Smyth Research Realiser A16
Aug 2, 2018 at 11:13 AM Post #3,136 of 16,111
Maybe, we should all organize and protest the communication situation by e-mail, or do something to get the Smyths' attention and let them know how unacceptable their silence is. If the Smyths had a representative on head-fi reading conversations, and and participating in them occasionally, like other manufacturers, such as Audeze, Astell & Kern, and Schiit Audio do, they would be more responsive to our protests and questions about communications. Unfortunately, they do not seem to have any representative here, and one wonders if they're at all interested in what their A16 buyers and Backers think.

I am just wondering whether as buyers and backers, we can use this platform to do something more meaningful to get their attention, other than simply complaining about their communication practices in isolation.

What do you guys think about this? What can we do as an organized group of buyers/backers to draw the attention of the Smyths to their very deplorable communication practices and demand some reform?

If we do nothing, then we are mere sitting ducks, just waiting to take whatever delays and excuses the Smyths are willing to throw at us, and who knows, maybe even an eventual bust-up of this project, without delivery. Well, I personally do find our current role of complaining sitting ducks, to be too acceptable, and I am pretty sure that I am not alone. So what can we reasonably do here to get the Smyths attention and hold them accountable?
Wow, you wrote exactly what i did in different words and post it 10 seconds before me:)
Aug 2, 2018 at 11:26 AM Post #3,137 of 16,111
I can tell you trying to contact them as an individual for updated info hasn’t worked to well for me. They haven’t responded at all to a few emails I sent them a couple of months ago.
Aug 2, 2018 at 11:47 AM Post #3,138 of 16,111
We just have to organize and take some concerted action, that would impact them at the same time. I am sure if they were to receive an e-mail with the same complaint from even 50 to 100 backers/buyers on the same day, about the same problem, they will begin to take notice. The message we send could be something as simple as

"We need more frequent A-16 updates. As your clients, we deserve that."

But again, they must receive that message in bulk, and on the same day, for it to make the desired impression.
Aug 2, 2018 at 12:02 PM Post #3,139 of 16,111
So how about this: if you're willing to participate in this group e-mail project, as an A16 buyer or backer, please indicate your willingness by posting your approval on this very site... A single word, such as "approve," or "Ay," or "yes" would do. After enough backers/buyers have indicated their approval, we can all decide on an appropriate date and message for launching the project.

For the date of the launch, let me tentatively suggest September 1st, although we can change it if necessary...

In the meantime, go ahead and "vote" and let you voice be heard.

Needless to say: the more participants we can gather together for the project, the louder our voices are going to sound, and the larger the footprint of the impact we are going to make... etc etc.
Aug 2, 2018 at 12:20 PM Post #3,140 of 16,111
I received a Customer Survey on 2/22/17 at 8:38 am EST that had a lot of personal email addresses on it (51 total that ordered the A16) LOL
Aug 2, 2018 at 12:42 PM Post #3,144 of 16,111
Just to be clear, I am all for waiting till September before taking any action. However, any concerted action will still take time to organize, especially, on this forum... And that is why I wanted to collect approvals now... Something to think about...
Aug 2, 2018 at 12:53 PM Post #3,146 of 16,111
I received a Customer Survey on 2/22/17 at 8:38 am EST that had a lot of personal email addresses on it (51 total that ordered the A16) LOL

A total of 51 e-mail addresses, as against a whopping total of 330 backers?... That makes for a pretty dismal record of keeping tabs on one's custumers, if 51 addresses are indeed all they have on their A-16 mailing list. And that is not even counting pre-orderers like me who got on board after the Kickstarter period was over.
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Aug 2, 2018 at 1:20 PM Post #3,149 of 16,111
I agree we should do the following this week:

Compile a list of headfi backers / buyers.
Set up a “headfi Smyth Reasearch Realiser A16 backer email group” - hopefully we have someone in this group tech savvy to accomplish this.
Ensure all who want to be included in that group have their headfi name / handle added.
Email Jame Smyth and company inviting them to participate in this forum - has anyone previously requested they join us here?
Negotiate a regular update - with progress report once a week - say by close of business (UK GMT) every Friday until units are dispatched.

We should vote on these and any other suggestions through this forum.
If we fail to let the Smyth’s know of our collective frustrations of a lack of updates then it’s our problem not so much theirs. We need to sort out a consensus on these questions and any other relevant questions right now, not in September or we will just continue on the same old merry go round.
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Aug 2, 2018 at 3:16 PM Post #3,150 of 16,111
sounds like we are all holding hope until September.... best of luck to all and I hope there will be no need for a concerted vote/action...
This has all the makings of failed venture. The reason for the lack of updates to me look pretty clear: They're out of money and about to go belly up.

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