Shure SRH1840 and SRH1440 Unveiled!
Dec 18, 2011 at 5:29 PM Post #362 of 2,283
Well think of it this way: We can be pretty sure they won't price it MORE than the equivalent japanese etc. prices, right?
Dec 19, 2011 at 2:09 AM Post #364 of 2,283

Well think of it this way: We can be pretty sure they won't price it MORE than the equivalent japanese etc. prices, right?

Let us hope that they don't demand and then make dealers charge the MSRP, like Sennheiser did with the 800. I do doubt that because these don't have the "buzz" or initial hype of the 800. I want STEEP discounts
Dec 19, 2011 at 2:17 AM Post #365 of 2,283

I don't know if this has been posted before, but this was the closest thing to a review of the SRH1840 I could find:
Translated here:
Video is in Japanese


Yeah, that was painful! What I could glean is that it's sound properties are for the 1440 (like Trix cereal) is for kids? Good for Acoustic?...That's for me!
Dec 19, 2011 at 4:28 PM Post #367 of 2,283
Here's a better translation of the Japanese review
What are your impressions after first holding the SRH1840?

It's clearly light. The pads are big, but it's very light.
The spring is also effective. Can I wear it?
It feels stable (on the head).
Interviewer: How about the CDs you brought?
Yeah, I brought a few with me. Let's try to listen.

Instruments are separated naturally.
Seychelles Studios Orchestra
"Seychelles Jazz" listening test

It makes good sound.
How do I put it... there's no strange pressure.
Interviewer: It isn't closed in?
It has a natural feeling.
There are different types of sound, plucked and bowed instruments, drums that go "pyon-pyon".
I brought them (the CDs) with the intention of seeing how they sound with the headphones.
You can hear excellent separation of different sounds.

Nuances in the music can be felt.
Tedeschi Trucks Band
"Revelator" listening test

Good sound.
Interviewer: I use this CD a lot for listening tests too, you can hear Susan's vocals and Derek Truck's slide guitar as if they were really conversing with each other.
That's true. After changing to this band, Derek's guitar doesn't come out as much as before. The phrases of the guitar's small nuances comes out between the phrases of the woman's voice. That was pretty good.
Interviewer: Hearing that kind of nuance changes the depth of the music and the overall impression, doesn't it?
We listen to the recordings we like countless times. The more we listen to it, the more the ear can slowly notice those nuances.

Can it be this different with a headphone?
Bob Dylan
"Like a Rolling Stone" listening test

There's something I didn't notice (before)...
Right now I'm listening to "Like a rolling stone". I wasn't aware of this before, but in the background - with the upright piano... a stud hitting the hammer... a slightly different tuning... something like the sound of a slightly off-key old piano. It comes out faintly in the background. I can hear it clearly.
Interviewer: I didn't know there was a sound like that in there.
It's music that I've listened to for years!
Interviewer: It's interesting to make a new discovery like that, isn't it?
It's because the sound is pretty wide, and the instruments are well separated. Can it be this different with a headphone? I'm a little surprised.

How was it like using the SRH1840?

If I can sum it up, I feel that it's a headphone that adults will like.
It has different meanings. It doesn't look showy, and it has a classic air about it. As for the sound, you can hear the emotion especially in acoustic instruments, and it has a warm and natural feeling. When you're young, I think you'd prefer an aggressive, body-thumping sound. I was also the same when I was in my teens, but now I prefer a more stable, good-feeling sound - something that isn't fatiguing. This headphone provides that sort of sound. Can I take this home? (lol)

Dec 19, 2011 at 4:50 PM Post #368 of 2,283
I like that translation of the review. Thanks.
So these cans look like they'll be leaking as much sound as HD598's. I wish they were more like the AKG's where people around you can hardly hear a thing, but you can hear the outside just fine. It's a remarkable semi-open design that has merit in many applications. However, if Shure gets a better sound this way, more power to them.
Dec 19, 2011 at 11:06 PM Post #371 of 2,283
Did a google image search for SRH1840 and stumbled on this review apparently of the unveiling or something. I don't know japanese, but with the help of Google Translate:
> Extremely subjective impressions might've stumbled across the ideal headphones. Very natural sound. Rather than have to wear headphones to hear a "very sound" even feel like you are (sorry's not clear why the meaning). Minutes and excellent wearing comfort and lightweight, so likelyto forget them, they say. Out and balanced from top to bottom, from what most people are too balanced seem a touch of fish cake. Loosely.
I'm not what a touch of loose fish cake sounds like however 

Here's what they say about the 1440:
> Richness is high there over the entire sing a full range of densities tend tohear a balance of comfort and airy sound. Have been cleaner but raise thebass a little balance, very little habit. If a lot of fun listening to a country rich in massive bass sound, yet fullyutilizing the features of open type. Crisp percussion and drum often felt likea good match with the rhythmic music. Loosely.
So, it would seem the 1440 is probably aimed at a more bassy sound while the 1840 is more or less neutral and smooth/natural sounding it seems. Interesting stuff, I'm surprised nobody here has found this page yet.
Also here is another page with an interview with Shure about the headphone, although no particular details about the headphone they talk about pricing (interestingly they mention how the expensive models are expected to sell more in Japan / Europe where people are more inclined to pay more for quality, or so it seems they say according to Google Translate.
Dec 20, 2011 at 12:01 AM Post #372 of 2,283
Did a google image search for SRH1840 and stumbled on this review apparently of the unveiling or something. I don't know japanese, but with the help of Google Translate:
> Extremely subjective impressions might've stumbled across the ideal headphones. Very natural sound. Rather than have to wear headphones to hear a "very sound" even feel like you are (sorry's not clear why the meaning). Minutes and excellent wearing comfort and lightweight, so likelyto forget them, they say. Out and balanced from top to bottom, from what most people are too balanced seem a touch of fish cake. Loosely.
I'm not what a touch of loose fish cake sounds like however :D
Here's what they say about the 1440:
> Richness is high there over the entire sing a full range of densities tend tohear a balance of comfort and airy sound. Have been cleaner but raise thebass a little balance, very little habit. If a lot of fun listening to a country rich in massive bass sound, yet fullyutilizing the features of open type. Crisp percussion and drum often felt likea good match with the rhythmic music. Loosely.
So, it would seem the 1440 is probably aimed at a more bassy sound while the 1840 is more or less neutral and smooth/natural sounding it seems. Interesting stuff, I'm surprised nobody here has found this page yet.
Also here is another page with an interview with Shure about the headphone, although no particular details about the headphone they talk about pricing (interestingly they mention how the expensive models are expected to sell more in Japan / Europe where people are more inclined to pay more for quality, or so it seems they say according to Google Translate.

We seriously need an official Head-fi translator, anyone care to do a better job than google, at least for this one article?
Dec 20, 2011 at 12:22 AM Post #374 of 2,283
I don't know, I kind of see "sounds like a touch of fish cake" becoming a new head-fi term around here soon.

Your right, that would be an accurate way to describe my 940. I really like them they are very balanced and detailed, but they sound unnatural, almost like they have a touch of fish cake.

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