Smyth Research Realiser A16
Jun 5, 2021 at 4:09 PM Post #11,656 of 16,274
You are right. This is what I tried first. Again ending in a black screen.

I'd say that could be a graphics driver or EDID problem (or something else entirely). I'd try opening the settings/.../Rearrange your displays dialog and focus the Identify button, then connect the A16. Press space to display large numbers for the connected displays - assuming you get a signal, but the screen is all black, that is. If you have access to a device that can record and playback HDMI EDIDs, I'd use that to make the A16 believe that it's connected to a display and see if that improves the situation.

I think a copy of the EDID of a display will be left in the registry, even after that display is disconnected. You could try decoding that, maybe that helps pinpoint the problem.
Jun 5, 2021 at 7:22 PM Post #11,657 of 16,274
I think the rubber feet fall off everyone's A16.... Mine were stuck to the plastic bag inside the box when I received it. I had my machine converted to the a 2U... I like the form factor much better.

Thanks for posting the review... I'm not going to badmouth it... But I think a lot of major points were missed. Especially the one you were so excited about.. Soundstage. The illusion of soundstage is possible because of the recorded response of the speakers in a room. The A16 reproduces that response as an out of your head experience... Simply because it is. Not because it is doing anything fancy in post-production.

Did you end up dropping the Realiser? I was nervous watching you spin the a16 around during the whole video... Lol

Never dropped it :)

I actually did and do not want to go in depth with how it does what it does, but wanted to highlight as much as I can what I hear it doing and how it feels like using it.

I'm worse at video than at writing (camera shy), so I can make a more in-depth article explaining things, but an introductory piece for a beginner was really needed, as there are lots of folks curious, and they would want to know what it does, what to expect, then explore how it actually does that.

I'm still thinking of making some personal PRIR along with the HPEQ and doing a more geek-y article, but I need to think this through so that it will be understandable for all readers.
Jun 5, 2021 at 7:25 PM Post #11,658 of 16,274
I think I just increased the quality of my videos a bit just by turning the large TV behind me on lol

It is time for Smyth Research A16 to receive a viddy, one that will surely make everyone understand a bit better what it does, and what's up with it ~

This is more of an introductory video, as it is a niche product, and I always thought it needs more of an introduction and explanation about its functions and such. Basically, if you want to learn more about head tracking, home theather, headphones and 3D sonic presentations, this video should be perfect for you :)

So for you next act, are you going to juggle puppies and chainsaws simultaneously?
Jun 6, 2021 at 2:41 AM Post #11,659 of 16,274
Could it be that the computer adds a new display(the a16), and shows it, a black screen instead of displaying the desktop?
Could good old ”win+p” help even if we don't see the desktop? I’m stranded on an android tablet for 2 more weeks so I can't test anything.

Thank you for your advice. Yesterday it worked without a problem. I connected it to the HDMI of the Razer Core in addition to the Display Port going to the Samsung screen. I did the connection after everything was running. WIN + P (did not know that this is the short cut, used the F something on my laptop). Will try the WIN + P next time. And yes the A16 is added as a display (no idea how to avoid this) and my system showed three displays (not sure if my Laptop display also was shown). Anyhow will try with WIN + P next time the screen goes black after adding the A16,

I'd say that could be a graphics driver or EDID problem (or something else entirely). I'd try opening the settings/.../Rearrange your displays dialog and focus the Identify button, then connect the A16. Press space to display large numbers for the connected displays - assuming you get a signal, but the screen is all black, that is. If you have access to a device that can record and playback HDMI EDIDs, I'd use that to make the A16 believe that it's connected to a display and see if that improves the situation.

I think a copy of the EDID of a display will be left in the registry, even after that display is disconnected. You could try decoding that, maybe that helps pinpoint the problem.

Thank you. Could you help me to to understand what the Identify button is?
I also have no idea what HDMI EDIDs are. Sorry.
Jun 6, 2021 at 11:09 AM Post #11,661 of 16,274
Time to take some measurements!




Wish me luck
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Jun 6, 2021 at 4:05 PM Post #11,665 of 16,274
Jun 6, 2021 at 4:11 PM Post #11,666 of 16,274
This is a tremendous amount of work... After five hours... I just finish room corrections for the Paradigm, KEF, AND Klipsch speakers... Each with six, three channel calibration files...

Now it's finally time to get to the PRIRs.

Jun 6, 2021 at 6:09 PM Post #11,667 of 16,274
This is a tremendous amount of work... After five hours... I just finish room corrections for the Paradigm, KEF, AND Klipsch speakers... Each with six, three channel calibration files...

Now it's finally time to get to the PRIRs.

I look forward to your publication of your method. Particularly interesed in how you did the angles (tools your employed, how far away the set top needs to be placed, how exactly you determine the accuracy of the head angle looks, how you calculate the elevation angles on the overheads, etc). The 16 channel PRIR I did was merely a first stab and was done before I had the Metas, and before I found a way to incorporate Dirac Live room correction into my test signals, so I want my next PRIR to a far higher quality effort, and I'm hoping what you plan to publish on your thread will assist me in that endeavor. In other words I'm looking for a blow by blow on everything, including how you taped out the room.
Jun 6, 2021 at 8:10 PM Post #11,669 of 16,274
Thank you. Could you help me to to understand what the Identify button is?
It should be in Settings/System/Displays/Advanced Display Settings.
I also have no idea what HDMI EDIDs are. Sorry.

In short it's a standard that allows displays to tell sources what capabilities they have (resolution, refresh rates, audio channels, codecs etc.). I assumed that the A16 may be reporting unusual display capabilities if no display is connected to it. As long as a display is connected, it should report the display's resolution/refresh rates/color space etc, and insert its own audio capabilities.

I'd kind of expect that you should be able to persistently disable the A16 as a display once you get the display settings dialog open.

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