FEW useless Google-related services. I haven't had a chance to sit down and disable most of the crap. That being said, I let the ZX2 sit in sleep mode for precisely 18 hours. The battery indicator went from 96% to 93% when I woke it up.
18 hours is 75% of 24 hours. So a little multiplication yields about 4% of battery loss per 24 hours while doing nothing. Granted, these numbers are a little imprecise. Maybe the battery was @ 96.1% when I shut it off, and @ 93.9% when I turned it on. I'd really need to let it sit for a few days to get a better number. But who in their right mind would let this device sit for days without using it?

Thanks much for taking the time to write review! I really enjoyed reading it. Sounds like it's time to pull trigger and get it!
Feb 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM Post #1,815 of 14,773
I had made a line out adapter that goes at a right angle rather than straight out with some nice high end cables and glad that it works. I don't understand why most adapters go straight out on portable gear. It just gives that much more of a chance to get hit and the leverage will ruin the connector or the input of the portable unit. 

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