Songs that make your headphone WOOOOOW!!!
Dec 23, 2011 at 8:39 PM Post #1,276 of 4,539
Not headphones. Still: Radius HP-TWF21 + Skrillex's Ruffneck (FULL FLEX). Also, classical music sounds absolutely amazing on the Sennhesier HD650's. Artists like Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard are two very good examples of this.
Dec 23, 2011 at 10:29 PM Post #1,277 of 4,539
Man a lot of people here have good taste, it makes me more comfortable taking suggestions for new gear =P

I just bought m80's and here are a few albums that wow'd me-

Anything Dream Theater really
Triple Concerto - Choral Fantasy (yoyo ma, perlman, brandboim)
Steve Vai- Real Illusions Reflections
The Aristocrats - The Aristocrats, first song especially
Paul Gilbert- Get Out of My Yard
the LOTR Fellowship OST, check out "The Breaking of the Fellowship" I love that song, but I played it in the philharmonic orch here so it is nostalgic
Dec 24, 2011 at 12:53 AM Post #1,279 of 4,539
Beethoven's 7th 2nd movement
And most classical on my hd598s... They do amazingly well for classical music.  I'd like to get another pair for techno / pop / classic rock though.  I have k540s but they're sub-par to the hd598s in all genres, although I do like AKG.  I think I'll be going with beyers next for the bass in pop / techno songs.
Dec 24, 2011 at 12:58 AM Post #1,280 of 4,539
For Bassheads:
Spor - Pacifica (Chasing Shadows Remix)
Feed Me - Muscle Rollers
Feed Me - Cott's Face
Kryder - K2
All sound excellent with my DT770 Pro-80 with Beyerdynamic leather earpads, running out of my iPhone 4 and FiiO E7.
Dec 24, 2011 at 1:24 AM Post #1,281 of 4,539
sun kil moon - heron blue
my bloody valentine - come in alone: that bass guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 24, 2011 at 2:03 AM Post #1,282 of 4,539
Snake Eater - Metal Gear Solid 3 OST. The vocals wow me everytime I listen.
Fly Me to The Moon - Neon Genesis Evangelion OST I
Dec 24, 2011 at 11:34 PM Post #1,285 of 4,539


You, sir, got me check out Pendulum, and am now a fan! I've been loving the album In Silico, especially the second half!
ohaider said:

Snake Eater - Metal Gear Solid 3 OST. The vocals wow me everytime I listen.
Fly Me to The Moon - Neon Genesis Evangelion OST I

Speaking of video game music, the theme for Lost Odyssey (with vocals). Nobuo Uematsu (of Final Fantasy fame) can really make some great compositions!
Dec 25, 2011 at 12:20 AM Post #1,286 of 4,539

Beethoven's 7th 2nd movement
And most classical on my hd598s... They do amazingly well for classical music.  I'd like to get another pair for techno / pop / classic rock though.  I have k540s but they're sub-par to the hd598s in all genres, although I do like AKG.  I think I'll be going with beyers next for the bass in pop / techno songs.

What format are you running Beethoven in? I'm interested to see what it would sound like in lossy vs lossless.
Dec 25, 2011 at 6:23 AM Post #1,289 of 4,539
Tom Waits's Bone Machine album sounds fantastic on my PROline 750's. It's like the whole album was mastered with Ultrasone headphones in mind.

Dec 25, 2011 at 9:24 AM Post #1,290 of 4,539
B2 - Hotel California (live) from Hell Freezes Over
TF10 - Be Your Sound (Cosmic Gate)
Hippo VB - A Milli (Lil' Wayne) -- this song showcase how good VB's clean sub bass, without any bleed, the bass rumbles deep while the rap is clean 

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