Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Aug 7, 2015 at 2:39 AM Post #12,301 of 22,960
I got rid of my CIEM's when I got the 846's. I use the stock olive tips and I think they blow hard custom fit tips away for comfort and isolation. I will never bother with hard custom fit sleeves ever again. Soft customs maybe but I am so happy with the stock olives I can't see trying anything else. The full Sensaphonics look pretty awkward. I'm happy for those of you who like them but it makes me wonder.
Aug 7, 2015 at 9:05 AM Post #12,302 of 22,960
Neutral?  Seriously?  The frequency diagrams show you how not neutral they are.  That doesn't mean they aren't good, they are.  Very good.  But neutral?   My UERMs are supposed to be neutral and even they aren't.  As one of the head honchos at UE told me yesterday (they had an event in Hollywood, I went in and got my 3D impressions taken as my original physical impressions were a bit off, getting a refit) they are "neutral-sounding."  The 846 isn't even that.  It's a bass-emphasized sound, which is not necessarily a bad thing.  
I like the SCS, even the full sleeve one.  It made the fit and the sound better, for me.  Of all the tips I tried, I liked the Westone Star the best.  
Aug 7, 2015 at 10:48 AM Post #12,305 of 22,960
Thanks for the feedback on the SCS so far. I can't help but make note of silicone tip vs foam tip experiences and opinions. I've read plenty of posts over the past year about how the different materials affect the sound.
For those that found that they weren't happy with the SCS. What filters were you using when you realized you weren't satisfied? Also, what were you using for a cable, player and what type of music were you listening to? I'm not questioning your dissatisfaction. I'm trying to look at all of the different variables that would contribute to what you heard, and determine whether or not I am likely or not to having an identical experience.
Simply because of the concept of a deep ear insert, I would expect that everything I hear now will become exaggerated, for better or worse. What attempts were made to try and correct what you found displeasing? Right off the top of my head, I'm thinking filter swapping, as well as stock filter / modified filters as being 6 corrective options. 
Aug 7, 2015 at 11:58 AM Post #12,306 of 22,960
UERM Just has no sub bass and no sharp treble.

Has plenty of sub bass if the track does.  I put on Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild, oooh,more than enough bass.  Treble is perfect for me, and I like treble (why I am selling the 846).  Different strokes.  

Aug 7, 2015 at 12:35 PM Post #12,308 of 22,960
  Thanks for the feedback on the SCS so far. I can't help but make note of silicone tip vs foam tip experiences and opinions. I've read plenty of posts over the past year about how the different materials affect the sound.
For those that found that they weren't happy with the SCS. What filters were you using when you realized you weren't satisfied? Also, what were you using for a cable, player and what type of music were you listening to? I'm not questioning your dissatisfaction. I'm trying to look at all of the different variables that would contribute to what you heard, and determine whether or not I am likely or not to having an identical experience.
Simply because of the concept of a deep ear insert, I would expect that everything I hear now will become exaggerated, for better or worse. What attempts were made to try and correct what you found displeasing? Right off the top of my head, I'm thinking filter swapping, as well as stock filter / modified filters as being 6 corrective options. 

In fact there are 11 options: With each of the filter tubes you can pull out the foam or push out the filter membrane. And you can use an empty filter tube or renounce it completely. Additionally you can experiment with individual fillings.
Aug 7, 2015 at 12:41 PM Post #12,309 of 22,960
So now that I've been using just the se846 after selling my jh13 and uerm I'm pretty happy. The only downside is that the mmcx connector may need to be cleaned. I had to use some deoxit due to the connection cutting in and out every now and then. I'd like to try some other tips such as the westone ones but I'll get around to it eventually.
Aug 7, 2015 at 7:57 PM Post #12,312 of 22,960
...threw me. What tips were you using to get a neutral sound out of the SE846? They're the bassiest headphone I own. 

I use both the rubber tips and the foam tips. I think it really depends on the type of music you listen to. 99% of the time I listen to classical music. Maybe it's hard to believe, but with classical music, SE846 is only a little bit bassier than ER4P. I've also tried to listen to things like dubstep, and SE846 can become very bassy.
Aug 7, 2015 at 8:12 PM Post #12,313 of 22,960
lisq - Yes the 846 became bassy because it can produce bass and because the style of music was created to have that amount of bass so lucky you have an iem that can give it to you. I say just cause an iem can pound the bass doesnt mean it cannot be neutral. It is not like the 846 always pounds the bass even when there is no bass in that song.
Aug 7, 2015 at 8:32 PM Post #12,314 of 22,960
Does anyone have issues with the cable where sound gets cut off every once in awhile?
It has to do with the stiffer part of the cable where the earpiece connects to.
In certain orientation, you get no sound unilaterally until you fiddle around with the stiffer part of the cable that hooks onto your ear
I've already gone through both sets of cable included with SE846 and was wondering if same issues arise with custom cables
Aug 7, 2015 at 8:39 PM Post #12,315 of 22,960
That's probably the mmcx connector. I cleaned it with deoxit and that seems to have fixed the issue.

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