nc8000 replied to the thread Sony Z1R....listening impressions only.Will you 2 please stop bickering ? @gerelmex1986 bought his first Lavricable from me (as well as first my Axios CU) when I upgraded to...
nc8000 reacted to Pahchuchu's post in the thread Sony Walkman custom firmware (non-Android) with Like.Thank you so much!
nc8000 reacted to conceptcar3's post in the thread Sony Walkman custom firmware (non-Android) with Like.Can’t thank you enough for providing them! I feel like the a55 is the best device I own for music playback thanks to all these firmware...
nc8000 replied to the thread Sony Walkman custom firmware (non-Android).I do. See PM
nc8000 replied to the thread The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!.Just goes to show we all hear things differently and/or have different preferences
nc8000 reacted to gerelmx1986's post in the thread The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread! with Like.And they are coming this year woohoo
nc8000 replied to the thread The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!.I would probably say about 80% but with a slightly different sound sig
nc8000 replied to the thread The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!.I sold my MDR-Z1R to my son as I rarely use full size headphones and the bought the MV1 and it is clearly the same base tuning so it...
nc8000 reacted to Stefti's post in the thread The Official Sony TA-ZH1ES Hi-Res Headphone Amplifier (Live From IFA 2016) with Like.Correct, that`s why I used the Eversolo A6 (also the reason why I got the TAZ) Now my Digital family is complete:)
nc8000 replied to the thread The Official Sony TA-ZH1ES Hi-Res Headphone Amplifier (Live From IFA 2016).You could use this if you can’t get it repaired, I have one so I can permanently have 2 4.4 devices plugged in...
nc8000 reacted to MrWalkman's post in the thread The Official Sony TA-ZH1ES Hi-Res Headphone Amplifier (Live From IFA 2016) with Like.I thought we were talking about a DAC, and not about an ADC.
nc8000 replied to the thread The Official Sony TA-ZH1ES Hi-Res Headphone Amplifier (Live From IFA 2016).With the important exception that it needs some kind of source to produce sound and the 1A also has a "dac" (the S-Master chip) in it...
nc8000 reacted to MrWalkman's post in the thread Sony Walkman custom firmware (non-Android) with Like.It's not as simple as explaining in a few words. Why would I be so mean and heartless as to not explain into those few words if it were...