Sony NW-A50 Series
Mar 22, 2021 at 4:59 PM Post #1,366 of 2,422
It is good for creating play lists
That's why I said I don't even understand the question. Why itunes for a Walkman? Why itunes if he has flacs?
What i mean is creating playlist by using iTunes. I don't know if there is another way for creating playlist for Nw A55 in Mac. If iTunes doesn't recognize flac files, musics can't be added to playlist.
Mar 22, 2021 at 5:07 PM Post #1,367 of 2,422
What i mean is creating playlist by using iTunes. I don't know if there is another way for creating playlist for Nw A55 in Mac. If iTunes doesn't recognize flac files, musics can't be added to playlist.
iTunes playlists can't be transferred, they live exclusively inside the iTunes database. Playlists can be created on the player or by hand on your computer in any text editor program, but it is a hassel, and playlists can't include files from both internal memory and a sd card
Mar 22, 2021 at 5:31 PM Post #1,368 of 2,422
iTunes playlists can't be transferred, they live exclusively inside the iTunes database. Playlists can be created on the player or by hand on your computer in any text editor program, but it is a hassel, and playlists can't include files from both internal memory and a sd card
Yea I noticed the playlist limitation. That part is a pain. Luckily, my card is 256GB
Mar 22, 2021 at 5:47 PM Post #1,369 of 2,422
Yea I noticed the playlist limitation. That part is a pain. Luckily, my card is 256GB
I’ve never used a playlist in my life, I always pick an album and play it from start to end
Mar 22, 2021 at 5:48 PM Post #1,370 of 2,422
Mar 22, 2021 at 8:53 PM Post #1,371 of 2,422
My suggestion would be to install an alternative music manager software that is not iTunes. I've been back in the Windows ecosystem for a while now so I'm not sure what options there are, but Google should sort it
Mar 23, 2021 at 2:48 AM Post #1,373 of 2,422
has anyone compared the battery life between stock vs classic vs plus?
The plus mode consumes 20-25% more battery, classic is about the same as stock
Mar 24, 2021 at 5:54 AM Post #1,375 of 2,422
Hi everyone,

Here are some steps to transfer most of your playlist (unfortunately not all see my last comment) from iTunes to NW55:

1. Organise music files on NW55: Move the content of iTunes music media folder (living under the path "/Users/user_name/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/" in my case) from the mac to a "Music" folder on the SD card of NW55 (living under the path "/Volumes/SD_CARD/Music/" in my case). Important: music files must have the same organisation in iTunes and in NW55 ("Album-artist/Album" in my case).

2. Export a playlist from iTunes: From iTunes/Files/Library, export a playlist in format m3u8 and you will obtain a file called "my_playlist.m3u8".

3. Open "my_playlist.m3u8" with a text editor: You can see that the text file is structured like this:

#EXTINF:useless_number_1,title_1 - artiste_1
#EXTINF: useless_number_2,title_2 - artiste_2
#EXTINF: useless_number_3,title_3 - artiste_3
etc ...

4.Change paths to songs in "my_playlist.m3u8" with a text editor: In the text editor go to Edit/Find/Find and Replace and find "path_to_iTunes_music_folder" (in my case "/Users/user_name/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/") and replace all by "" (nothing). Your text should now look like:

#EXTINF:useless_number_1,title_1 - artiste_1
#EXTINF: useless_number_2,title_2 - artiste_2
#EXTINF: useless_number_3,title_3 - artiste_3
etc ...

5. Save: the m3u8 file, close the text editor, and move the "my_playlist.m3u8" inside the "Music" folder on the SD card ("/Volumes/SD_CARD/Music/" in my case).

6. Disconnect: NW55

7. et voilà.

Unfortunately there is a compatibility issue with non-latin characters and all the songs having a non latin character (I suppose mainly accents) are not displayed in NW55. I suppose this could be solved by saving the m3u8 file in a text format that is properly recognised by NW55. Someone has an idea about how to do this?

I hope this helps. Enjoy the little player!

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Mar 24, 2021 at 9:50 AM Post #1,376 of 2,422
Neat! Did you manage to do this with flacs, too?

As for the characters - I have no issues with the full set of latin characters, also with accents (á, ö, í etc) Japanese characters are also showing correctly. Arabic and Hindi it cannot handle. Haven't tried Korean or Cyrillic
Mar 24, 2021 at 10:22 AM Post #1,377 of 2,422
I don't know about flac's. Being an iPod guy for decades I have only mp3, AAC, ALAC's in my library...

Are you on a Windows or a mac? I am on a mac and I found out that the "m3u8" files created by NW55 and exported by iTunes don't have the same unicode normalised form (see the bottom of this page: So I am now looking for an efficient way to make the conversion.
Mar 24, 2021 at 10:39 AM Post #1,378 of 2,422
I'm on Mac, therefore I had quite some headache with installing Mr Walkman's firmware :)

I don't use iTunes, so I cannot comment on its encoding, my comment was mainly about what the player can handle.

In your case it might be worth a shot to open a playlist in Textedit, set/force encoding in UTF-8 in preferences and save it again as plain text and see if it helps (just guessing)
Mar 24, 2021 at 11:06 AM Post #1,379 of 2,422
Unfortunately no. iTunes creates UTF-8 files but with the wrong normalisation: accents are encoded as "plain_letter + accent_code", while NW55 can only read "accentuated_letter_code".

Bref: I am now trying to write a python script to do this conversion.

It should be quick to do...
Mar 24, 2021 at 1:09 PM Post #1,380 of 2,422
Here is a solution for the accent compatibility issue between iTunes and NW55: assuming that you have followed the steps of my previous post and that you have all your beloved iTunes playlists in the MUSIC folder of the SD card.

1. Create a ".py": open text editor, create a new text file and past the code below:

# coding: utf-8

import os
import unicodedata

#other possible norms ‘NFC’, ‘NFKC’, ‘NFD’, and ‘NFKD’.
norm = 'NFC'

files_list = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.m3u8') and not f.startswith('._')]

for file_name in files_list:

____playlist_file = open(file_name)
____lines = playlist_file.readlines()
____#print('*********** ', file_name)

____f = open(file_name, "w")

____for line in lines:

________#print(unicodedata.normalize(norm, unicode(line, "utf-8")))
________f.write(unicodedata.normalize(norm, unicode(line, "utf-8")).encode('utf8'))


Replace each the sequences of 4 and 8 '_' symboles at the beginning of a line by sequences of 4 and 8 blank spaces ' '. (Sorry I don't know why the code indent is not respected)

Save the text file as "convert_playlist.txt". Close text editor and change the name of "convert_playlist.txt" into "".

2. Put your script on NW55. Copy into the MUSIC forlder of your SD card.

3. Run your script. Open a Terminal (in the application folder). Move the working directory to the MUSIC folder of the SD card by typing:

cd /Volumes/SD_CARD/Music

and run your script by typing:

4. Wait for the script to run: it should take less than 0.1 seconds.

5. Disconnect NW55.

et re-voilà.

It seems to work with Japanese characters but I don't have much songs in Japanese to test properly...

Enjoy your playlists!

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